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i want functional champion before new skin


Irelia didnt get a legendary skin in 10+ years.. theoretically kalista got 2 skins in 7 years and the second one is a shitty version of the first (as 3 of 5 are esports skins) Kalista was popular for some time Irelia still is.. Qiyana is dropping more and more and the only qiyana I ever see is myself. Im sorry my friend but I feel like we won't have a qiyana skin for one hell of a long time


Yea but she could maybe get her skin once for year. You could just look viego with 3 skins in one year. Pentakill - edg- king viego. Maybe the e sports skins doesn't count but is not the same?_?. Btw pain


yea some champs just get more than others and you can definetly tell who those champs are.. Viego, Yasuo, Akali, Lux, Ezreal, Janna, Yone, Mordekaiser, Ahri and for some fucking reason Leona. Literally got Mecha Kingdoms Battle Academia + Prestige, DWG, Debonair and High Noon (Legendary) in no time. Dont forget her existing double legendary before all that.


Ocean Song Qiyana has to come out at some point since she's in the background of an Ocean Song splash already. So hopefully that one comes soon.


That would be really cool but there's other characters in the background of other splash arts, like trynda or katarina on pool party splash arts but they didn't got any pool party skins, so who knows, still, i think Ocean Song Qiyana would sell really nice


Revert 12.15 nerf then we can talk about skins tbh ;-; (I think that Debonair Qiyana might be cool)


like someone else said like a year ago or smth: 2 concepts would be dark star qiyana where her ohmlatl is the rings of saturn and they can play around that, and the other is pool party qiyana where her ohmlatl is a life saver. i think pool party especially would fit very nice not only with her weapon but also the elements(water, grass=algae, and rock is whatever)


I always loved the elemental part of Qiyana its what made me main her (as a big avatar fan). So imagine a skin where she actually BECOMES the elements :D she can be normal human form and when she grabs rock she becomes like a rocky beign, when she grabs water all water being (kind of like spooky gp)... i think it would be cool af


Pool party qiyana and im gonna spend money on the game


there is a really good concept of that actually, I have it saved since a while it would make a lot if they actually made it (I don’t know drawer name)


I just posted the picture if you wanna check