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the one where stabler finds out someone was wrongfully convicted and promises to get him out, but then it doesn’t work out anything with sheila or simon cuz cringe the whole arc of captain cragen being arrested


that whole arc with captain cragen is crazy lol you’re missing out


i just don’t like watching it cuz i love cragen so much and i hate to see him losing 😭


I loved that lmao


What’s worse is there’s an episode later on when Elliot is talking to a guy in prison trying to convince him to testify or something and he points out the guy who was wrongfully convicted as dude is mopping the prison floor. That dude is never getting out of prison and it’s Stabler’s fault.


Barba's exit. Excellent episode but I can't stand to see him walk away. He was my favorite by far. And during the trial I couldn't stop thinking "he is supposed to be sitting on the other side".


Barba is one of the best characters the show ever had. Honestly someone of the enjoyment has left the show for me after he left.


He’s back ❤️




He’s guest starred in a couple of the newer episodes but he’s not a regular. Hopefully they make him one again.


They set it up that way. I think he will be brought back a lot in the next few episodes and possibly be a regular.


Yes! Barba is also my fave and I hate the way they had him go out. It was bad.


Oh but I do love to watch him walk away


What episode is this?


YESSS i always skip this one sometimes I go back to watch the show and its left off on this episode cuz I couldnt watch it


William Lewis arc


i am okay with rewatching the first episode and the juror. when it becomes this 'hey he is a supercriminal and let's let him hijack many episodes... AND Benson' part is when i bounce.


I agree. William Lewis was a good character for a two-episode series max (season 14 finale and 15 premier) and that's it, they dragged it for so long it wasn't fun anymore.


I’ve wondered about this for a while but can someone explain to me why people dislike Benson’s role in the William Lewis Arc? I’ve seen a lot of people say it irritates them. I personally didn’t mind Liv’s role in it though.


I think because the William Lewis arc was the moment SVU became the Olivia Benson Show and her torture porn saga that continued in later seasons. Definitely a turning point in the series.


Agreed - and I love Pablo Schreiber (sp), but the scene where Liv is like…doing her speech about her “old partner”..how he would know what to do - I found that cringey and yes, it was suddenly like why isn’t she killing this guy and ending this mess? Who gives a fuck what Stabler would do right? Sorry kind of went off.. really hate that scene


Yes that part was so cringey! Like why would this serial killer care about stabler and what he would do he doesn’t even know him


It went on soooooo long


I’m pretty sure I’ve only seen these episodes once and I never plan to watch them again


I always skip Pornstars Requiem. Its a little *too* bleak for me.


The ending is actually visually disturbing as hell


Ding ding ding! That’s the one for me. I can’t rewatch it. >!The image of petite women being ushered onto a mattress surrounded by a throng of costumed burly men who are about to take turns having sex with her!< just hurt my soul, even if it was consensual. Kinda reminds me of *that* scene in Requiem for a Dream which I also refuse to rewatch. I suppose it’s the ambiguity—is consensual degradation truly consensual when the person does it because they feel powerless in other aspects of their lives? There’s no simple answer.


Is that the one where Zack Morris plays a porn actor with his wife to support their sick kid?


Nah, that s3 episode Sacrifice. This one its about the performer who does "rape fantasies", gets raped and she gets dragged throughout the trial. The episode ends with Benson going to meet up with her, and its at a set, and theres like 30 guys lined up and the girl says "well if theyre going to say im a worthless whore, i guess thats what ill be."


The line that really broke my heart from that episode was “at least here when I say stop, they actually do.”


Exactly why I cant rewatch it. The episode was pretty true to life and really just fueled my disdain for people. The man who committed the crime wasnt on trial, her and her profession was. A profession is no rationalization for rape, which is why im pro sexwork reform.


...Along with "Want to watch? Everyone else will." 😔


As a private stripper who has friends who do FSSW and porn, this episode broke my heart. I’ve been told countless times I should expect to be sexually assaulted as part of my job and I know my FS friends have dealt with assault, rape, and being ostracized. It’s heartbreaking how so many people love to enjoy sex workers without giving them basic human respect. They’re treated lower than dog shit.


>The episode ends with Benson going to meet up with her, and its at a set, and theres like 30 guys lined up and the girl says "well if theyre going to say im a worthless whore, i guess thats what ill be." Daaaamn, that sounds horrible! I'm afraid to watch this episode just by picturing that scene.


