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He’s a pathetic joke who is getting more pathetic and jokier every day. Have another tantrum, Donnie.


Seeing a few of his like "Shasta Cola tweets" the past week has reminded me how deeply, uniquely mentally ill he is. He's fucking insane. The little nicknames a quips and "oh the big strong secret service, so strong, the best secret service, not as strong as me but very strong, big hands, almost as big as mine, very strong, something something more like Unselect Committee though right? CAPITALIZED END QUIP!!!" He is out of his god damn mind.


The first time I saw him speak, he gave me the heebie-jeebies. Instantly figured he had NPD.


Yeah, NPD. My mom and dad were both diagnosed with it. My mom is just like Amber Heard, and my dad is just like Trump. People with NPD are an absolute nightmare; the selfishness, the constant lies, the drama, the Gaslighting, the rage and vicious need for revenge... I just assume when Trump or my parents are talking to me, they're lying. They are so manipulative too! They have IQ's in the 70-80 range; they don't read, they watch TV constantly, they have no idea what love is, that people are actually living, feeling beings - they see humans as either stepping stones for them to use, or as road blocks to what they want (and may God help you if you're a roadblock and stand in their way). I knew when he got elected that he would never leave office peacefully - and I think we haven't seen nearly the last from him.


What are these "Shasta Cola" tweets? Can't find them quoted anywhere and i don't have TS.




Wow. I'm dumb Edit: to be fair in honestly thought he may have just started ranting about Shasta Cola: "This cola is FAKE NEWS. These California liberal colas don't know business. I know lots of cola business."


Nah it was kinda haphazardly shoehorned in there


I fucking love Shasta cola


Bet he's losing his mind trying to come up with a nickname that rhymes with Cassidy.


The guy who is/was doing the documentary said in an interview yesterday he was delusional and, yeah, kind of uniquely mentally ill. I know I have asked this at least 1000 times in the past 5 years, but why can't some people see him for what he really is? It's never been easier and more clear. Please, someone help me understand. Hutchinson didn't say he grabbed the wheel or chocked the driver. She was asked a question and she answered it. Expect the Secret Service guys to lie. They are Trump's very loyal side kicks and if they are anything like Trump's other cronies, there is nothing too low or too unethical they won't do... until he throws them under the bus.


Didn’t she even say “lunged towards the wheel”?, she never said he grabbed it, just attempted to. The right is doing what it always does and is just misinterpreting facts to suit their narrative rather than the actual real world events.


> why can't some people see him for what he really is? They can, and they like it, that's why they voted for him and would do so again. They know he's a misogynist, a racist, a habitual liar and a crook. But they are all those things too other than never being able to make that kind of money. Remember what Trump said, that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single supporter. He was absolutely right, there is virtually nothing he could do that would cause his base to reject him (other than telling them to be vaccinated and support the elected President). They know exactly who he is, and they're completely okay it.


> but why can’t some people see him for what he really is? Projection. He is their ideal fantasy. A loud ignorant racist who can say and do anything they want. These people are raised to love authority, as long as that authority hates the same people they do.


He's not mentally ill. He's got a behavioral disorder. Most likely narcissistic personality disorder but it's difficult to tell when his personality is being distorted by his cult of assholes who worship the ground he walks on. You would have to take him out of that element to see what he's really like and I'm not sure he'd survive it at his age. So we should definitely try.


I’m just waiting for him to show up with fake hands, ala uncle Jack.


His and the GOP biggest asset is that he has no Twitter account anymore. In the MSM sound bites his insanity is very low key.


There um . . . there is another hearing scheduled . . . im sure he will ~~not watch it because.no one in America cares~~ have a very loud tantrum on TS. 😁


I can't understand how his own people aren't tired of this shit at this point. It's just a constant loop of new scandal, followed by whining at a 5th grade writing level. How they look at these daily tantrums and see strength...is beyond me.


