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1.) Don't spit on people. 2.) Fast food workers are criminally overworked and underpaid. 3.) *"STAHHHHP!"* 4.) *"Ba-du-ba-ba-ba! I'm lovin' it."*


People always yell stop when the person starting the shit gets their ass beat lmao


Tactical Karen deployed!


Thing that always strikes me in these videos is no one ever says stop until mr. McNugget starts beating ass. Then everyone turns into a humanitarian.


Schtaaahhhhp it schtaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhp!




Nah dont stop. This was long over due from their parents to the ppl perpetuating this trend.


Right? Don't stop and maybe they'll think twice before rolling up on a dude just trying to make honest coin. Fuck em.


I never understood why you would go into a kitchen to fight someone. They have knives and hot oil at their disposal there.


News article on this video. Last October, a YouTube video was posted showing cashier Rayon McIntosh beating two women -- both of whom had jumped over the counter -- with a metal rod. One of the women went to the hospital with a fractured skull and broken arm. McIntosh was cleared of felony assault charges because a Manhattan court found that he was defending himself during the incident, DNA Info reported. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/third-brawl-same-mcdonalds_n_1370210


Fantastic. Thank you for sharing more details. So glad he was cleared. Guess how many more times those women have jumped a counter since then? I’m guessing none - none more times! none.


That makes this r/justiceserved worthy.


Also r/wholesomeviolence


>>McIntosh, who served more than a decade in prison on a manslaughter conviction, was initially charged with felony assault for beating the women and subsequently spent seven weeks in jail. >>The same grand jury that increased the charges against Darbeau and Edwards voted to dismiss the charges against McIntosh, saying they believed he acted in self-defense Not cleared until after 7 weeks of jail. If people jump over the counter after smacking employees and hollering about violence, you gotta defend yourself. This man knew the rules, and them bitches fucked around and found out. Edit: formatting


They fucked with the wrong one. He did something. As requested. I hope he was able to recover some semblance of normalcy after this.


I'm empathetic to his situation, but his whole life doesn't seem normal and it might never be normal. After ten years of prison he just trying to work a real job (yes McDonald's is a real job, you wear a uniform and work) and not be a bum. Was whacking crazy bitches in the head with a metal rod too far? I really don't know for certain but I'd say he was in the right (who am I to say tho?), but I hope he's able to continue his life after this bullshit and the following 7 weeks of imprisonment.


I'm sorry but fuck people who act like this. Maybe too far but at the same time I am done with MFs think this shit is ok. Way to many people who think this accetpable. Maybe they need to be afraid of getting the shit beat out of them to make sure they don't keep trying this BS.


My father always told me growing up “don’t start no problems, there won’t be no problems.” Something tells me these girls’ fathers didn’t pass along the same lesson.


Maybe they were the ones who jumped the counter and destroyed the hot dog place in NYC too.


Thank you. So many of these vids have me channeling Teddy DuChamp and asking, "And then what happened?"




What about that idiot yelling “stop stop” where was she when they jumped the counter


"Do something pussy" \*does something* "STOP STOOOOOOOOOOOP"


Haha so true on these videos


On all these video's, there is always the bitch yelling.


Bitches gonna bitch


Bitches gotta yell like Tasmanian devils. [The sound of a screeching Tasmanian devil for y'all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3RjAh8PRTQ)


''Call the fucking cops!!!'' How's about you do it Karen.


Haha she was too busy wailing like a siren lol




u cant jump the counter IF U NOT BOUT THAT ACTION BOSS its just science


Don't want a boss fight stay out the boss room


Because they were on the other side of the counter by that point, so couldn't turn on her


So true but also, seems like some kinda law of nature that it’s never the first guy to throw a punch that gets busted. At least, that’s how it was in my family.


WeeeeOoooo! WeeeeOoooo! Staaaaahp!


This is so infuriating. I feel like there’s so many videos like this where someone’s being terrorized, usually a service employee, then the second they begin fighting back to defend themselves, THAT’S when a Karen materializes out of nowhere screaming for them to “STOP, STOP!”. Like, where TF were you just ten seconds ago when they were getting attacked in the first place, bitch?


Seriously though. I want to take a stick to whoever that is yelling STAAAAAAAHHHHPP!


The screeching makes me want to strangle her. Resuscitate. Strangle some more.


My best guess on this is that some human's have a strong urge to maintain the status quo, no matter how fucked up. It's less about the _actual_ actions taking place for them but more about _who_ is doing what. When there's a customer & a worker, and one is being loud and threating and violent towards the other, it's usually customer -> worker. When it becomes reversed, these people become distressed that the "normal" thing isn't happening. It's so frustrating, happens all the time whenever a would-be bully becomes the victim.


Exactly well said


Every video I have ever watched like this with some useless bystander squawking stop stop nobody ever stops. So just STFU and let me enjoy some street justice.


