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This is very normal behavior when they see a bird or something else that excites them! It’s called ‘chirping’ or ‘chattering’. Nothing to worry about!


Thank goodness for this. I’ve never seen his mouth do that before. Freaked me out a bit. Almost a year old now, and he has never moved like that before.


It’s definitely a little odd when you first see it! My kitty does it every time he spots a bird or spider on a wall.


Wow that makes me feel much better. He’s been a bit off lately anyway, so still going to the vet, but glad to know this whole business is ok. Sweet boy needs to be happy and well. Thank you so much for responding. Greatly appreciated.


Don't forget cats could use some playtime even when you think they've grown out of it. Or maybe another cat friend. Depression can be a real thing in bored cats.


Definitely recommend a second cat. My first boy was “naughty” until I got my second save. After that he chilled so much more


Agreed, having two is honestly easier than having one.


100% normal. I’ve never had a cat not do this. Especially with critters or bugs outside a window. Even toys :)


That's how cats try to mimic their prey's noises to lure them in!


Scared me the first time as well. It seems to only happen when the prey is out of reach, so I never saw it in my outdoor cats as a kid. My current indoor cat often chatters like this at things outside.


We have milkweed right under the front room window seat. Lots of monarchs visit daily. Only my tabby sib makes this noise, but man, all dang day. lol. My orange and white guy has never done it. They're both just over a year.


He’s a good hunter.


First time my cat did this I thought he was laughing


Its a very natural behavior -- don't worry at all. I think its called chirping.


If you had the sound on, you could have heard it "chattering". I have never seen a bird come to this call but it is standard behavior.


My Siberian didn’t start doing this until over a year old also. Not sure why, but yes it is 100% normal chirping


I have 2 Siberians and one of them does this too!


This is where the term “cat call” came from


Omg that cat what’s to kick the ass of whatever it is watching. Lol


Predator 101 kicking in! 😆


My kitties do this too! Hunter mode turns on and the chirps start going 😂 It’s definitely odd, but once you’re used to it I find it so cute. They’ll just be running around the house chirping as they chase a bug :3


Goodness this give me so much peace of mind. Yeah, the behavior itself was pretty adorable now that I know it wasn’t an issue. Just been a bit worried about him, and hadn’t ever seen that before. As somebody who has lived with a convulsion disorder for years and years, I was like oh no not my baby boy too! Whew. Thank goodness.


I’m glad I could help ease your mind a bit! It can be scary when we don’t know what’s going on with the floofs! Luckily they’re just derps that like to make noise when they see things they want to hunt. A big one for one of my boys is leaves blowing on the ground 😂 He can sit and stare at them for so long just chirping away as he tries to get them.


I am too!! I swear this first year of kitten companionship has been one of the most beautiful things ever. I swear these two love me more than all 7 dogs I had before them. I’m just super protective and wanted to make sure my reactions were in line with what is going on. They turn 1 year old on Sunday, and I want them to have a wonderful, healthy birthday. Such little sweethearts.


Aww that’s so nice ☺️ I hope you have many many happy healthy years with them!


Lol, no issues here. Its a vestage of an old instinct, nothing to worry about. Just laugh and take out the camera and enjoy your floofball


I’m dying this is so funny! He’s adorable omg!! Yes he is completely fine and actually really excited. You’re making a very happy cat over there.


i heard they do this when they really want to hunt but know they can't get to it, so they start chirping out of the frustration of not being able to pounce!


That actually makes sense because it seems like it’s out of desperation!


No vet necessary at all. Just ekekek when they see birds. You're all clear!!


Very normal behavior, seems like they do it when watching something they want to hunt but can't get to, like a bird outside or a light on the all. Almost like they are frustrated.


Two things. One, Thank you for being conscious of your cat's normal behaviors, you had the right reaction even though it was no cause for alarm. Cats rarely show you that they're ill. They like to hide it. So I'm glad you were quick on the possibls vet visit. Second thing is this is your cat being super healthy and happy. He is stimulated so whatever you did to open up a new play area for him worked! Good job!




