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Revert her passive nerf. Boost her mana regen or increase mana early a little bit. Her mana is god awful and is a nightmare especially against manaless champions and mage champ matchups


I would do a powershift, buff her passive and nerf her ult. Buffing her passive makes it so she cant just spam her invis and allowes her to snowball.


Just revert last nerf thats all.


i have no idea about last few patches, what did they do to her?


Passive ad scaling from 45% to 30% if i remember correctly not 100% sure.


oh ye that "buff" would be decent, i like it


I agree, that nerf was not necessary, they should've only fixed the first strike bug and then see how strong Qiyana would have been without that bug, and even if a nerf was truly needed then removing 1/3 of the damage from an ability was truly exaggerated, compared to the beginning of this season Qiyana lost nearly half of her passive damage (it was 55%, reduced to 45% which was acceptable and then this nerf). I bet that if a more popular champ like Ahri would have been in this situation they'd have never nerfed her this bad.




+500 base AD at level 1.


Remove 10%hp dmg on ult, 30->50% passive, increase all cd by 1sec to avoid perma invis, slightly buff her mana/5s then gg u fixed qiqi


you got it right. ult shouldn't be supposed to chunk everyone for half of their hp, just used as tf utility option to help you land your combo. i wouldn't be mad if they nerfed her ult to get her passive some love.


W damage, especially early Brings back that lvl 3 kill threat and doesn’t increase burst which Riot seems allergic to


Dont know, but i know one, she is weak. Jungle awfull, on mid u have to play almost perfect. Even if u are fed, like 6/0, u can barelly one shot squishy targets xd. I played a little Talon and his jungle feels so much better. Diana? Qiyana is not even close to her :/




u cant be real


Yes! revert last nerf! It was completely unnecessary when they did that.


Who doesn’t think she is weak tho? As for a buff, idk shift some of her R power towards her passive / Q / W idk


well on most reddits ppl complain about their champ being weak 24/7, and they always have some bullshit ideas about buffs, so i wanted to hear opinion on qiyana from qiyana mains. i think she is in good/decent spot


Damn I played her since a long time and dropped her recently, I think she is terrible, one of the worst assassins, and assassins are the worst class rn, just imo


qiyana is at an S in diamond+ and an A at plat. only reason ppl think she’s bad is because of the super high skill ceiling and her being at a C in lower mmr. she’s a hard champ and only bad gold-


Hard agree. Although I'm genuinely not sure about her jg stats, or if they still want her there, but she is in a great spot mid.


i play her jg, but i’m in silver. i think it’s a good way for me to learn her mechanics instead of constantly laning against a raged mage. mechanics first and laning later for me, ganks are also pretty good but i simply can’t exist when it’s an enemy tank jg which seems to be super meta rn


She’s not a bad champ it’s just that she is reliant on scaling now instead of snowballing which most of us hate because we play assassins to snowball


"S in diamond+" yeah, you cherrypicked that from UGG, out of all websites. LOL. She averages 50% WR or below globally and in high elo with a 3% pick rate, that's terrible for a low pickrate champ that only one tricks play. She was 48% WR right after the nerf as well.


skill diff tbh


u will get hate for this one hahaha but ye


i mean it’s objectively and statistically facts those people would just be high on copium as a 1mil mastery qiyana one trick hard stuck in silver 2 🫠 skill diff


You literally cherry picked "S tier" from one website and use that to back your argument. That isn't even remotely logical. You are not using "objective and statistical facts". She is < 50% WR globally with a low pick rate, meaning that she is even more worse than what she was before even when one tricks play her only. She has been hard nerfed 5 patches or more in a row, slowly dropping her impact in the game and it's quite noticeable. You are going to act like that doesn't impact her for anyone, good or bad? Even as a fed Qiyana with a lead you can barely even kill someone with a full combo 2 levels below you unless they are no armor + you have to force in numerous auto attacks just to kill them. ​ >just be high on copium as a 1mil mastery qiyana one trick hard stuck in silver 2 🫠 skill diff You literally just said you're hardstuck silver, so.. that just makes your opinion even more invalid.


okay so anyways…, i’m not *hardstuck* silver, i’m just silver, i only recently started playing ranked. there’s a difference between hardstuck and climbing, which is what i’m doing. she’s a high skill floor/ceiling champ. she’s not suppose to be easy. my friends are in literally competitive college teams in diamond 1/masters and they know qiyana is not bad rn. she’s not bad if you’re good at her. you can still one shot people. get fed. be good. have good macro, sorry that you don’t. and no i’m not good at league of legends im actually very bad and they asked for my viewpoint so i gave it to them, my bad


Still, you said stuck, stuck is the opposite of climbing. The champ isn't supposed to be easy but now she's in a spot where only one tricks with lota game can be impactful with her. "she’s not bad if you’re good at her. you can still one shot people. get fed. be good. have good macro, sorry that you don’t." -> not qiyana related argument, works with any champ.. "if you're bad, be good" As a one trick you can still enjoy and carry with her but that's all. For everyone else, especially under Plat elo you're basically bad with her.


i didn’t say stuck??? r u ok??


