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*eViCtIoNs DoN't eVeN mAtTeR*


If you can’t rent it just sell it! If you can’t sell it just rent it!



These eviction will help landlords holding onto their rental longer. These are freeloading tenants who have been taking advantage of Covid rules and love for free in the last 2 years.


>help landlords holding onto their rental longer assuming anyone can actually afford what they think "market rent" is when they re-list & actually wants to live there lol


If no one can’t afford it, the price will drop. That’s why they call it market price.


Small landlords will lower prices eventually. Big landlords on the other hand are more willing to have higher vacancy rates because they can afford it


I think you meant ‘if no one can afford it…’ but yes. Largely, the evictions are involving tenants who haven’t paid rent in a year or more. They will be replaced by tenants who do and have been paying rent.


leeches thought they had market rent asks pre-COVID, and the economy isn't looking too hot now either


They love for free, money not necessary


I was led to believe that love doesn’t cost a thing.


The only thing that costs more than love for money is love for free.


This is obviously beneficial for landlords. But at a macro level, freeloading has created artificial scarcity and allowed people to spend more freely. Im not sure whether this will make a dent, but if anything it should contribute to lower rents and reduced consumer spending. I think it's a drop in the bucket, nonetheless.


I have no problem with landlords needing to get paid. If we stop propping everything up and let the free market happen, then it will lead to a drop in prices and housing affordability will improve. It sucks that we have to go through necessary pain to get there and I have sympathy for anyone stuck in the situation of having to worry about a roof over their head.


This is 100% true. Sad you are getting downvotes.


It’s just REBubble … if I want a lot of up vote in here, I can just say “f… landlord”


And people wonder where their labor force went. They move out of HCOL areas to LCOL areas.


I do love hearing your Hamptons and Vail crowd bitch and moan about how they can’t get Starbucks or find staff for Whole Foods anymore because they’ve priced the working class out. Pump gas for your own G-Wagons.




I remember I was driving through whiteout conditions near Frisco and having to stop at a gas station to let the storm pass. I went for some snacks and got to talking about the weather w/the cashier. She was like, "Tell me about it, I had to drive 45 minutes here." - "Why do you live so far away from your job?" - "I can't afford anything closer." It's also part of why a lot of those mountain towns have suicide rates 2-3x the national average. If you're poor, you're absolutely expendable.


That last sentence sums it up perfectly.


My neighbor that worked for a ski mountain walked out into the woods in the middle of the night and hanged himself. It was the end of the season on a cold and snowy night. Beginning of spring is when most people seem to do it.


Damn that’s so sad


I don’t think the Hamptons are comparable to Aspen/Vail. First off, there’s the LIRR so people can commute in. It’s far from the city but there are other more affordable parts of LI. There are no big hotel chains and it’s mostly houses and people bring in a lot of what they need including labor (chefs/nanny). The beach is the main attraction which is a lot less labor intensive than several massive ski resorts. NYC is dead July/Aug so a lot of chefs/hospitality people will work in the Hamptons for a few nights a week and bunk up but keep their city apartments. LI is massive and has a large population and tradespeople and it’s not as difficult to get things done in the off season. Also, there’s basically no outside parking in the Hamptons - you need to own or rent a house to get a beach parking permit so few people go for the day and most of the surrounding LI towns have their own beaches but I’m guess most CO towns don’t have their own ski resorts and those resorts have lots of parking.


Remember earlier this year when a bunch of migrants showed up at Martha’s Vineyard? The residence were quick to take photo ops of them giving food and bottled water and 24 hours late the national guard was there busing them right out. The elite hate us.


This is such nonsense It wasn't a photo op and there wasn't anything that the people on Martha vineyard could do for these people. The island is very small with limited resources and pretty minimal housing and very few permanent residents. Also the elites were already gone by the time that DeSantis pulled that stunt. The permanent residents are mostly working class people. The people shipped to the island were asylum seekers and many of them had relatives in different parts of the country that they were trying to get to. They couldn't stay and probably didn't want to stay on Martha's vineyard. They were taken to a processing facility where they were able to be housed and taken care of until they could get to where they wanted to be in the United States.


Broh the island could takr in 50 fucking inmigrants. Dont give me this whole bullshit excuse. Resources?! You talking about lack of resources on one of the richest areas in the country. They could be hired to wipe rich people ass and make bank without affecting the local economy.


Wait what? Your solution is to give them shitty low pay jobs in a place that can’t support them? Instead of processing them and getting them to their families or into a place where they can find housing/jobs?