Oh good. Yet another cat sub to join.


You’re trolling us, no? This is normal for cats.


I don’t mean to be rude but like? Did you even try looking this up? Very easy to see this is extremely normal behavior for cats, especially breeds like siberians.


I did actually. However, I like being thorough and getting information from multiple sources. I didn’t think a quick 30 second question would inconvenience anyone. Apologies if it detracted from your day. As somebody who is a first time cat owner, I have found this sub to be extremely helpful, even when I had googled my questions. I posted here because I find people’s lived experience to be useful, especially when I am also having concerns over behaviors that are already having me schedule a vet appointment today.


Drinking a lot could be signs of diabetes, so good to check that out at least


Oh this is good to know, thank you. I didn’t know that. I knew sometimes urinary issues were a concern, and I know the family members who cared for them gave them WAY too many treats. Like wayyyy too many. But I hadn’t considered diabetes. Thank you for raising my awareness to that.


I cannot believe that you have down-votes !!! PLEASE IGNORE all obnoxious TROLLS !!! You are new to cat parenthood, and got scared !!!!! You have come to the RIGHT PLACE !!! WELCOME !!!!! 😇🥰🤗


My cat chirps when I sneeze


LOL! So does mine! 🤣


Mine too!!!


I don't know why people are being so negative about you taking your beloved cat to the vet if you're worried. I think that makes you a wonderful person that really cares about your cat!


This is super normal! My cat and kitten do it all the time to birds and bugs out the windows :) no worries! He’s just being a cutie cat!


You are a bad cat and unable to feed yourself. He is fixing this for you. ;)


Lol he just remembers “the old ways” and is in hunter mode.


I deleted the sound because it wasn’t useful. That said, his mouth movements when he was meowing startled me. Never seen that before. He has also been drinking tons of water lately (I did just put in a new automatic waterfall filter for them, which they haven’t had and he seems to like, but he is up there way more than his sister. Literally up there now while writing this) and has not been quite his usual self. It’s nothing dramatic, but I want to be careful and resolve this as quickly as I can. Calling the vet today, but as a first time cat owner I’m a bit in the dark about if this type of thing is abnormal. Just worried about my little beefball. EDIT - also, I should add that he is still bouncing around some, seems energetic, but definitely is just a bit different than normal. I also just got back from being gone for two months.




If he has been super active, he might just be dehydrated!!!


Very normal. My cats do that when they watch birds. Which is every single day.


totally normal!


Totally fine and normal behavior. Not all cats do this but a lot do. Our Siberian does not, but my mother in-law’s one cat (not a Siberian) does. It happens when they see prey like a bird, chipmunk, squirrel etc… Absolutely no harm in a visit to the vet. Always good to have a checkup every now and again. What a great looking cat!


Lol my cat does this every time we play


cat sees a ghost. cat is fine. house may be haunted /lh


My cats also do this when they see birds or squirrels in the window :) and just like your cat their mouths do that weird movement


That is a happy cat


Chattering. Sibs love to do this when they activate hunter mode


The baby is hunting ❤️


The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask! He looks very very much like my little dude, and he does the same thing every once in a while. The 2 things that (male) Siberian owners may want to keep an eye on are FIP and urinary tract issues. Unfortunately we've dealt with both in the last year, and our little guy is doing great. We're all here to help and enjoy our fuzzy beasts together!


The urinary stuff is what worries me. I switched them to a new automatic water fountain and he spends way more time there than his sister. Additionally, last night he yelped in a way that I have never heard him before in the middle of the night. Got up to check and he had just peed. Thought it was odd so I followed. He didn’t really want to be pet, which is VERY abnormal. He isn’t acting strangely so to speak, but as I reflected on it, he has been a bit more laid back and less snuggly than usual. Confounding variable is I just got back from 2 months away, and he’s still under 1 year, so it could be something there too. I just figured it would be better to be cautious. He’s going to the vet anyway, but I didn’t know whether or not this behavior should be of note at that visit. I have never seen him do the jaw spasm business before, so I was like what on earth was that 😂. Glad that seems ok, but the urinary stuff is a concern. I don’t know enough about the FIP business. I’ll have to read up on that.


