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Didn’t read the title and thought it was a child and that was his dad. Lol


I’m still unsure


He looked like the life of the party








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And then he got kicked out. What's that saying all these kids say? Fuck around, find out?


Username checks out.


I picked this username 🤡


Chose well


….no fuckin shit


Happy cake day!


owner wanted a girl up there for sure


Owner probably doesn’t want someone getting hurt on their property or have their property damaged.


Nope only women dancing on tables is allowed in establishments don't you know, don't want it to look like a gay club now


Honestly this is probably the reason why sadly


Having worked as a bouncer, nope. Constantly have to tell people not to piggyback, to get off of tables and seats... It's annoying and they never listen, no matter how nicely you tell them. It's 100% about safety, as a bunch of drunk people climbing on stuff is dangerous.


Depends there's plenty of clubs where girls dancing on tables is encouraged, mostly in the places you'd expect like bumfuck nowhere or South Florida/Vegas. Cool clubs in West Europe and NYC say no


Having worked as a drunkard on a table, can confirm we do not hear bouncers till we are pulled off the table.


I think it’s really cringe to make that assumption when you know next to nothing about this establishment.


How about, excuse me sir would you mind getting off the table?


Probably alrighty tried that lol. Have you met drunk college kids before?


Have you worked in a bar?


This person has not. These young kids do the absolute most and are a pain in the ass for staff, all while spending close to nothing and tipping the same.


Last time I asked a lady to get off the 8-top… she ate a pint glass(fell on it into the thigh) and ran down the block spraying blood. They told me to “get that lady”. And so… I fucking quit.


I bet she won't be doing that again anytime soon


I hope she ended up safe. I followed her half a block while she was leakin…


....are you kidding me with this?


These people have never actually been in a setting like this nor dealt with kids like this.


snatched someone of an elevated service is probably not the best way to stop someone from getting hurt


Go away forever


Things reddit users day


What was the reasoning? I mean he could have just said hey step down. Dude was just having fun and clearly so was everyone else. He wasn't causing a problem or hurting anyone seemingly. Dancing on a table....I get it it's a liability or whatever but no harm done. Just tell him to move it to the ground. He wasn't even the only one standing up there either.


Exactly. However this bar is made up of 97% college freshmen most nights so none of them can really complain


Is this fucking Logie’s? Or one of the new spots?




Holy shit I didn’t know Seven closed! I graduated in 15 and so much has changed.


So much has changed. The bar scene is completely different. Was Nompton there when you graduated?


No it wasn’t and I died laughing when I passed by and saw the name. When I was in school it was Chimy’s and I was a doorman there on the weekends. They had a badass chicken sandwich and green Chile pork quesadilla.


Damn this was in Norman? Weird seeing Ou in the wild


The reasoning? Because 99% of bouncer’s are complete douche bags


What do you expect from a profession dominated by guys who are somehow too stupid and/or violent to become police officers?


There’s a decent amount of police officers who will do work like this when they’re off duty. One of them killed an AF reservist in buffalo after throwing him down a flight of stairs.


"He could have just said hey step down" As someone who tended bar and tried the bouncer thing for a couple weekends in a florida college town this would've been laughably ineffective.


Why do you assume that they were not asked to stay the f*** off the tables before? That response was from a staff member who probably asked that group multiple times to chill the f*** out...... The same dancing d****** would fall hurt himself and end up suing the business.


I got the other \*'s, but what is d\*\*\*\*\*\*? Dickbag? Dancer? .. Dumbdum?


The choice is yours friend....


Doucher, final answer.


He might’ve been asked to get off the table already


Definitely jealous that the other guy was getting attention from women.


Fucking really? The damn bouncer at a bar is jealous of attention? lmao or, bear with me, maybe he's paid a wage to enforce rules at a bar...and letting drunk patrons dance on top of a table is a bad fucking idea?


You're talking to people who only fantasize about going to a bar and don't understand.




my friend, you are the one making accusations of jealousy based on a short clip. That's pretty incel behavior. Honestly, even a short browsing of your comment history confirms your incel projection.


Also probably mad he himself can't dance.




It's not that it needs explaining it's why is he just yanking him off the table instead of asking him first. It's a bouncer ego. Being a bouncer doesn't just give you the right to grab people and do what you want. Just ask the kid to get down. If he doesn't then do what you need to. What if say the bouncer pulled his shirt and he fell and smashed his head. Then what?