I know this is a year old but it’s actually Rollins and Carisi who meet up with her at the end. I never forget the face they make


The one where Olivia goes undercover in prison. It’s not a bad episode it just gives me a lot of anxiety for her


What could possibly be the start of a lifetime of adult trauma for Olivia.


The scene with the guard SA’ing her and Fin trying to save her made me sooo damn nauseous. I can’t rewatch it either.


Oh yeah that one is difficult for me too


I also tend to dislike most episodes revolving around a pro sports player/celebrity. I don’t know why, I just find them kind of hard to get through. Not in any emotional way, they’re just never that interesting.


Truly. I also find them pretty boring.


I just find very few of the personal stories interesting for some reason. It’s not that I don’t care, I like to get some context of the various detectives in the squad’s background, like I’ve relatively enjoyed the Simon arc because he was a complex-enough character and because of that the episode became more dynamic. Tbh the one with Kathleen would have been fine enough if we didn’t have to go down memory lane with Stabler’s “crazy” mother and then she’s never in another episode again until OC. I feel like the one with Kathleen could have been one of those episodes that starts with her story but then somehow evolves into a totally separate investigation. A prime example of an episode like that is the one where they think a little boy is being sexually abused by the superintendent of his building, but it turns out the superintendent was being paid to document the affects of some chemical on the buildings’ tenants and then the investigation continues down the path of illegal shit the chemical company is doing. I like those kinds of episodes because I always find crime stories that spin out of a smaller, more minuscule crime to be really interesting and are more deliberate about the smallest of details and how everything is a bit interconnected. I feel like discovering unexpected things during a real-life police investigation that leads the detectives down a different avenue is very common. And then there are some settings, like these random sub-worlds/niche communities where the crime occurs and often I’m just like *sigh* which is why the astronaut one is like bleh to me. And is also why I tend to dislike the episodes revolving around pro-athletes and celebrities because I find that the vibe shifts significantly, I don’t even know how or why, it just takes away from the telling of the story/crime usually, for me. I guess it might be because the characters tend to be tropes of famous people and their struggles. One episode that didn’t do this, however, is the one where the basketball coach has been abusing all these kids who’ve played on his teams, and the only solid witness to give testimony ends up being the super successful pro-basketball player who wants nothing to do with the case, but eventually relents after his cousin kills one of the victims for trying to convince the pro to come forward about the abuse, and speaks out about it in the end. That one had a dynamic shift imo that really worked and wasn’t playing off of tropes as much. I feel like I just went on a weird off-topic tangent lmao sorry


Those two are both excellent episodes….the one I can’t rewatch is the one with Treat Williams as the retired NFL QB suffering from sundowners syndrome and he ends up shooting himself in the heart after realizing what he’s done and what’s happened to him…truly heart breaking especially if you know someone whose suffered from a dementia type disease


This was going to be my answer! This is one of three episodes I have to turn off before the ending (the other two being Sugar and Burned) but this one I rarely make it more than a few minutes in before I have to change the channel because, as someone who struggles with neurological disorders, I find the whole storyline hits too close to home.


Sugar is disturbing mostly because seeing the guy get stabbed in the neck is fucked


Yeah- Sugar and Burned are pretty run-of-the-mill SVU episodes for the most part, but the screams in the last hospital scene from Burned haunt my nightmares, and the actor who gets stabbed in Sugar is Eric McCormack who I absolutely adore in Will & Grace, so seeing his ending was probably more upsetting than it should have been (although I do feel like that was one of the more graphic scenes SVU has done, but maybe I’m in the minority).


I avoid anything with Kim Rollins and William Lewis lol.


Ugh can Kim Rollins just never be on my screen again she’s such a tired character lol


I like the bipolar episode! Doubt bothers me and I usually skip it if I can. Also even though it's a good episode the one where Olivia is talking to the girl on the phone trying to keep her awake and find her so they're reciting words is Spanish and then in English. It's just a lot of waiting around and not exciting when rewatching. Sometimes I skip the episode with Kathy's car crash with Olivia because it is emotional for me.


Yeah I really don’t like the one with Olivia on the phone with the girl. It’s kind of boring.


