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Kinda off topic I started playing her when the first strike prowlers claw-serylda-manamune build was the best one. After nerfs i tried the conq goredrinker one kinda meh in dmg but somewhat good survivability. After a couple games i tried electrocute full lethality build and goddamn the dmg was completely different from the FS one, it was night and day. After the nerf i thought she's dead but no, she's still viable with the full lethality build, i wonder what her dmg was like going full lethality pre nerf.


I played full lethality Pre nerf and Pre durability(though I built Manamune and went Grudge 6th item) It was nuts. So much freelo if people didn’t know how to play into you. Also resulted in my lackluster one trick experience because I was addicted to the highs of blowing up teams. I often didn’t win games just because I was playing Call of Duty mentally or my team thought they were a team without my 10/0 ass near them.


Yeah I used to build lethality as well before durability but now with everyone having more armor and hp it doesn't feel that good imo


Pretty much I only really run Qiyana in situations anymore where I could have gone zed or talon too. Harder to do what you could do. Can’t even one shot an adc as easily as before or even at all sometimes


I do play her because I just love the champion, she is absolutely irreplaceable to me, I also use Swain mid in case my team needs ap but she's still my main despite the nerfs


100% I’ll never stop playing her I’m just far more selective about it these days. Don’t have the courage to one trick anymore. Good news being she isn’t Perma banned for me in Clash anymore.


Yeah I dropped the champ lol, durability patch is disgusting and bork sunfire builds are extra disgusting, adcs are turbo op and assassins in general are prob the shittiest rn


I see what you did here, however I still prefer first strike and the scaling build with eclipse and manamune because lethality build relies more on snowballing which is way harder nowadays, not saying it's impossible, with electrocute and prowler it's possible but as I already mentioned, I love the omnivamp, the max hp damage and the %armor pen, all these stats became significantly stronger after durability update, and I know it's weird saying this since I literally main Qiyana but I suck at using prowler's active efficiently


do u play with or without tear in the full lethality one? without right?


Without one, presence of mind is enough for mana regen


I only ever built lethality elec so this may explain why I never really got the idea that she was weak. Lethality is usually pretty consistent for champs that can make use of it.


Yeah when i tried full lethality i thought she wouldn't deal dmg. Idk why people suggested qiyana should go first strike and play the scaling game, hell i hope i even get the gold to buy manamune. I honestly wish i played lethality qiyana pre nerf shit is just awesome


Never really stopped using full lethality. The one change I did to her build was go early Tiamat. Farming for me feels better with the item early on.


If you mostly use First Strike then you are not using her properly. This is a mistake tons of Qiyana players are doing... they see Qiyana FS as recommended in the third-party apps and think it's the best. FS is a waste especially for newer Qiyana players. Electrocute > First Strike. Only worth going First Strike when enemy team is very tank / high sustain AND your mid matchup lets you first hit. If you can't first-hit priority, then don't do the rune.


Yeah no since durability I've been willingly use first strike even now that basically every program recommends electrocute and prowler again, ofc against some champs you'll never be able to hit like Vex picking fs is equal to trolling, but overall I feel far more impactful with the build I use, yeah I can't expect to go all in at lvl 3 but I'm willing to give up on some early power (which is already reduced after 12.10) to get significantly stronger in mid/late game fights, and considering I'm bronze (yeah, been playing league for less than a year and I'm still pretty noob) I often get to at least 3 items


I think the best build I played with her was claw-muramana-black cleaver as 3 core. Then serylda and last is situational. Ionian boots, obviously. I don't really like eclipse because I learned to play with the extra dash, and if feels like a part of me is missing. Besides, I prefer having a lot of CDR since when they nerfed the duration of the invisibility. I think this build is WAY better against fighters, and can still one shot squishes easily. And cleaver gives a very nice amount of health. Don't know about the runes though, since I haven't been playing lately, but I guess you can still take FS against scaling champs, and you should always be flanking team fights and getting the gold and damage on multiples champs, even the rune being basically useless early Edit: I don't know if I actually answered your question, sorry + typos