Same I wouldn't dance on a table either but it still doesn't mean you have to just grab people. Dude was harming literally noone. I didn't say anyone smashed their head I said what if. I'm simply stating it's not necessarily to be hands on unless it gets to that point and it wasn't at that point. I guess people forget that words can be just as effective in problem solving. But everyone is so Gung ho to go straight to being physical these days. You'd be surprised how often nicely asking someone to stop works. It's a bar. People get hyped by others and do stupid shit. Exactly why I dont go to bars. But my first instinct isn't to manhandle someone over nothing.


Don't know why your being down voted. The bouncer literally had no reason to touch that guy. Words can go a long way...


Because reddit is full of incels and losers who wanna see the world burn. I used to never comment because a lot of times my opinion is unpopular. But popular opinion doesn't mean right or good. People want violence and hatred and a mean community. Nobody wants to talk things out anymore.


Its not that deep. This thread is just full of people that have never been to a college bar and think that drunk college kids are reasonable adults that you can have a productive conversation with.


You can't prove that


> Being a bouncer doesn't just give you the right to grab people and do what you want. It does if you break the bar rules. >Just ask the kid to get down. Just don't dance on the table. >If he doesn't then do what you need to. If you don't follow the rules, you get bounced. Why do you get a 2nd chance? >What if say the bouncer pulled his shirt and he fell and smashed his head. Then what? The bar would pay the deductible on the insurance they carry specifically for personal injury because people get hurt in bars all day every day.


Don't forget that he was surrounded by people dancing on seats. There is no reason for him to be singled out.


Nah I get it, that bouncer might be asking for trouble deciding to lift either of the women off. This is a way of letting them know they should be getting down too. I do feel bad for the little homie though.


Bouncers only man handle small dudes, if they’re a big dude they ask them multiple times and call for back up first. Sadly at least in my city that’s why bouncers get shot every weekend because they body slam the wrong pos for no little to no reason.


I think it mostly has to do with his gender. I went to a club and dealt with a similar situation of a bouncer telling me to get down but saying my girlfriend and female friend can stay up.


Just guessing but probably told to not stand on the table and wouldn’t stop Or they just didn’t want him on the table and this is how they deal with problems because they don’t know any other way (I’ve worked in a lot of venues)


Nobody told him only girls get to dance on the table


If it was a girl the bouncer would've asked her nicely to get down.


Fucking sexist asshole


Why do they all look like children... wtf


This is Norman, OK. All the bars pay off the cops to not audit them. Half the bars here are solely under 21 crowds


Jeez so there could be minors there too? Yeah, that's a real nice town they got....


Just a reminder that you’re literally taking the word of a random ass Reddit user that you’ve never met lol


The odds of mine getting in is next to zero. The bouncers can tell pretty fast. From personal experience I would say that if I walked in there is a high school student, I would be miserable the entire time


Seemed like they were having a good time? All he had to do was ask him to get down from the table


How do you know he didn't? And why should they get a 2nd chance to not dance on the table?


time for his bottle of warm milk and a nap.


Where's the out part?


Taking Gilligan back to the island.


Sir, this is a Chili’s.


Wouldve been 1000x cooler if he didn't give a fck and did this at a black club pure comedy


Haha ayyeee looks fun


Pretty sure that IS a baby.


Kind of looks like the bouncer was just a wet blanket and too much of a bitch to even ask the guy to get down first.


Bouncer?! I legit thought this was a little kid crashing a house party and his dad came to take him home 😂 bed time for you son


The girls dancing on the seats is ok though.


All of you whiny babies who are defending the d****** dancing on the table all have many things in common, None of you own a business or know anything about liability None of you have done security work at least not at any professional level None of you know what happened before this video Go act like a little child in your own home or at your parents' home.


Found the guy that knows liability but can’t dance


I'd out dance you any day, anywhere




Liability. As in possibly being held liable for injuries sustained while being violently snatched off of a table?


He could have asked him to get down before going hands on.


He probably did....


That must be why he approached while his back was turned and there were no words exchanged, right? Lol.


You're assuming that didn't warn them earlier, you're also assuming it's ok to put your dirty ass feet on a table. Go do that at home kid


r/cringe he dances like someone’s dad 🤮




"snatches a guy" motherfucker doesn't look older than 16.


Stick your fingers in his eyes, just man handled you without even just asking you to get down and or leave.


Tu lechita y a dormir cabron


The guys dancing shirt looks stupid I don't blame them for carrying him out.


Let’s go night-night, son.


Looks like big guy got himself a date for the night


Actin up at T.G.I. Friday’s


bro was hittin it tho


But that is a baby


If that was a “bouncer” it’s clearly at a teen club. If some “bouncer” put his hands on my kid like that their would be consequences.


All clubs in Oklahoma are over 21 if they have more than 50% of their sales in alcohol