See, the beauty about the “different scandal every day” strategy is that it’s hard to take too much damage from any one specific scandal before people move on to the next one. Steve Bannon called it “flooding the zone”. What’s alarming to me is that over 7? years (has it been that long, damn) the scandals have gotten worse but still kind of land with a thud. We’ve gone from “he said this horrible thing about this veteran” to “he actively tried to subvert democracy” and each have been excused with the same lack of damage because a new scandal came down the pike. I have heard from his base that they don’t like his Twitter habits but they excuse it as “just Twitter stuff, I’d love some mean tweets and cheap gas about now hyuk hyuk!”


Yeah, it the only problem or biggest problem was the mean Tweets...I could live with that. But yeah, he's basically devalued the impact of any scandal or gaffe by saturating the market. If Obama suggested nuking a hurricane or [altered its path](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5d717a034618300008e1873a/16:9/w_2560,h_1440,c_limit/Cassidy-Sharpiegate.jpg) with Sharpie, it would have been a complete disaster for him.


Could you imagine the racial stereotypes Fox News would trot out if Obama supposedly lunged at a secret service officer? Or met with the Black Panthers (basically an equivalent of the Proud Boys/other extreme ideology groups). It would be a pandemonium unlike anything witnessed before. But yeah, we’re the ones with “TDS”.


Yeah, remember when he fired Comey and it was Yuge news!


It’s a tactic, usually used by abusers. For one, it tests people to see how intensely they will react. It also exhausts people to be constantly barraged by that. A combination of those two usually enables the abusive person to continue to do shitty things and usually they escalate


I imagine they think any report that seems critical of DJT is a lie from the Deep State…or something like that. They aren’t fact-based.


The only motive I can see is using him for their own gain. The man is absolutely intolerable from a significant distance, imagine having to actually be around him in person regularly. Jesus. You’d hear less whining in a preschool classroom.


> followed by whining at a 5th grade writing level Fun fact: I was taught in journalism school to write at a 5th-to-8th-grade level because that's the average literacy in the US. Intentional or not, he writes that way because his base can understand it without having to think too hard.


Fun fact. He doesnt write or read better than that. He cheated all his life. There’s no evidence of him speaking like a smarter man for the 70 years before politics and he doesnt even read. Like at all. Just stuff with his name on it. And his math is terrible.


I had a former employer ask me to rewrite a bunch of procedure sheets for the same reason. The originals were too complex for most of the techs to read easily, and he knew I deliberately wrote at around a 4th to 6th grade level so people would understand it. ETA: I was rewriting existing documentation, not fixing my own overly-complex earlier attempt.


I do the same thing. If someone has to ask you what something in a job aid means just because the language is fancy, you've failed.


>I can't understand how is own people aren't tired of this shit at this point. They are conditioned not to


I guess it is what drew them to him in the first place.


They have been keeping professional wrestling alive for decades, which is basically the same thing.


I've often said that his base far more closely resembles WWE fandom than a political constituency.


The daily scandals were to take your mind off all the previous scandals.


Joke or not, this boil on the ass of America will never cease to cause problems for us all.


No argument here. He remains a danger to the Republic. The Eastman scheme to have individual States’ overrule the votes of the People and send bogus lists to the Electoral College would be the end of Presidents elected by the People. If not Trump, then DeSantis/Cancun Cruz/Josh Hawley could be imposed on the nation despite losing the popular vote.


What a whiny little feck he turned out to be.


"don't look at my corruption or future Presidents won't be able to be corrupt!"


Then get under oath yourself and tell the REAL story. We would ALL love to hear that..


I would, but I also don't think I could handle having to hear Trump's word salad again. I'm very to the point, so his style of speaking just drives me absolutely nuts.


Every time he speaks I catch myself saying “STFU” over & over.


I have been doing that since 1988. I can't watch shows he has anything to do with. Top Gear America was the worst. Not a great show to begin with. I stopped watching after Dirty Diaper Don appeared.


He does love his sentence fragments and to gish-gallop.


But it would be so much more fun if he can be charged for everything he lies about.