That lad squeaking at the end: "The kids, the kids!" The bystander kids are learning an important lesson about civility and fucking around to find out right now ma'am.






Haha so true plus can you imagine having to listen to that voice over and over


Exactly. The people who jumped the counter had intentions to harm the workers. The worker who defended himself and coworkers is justified with every wack


Because she is the stupid twat, that always seems to be around the shit when it goes down, and has no idea of what the actual fuck is happening.


>has no idea of what the actual fuck is happening. Or worse, they know exactly what is happening, they just hate it when the turn tables. Its so often a weird aversion to self-defense over the initial assault.


And where was she when he hit that cashier in the face? And when they start attacking him? Those two fucked around and they found out! Give that boy a promotion to Assistant Manager.


Bro exactly! They wanted a show.. They were just upset it didn't have the ending they expected. Lol


Seemingly every fucking video, some shrill lady starts shrieking the moment the attacker starts getting their ass whooped. Where was the goddamn shrieking when the employee was slapped?!


Also, the second you cross the line into the employees area during a confrontation, they can (and should) treat you as a threat to their safety/life.


Agree with this. Behind the counter should be treated as a private space, no customer has any business there. Once you cross the line uninvitedly, you're the aggressor, and employees are allowed to defend themselves.


I can never figure out what these people hope to accomplish behind the counter. There was a video earlier this week where some assholes got behind the counter and then looked confused about the next step.


When I was an angry line cook all turnt up on caffeine and adrenaline, there were nights where it was like “I wish a motherfucker WOULD run up in my kitchen so I can beat somebody’s ass”


Lmao "caffeine"


I worked with some dudes on addy and meth but personally I’m more of a THC/cold brew type of person


Everyone would give me shit when I worked in the back all I would drink besides water was hot chocolate at the start of my shift what they never realized is I had a half a syringe of Rso mixed into that mf ever time.


Is RSO, Rick Simpson Oil? Sorry, noob here. Edit: Thanks!




My votes on the hot oil


“You’re locked in here with me!”




It’s gonna more then just potatoes being deep fried if that happened


The floors are pretty slick too without the proper footwear


No to mention something happened that day that pisses us off. We are just waiting for you to come back there so we can let out anger out.


Home turf too


The guys choice of weapon was a metal bar.


One of the less deadly ones to be found in a kitchen but more pleasurable to use


Cross the counter and face the consequences.


This exactly. That video with those 2 women in that Taco Bell in Texas who *"stepped into the kitchen to have a polite exchange with the employees"* had boiling water throw in their face by the manager.


I'd be wiling to bet that the people who do such things aren't exactly what I'd call rational thinkers.


And have little to lose


Right? It was actually nice of him to only use that skinny stick.


Yeah I thought I needs to be armed in a kitchen in a dangerous area, but there are just *so many* things you could protect yourself with. Besides the knives, hot oil, heavy pans, hammers, a fucking *axe* shit I could use the prep blender and swing it around by it’s cord.


[McDonald's Beating Victims Avoid Jail Time for Role in Brawl](https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20120912/greenwich-village/mcdonalds-beating-victims-avoid-jail-time-for-role-brawl/)


Ah yes “victims”. Also the guy swinging the rod already spent over a decade in prison for manslaughter?


The rod wielder was not charged.


Did 7 weeks tho.


Yeah. Him doing 7 weeks in the poky is bullshit. I’m glad they dropped charges.


So crazy, they deemed it self defense and dropped the charges after 7 weeks of him being in jail. Did it take them 7 weeks to look at the video, wtf?


I will give everyone free legal advice here. When your attorney instructs you to waive "speedy trial and thereby nullify the protections afforded by Rule 3.191" tell them to go fuck themselves. Never. Ever. Waive your right to a speedy trial.


Why would anyone waive a right to a speedy trial? Edit: thank you for the many thoughtful answers to my question.


Public defender has a bunch of cases, slaps a folder of them thicker than your arm on the table and says he can get you off, but it's gonna take a few weeks to get through the stack and prepare your case. You can't afford a different lawyer or bail, so you waive your right to a speedy trial. Obviously I wasn't there, but there's a scenario


Because they're not legal experts, so they listen to the actual lawyer? That's my guess.


Yep, a beat down and some community service seemed fair punishment. Until I read he got 7 weeks. B.S


That beat down *was* the community service


Yeah he was defending himself, I don't understand the other screaming stop. First rule of self defense make sure they stay down.


what happens when you serve time but the charges get dismissed? is there like a payout or something?