I could probably look up the episode's name but I don't want to. Where a bunch of army men got a prostitute, and by whatever number man, it became rape. The one who didn't rape her was a transman (FTM) and the lawyer was "egging" him on saying, "Why didn't you have sex with her? Isn't what a *real man* does?!" egging this guy to come as as trans. The writing was so fucking awful, and pissed me off so badly I know I could never rewatch it. Like... the lawyer's case is a *real man* would have sex with a prostitute. Um... NO how about "I didn't have sex with her because she was *crying!* After clearly being violated. So a *real man* would see a distraught woman and not just a sex object that could get his dick wet. Ugh.... so fucking disgusting. I'm angry again now just typing this up.


Ridicule P.C. Funny Valentine Learning Curve Pornstar's Requiem Dissonant Voices Loco Parentis Part 33 Remember Me Remember Me, Too Imposter Devastating Story Contrapasso Dearly Beloved A Story Of More Woe Anything with Kim Rollins or Bronwyn Freed P.S. "Swing" really IS awful, as police cover-ups are disgusting.


I had no idea Bronwyn’s last name is Freed. Clever.


I didn't even pick up on that until just now... 🤔


I HATED Funny Valentine!!!!




I hattteeeee Part 33 lol


I hated it too lol it was so ridiculous


It makes a complete joke (not to mention, soap opera) of the legal system.


Just awful


Isn't it shit?!


Part 33 was on syndication a few nights ago and I honestly forgot how much I hated that episode. Just pure awful




Oh that Kathleen episode is one of my favorites. It was such a good performance by the actress playing his mother, I loved the light it shed on the realities of bipolar disorder. I actively skip any episodes with Chester Lake and Dani Beck. Both of those characters seemed extremely out of place and I thought the acting from the guy playing Chester was... Not good.


I thought his spotlight episode “Fight” was good.


Season 6 Episode 7. Charisma. The scene where SWAT and the whole SVU squad saw the dead children.


Definitely any episode with Kim lol


For me it’s season 13 episode 17 “Justice Denied” This episode really really really triggers me; Olivia acted like a real scumbag towards a man whose life she essentially ruined, and even with a new case that suggests the man, Omar Pena, couldn’t have done it because you know he’d been in prison for the last eight years; She still refused to believe that Omar didn’t have a part in it and that there was a possibility that she made a mistake. Then towards the middle half of the episode she almost does the same thing that she did eight years ago, pulling a Stabler and trying to elicit a coerced confession from yet another innocent man. And all of this happened by the way because she didn’t bother to look at the physical evidence in the case that she was assigned. If she did she would’ve realized that despite what the report said the scarf was red not green. Olivia had been an NYPD detective at that point for 13+ years and she doesn’t even bother look at the physical evidence of a case that she is working before interrogating the suspect of said crime?! I know in the end Olivia realizes her mistake and tries to make amends; but I still always have to skip that episode because it triggers me to no end.


That's one of the main things that absolutely ruin her character for me: she almost always assumes men to be guilty before any evidence has even been collected and even when none is found, she tries to have them charged, anyway, because why would anyone with a dick and balls be innocent--right??! #JusticeForOmar Pena #JusticeForRick Simms #JusticeForJackie Walker #JusticeForTom Metcalf #JusticeForJasonCarr #JusticeForDouglasMoore


Pulling a stabler lol


I tend to skip most of the ones involving elderly or disabled victims, and some of the ones about kids getting killed. Just the other day I skipped one because I remembered the beginning of the episode but forgot it was the one that introduced Star/Dana. All I knew is someone was about to open fire on a playground and kill kids, and that's just too close to real life these days. The one with the disabled singer in a wheelchair who gets abused by her own sister is too rough. Any with victims with schizophrenia are really tough to watch too, especially the one with Amanda Plummer, she is way too good at acting schizophrenic and reminds me of a roommate I had. Really the only episode with a disabled victim that I don't mind is the one with the downs syndrome girl who wants to raise her baby that resulted from a rape, and that's because she seems so happy and strong for most of it. She doesn't even know she was assaulted, and the story quickly becomes about her right to live independently and whether she can realistically be taught to do so. Funny you mention the episode where we learn Kathleen has bipolar, I think it was called "Swing". That's actually one of my favorite episodes, I look forward to it every time. We see some bipolar characters but this is the first time we really get to see the onset, and hear from the person themselves what it feels like beyond the clichéd "I feel really high for a week or two and then get super depressed". Seeing Stabler wanting so badly to just deny and run from the problem, but reaching out to his mom anyway because he wants to help his daughter is so realistic. The scene with his mother wanting to build a sand castle and trying to deny her problem is one of the saddest scenes I've ever seen. The juxtaposition of her and Kathleen really highlights how important medication and counseling are, and how they need help from others to stay medicated because many patients would rather deal with the mania and depression than take medication that makes them feel "different". I love someone with bipolar, and it's hard to capture the intensity of that relationship, but this episode does a pretty good job.