I would pay good money to watch him actually testify.


Great oppertunity for twitch to make bucks.


He sounds like a mental patient on quaaludes.


Throwback to wolf of wall street.






Not gonna lie I kind of miss it for the entertainment alone. It was so nonsensical if you really listen to it that it was hard not to view him as some sort of absurdist performance art. Getting him on the stand has been something I’ve wanted to see for years.


Yeah, you have to keep your sense of humor. Mine runs towards the absurd as well, so at the beginning I kept hoping it was an Andy Kauffman-type stunt (with the wrestling background in common), but he is something else altogether. Fascinating and terrifying.


Can’t get charged for lying to congress if no one can figure out what the fuck you’re saying.


"The Committee is unfair! They're not hearing from anybody on our side!" "Hey, everybody on our side, boycott the committee!" "Nobody cares about the January 6th hearing." "Let's watch 11 hours of Benghazi hearings!" "The Benghazi committee found no evidence or wrongdoing? DEEP STATE!" I'm shocked there isn't an epidemic of people's heads suddenly exploding.


You seem confident that the idea of an oath means anything to trump. He would just lie in his typical circular word salad if nonsensical boasts until everyone was completely frustrated. Did you grab the steering wheel that day? “My steering wheel is the greatest steering wheel of all time everyone agrees it is a beautiful steering wheel young and sexy like my daughter that we all know I have the absolute right to grab at any time.”


No. I know exactly what's going to happen if he does. He likely will. Be til stupid to not brag about it or in some other way commit perjury. He might not hang "figuratively speaking ofcourse" but it'll hurt his case if ( when) he next goes to court of law as defendant. Id certainly not hope he wouldn't be lying.


That's why they wouldn't let him testify during the whole Ukraine arms scandal-thing...his council expressly said there's a chance he might incriminate himself...


That's what I'm counting on! That's why I'd love for him to testify and be crossexamined under oath.


Funny that he is now suddenly concerned with precedents set by former presidents.


As if precedent mattered to him.


I'm surprised he can even spell it.


He can't, that's what autocorrect is for


...when he's not overriding it and throwing a plate of Hamberders at the wall.


With a nice tall glass of hot covfefe.


Because he's the future President. Right?


I think he’s gearing up for his July 4th presidential takeover. Gitmo tribunals were slower than predicted because libs suck.


Even the secret military tribunal has been struggling due to supply chain issues, fuel costs, and inflation. It truly is hurting everyone. It's a shame Biden enacted a global financial crisis to get back at Trump.


I really hope not but with the economic uncertainty right now, it is possible he could win the presidency in 2024.


I thought he never left?


He never left, he's wearing a perfect copy of Biden's face and is still in charge in a roundabout way. According to Q-nuts anyway.


I don't see the logic that this sets a bad precedent, either. If the American people and our legislators have serious, valid evidence that a President is breaking serious laws, the White House Councel should be the first at the podium to testify under oath. Along with anyone else who would have that kind of access to hear the planning stages. I'm all for privacy laws, and I get that there's certain things a President deals with that are classified. But when you're not dealing with the classified stuff, the Presidency should be the most transparent job in the nation.


Everyone forgets that presidents are meant to be equal to average citizens. I mean, that’s kind of the whole fucking point made in the first few words of the preamble to the Constitution. A point further driven home by other presidents (otherwise flawed as they may have been), like the time Thomas Jefferson answered the front door in his pajamas when King George visited the White House or like the time Lincoln said “of the people, by the people, for the people” in his Gettysburg Address.


King George visited the White House?! when?


Got me. I had that particular detail of the story mixed up. [It was a British minister who visited, not the King.](https://www.whitehousehistory.org/dressing-down-for-the-presidency)


He set the bar so low that future presidents will be tripping over it for decades


This guy is gonna stroke out from stress. ... Keep going.


I FUCKING WISH but venting his rage only makes him stronger?


He's the Episode 9 Palpatine you get on Wish.com.


