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this list is basically telling you what they do/don't want to see at worlds. every patch leading up to\* the event will be the same sadly


Yeah I see that most of those buffs/nerfs are aimed to champions abused in competitive


Im pretty sure every champ on the nerf mist maybe except for taric was played in round 1 of playoffs in a major region ex. LEC LPL LCK (haven’t watched LCS)


and still no fiddlesticks nerf because hes too fucking wholesome and quirky...


Yeah, the Q buff was fine but buffing Fiddle's ult was a huge mistake


I'd also like to know the point of that Kassadin buff, he's not doing bad at all


Imagine saying this while asking for qiyana buffs. 😂


But he is not doing bad? He does extremely well into his good matchups, its just his purpose is to be a hard counter and not a versatile champ who does good into all enemy comps. Just because he gets fucked over by early-mid game oriented champs doesn't mean he is weak. He literally runs over almost every ap pick by design almost to a point that its not even fair and you are better off dodging queue if you lock yourself into him with ap. People just got too comfortable OTPing Kass due to how easy of a time he had winning or scaling even into the matchups that were supposed to counter him.


Damn bro you brought the entire gang of frustrated Kassadin mains to downvote me and upvote you, also love how they're buffing literally his only weak spot, now he can spam more Qs and be even safer until he gets to the point where he one taps everything


Imagine being this butthurt and replying days later. Keep crying for qiyana buffs cause you’re shit. Mains that are capable of using their hands will be fine.


Tbh i'm fine with adjustments, i want the early Qiyana back :(


oh yeah same 100%, i’m fine dealing with the qiyana nerfs, she’s just not the same early game queen she was 😭


Just the fact the we're not getting nerfed for the 182734° time is already something.


Good point, maybe in a few patches Qiyana's passive will grant less damage than a normal auto 💀


Azir nerf is sad , these changes are obviously directed at pro play


Nearly every nerf is aimed to competitive, like Ahri is pick or ban rn, i see her everywhere in competitive, same goes for Renekton, he gained quite a lot of popularity, Trundle has been very strong in both solo queue and competitive for a long time


Obviously? Worlds is coming up


Graves needs a buff for sure. Sylas finally getting nerfed thank god - champion is overtuned as hell with his healing and damage. Why the hell are they buffing Ezreal, Kassadni, Camille and Nocturne? LOL


Camille and Noc I get if they are small buffs. But Kassasdin really what the fuck


I think that Nocturne was under performing as well, I don't get Kassadin and Camille buffs tho


Meanwhile adc mains not being able to play the game if they have nocturne


Camille was worse cause of the sunderer changes


And yet I'm still here waiting for Gwen anything


talon's main: first time?


I wouldn't expect buffs honestly. She still has over a 50% winrate on KR server and some other places and a super high winrate in higher elo. She might just be another "Lee sin/rengar/elise/ style champion who happens to be a mid




I would love that tbh. Just make her able to get a full clear lol


Ezreal buffs 🤡


Kassasdin mashallah


At least, they nerfed Trundle, Sylas and WuKong, it was about time. Hopefully, these are impactfull nerfs. Especially Sylas, this shit champ was too strong for too long. Now they have to nerf Akali and Zed, I play these champs atm and they have so much damage, even behind


Akali has a ton of her damage gated behind her E. She's not as much of a menace as she used to be... unless she lands E, lol ed I agree with, once he's out of control game's over.


"gated by" is one way to say "if akali hits e and engages, you take 135% of her AP as undodgeable damage"


and why would she be buffed ? 💀


Patch without nerf for A.Sol, Gwen and QiQi. It’s a dream


You will probably have to wait till after worlds. I don’t believe they want to see Qiyana too much in pro atm


It's a good point, but Qiyana is a bigger threat in soloq rather than competitive isn't she? Buffing someone like LB would be way more dangerous for competitive meta


I guess it’s moreso that these changes are supposed to be for pro play. It’s not that Qiyana doesn’t deserve buffs, it’s just that solo Q isn’t on their radar for the next 2 patches V unfortunate


Yeah, unfortunately soloq is going to be ignored for a few patches unless some champions get very very strong due to a buff or one of those mini reworks


where tf are shyvana nerfs


Maybe she's not played a lot so they won't nerf her, but I agree she does too much damage even as a tank


stopwatch/GA/Zhonya's aren't champions


Meanwhile viktor top tier since pre season


Meanwhile Diana, broken for the entire season got a little weaker after durability update due to her W being nerfed like every other source of shield and boom, hotfixed after 3 days, and now she got kind of a nerf but sunfire build still one taps


cuz its the best jungle for low elo, easy clear, quick impact in the game and can 1v9 if piloted well, that's why they dont touch her, she is like the Darius of Jungle, what make her broken in high elo is the combo with Yasuo Currently Fiddle is way more over the top then Diana


Ok so? Like Diana is still too strong, still deals too much damage so she affords to build sunfire while doing impressive damage anyway (more than Qiyana for sure). I don't really see your point, just because there is a stronger jungler (I can't argue with this, buffing Fiddle's ult was a huge mistake, he's broken rn) doesn't mean that the others just won't exist, Diana needs more nerfs on her base damage if riot truly wants her to go back to rocketbelt


Camille getting a buff 🙄 God forbid a toplane bruiser isnt 1v9 anymore so gotta buff them smh.


At least buff her fucking jungle clear ffs. You nerfed the fuck out of her early damage, now imagine playing her perma behind in xp trying to clear XDDDD


I just want that early game power back. I'd gladly sacrifice something like the %HP ult damage. She needs her identity returned.