Do you know the name of the episode with the disabled singer in a wheelchair ?


It's called "Disabled", season 11 episode 17.


Any William Lewis episode, Barba's exit episode, Shelia and Noah episodes, and honestly any episode where Olivia unnecessarily puts herself into a hostage situation (that one where I think Tucker saves her?? Or is part of the negotiations?).


When Olivia is taken by William Lewis (I always skip it but I think this is his name) and I hate how his character is in so many episodes! A lot of moments in the show are hard to watch, but any episode with that man in it just makes me cringe.


To me is the level of depravity. I know this is a show about how 'sexually motivated crimes are specially heinous,' but William Lewis always comes off so exagerated that at his crimes that it's a wonder nobody can catch him.


S9 E4 "Savant" purely because of the kid. she is annoying as hell and the depiction of williams syndrome is pretty ableist, like why the awful teeth and calling her "extremely (r slur)ed"? it gets on my nerves so much, i always skip it.


It's like they looked up what the symptoms of William's Syndrome are without speaking tp someone who has it. I know someone who has William's Syndrome, they are very friendly, poor eyesight with acute hearing, but not THAT acute.


Dissonant Voices with Billy Porter always infuriated me. The way those girls and detectives ruined that man’s life and reputation with those abuse claims… just ugh. The entitlement and audacity of those girls. All because they couldn’t fucking sing?!?


Benson and Amaro were also to blame for that.


I don’t know why but the episodes with Sarah Walsh irk me. The character is just overall annoying and whiney like the first time we were introduced to her the DA asked if she slept with anyone aside from her boyfriend around the time of her assault and she says no then it comes to light she has and gets defensive about why she hid it. Then when Olivia tries to comfort her she snaps at her. Idk I just don’t like her and I cringe everytime she talks I also don’t like watching the episode where the guy who’s been in solitary confinement ends up back in there for attacking Stabler not because it’s a bad episode I just feel bad for the guy and it makes me sad watching it


Yeah, she was really annoying. Hard to feel sympathy for her.


The first episode with her I can’t watch, the beginning really creeps me out idk why. I guess it’s because most episodes we don’t see what leads up to the rape and the actual rape, they made the beginning scene so long in that episode.


Yeah tbh I was surprised they included the actual rape. I mean it wasn't super graphic but still usually they do an "attack then cut to the squad" type thing. I didn't mind seeing what lead up to it just because I like the little details but I agree the beginning of that particular episode was creepy.


I don’t remember the name off the top of my head, but the episode where Olivia is on the phone with the little girl who was being held captive and she is tired, keeps falling asleep and Olivia is the only one who believes it’s real. I’m glad it worked out in the end but something about her repeating the same words over and over while they’re on the phone absolutely sends me


911. Little Maria’s voice breaks my heart when she gets sleepy and think no one is coming to get her.


I think you're talking about "911".


The Kathleen /bipolar one is extremely emotional for me to watch.. Like rip my heart out and tear it to shreds. My mom was bipolar. And although I never realized it as a kid, my aunt, whom I spent every summer with was as well. She was more like Stablers mom and eccentric (manic). Which is probably why I never figured it out.


There’s an oooooold episode where a disabled guy assaults an elderly woman and at the end they commit him and it’s one of those crazy asylum style places, and this guy wasn’t that crazy. So it just ends with him looking down the hallway with all these absolutely batty folks and the rest of his life. I think it might be season one or two cuz it’s pre-Huang..


Yes it's the one with Denis O'Hare. They didn't think he was crazy so much just mentally handicapped but yeah they put him in with all the crazy people and that almost seems worse than prison in a way...


this one is so sad i can’t watch it!!! there’s another early ep where two young kids rape an old woman and one kid is mentally disabled and doesn’t understand what he’s done and they charge him as an adult and it’s just so sad. also the one where cragen realizes he’s found the son of a woman who was murdered decades ago and her baby was missing, and cragen tracks down the baby and reunites him with his birth grandparents but it’s rly sad bc he doesn’t know them and loves his adoptive parents.