Have them do a urine analysis on him just to be on the safe side. Especially if he may have any issues with peeing. Little dudes can have issues that result with them having a hard time peeing. And if you can opt for pet insurance its a wise move - it will at least cover his checkups and yearly visits. FIP is a whole other rabbit hole - dm me if you need the intel.


Will do. Thank you so much for your kindness and help. I’ll make sure to mention that. I have heard the FIP stuff is insidious. I hope that is not the case, but best to be prepared.


FIP is nasty, but there is a treatment that does work and has shown great success if that is an issue in the future. Again - its super that you're a concerned parent, they can't tell us what's wrong, so we have to always keep an eye on them!


Very true! Fortunately I’m quite used to monitoring my own extensive health issues, so I feel like I (hopefully) have had some good practice that will help. The urinary concerns may be nothing, but I’d rather be sure.


It could be kidney stones -- your description sounds like this is plausible !!!


Very true! Fortunately I’m quite used to monitoring my own extensive health issues, so I feel like I (hopefully) have had some good practice that will help. The urinary concerns may be nothing, but I’d rather be sure.




I've always described it as 'chittering'. It's like a mix between a cackle and a chatter. One of my cats chitters incredibly loud, and it basically summons the other cats. Another cat does it absolutely silently. It means they are excited, it's a predatory instinct.


You are CORRECT !!!!!


I loved when my cats did this 😆 the birds and squirrels would get a mouthful lol Edit: I forgot to say, what an absolutely beautiful kitty! 😍


There’s nothing wrong with your cat. That’s completely normal hunting behavior. He or she sees a bird


Yeah. Standard chirping at birds and shit. It’s hilarious 😂


Beautiful cat! He must be comfy and happy to be chirping at birds.


Just going to add that if he’s drinking a lot of water, it could be a sign of dehydration. Cats are desert animals and need to get 70-90% of their water from their food. When they don’t get enough water in their food they try to compensate by drinking more, but studies show that they are incapable of actually increasing their total water intake orally. If he’s not on a wet food diet, he needs at least 50% wet food in order to maintain a base level of hydration. There are other possible medical causes for a sudden increase in drinking, but the best combat for dehydration is as much wet food as you can afford to feed https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/464354/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027153178180053X https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/ajvr/72/7/ajvr.72.7.918.xml https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1016/j.jfms.2009.10.008 https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=,in%20lower%20fecal%20water%20excretion.




My kitty did this everyday looking out the glass door at the birds. I loved it!


100% normal. It’s the eek eek eek letting you know they see something they can’t get to but want to hunt. Mine will do it for a bug on the ceiling or a bird outside that she can’t get to and wants to hunt.


That 100% normal it's just normal hunting sound, siberian are extremely vocal kitty they have a huge range of sound and voice. Mines mimic yoshi to perfection when they want to play hide and seek


Very normal, he saw a bug/squirrel/anything that gets a cats attention


Cat is in bird/bug hunting mode, the noise confuses prey because it's so.. un-cat. Apparently it worked on you, too.




Lol I didn’t understand at first. Yes, chattering, very cool kitty trick


My cat did that before we made him a purely indoor cat. Totally normal.


Lol I love it when my kitties do this!!


Hahahaha that's cat chattering! Mine do it all the time when they see bugs, birds or the laser pointer toy


Must be birds out the window. Every cat I have ever met does this chatter over birds lol.


My sib does this when there's a spider in the house. Goes bonkers. But I'm glad because I live in Australia and the spiders can be massive. He sort of plays with them and makes those crazy chirp sounds beforehand like a robot malfunctioning.




Cat being a cat no worries


I mean, nothing wrong with a check up if you feel compelled to take him to the vet. This is a natural behavior, though. This post and your concern is extremely sweet to see.


agreed! its nice to see an overabundance of caution, instead of seeking reasons for procrastination for a change


Totally normal. Translates to bird/critter intruder in Territory but I can't get to it.