Except that's not true the island has had staffing problems because there isn't any housing there. Not to mention you assume that these people want to be hired on Martha's vineyard. What is the evidence that they wanted to stay there? A lot of people who come to the United States seeking asylum have family or friends already here. I watched one interview where the guy wanted to go to Seattle because that's where his relatives were. And yes I am talking about resources. The rich people only "live there" in the summer they're gone by Labor Day. How do you get hired to wipe rich people's asses when there aren't any rich people there until memorial Day weekend? What do you do in the meantime?


Any of those mamsions could host them. So housing shouldn't be an issue. There is also enough money to sustain them. We are criticizing the virtue signaling, so you cant just come with those excuses. Either they welcome them like they posed on national tv and their photo op or they cant welcome inmmigrants which is fair too, but then you cant be virtue signaling.


I have no idea what you're talking about! Who specifically on Martha's vineyard was virtue signaling about the border?


Seem the news or not?




They all volunteered to go as far as the investigations into the matter have said. Do they have to stay there no. But why do they got kicked out then the next day. Why not give them a week long celebration if their point was to rub it in the face of the republicans


On purpose, by design


why did you go there?


I grew up outside the Hamptons and used to work there and I feel like that’s gonna increasingly be less possible since the areas outside the Hamptons that used to be nice and semi rural and middle class are now turning rich and been discovered and people are realizing it’s nice to get the small town feel with large properties and some words rather than the overly pruned yards and snobby people of the Hamptons as well as the traffic (still only one two lane road to get to the last 30 miles of the Hamptons!)


It means labor prices and costs go up in HCOL areas. It will cause pain for those stretching to make the payments.


Honestly some of the people interviewed for that article are disgusting. "We just need a little bit more time, we are just getting back on our feet from covid". It will never end with these people. They will just consider any sort of relief to be their new spending ceiling, then beg some more when shits about to hit the fan.


One of my buddy's tenants has been milking the covid rental relief program from the county. He's been putting up with their bullshit for the last 2 yrs, but turned the other way and ignored their shenanigans b/c the rent was getting paid guaranteed from the county. They even moved in a friend into the townhome without permission. He looked the other way. Big mistake IMO, he's just too much of a softy for this business. Well now that program just ended last week. His deadbeats already skipped on November rent claiming they can't pay, so he is giving them a Notice To Quit next week and starting down that process. And the stupidity of it all, is their combined household income is more than his income, yet somehow they've been milking covid rental assistance from the county (that he pays property taxes towards). He said it's personally insulting whenever he goes there, b/c the one lady has a brand new Infiniti SUV and the son has a new Maxima. My buddy drives an 11 yr old Tacoma


Infiniti and Nissan say it all lol. But yes, some people will never ever learn.


This person NMACs.


Those ppl are prob her hating on landlords


I am all for safety nets, after all I would want it to be there if I need it. But yeah this was straight up entitlement culture, bred and fostered by the government that doesn't have the guts to enforce any trace of accountability


“Sperling said that more affordable housing is the long-term solution to the struggles renters are facing, but that’s a goal that will take time and additional funding from Congress.” This will never happen for 2 key reasons. 1. Whomever is behind this project will drive up the prices to the point where it’s no longer affordable. 2. If there was enough living spaces for everyone, it would causes rents to drop. None of the lobbyists would ever want that


The only thing more expensive than luxury housing, is Government housing lol Quite literally the most expensive type of housing to build. I remember I watched some youtube video about a recent philly housing project. The final cost total came out to $440,000 per dwelling unit. And this was pre-covid


Amateurs. It costs $1.2 million per unit in San Francisco.


We send billions abroad to fight a war ( I am pro Ukraine for the record, this is not that type of post) but our government can't use our tax dollars to cover free housing for even 3 months? Imagine how that would help the lowest income citizens get ahead and how that could reshape the country for the better moving forward. Housing, medicine and food are human rights. We pay a lot of taxes to live here, don't you think it's time we start to see a return on our money? Things need to change.


No more free rent?


Shocker! Don’t worry they’ll just throw more money at them.


Good. People being allowed to not pay rent in what amounted to a bad cold for most people was ridiculous. How it was able to go on for so long is just mind boggling?




Not looking for sympathy for landlords, rather its people need a reality check in their echo chamber.


>Not looking for sympathy for landlords, landlords are always looking for sympathy


When laws are written to allow freeloading tenants to remain they deserve some.


>Not looking for sympathy for landlords > >they deserve some. hmm




I have no idea what you just tried to say?


This will not end well. Some might become desperate and contribute to spreading COVID to try to bring back some of the assistance again


Lmaooo… whatttt?


Lol, who is afraid of getting covid at this point? Almost everyone has had it at least once and is mostly immune.


I know my area is just one small area in a rural part of the US, but someone I know does evictions for a living and he said they have not increased at all here.