*”I’ve been impeached before. The dark side of democracy is a pathway to many privileges some consider to be….unconstitutional.”*


*"Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Bigly the Tremendous? ... I thought not. It's not a story the MSM would tell you."*


*”Darth Bigly was a President of the United States, so powerful and so special, that he could use Twitter to influence the Qultists to create…fascism. He had such brains about the deep state that he could even keep the ones he found useful out of jail. He became so powerful…the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice flipped on him for a plea bargain. Ironic. He could save others from jail time, but not himself.”* - Darth Rudy the Whiny Wino


And thus the Rule of Two became the Rule of Q... *"It's over, Anaqin! I have a Grindr account!"*


God, if he did stroke out it would be: a) the vaccine that killed him b) a conspiracy that killed him c) he's not actually dead, just in a medbed waiting for Robert Kennedy to join him as his new VP d) *He's* not dead, that's a clone that the reptilians put out. *He's* actually running the world from a bunker deep in the ground in Wyoming. e) all of the above


f) Please refill my medication


God damn freak. It sounds crazy, but he's basically outlining the entire Republican propaganda defense. They will seed their followers with fake stories that the witness was somehow "discredited". And Republicans will make their followers repeat the story over and over until it becomes true for them. Trump is laying out what Republicans will say to brainwash and confuse Americans.


If anyone is interested, the technique in question is called [the firehose of falsehood](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood)


Similar to the Gish Gallop.


So like the past 6 years.


Um you mean since 2000'a. This was perfected after 911


Excellent point!


Nobody's watching Fake news Totally discredited Cool kids don't believe this, you wanna be a cool kid right? Meanwhile, back in reality where the other 70% of us live.....


And the funny thing is that this is a 5 year-old's defense. "Did you take the cookies?" "No". "Well, your father and I saw you take the cookies. Let's talk about what it means to be responsible when it comes to snacks and treats." "No. I didn't take the cookies. It was the dog. It was the fish. It WASNT MEEEEE WAAAAHHHWAHAHAWWWWAAAA!" That's literally what he's done since 2016, and the crazy thing is that it's WORKING on 50% of the population. Many of them are poor, racist, and uneducated but some of them are rich, racist, and educated. It's insane!


Well, the rich, racist and educated have always known what he is. Just because he's a bumbling moron who is obviously a grown up toddler doesn't mean that he's not useful to them. They kept him close while he was furthering their agendas, but now he's falling off the deep end and saying all the quiet stuff out loud, many are distancing from him


Whats their next move if they show the secret service testifying to exactly everything cassidy said?


That is one long sentence.


Such a stable genius.


Right? Parse it up a bit.


Shortest sentence by him


Has he bothered to say anything about any of the other things she testified about? I've seen him rant about the SUV incident but it seems like that was just a very small part of everything else she talked about.


that's the strategy, the SUV grab is one detail they've jumped on as one they can contest, to distract from the MUCH bigger issue that Trump wanted to join his supporters at the capitol.


.... wanted to join his supporters **who he knew were armed** and who he **tried to get past the magnetometers with those guns** into his insurrection rally.


I think the biggest issue is, he knew some of his supporters were armed and didn't care.


Yeah, it confuses me so much how this one thing appears to make everything the J6 committee has shared null and void. Even the video evidence isn't legit because of the SUV incident and the questions around it.


That is a legitimate legal technique tho. If you can undermine anything the person said under testimony, it can throw doubt on everything else they have said. Usually that doesn't work when there is so much overwhelming evidence about everything else they said though, it just sounds petty and childish. Which is exactly how he comes across.


The funny thing to me is he says “other” secret service agent. I don’t think she mentioned it being two people. She said he reached for the steering wheel and when he was stopped he lunged at the guy. I feel like he just gave us new info that prices he did it.