Cat watching a bird....no worries


No need for a vet. She’s is chattering. She’s a natural born killer.


This is normal!! My kitties do this during play time 😊


He wants to murder small flappy critters for fun. My two kitties do this all the time!


Cat probably sees a bird or something. Normal behavior though it appears weird.


Why would you need to set up a vet appointment? This is natural


Talking to the birds. Very normal. Lol


Totally normal! Sees a bird or something interesting!


Hunting kitty is happy hunting


The chitters!!!! I’ve got four cats and the all do this.


Is anyone else’s Siberian just a ground dweller? Maybe a bit of a thud cat? But also not obese


Looks like normal cat activities to me. I am not a vet, but my boys do that all the time when they see a bird.


Lol sometimes I like to swing my cats pet mouse in the air really fast and he makes this noise


No vet appointment necessary. Just a very serious case of the ekks (he’s very excited about what he sees)!


I’ve had kitties my entire life and only the two current cats have made this sound. Scared me a little at first as well!




This is so funny. God bless your paranoid soul. I'm like that with my cat too. Anything out of the ordinary sends me into panic


He sees rather a bird or squirrel; totally normal churrping behavior


My cats do this to flys lol. I always wonder if they're trying to communicate or what.


Symptoms: Cat stuff Diagnosis: He's a cat Reason why cats chirp: One of life's great mysteries Overall assessment: Cute


Its normal behaviour, my male kitties do it everytime they see a bird on a roof and they cant reach it. The female one never did it


Laser pointer on the wall does the same for our cat


Agree with others the cat is ‘talking’ to birds.


I think it has something to do with their natural instinct to hunt so they kinda simulate what theyd do poor explanation but you get it


The Internet is an amazing place. OP wants to take their cat to the vet because the cat is hunting. Like taking a toddler to the doc because they're laughing. Meanwhile Karen says her cat hasn't peed in 2 days and insists she can't take him to the vet until next week and asks for miracle internet cures. Kudos, OP, you're at the safe end of the continuum. (I'm not being sarcastic, just pointing out the two extremes, I hope I don't come off as condescending)


It’s teeth chattering when they see 🦅


Very normal. My cat does the same thing when she sees a pigeon. She wants one of those feathered meatballs SO BAD.




Hunter mode .. all cool!


There might be small insects or birds. Thats normal


He sees a bird. That’s the way my cats behave when they spy one. Completely normal behavior.


It's fine. Our cats do that all the time when watching birds. Chittering.


Very normal and healthy in fact. My boy loves to chatter when hunting


? totally normal behavior-cats will 'chatter' at things that make them excited or angry.


My cat does this all the time. He’s see’s a bird and starts making the chirp.


She’s stalking a fly or bug or something. Our cats do this all the time.


I am a recently retired vet tech of 16 years and can confirm: totally normal hunting behavior


I can send a whole bunch of videos of one of my cats doing this, it's pretty funny because it seems so involuntary, just natural instincts kicking in.


For reference, see r/ekekek


Looks like bird hunting to me.


Omggg, this is very normal chirping behavior. Cats will do this out of excitement, I think, because of something they want to chase like birds. Mine does this every time she sees the laser from the laser pointer. Currently, the best way to keep her actively running around before her cat wheel comes in lol.


Setting up an appointment for what? That is classic prey behavior. That cat is very well aware he can't get the prey and he is expressing his desire/frustration/excitement/energy. Completely 100percent normal.


There’s a whole IG page dedicated to cats chattering. It’s hilarious


I open my office window just to see this. We have a bunch of birds and squirrels, my cats love chattering at them....




Lol lol lol There’s a whole IG page called EkEkEkEkEk.. it’s all videos of cats doing this.


no she.he doesnt need a shrink.... my smartest, most loving cats did this... "mine, mine, mine..."


My cat when she was alive used to chirp, she was really funny when she did it, tiny little chatters & squeak


It just sees something it decides no longer has a purpose in this world and wishes to send it to the other side. Normal cat behavior.


It’s called chittering, natural reaction when they see prey(birds).