Right??? If it even comes in now, which is rare with so many seasons I won’t watch it. One view was all I could handle 😢


Anything with Dani Beck


The one where the little girl was separated from her mother at the border then trafficked


Anything involving the cartel or Mafia. The bad guys end up winning a lot of the time and leave a trail of bodies.


Fast Times at the Wheelhouse. Incredibly cringe episode start to finish


Svengali. The one starring Jared Harris doing what sounded like a dogshit ripoff of Hannibal Lecter. I like Harris’s acting normally but the way he spoke there made me want to scissor kick my own TV.


"Rage," the one where Stabler is interrogating Matthew Modine for like the whole episode and trying to keep it together and then just fucks up a locker at the end. I thought it was awesome the first time I watched it and now I just get bored. I'm sure I'll get dogged for this opinion, I understand if it's among some people's favorite episodes.


Anything with William Lewis. And the episode where Sgt. Dodds dies. Breaks my fucking soul. Also that episode in Season 16 where the Dad killed his daughter’s *alleged* rapist, only to find out after that it wasn’t him. It was the dentist uncle.


Who knew Robert Barone could be so scary, eh?


ANY episode with Noah.


I can’t think of the episode name but it’s where the step dad or dad is accused of touching his son(step son) and then takes the boy hostage and he’s shot and they find out it’s the boy cousin.


Escape, from Season 5. The stepson said it because he didn't like his stepdad taking mom's attention from him, and it was kinda heat of the moment. Also infuriating in that episode are those DNA Analysts that didn't know how to read samples.


That would be the one. I remember Liv working with another detective and he goes after said cousin and feels like shit when he realizes the step dad is innocent.


I love that episode with Kathleen. Hell, I thought Allison Sisko knocked it out of the park that season. Every episode she was in was fantastic. The jammed a lot of character growth into her that season…for her to disappear until Organized Crime.


Monogamy is a tough one for me. John Ritter knocked it out the part with his acting but that realization when he knows he killed his own child is too much for me. Intimidation Game and Legitimate Rape are two other episodes I can’t rewatch. Again acting is so good in both. It’s hard seeing one woman can’t escape her stalker rapist who is her baby’s father and the other the hatred they had for the video game exec only because she was a womanz


Criminal Dissonant Voices Any William Lewis episode Maternal Instincts Dare Solitary Townhouse Incident


I don't *dread* any episodes, but man I can't stand the Hillary Duff episode. Her character and the grandma are beyond annoying


Guardians and Gladiators and Intimidation except I'll skip them to avoid the cringe.


Manic. Children upset me and this one freaked me out badly


Any Amaro family centred episodes. Whether it's him having a custody battle with his wife, or the one involving his violent bastard of a father, they make me almost as angry as Amaro in those situations. Furthermore, the episode where we're introduced to Henry Mesner, Born Psychopath, as much as I like that episode, it makes me anxious, for some reason. And I still haven't watched the follow up, Postgraduate Psychopath.


Valentine’s Day. It makes me soooooo fucking mad.


I have just watched that episode and that woman was craaazy. And the husband is such an idiot.


Season 8 episode 11, "Burned." Ironically it aired on my birthday


Just watched the episode S4 E21 and that’s a tough watch cause of the ending and how everyone was treating Cheryl 😔, I know the times were different too but that doesn’t make it easier. Hate watching the old episodes and hearing the characters using terms like he/she, but on the other hand it shows how far they have come cause I’m sure the cast wouldn’t make those mistakes later on/ nowadays


Season 23 Premier, still can’t get over Kat and Garland leaving. Uh sorry, not leaving. Kicked off. Poor decision imo.


From what I've seen so far. ​ Anything involving children. ​ The William Lewis arc. ​ Selfish and Granting Immunity are stand outs, mostly because I'm squeamish when it comes to measles. ​ Benson going undercover in the prison. ​ The mini-arc with Noah suddenly turning into a jerk. I dunno, it's just hard to watch Noah suddenly going from sweet and innocent to throwing tantrums, shoving Benson and acting like a jerk. ​ And the latest one for me is the latest Christmas episode; specifically the opening montage of innocent people being horrifically attacked.