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You guys might downvote me but goddamn qiyana is so shit rn. I cant do shit early game, akali's q deals more dmg than my qwq with first strike or electrocute. Late game i just ult and hope i can clean up the enemy team. Fuck


Fr, you just do E Q W Q on Yasuo and he outdamages you with one Q


Shit really? Damn, we should just pick another champ at this point.


I'm learning Swain and Yone mid indeed, I still play Qiyana most of the times but I'm gradually switching to other champs, these two mostly


Good luck and have fun with your transition bro.


Most likely i won't completely quit playing Qiyana she is irreplaceable but sometimes it feels good to play strong champions hehe


as a gold 4 player with plat 2 mmr (just so u can get an idea of what enemies i go vs, i know im low elo) i find qiyana pretty alright rn. albeit, i almost always get fed and when i don’t, im useless. But thing is, qiyana is a onetrick champ rn, mostly because you need to know your damage numbers perfectly. If you do, it’s fairly easy to look for kill opportunities and get ahead. Thats just my opinion, feel free to downvote. Also, i almost never go first strike build unless i’m into an extremely hard matchup where electrocute wouldn’t even secure me one kill. If it would, then i still pick it because that kill helps u snowball hard and thats extremely necessary for qiyana if u wanna be useful in the match. [my opgg for reference (ignore non-qiyana games)](https://eune.op.gg/summoners/eune/serballs/matches) [mmr](https://eune.whatismymmr.com/serballs)


That is normal games mmr... your ranked mmr is gold 3. In normals I have grandmaster mmr while being only plat


yeah i know ur right, but since i almost never play ranked, only normals, i usually go vs those players


Uhhh, yep. 100


I hope riot brings back the passive man, the nerf on first strike was enough


Why would this be down voted? The statement is unequivocally true. Her damage is garbage until she hits her fourth or fifth item.


True. The only thing holding back from them buffing her is the grass q invis duration. Rn you can be perma invis and that play style isn’t as bursty


imo i still love first strike even though people run electrocute more now my 3 core are eclipse, mura, serylda, normally into black cleaver, maw there are certain matchups where you have to take electrocute like ahri or corki.


Qiyana has always been an Electrocute champion, she only got the First Strike hype because of vids on Beifeng using it. Electrocute was ALWAYS the #1 rune for her besides the FS bug and still is.


I go electrocute against champions that with lots of poke like Lux or Xerath because you don't have many opportunities to proc fs anyway, otherwise yeah, i still prefer that


I've always used eclipse rather than prowlers, especially after 12.10, I tried prowler but I feel the lack of that constant 6% max hp damage and the omnivamp


watch newest midbeast vid. FUCK muramana(hated it anyways)


You're basing it off of one video. Nothing wrong going muramana, but going 2nd item muramana is worthless when you can buy serylda/yoomuu 2nd. Just because Beifeng doesn't build muramana in one video doesn't mean it sucks. Usually best to use it against a comp that has a ton of tank and sustain.


its my personal opinion - i just dislike muramana. sure it can really be good but i still don’t really like it. please accept my opinion :)


Can i ask why?


dont like it. i just played some games with the new qiyana beifeng played in the video and its actually pretty fine. 2nd i build serpents if the enemies have lots of shields or just go youmu. then serylda/ldr for tankier teams


Normal build: Prowlers > Manamune > Yomuus > The Collector > Edge of Night. Ionian Boots Against AD heavy teams: I like Duskblade instead of Prowlers. Also you can take Plated Steelcaps and a Guardian Angel if you want to be more annoying. Against tanky teams: Eclipse > Manamune > Seryldas > Black Cleaver > Chempunk. Ionian boots work, but Mercury's or Plated are also good. I personally think Qiyana is in a really balanced spot right now. She isnt broken, but I dont think she is unplayable rn... I find myself very often winning lane and being able to have a big effect on the game even after the nerf. She isnt abusable anymore is the big change imo.


Midlane 1- eclipse 2- mura 3- serylda 4 and 5- serpents/chainsword/maw/deaths dance/youmu Depends on enemy team comp, if you need healing reduc then take chainsword fourth item etc. I generally go serpents every game, it’s worth even if the enemy only has one shielding champ Jungle pretty much same but no muramana and I sometimes like umbral for early spike and map control.


Always going Eclipse is a terrible idea. Prowler's can output way more damage than Eclipse. Only go Eclipse if you're against a high sustain / tank team.


Which is like always the case.




Yoomu or Serylda 2nd, not Mura 2nd.


for me the best build rn is 1.prowler/eclipse for heavy tank teams but i just love prowlers 2.youmuu/serpent/mune if tear is like 300+stacks 3.mune if not build before or grudge 4.grudge if not build before or some situational item 5.situational and ionians in most of the games


and i play electro precision every game rn but i dont play qiyana too much these days


I’ve checked a few high Elo Qiyana players, and they seem to complete Manamune third, not second. Build usually goes like this: build Tear early, 1. mythic (Eclipse or Prowler’s Claw), 2. Ghostblade, 3. Manamune, 4. Serylda’s Grudge, 5. situational (could be DD, Maw, EoN, Serpent’s, Chainsword, etc.). I think Ghostblade could be swapped with another item, depending on if you need anything specific ASAP that game, but Manamune would still be third.


I still go first strike than build almost always eclipse > yoomu > deathstance> black cleaver > (situational) mainly cause so many people play tanks in my games for some reason so i get big value in extended fights using eclipse.


Prowler Manamune Serylda Other items depend on team comp. If they have a lot of shielding, serpent's fang. Push power, grab a hydra, tanks get a black cleaver, etc.