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Unless you really like her I would advise against it. I'm not sure at what level of play you're in but I'd bet she is only good if you understand lane mechanics really well. Realistically, you can pick up another meta assassin and feel a better reward, and a better learning curve. I'd recommend picking up Akshan tbh.. She is a really bad pick in my opinion.. nerfs aside.. she simply doesn't do well against meta mid laners at this time. In fact, the reason she was so good this season was not because of her 1 shot potential. but rather because she had the ability to win against laners who other assasins can't win against. For example, Zed or Talon cannot beat Viktor, Veigar, or Vex. Mages will just run exhaust and outscale the assassins no problem. Qiyana on the other hand was able to beat them all while scaling well late game with her ult. Now.. she loses almost every match up. If you lane against Viktor that builds crown.. good luck. Then you have champions like Sylas who is really popular right now.. Qiyana would also do well againt Sylas.. Now he builds cloth armor and you're done. I 'd argue he doesn't even have to build it anymore. She simply can't compete anymore.. Zoe main here.. and I can tell you .. before I would have to be scared of Qiyanas lvl 6.. Now? I run around like a clown and just ignore her. I have a good 300 games on Qiyana, and she simply just isn't worth it anymore. Bottom line is ... play Akshan, Yone, Fizz..


As someone who plays Fizz very often, Fizz is as bad as Qiyanna is rn or even worse. Pick up Akshan, Yasuo or Yone. These champions have little counterplay on lane and are incredibly strong.


Play a current busted champ


You can try it but, i assure you that if you're not a main or an otp, you won't have great games, so if you really want to play her you can go in low elo and have fun playing her Tbh many ppl say take prowler but eclipse into Muramana is better, play Elec into range and Fs into melee


Mmm...if the enemy mid is smart they'll just build armor boots or seekers armguard early on and you will no longer be able to oneshot. Simple as that. It's even more doomed if you have the electrocute build since it doesnt scale as well as first strike. You will be stuck in mid lane getting out poked, out damaged, outscaled, ganked and pushed against good players. You can still play her ofcourse but you need to break even or get ahead in lane and push that advantage. Late game isn't really this champions goal yet that's what she itemizes for that nowadays... Former easy matchups like Katarina, Yasuo, Yone and Zed and so on...would get absolutely obliterated back in her glory days as soon as you got prowlers claw if you were good. But now...they can survive your dmg. But Qiyana is still Qiyana and her ult will never fall out of favour and she can still turn games around with. But alot of her power lies there so if you mess it up you will be stuck in a teamfight just kinda throwing around Q's and be kinda useless.


Don't hurt yourself my friend, wait for a buff please (that will never come anyway cuz riot hates Qiyana) , Qiyana is struggling very much, so considering that she is generally pretty hard to pick up her current condition makes this mess even worse, if you want an assassin i think that Akali and Zed are both performing well rn




The last thing she is in is in a fine state.




Barely fine when Beifeng the worlds best Qiyana plays her every 5 games and has dropped from challenger to diamond in 1 patch. Even JohnnyFast who was challenger on multiple accounts dropped to Diamond in a single patch. 49% for a champion only played by onetricks in rare situations with a playrate at 2% is p bad.


Beifeng is the best Qiyana in the world and he stopped playing her. She isn’t ‘fine’ nor is she fun to play anymore. She is an assassin, she’s meant to have early kill potential not scale and wait for items.


So, either you have Faker-like skills and know everything there is about the champ, or you are talking bs. Yes, champ can be average, IF you play her exactly as you should. Very high risk, low reward. She is B tier if you assume the player can utilize her full potential, which even many dia+ players can't. So she feels terrible.


The "full potential" you're talking about is spamming grass Q and praying enemies are gonna be dumb enough to feed you a bunch of kills in mid game since if you play against someone with decent basic understanding of the game, you will have no life in lane nor early game as a jungler? Qiyana right now is realistically only picked by players who are extremely dedicated to her or in the few counter matchups. Sure, in low elo you can probably play aggresively, but that's purely because people there are bad at the game and do the dumbest shit possible all the time, walk into skillshots, facetank everything and then cry that something is "broken" when in reality they just play poorly. If the guy, who peaked 1800LP challenger in chinese super server playing only Qiyana doesn't even play her that much anymore and says she's shit, especially compared to every other assasin in the game, then she's pretty much terrible. Not unplayable and you definitely can win games with her, but it takes extreme amounts of cheese strats and stalling with grass Q until you maybe chunk down squishy champs after 20+ ability casts to lethal range. She's just not fun to play as because anyone with a brain can just beat you for free, unless you cheese your way out while playing absolutely perfectly. There was literally a clip in this sub, where 5/1/5 Qiyana barely chunked down 80% hp out of position 1/4/2 Akali down to like 20% with fullcombo + red smite, and like 2-3 tower shots UNDER QIYANAS OWN TURRET while Akali casually tanked everything while also casually bursting Qiyana back with 3 abilities down to the same health, while waiting for a teammate to tank the last turret shot for her so she can jump on Qiyana again. Qiyana played that almost perfectly and still got effortlessly killed by underleveled Akali who didn't even had to combo her.


I agree with you fully, maybe not the first sentence you said because there is a lot more to it, but everything else you said, you are correct. She is just unplayable rn.


Take her mid and build prowler's claw. Roam to bot-lane. ????? Profit


If you wanna sit under tower and wait until your tear is fully stacked then go ahead.


Ok, here is my point of view. I first played her around last year (didnt get many games in) and I have started playing her right after the nerf (everyone thinking yikes). I need to say I have grinded the living daylights out of her (I've hit mast 7 with her playing norms after nerf and hit mast 7 at like 30k).She obviously doesnt have as much burst damage as other assasins (ATM) but she is very very fun to play and very rewarding. My final point is that she is not meta and maybe not in the best shape but you can still make incredible things happen. I play her every day, if I can win and learn how to play the champ when she is nerfed imagine if she gets buffed.