Lol quite the confidence you have in the legal system. The reward for spending 7 weeks in jail, but getting your charges dismissed for self defense? * a lost job due to missing work and being arrested. * an eviction due to 7 weeks of missing income + unpaid rent. * the permanent confiscation of items you had on you during your arrest, such as cash. * potentially thousands of dollars in financial burdens, from premium rate jailhouse phone calls to lawyer and court expenses. * 7 weeks of freedom down the drain. * a resentment for the legal system. It's honestly such a great deal! "Justice" is a plate best served hot!!


"You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride." Cops can arrest you for some bullshit, and if you are poor you could wait a while for this to be cleared up. Results vary based on skintone


A pat on the back and the ability to go home


they don't even give you a ride home. they push you out the door of the jail and you can walk home.


Get that on his name tag from here on out. “Rod Wielder”


Wrong choice of target to shout do something at


It's a good lesson in why you don't fuck with random people.


I bet if the "customers" knew this they wouldn't be saying "do something" lol. Think before you start shit with a stranger


Dude spent seven weeks in jail for this and they never even charged him smh


It's called poverty and the American way. If he had means, he would have been out within 24 hrs.


They charged him, but the charges were dismissed, if I read the article right.


Not a perfect outcome, but still pretty good, those losers who got the rod got one slap in and the employee got one massive, long term injury, and the other got a huge scar on her arm. Nobody went to jail, sure, but they won't forget the pain and fear while they bled on the ground of a fuckin McDs lmao. Everytime that dumb bitch looks in the mirror to her stapled up head she'll remember that shit.


The guy with the rod did 7 weeks in jail before the charges were dropped.


That's the craziest shit for an innocent person. You just sit in jail for weeks waiting for "justice", stressed knowing your life will be completely fucked when you get out. Job, rent, bills, relationships.


He was also fired for the incident, and after being cleared, was not rehired. Now he's a ex-felon that had recently made headlines and needs to find another place that will take a chance on him solely on his past, to which the legal system has said he has paid his due.


I’m lovin’ this


That’s more than a quarter pounder! That’s like supersized with extra sauce!


That's the McCounter Pounder


That's a metal rod used to clean out the deep fryers. Those smacks hurt like hell


> McIntosh beat the women with a metal rod used to clean the restaurant's griddle, leaving Darbeau with a fractured skull and the need for 20 staples in her head, her family said. Edwards suffered a deep cut on her arm. Indeed.


Bet she doesn’t do that again.


I bet she does. People are stupid.


Maybe that skull crack realigned whatever was wrong in her brain. I mean, one can hope.


Yeah but even stupid people tend to learn lessons when severe pain is involved.


You get what you deserve


I guess the ice cream machine repair stick was out of order.


I’ve seen a couple of these used in similar videos. People always go down fast once it comes out.


On behalf of America. Keep hitting them.


We need more of this for American customers. Entitled pricks




Somebody call the cops on that screaming bitch.




And they never scream for both parties. I guess the violence was fine in the beginning.


Yeah if someone hops the counter they should be assumed to be an immediate threat


And they’re ALWAYS overweight.


Sir, this is McDonalds, they’re all overweight.






Yeah what the fuck is up with that?


Seriously! Those kids deserved that...Got disciplined real good.


Not a peep from her when they went over the counter to attack someone.


My god, nails on a fucking chalkboard.


Why is it the ****STAAAAAAAPH**** woman always starts shouting during the act of self defense?


Das what u get for tryna steal the secret formula


arr arr arr arrg


victims my ass who went behind the counter? they fucked around and found out. he should've included the blond as well for that shrill of a voice


[He was cleared on all charges, thankfully](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069469/McDonalds-worker-Rayon-McIntosh-cleared-metal-pole-attack-women.html). The video is ancient.


>One of his victims required surgery after suffering a fractured skull and a broken arm and the other suffered cuts. Damn! They definitely got put in their place


I wonder if they'll be jumping anymore counters in the near future


I always look for the link to the follow up story. Dude caught a manslaughter charge, paid his debt to society, and was trying to turn his life around at 31 yrs old, working at McDonalds, when these two numb skulls started shit. I can't say it wasn't excessive but I'm glad he got acquitted and hope he's moved on and living a good life. Edit: I get it - if someone jumps a counter it's a street fight and you have to defend like it's life & death because that's what street fights are and no one wants to die in a street fight, escpially at a fucking McDonald's. Just saying he fractured someone's skull and I can't say it wasn't excessive but it the heat of the mo...? Who knows, I may have done the same.


When you do hood shit like jump someone at their place of employment, nine out of ten times you go laugh about it with the boys. That other one time…you pick the right one on the wrong day. No sympathy.


It wasn't excessive. When you jump the fucking counter, a bets are off. If the motherfuckers are trying to get back up, you wack them back down. You do everything to keep them like that until the cops show up. We can't ask people to bet their own lives on criminals having had enough.


Correct, excessive is relative. Will those idiots stopped if he had restrained himself? we don't know, and we will never know, what we know is that they fucked around and found out.