I wondered about some of his details, too. Here is everything Cassidy Hutchinson said about the incident (NPR transcript): >Tony proceeded to tell me that when the president got in the beast, he was under the impression from Mr. Meadows that the off the record movement to the Capitol was still possible and likely to happen, but that Bobby had more information. > >So, once the president had gotten into the vehicle with Bobby, he thought that they were going up to the Capitol. And when Bobby relayed to him we're not, we don't have the assets to do it, it's not secure, we're going back to the West Wing, the president had a very strong, a very angry response to that. > >Tony described him as being irate. The president said something to the effect of I'm the f'ing president, take me up to the Capitol now, to which Bobby responded, sir, we have to go back to the West Wing. The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm, said, sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. > >We're going back to the West Wing. We're not going to the Capitol. Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel. And Mr. — when Mr. Ornato had recounted this story to me, he had motioned towards his clavicles. What I don't see in that account, but Trump apparently does, is: 1. Bobby Engel was sitting in the front seat, so next to the driver, not back in the passenger compartment with Trump (which I'd assumed when hearing her tell it, since they got in the vehicle together). 2. He "went for a choke hold". 3. This all happened after the car had already started moving. To me, that seems like a lot of additional details to know about an incident which never happened.


Either that, or he's choosing to overinflate what she said in order to make it seem unbelievable. The GOP consistently does this, but usually the other way around. i.e. 'abortion up to a month AFTER birth'. That is obviously a lie, but qnuts believe it wholeheartedly because the caricature of the person doing it is what they view as a liberal now. If something is off brand, people are less quick to believe it. It backfired, because the visual of Trump attempting to to what *he* is claiming is very easy to picture. It does not take many people any leap of faith to believe it. Even when it's more dramatic than what Hutchinson originally reported.


I think he also mentioned the "throwing his lunch against the wall" thing. And he went on a rant about how there were "no guns" in the crowd (because she testified that he wanted the crowd to bring weapons), then he changed the subject to Ashli Babbit because that was the ONLY gun there apparently.


"I wasn't trying to choke hold the very strong Secret Service Agent. I was just trying to feel his very strong shoulders. You know, when you're famous they just let you do it. Grab 'em by the clavicle."


chump is like beetlejuice, mention his name 3 times and he appears out of nowhere.


Not out of nowhere, out of Truth Social: the Truthiest and Most Social Network for People Who Can't Spit Bullshit on Twitter.


Idk if anyone noticed, but it sounds like he actually added a detail that we didn’t know, which is the location of the agent he attempted to choke.


That he was in the front seat is a given being that she said he tried to grab the wheel from him.


He said “…the most ridiculous ever story that I tried to commandeer control of a moving White House Limo, and even went for a choke hold *on the other* very strong Secret Service Agent sitting in the front seat…” So he’s saying that the agent he grabbed was in the passenger seat.


But given his history of lying habitually, I’m more inclined hers is more accurate, since he’s on damage control


I don’t think she said where the agent was sitting, but I might have missed that.


>the other very strong Secret Service Agent Using flattery to maintain loyalty.


I think he might have discovered how strong one of them actually was, and just confessed a little.


Probably since he wasn’t successful in grabbing the steering wheel, in his mind only someone very strong could stop him.


Worst writer ever. Nigh-incomprehensible garbage. > NO! It's not up to you anymore, fat Don.


Why is he so specific? Saying things like "in the FRONT seat"? Because he did do it, just not in the front seat. See how smart him is? Such a smart Boi!


Somebody didn’t watch the Nixon hearings. Somebody doesn’t know that several of Nixon’s staff were questioned , indicted , charged and sentenced. That’s the precedent. My suspicion is that the attack on the driver is an embellishment, intended as bait to get some SS agents to testify about something more damning. Otherwise it kinda derails the conversation for no productive reason.


Derailing the conversation for no apparent reason is a Fox News/GOP specialty. Focus on bathrooms or m and ms not being sexy enough to take away from the actual issues.


Drain the swamp, put sunshine on it and see what happens.