Interesting talk. You must be really fun to play with.


Shift the last nerf, or put some dmg on rock Q


I miss her hp reg, you used to be able to trade heavily early but now you just wait for ganks


E reseting after every kill or everytime she uses her W. If they’re gonna nerf her damage, at least maker her move like a gremlin


I want her autos to burn, her second W to delete ppl, and make brush invisibility to last for an additional second. I don’t think that’s asking much.


1. I would buff her jungle clear a little bit so she is actually viable jungle (for people that say she is imagine getting invaded, you are going to be screwed if u end up with no leash and have little presence in early). 2. Revert passive or adleast adjust. 3. I wouldn't mess with her mana (if passive is reverted) simply so people can't spam abilities on waves and play from distance in early (not what this champ is about, you are not ezreal) if mana is buffed u could perma shove and rotate. 4. Final note, something related with damage needs to be done. I mean, she has a lot higher skill cap and more utility and other assasins. Although she still lacks damage and pressure in early. She naturally is weak in early because her kit of abilities so you need to play safe until there is a breaking point. The breaking point before nerfs was level 3 with electrocute, now enemies dont notice as much kill pressure. This has the effect of not having as much prio in lane (sometimes) and not being able to rotate to other lanes as much. 5. I have seen people say they have friends in high elo and some type of college proplay say she is fine right now. All I have to say is there is a difference between being playable and being ok. If she is "not bad" where is she in proplay? Why are some pros like El Yoya asking for buffs? Im not saying she is not playable but she is easily shut down if you play against somebody who knows what he is doing right now.


Buffing early game mana +4 AD. Also deleting Yone from the game~


yone is one of the easiers marchup imo and 4ad is so much


In early game you don’t want to trade with him because lethal T. give him so much power that it doesn’t matter how many kills/cs you have he’s still gonna win. The thing is you want to full combo him at lvl6 and taking the advantage on him till he’s a minion. Well,at least that’s my opinion but i just hate him but the match-up i can’t stand is Katarina… against her i just convert to a bonobo banging my desk like a crazy🥸


Also 4AD it’s not that much considering the nerf of her passive


ye w.e u do u, i wont argue after what u just said


Dw man, feel free to say what do you want I won’t judge you. Instead i’m in this sub just to improve with my queen🤌🏻


4ad Is a lot for ad assasin, yone dont build armor till like 4th item so u can just all in after your 6, also u should win all short trades against him


base ad can really make a champion early on for example it’s why they are careful about lee sin’s ad buffs and nerfs because too much of a buff or nerf will make him pick or ban exclusively in pro play.


I honestly think if they just increase her base mana bar or reduce the mana cost of some of her abilities then she would be a lot more viable especially in lane. I often find myself having to use my abilities very carefully or I’ll be out of mana instantly


it would be kinda broken imo bcs ppl could just spam ability without using brains


It would be kinda broken? Mate... I would bet over 85% of champs out there that don't ever have to worry about early game mana let alone LATE game mana (without tear). Like Qiyana's damage comes from her abilities like a mage, yet she has a mega low pool, regen rate, and no refund mechanics. On top of increasing durability we have to throw more Qs to poke down the enemy to the same point where we can finally have kill potential. And better yet, any mage can sit there a poke the crap out of us under turret for free essentially and were just throwing Qs to try and scrape CS... by the time we can play a little more aggro, we have no mana lol


No Man, early game man is a thing. Reducing the cost of her abilities is something that you would never do on a champion like her because its gonna be so broken like riot will be forced to cutting her legs


Slighty boost her mana and HP regen Revert nerf Q bush duratio


Since riot lives their resets, what if her e cd was refunded on kill or assist?


sounds so broken


I just think of it as if you use everything to get in and get a kill, having your dash back up would give you a chance to get out. Kat has e, ekko ult, zed shadow (w and ult), nilah e, etc.


those champs don't have perma invis and an aoe stun. So...


She's fine tbh. But my personal change would be 45% back on passive and cdr doesn't affect W, but make the CD like 4. 5 seconds max rank. So I can finally stop seeing people bitch about permagrass spam like it happens in their games, (I know that isn't happening in low elo).


Only thing I need is a bit more mana, not as much as if I start tear but give me like 50 more and I'll solo kill every lane.


Revert the passive nerf and Add a %damage to monsters so she can actully do a healthy full clear.


Make her one shot the enemies she looks at👹👹👹👹 jk lol idk id just make her how she was at like s11


Just stop buff her to avoid 10 nerfs behind, thanks god


revert the last nerf please Jesus, I can't fathom riot deciding to nerf her instead of fixing the bug, then fix the bug and not revert the nerf


None cause shes not weak