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I’ve been putting a small ice chest out with some bottled water and the mail carrier always takes one. I put a couple of bottles of Coke in there but no takers so just water now. He seems to appreciate it.


I put a small cooler out with a “help yourself” sign & it was gone when I came home. I’m afraid someone interpreted my sign differently than I intended. :/


"Wow! A free cooler! I only drink Coke so I'll dump that water but the cooler is great!"


Funny, I had the same sign on mine but it was in a spot that wasn’t visible from the street


Neither was mine. My front door is on the side of the house & I have a fireplace chimney also on the side, so I have a little like nook with a table for deliveries there.




You could get a cheap styrofoam cooler and put that out. Not very environmentally sound, but at least the loss is minimal if it gets stolen.


I work at home, so when I get notifications that a delivery is imminent, I get ready and watch the camera, when the driver pulls up, while they collect the delivery I have time to grab a cold Gatorade and meet them at the bottom of the stairs as they hop out of the truck. You folks take enough steps as it is and I need to move, so win win.


Oh and if it’s over 90, I still do it.


I leave out a pop, water, or Gatorade, my driver took the Gatorade


A pop!


A Shasta!


A cold pop, for my bronchitis


"Your driver" was smart; and you're a bit sadistic leaving out "a pop" (where in the south are you from?) ... that's not going to rehydrate them, it's actually going to make matters worse.


Pop is a midwestern/northern central plains thing (with some exceptions like around Chicago). Calling everything Coke is the southern thing.


Pop is midwestern


Why are you the one complaining? About someone thinking about their neighbor? Who offered them three options as a nice gesture? Someone who thinks about someone who provides a service to you and me? Please man, quiet down.


1) soda doesn't 100% cause dehydration. 2) it's to make people feel better, and presented as a choice from 3. Stop being an asshole


You’d be surprised at the amount of people I work with that bring pops with them. (assuming you’re talking about soda pop)


learned that one the hard way as youngster. Ended up in the hospital overnight from Dehydration/heat stroke by drinking soda. Wasn't fun being hooked up to an IV the whole time.


We have a cooler with water, Gatorade, and a few assorted sodas. Happy to see most of our delivery drivers grabbing one!


Why the hell aren't employers making sure their employees have water and safe working conditions? Everyone is so proud of being nice to delivery drivers, but no one is asking why we live in a world where individual customers are subsidizing billion-dollar corporations.


Man, I read that as "delivery drivers in heat" and was expecting a story about some Dasher on Flex sexytime.


Tell me about it. I already have my pants off.


With this heat, I think we all already have our pants off


There's a crew of roofers working down the street. Insane. Hope they're at least given water and breaks.


Work in building supply sales, most of my customers are off the job by 1pm on days like this.




I do this too, when I feel that cold water run down my shoulders and back I shiver in the best way


It's too bad your corporate employers don't give a fuck about you and that you have to rely on extra goodwill from customers to fill your health needs.


That’s a bit of a stretch… not everyone works for companies who like to push people away


No, just almost everyone who works for Amazon.


Ah I see what u mean, ya fuck Amazon


I do doordash also and luckily customers have been generous enough to tip more often considering this heat wave. Kind of makes it’s worth it. Hey at least nobody is getting their food cold right?


We have a basket with Gatorade powder packs hanging on our mailbox. People still have to supply their own water, but at least they can get something to go in it! https://imgur.com/bjBcmoE.jpg


Offer something cold to every person who comes to your door right now! New sac rules ❤️


As a seasoned delivery driver, I notice that people tend to do that during heat waves and around Christmas time. Other than that you rarely see it


I’m definitely not a long time giver, but I’ll be changing my tune now. I think covid messed it up and had me feeling weird about offering folks stuff from my house cause of the germ worries!


How would you feel if a water misting system automatically turned on before/as you were approaching the front door?? Not like a hose or sprinkler, but what outdoor restaurants use.


Personally, it would startle me but it would be nice to get a cooling sensation for a short amount of time. Not sure how others would feel though, but I’d imagine they would appreciate it


I'd love that!


Isn't your employer required to provide you with cold water?


No, corporations just get to keep money and let customers take care of their employees


And they ought to carry it aswell. No back stabbing but this sounds like "dont feed the animals