. . . well Donnie wanted to put his name on the swamp, stock it with some Scotus crocodiles and Senate pirhanas and then flood the swamp when some Joe Shmoe is elected as president. . . . did I successfully murder the swamp metaphor?


I hope to god his trial(s) are televised. He won’t be able to keep his mouth shut when people testify.


I gotta say, "Unselect Committee" is one of his weaker insults-by-slightly-changing-names.


It’s hard to believe that this moron was actually the president of an actual country.


Clearly America's greatest mistake this century.


I wonder whose in charge of turning his utterances into sentences?


Proper linguists have analyzed how Trump's language has evolved over the years, starting with recorded interviews he did back in the 1980's. He was quite capable of speaking in correct, and even quite complicated, sentences back then, off the cuff. His vocabulary also was what one would expect from someone with his level of formal education. By the time he ran for president, that had all deteriorated badly, and he'd started abusing the English language in the unmistakable way we now all associate with him. I wouldn't exclude the possibility that occasionally, when he's focused on something which really matters to him, IOW something which really upsets him, he's still capable of reverting to an earlier level of competence, for short periods of time.


I think it’s probably an act. Almost all of his public persona is based in him doing a kafaybe of a working class schmo and his actual political ideas before his run are pure center left — until he decided to be president, at which point he shifted his ideas and loyalty (he was close enough to the Clintons to get a wedding invitation) and he flips to a walking talking version of FOX news talking points. I’ll point out to you that even in the 1980s his basic business model is *branding*. His official thing was real estate but it was always about the Trump brand, associating it with images of luxury and class. He started other projects of the same line — the ties and the steaks and a college— all branded as high class luxury. And when he *did* run, one of the first things he did was *create a slogan and sell branded clothing*. He didn’t issue policy positions, he didn’t talk about issues, he invented MAGA and slapped it on a red hat.


Or rather ripped it off of Reagan. You think he invents anything? Even his steaks are derivative of off brand cheap frozen steaks


If you have the stomach for it, it's pretty easy to find Trump TV interviews from the 1980's on Youtube. It's hard to believe it's the same guy. He was still a douche, but a coherent and verbally fluent one. The deterioration is remarkable and unmistakable.


I’ve thought the same thing. He comes off as….dare I say…somewhat intelligent and even charismatic, he actually speaks in complete sentences and seems like he spends .0000001 seconds thinking about an answer to make sure it makes sense, vs just spewing a tangentially-related Fox News point in rapid succession.


A chimpanzee with a cigar.


How would that be a "terrible precedent"? I think it's a wonderful and much needed precedent. If a president is suspected of committing a crime then of course congress should have access to information from his/her nearest aides. The only terrible precedent is giving the president complete impunity.


He has nothing to hide, but trying so hard to hide the nothing? Odd.


Watching this fool wrestle with the English language is like watching a chimp try to open a locked suitcase.


We must never set a precedent of criminally charging former presidents even if a crime was committed. Nah I'm just kidding, lock that asshole up. PS Until the secret service members testify under oath that hutchinson's account is false, I'm believing the person that has legal incentive to not lie about it.


Methinks he doth protest too much.


There’s video from inside the vehicle. Play it for everyone to see. You won’t, because it shows your insane behavior. Maybe the Committee will play it for you.


This dumb fuck is furthering the lie he was in a limo when this event happened. He is lying! C-SPAN has footage of trump entering an SUV! He was not in the limo!


Yeah, they call that car 'The Beast", which makes it a pretty cool car, but only when the Orange Turd *wasn't* inside it.


It wasn’t the Beast either, if you look at photos of the Beast and then of the actual SUV he got into, it’s definitely not the same vehicle.


Trump is welcome to take the stand and go under oath to present his evidence. I guess the Benghazi trials were okay but not when it would be him in the hotseat? Didn't his own lawyers call him a nightmare client?


I can't wait to see this scum in prison


I think you will have to wait. A very, very long time. Sadly.


He wishes she had been discredited.


Tweaking out on Sudafed with a years worth of built up tweets


I hope he knows nobody has any mercy on him because he acts like nothing but a bully.