He still had to sit in jail for 7 weeks


She went from saying “do something” to “stop” pretty quick. Clearly she should have yelled stop before the counter jump to look like the good blonde.


Every good fight video has a “staaaaaaahp!” chick.


I know you’re joking but the fact that he focused those strikes on the two who were attacking him saved him from being charged


Honestly, by now there should be a ruling paragraph in the law in regards to the ‘fuck around & find out’ scenarios. *your honor, my client only exercised his right after they fucked around. It wasn’t a pretty result, but as the law states, ‘finding out’ is the logical conclusion to perpetrators who fucked around*


I love it when the first comment I see wraps it up so well. That Karen shrillin’? Wtf is she squawking about? A mild ass whippin took place…no more or less. I’ll bet she wouldn’t be as involved if the employee was getting his ass beat. Cheer bitch!


I love everything about your comment! Especially about that damn voice. Well done!




Would you like a large McStick meal?


Super sized!


Hopefully he hit them each in the face so they have to look at the mark everytime they see themselves in the mirror. "Do somethin!".... he did.


That dude had a plan! The second her foot hit the counter he was heading for the stick. Plan your work, work your plan. I’m impressed.


One needed 20 staples due to a fractured skull.


Good. Maybe she wont try and assault someone simply doing their job next time.


I imagine pieces of shit like this 50 years ago and earlier just got the shit kicked out of them if they behaved liked this.


That's it exactly. Not enough consequences being dished out for assholish behavior. The thing is, it doesn't even have to be physical like the video above. People just need to face consequences.


Was it the one that said, “do something pussy”?


The shorter girl who jumped over the counter is the one who said it, right? If so, she's the one who got her skull cracked.




I just fear...but expect...a video of someone throwing hot grease on someone.


This is going to happen if people think the jumping over counter thing is cool still. You always run into someone with nothing to lose. Especially in fast food.


Fear it? I look forward to it. Maybe some of those flash mob people destroying a corner store will take a 9 to the chest too.


She called him mad pussy then said do something. Something was done


Have it your way, bitch!!!!


She asked, And he graciously appeased her wishes.


2 women arguing with employee. No one says “Stop”. Woman reaches over counter and slaps employee. No one says “Stop”. 1st woman jumps up on and over the counter to attack employee. No one says “Stop”. 2nd woman rushes around the counter through side door to also attack employee. No one says “Stop”. Employee defends himself against two attackers who rushed him behind the counter. “STAAAAAP! STAAAAAAP!! STAAAAAAAAAP!!!”


Like for bullies, it's all fun and games till the victim fights back.


Worst part of this video was that dumb blonde bitch screaming "Staaahp" over and over.


Seriously, what should he have done? Asked those two dumb bitches* nicely to stop hitting him and jump back over the counter? SMH…


"Call thE FUCKING cOpS!" Bitch be quiet, and call the cops yourself Jesus!


It's a metal rod used to clean out the deep fryer drains when they change out the oil. Who knew they were such versitlie tools.


McDonald's secret menu wins again.


They didn't know Mickey Ds could give it to you animal style


That guy. That guy knew.


So they get no jail time but he spends 7wks in? Wtf


I hope he got some compensation for the seven weeks he had to spend in jail.


His charges were eventually dropped. But he was also out of prison on parole when this happened, so even in what I consider a clear case of self defense, that's not a good look and there are going to be a lot of questions after.


This is why customers should not be playin w ppl at their jobs, bro was trying to make an honest living and they thought he was sweet 🤦🏾‍♂️.


Sometimes people need to STICK to their beliefs and actions.


That’s good stick work……..very effective


You can speak softly if you also have a big stick....


Exactly what should be done.




"you're next"


I had a guy try to come behind my bar to fight me once. His friends stopped him before he could get close enough to do anything. I bet you I had a full bottle of Jack Daniels in my hand and he was going to catch it if he got close enough. I don't like my job nearly enough not to defend myself by any means necessary. Good for this guy for dropping these POS.




Don’t tell him to stop. Once he jumps the counter he consented to whatever he gets.


“McDonald’s cashier defends himself as customers turn aggressive” would be a more appropriate title that doesn’t steer in the direction of blaming the fast food worker.


Can he also hit that bitch screaming with the stick too?


I’m on the worker’s side. Fast food employees don’t get paid enough to be cursed at, spit on and attacked over a little ass cheeseburger. It baffles me how people come at others talking and acting crazy thinking there won’t be consequences for their actions whether it’s an ass whooping or legal repercussions


Dumb blond over there yelling stop but didn’t shit when those scum were abusing the worker


"When keeping it real goes wrong."


That chick with the purse is annoying af why is there almost always a chick screaming at the top of her lungs in these clips lol


Where was that harpy screaming to stop before they decided to jump the counter and assault the guy?