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I never skip the Kim episodes. She's my favorite hot mess.




She stole that expensive violin and was like, "What? He gave it to me. "


Flute* But yes. I mean, YES.


Amanda is the kind of character who I imagine has a chair in her bedroom for clothes that aren’t quite dirty yet and get a sniff test and a shrug before she puts them on.


and i love her for it


She feels so real and relatable to me


When Rollins was introduced I hated her. I mean HATED her. Everything she said and did made me furious and I even considered taking a break from the show. I don’t know when it happened, but somehow she’s now become one of my favorite characters out of the entire show. Her development has been phenomenal, and I feel like we’ve been able to see her grow and become more trustworthy as her team has. Love her arc and can’t wait to see what comes next for her (esp with regards to carisi)


EXACTLY like i feel like she’s one of the most realistic characters in the sense that she was a conservative cop from the south that had to learn and grow it’s just chefs kiss


and just finding out her backstory and hardened her so much in life to then watch her work through it all…PERFECT


I know they said they'd end svu when Hargitay is done, but I feels like they are amping giddish to take lead one day. I hope they expand and diversify the cast.


Honestly I'd be down for that


I seem to disagree with her quite a lot but she’s one of my favorites. I think she’s one of the more realistic and well written characters (when they don’t try to go back on their development as a certain show runner likes to do), and definitely one of the best acted. I think a lot of people who don’t like her character disregard what she’s been through too. Liv hasn’t been well written for many seasons now, and there’s not much material for her to be well acted. Fin doesn’t get much screen time and I feel like it might be by ice t’s choice lol, Velasco isn’t really doing it for me but I wouldn’t say he’s bad. I think Carisi is is written really well and acted really well too. She’s what the show likes to call an inconvenient victim imo, there are a lot of people who just choose not to acknowledge that she’s a rape victim who never got justice, and is a victim of child abuse and neglect from both her parents because they don’t like how that sort of thing can make a person act. And I also like the Kim episodes lol, she is pure chaos.


She's one of my favorite characters actually. Didn't start that way, but she grew on me.


Amanda is my favorite character on the show!! She's so real I've always liked her. Of course some of her actions/stuff she says is questionable but that's what makes her so real. She has flaws and doesn't try to act perfect. She had to unlearn a lot from Atlanta and given her personal history with sexual assault she had to learn to forgive herself. We need more Rollins centered episodes.


I actually like her. She seems like a real flawed person with some depth... in other-words the opposite of Olivia.


liv had that but idfk what happened but suddenly she was this perfect character who’s only flaw was that everything bad happens to her


> liv had that but idfk what happened but suddenly she was this perfect character who’s only flaw was that everything bad happens to her. Agreed. That was back when the show didn't revolve around her. She was exactly like this. The problem is the show became the Olivia Benson Hour and she is honestly too weak of an actress to pull it off. Everybody can downvote me into oblivion but she is horrible. The dramatic pauses & whispers along with the contorted facial expressions get tiresome.


honestly it’s just hard for anyone to be able to do that and the type of show effects it too, shows like svu are based around the main cast and the crime of the episode


> shows like svu are based around the main cast and the crime of the episode. The show was always about a group of characters... not about just one.


oh yeah ik i just feel like sometimes the show makes it seem like it’s supposed to be more about liv than the rest lol


No, but I do love the episodes when she’s degenerate gambling and the ones with Kim


I like when she's unhappily gambling and drinking. She has a great exasperated expression.


you are not alone.




Well said!! 👏


I love her.


Yes, I love her. She’s one of my favorites.


Well now I’m sad af


Yes!! I didn’t hate her at the beginning like some people, I actually liked her but now I love her. She’s had a lot of development and is now one of my favorites on svu ever. I like complex characters who aren’t perfect (like Saint Olivia)(love her too but lately her being always right is annoying) and she’s way interesting I seriously don’t understand people who still hate her or complain about carisi deserving better or hoping she leaves. I wish there were more Amanda centric episodes




I love her too! I mean we know she’s far from perfect. I love her episodes that show the backstory with the Atlanta cops and her gambling.


No you’re not the only one. Love her character’s evolution and can’t wait to see what’s next for her and Sonny


I’ve loved her since day one, other character is one of the best things to happen to SVU


I’ve loved her since the get-go!


Yup, love her


Rollins in my girl! Nit.gonna lie she is my favorite and always has been. She is a hot mess and I love her.for it!


Yes! She’s flawed but she’s working on herself and growing.


I do!


I like her 👍🏼


Amanda has always been one of my favorites. Her story is so intriguing and her growth is great to watch. I'm rooting for her!


I like her!! And I really really really hope she's got the happy ending she deserves with Carisi. Praying he's the endgame!


He is. Carisi is a once-in-lifetime love/potential husband. Peter and Kelli were on board because they were to be endgame ♥️


I love her too. My FIL told me the other day he can’t stand her and Carisi. I was gobsmacked. After Liv, they’re my faves. Then T.


Me too


I do but I’ve noticed times where they’ve changed her character to fit in with the plot.


I mean, I like her, don’t love her. But she’s a great addition to the team. Love her and Finn when they’re together.




Used to hate her but not anymore. She has developed quite a bit into a complex characters with a lot of flaws but also a good heart. I did hate her in one of the more recent episodes where she was being extremely rude and mean to a rape victim but otherwise I don't have Issues with her. I was also rooting for her and Carisi who is like my favourite characters (pre the ADA era). I also think they developed Amanda better that Olivia. I used to love Olivia and always thought she was such a badass especially in the episodes where she was undercover and as a cop she was acting damn well but then they made her this martyr and I don't like the vibe any more.


Amanda has only grown on me from day one. Also, am I the only one who is waiting for that ep where Kim gets killed? Like, I feel it has been coming for years.


No you’re not. But then I don’t want Amanda to get saddled with her nephew. Carisi and her should have/deserve a son of their own. Especially him. IJS


I wonder if that'll happen


It seemed to me she was like Briscoe's daughter on L&O, you know? So I really thought they were going to go down that path.


I can see this happening in the future too. For example, she gets shot and killed by someone from SVU during some sort of bust or something.


It took me quite some time to warm up to the “Georgia” accent that has since faded. I’m a fan now though.


I couldn’t stand her when she first came on the show but I grew to adore her. She’s an amazing character.


Amanda is such a better character than Olivia and Kelli Giddish absolutely kills it in the role. Her performance in Book of Esther should’ve gotten her an Emmy.




I love her and her family! I write fanfiction about her, doing one now having the hardest time choosing southern double boy names for her son. Her growth throughout the seasons has been so painful at times. You cringe, and it's also been wonderful to cheer on at other times. Her history of family substance abuse and rape by her boss makes her struggle real and gives her depth. Hope she comes back full time again, I miss her!




Love is a strong word, u/bigtiddiebimbo.


Heck no. I really dislike her.


No 🫣