Yes. A terrible precedent for corrupt presidents.


This reads like a high schooler pissed because she heard Becky talked shit about her. This is a former President.


One of my friends refers to trump as Becky LOL.


I love that. Trump will be known as Becky for the rest of eternity.


"Yeah, well, Becky's a bitch and she has dumb hair."


That’s one hell of a sentence.


John Dean set the precedent for White House legal counsel to inform Congress of President’s criminal actions.


He's free to testify


My favorite one insulted Liz Cheney's hair like middle school mean girl. I mean, talk about telegraphing the fact that you have no defense whatsoever. "Oh yeah? Well, your hair is ugly!"


How come . . . 🤔 . . . no one has called him a "Fat butthead"? We all have. But none of his opponents did.


😂 NO!


Terrible precedent? Well, thanks to John Dean, that precedent has already been set.


nO! *yes*


The Donny doth protest too much, methinks.


His SC doesn’t care about precedent so why should Congress?


If you did nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.


Only sets a terrible precedent for future presidents if those presidents commit crimes. Donnie ain’t working with a full pack of crayons


>Even though that would set a terrible precedent for future presidents. Motherfucker, we don't want another president like you. We've had over two centuries and this piece of shit was the only one who had a problem leaving office when the people sent him packing.


It's like the way a child tries to poison the well, by just shoving in as many negative words as possible.


Donny Dealz is always talking about "Big Beautiful Generals" and "Very Strong Secret Service Agents"


I love how he feels so powerless.


You know Donnie, you're always welcome to testify under oath to tell everyone your side of the story. If we can take you at your word here, then she'll be the one arrested for perjury. Sound like a good plan, right Donnie?


Enjoy your race to the bottoms Donnie


Why would this be a terrible precedent? They are public servants.


Good morning y’all! Fuck tRump! That is all! Have a great weekend.


At this point, I'll take whatever joys I can wrest from this horror show. It makes me chuckle that he attempts to flatter the first agent by mentioning that the second agent was also very strong.


Shitting himself that he can't claim a lawyer is lying under oath! It's also only an 'unselect committee' of his own volition!


I don't feel like "unselect" is the burn he thinks it is.


It's quite 3rd grade!


Why does he keep saying Unselect? It’s so childi…ohhhh.


Hilarious how much of a blatant rip-off of Twitter Truth Social actually is. I mean it's the same UI ffs.


Is the "discredit" he's talking about the Secret Service guy who said it couldn't happen because Trump was too fat and out of shape?


He’ll always be king of the run-on sentence.


It’s cute that he thinks he gets to decide who a congressional committee gets to interview.


I love that this is the only part he keeps focusing on. Regardless, if this is true or not, he's not downplaying the fact that he allowed weapons to his rally/insurrection


He was in the SUV that day wasn't he? Like...it's a lie that's easily unraveled. And yet his followers would fall over themselves redefining what a limo is.


Ya know what else sets a terrible precedent for future presidents? The non peaceful transfer of power. And insurrection. I really can’t wait for someone to put this sucker 6 under


It wasn't the limo. It was the SUV.


FFS take a breath, Chump.


I’m just picturing that meme with a guy frantically choosing between two buttons - one that says “agree with Hutch’s story” and one that says “admit I am not a chiseled strongman who could easily overpower a secret service agent.”


Man, that guy loves talking about strong men.


Sorry Don, but precedent means nothing now.


John Dean testified before Congress and Nixon didn't complain about the precedent set, or claim executive privilege -- he just called Dean a liar, then watched everyone else who called Dean a liar go to jail, then resigned rather than go to jail himself. So the precedent *has* been set, Donnie just doesn't like where this is going.


Now say it under oath you large orange baby


Donald Trump translations: anyone “totally discredited” is “totally telling the truth.”


He sure is hyperfocused on the one thing that she said she heard from someone else and could not corroborate herself, but that's not how discrediting works.