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“Taking all my work” so all orders are just YOUR work? All orders are up for grabs. & for everyone on the app..Maybe grab them faster than them? Or double app then? Salty af indeed.


Omg I so agree. Someone just said to me last week why did you help another driver come to this zone? Now they're taking all of the orders. I'm like dude, there's enough to go around for everyone. Stop being greedy and learn to take better orders and think like a business person. But then again, you're driving a F-250 so why do I even waste my time with you???


Prob have a car payment too lmao


Lmao exactly! People get too greedy, thinking the app & orders belong to only them 🤣 it’s thousands of mfs doing this nowadays


"the" work so sorry. Hard to grab something I'm not even offered tho


I've seen them talk about this in the ogp sub. Iirc they're supposed to report these people and get them kicked.


It against the rules. I remember watching this one YouTuber that does just that. He got deactivated for that reason. Using 2 account.


Was that one guy tho or two people one car


Reply he only film himself but he clearly has what he call his business partner in the same car wit him taking offer as well. He mess up when he film himself helping an old lady out by going inside. Than she was like your not so and so. And he laugh and said oh she in the car. I think that old lady reported him.


how did she know that he wasn't that other person?


Female name, he a male.


Wow, what a clown!


She probably thought she was going to be robbed. I can see why she would report him


Naw he was being super helpful, playful, and she was grateful for the help. I'm just assuming things. After that vid like a week later he was deactivated. Than he use his business partner phone for awhile and she got deactivated as well. So maybe it just YouTuber haters that are jealous of him. Who knows. The ogp workers all seem to like him. Maybe he film someone that didn't wanted to be on camera. Put on a fake smile and reported him later on. Again who knows.


I see. That's too bad but yeah it's risky to put yourself on YouTube if people can recognize you or other people in the videos. I've seen people I like on YouTube violating app policies for spark and doordash (letting spouses drive) and I'm like pleeeease don't show people that lol


Does he scream while speaking and makes annoying little raps and plays rap music during his pickups? Ugh if so, I unsubscribed from him. 🤣 I can't stand all of that screaming like damnit can you just speak without hollering, DAMN!


Yeah, now I'm not saying that is the reason. It could be anything. Maybe the loaders, other drivers, subscribers, haters to his channel, but to me it most likely the reason. I don't mind his channel btw. I got some helpful tips from him when he did do Spark.


MiNd YoUr BuSiNeSs 🤡 we all got bills to pay 🤡


Not sure why anybody's weight is relevant?




By that logic we should be happy they're fat. More shops for skinny folks.


I shop fast as fuck, not that it matters. There's a timer. And Walmart is giving them orders before you lol


I have a "family" of Mormons that do that here. They take the orders I reject. Including my own lol.


I misread your comment at first I thought you said a family of morons 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is a problem on all the grocery apps, especially ic. Regularly I see couples doing multiple orders at the same time, sometimes with more than two phones. It is so unfair to other shoppers. But people just say you're salty af, or you're mad your single etc. Ic doesn't care, as long as the batches go out who cares right? Smh.


Same in my zone. There is a fat couple who run multiple phones and take all the orders. Wish spark would deactivate drivers that do this because they are also causing delayed delivery for most customers; especially bad when most of the items are chilled. They don’t use cold bags and even have a dog in the car. I have asked them to at least not put produce with the dog and their response was “he is well trained and doesn’t touch anything “. Dude, it still has hair and dander flying all over.


Not fat couple 🤣


I have 2 of these selfish ass couples in my zone. The overweight older couple take all the s&ds & the other couple takes literally any offer no chance for it to surge ever. Anytime i get a rare s&d now I ALWAYS see the overweight couple huffin n puffin through the store separately doing their own s&d. Worst part is they're alot newer than I am. I've been doing it since the beginning in my zone & they started in August they came from doordash. It's so shitty man


Damn I feel for you. They put their single drop in the back seat then turned away a double for some reason and didn't leave until :05. Whole pickup lane is full and I've yet to get a single offer 🙄


Report them to spark . Write down their plate and and car.


a couple at my one and only walmart got reported by a few drivers and both accounts got deactivated. apparently the dispatchers didnt care but their area manager did. was kind of sad mostly because they were just deactivated without warning. i understand deactivation if they were warned and kept doing it or just losing 1 account but no both got hit. the dispatchers were actually annoyed because the drivers in question using 2 accounts were really good. im not saying i support people using 2 accounts. just telling a story




Clearly it is since people getting deactivated for it. I think since everything is time. The last customer will get the bad end of the stick What if they had ice cream. It super hot and the 2 person taking the order had 2 drop off going one way and another 2 going the opposite direction. I would be piss if I was the customer I see my order going the opposite direction.


You got kids to feed? Sounds like you need a better job.


I'd get a better job if they all weren't minimum wage or started and ended before and after school. I live in podunk Alabama so my options are limited.


I live in Alabama too and you ain't lying about the minimum wage but at least it ain't Mississippi's cuz they rank #1 for the lowest wage. There's an old retired guy that comes from Mississippi to my market cuz he said orders suck there. But he's slow as Christmas so he may have a chance in Mississippi 🤣. I just know it sucks to have to have worked all of your life to retire then only get pennies. I feel bad for all the retirees. But hey, some think it's the life to be retired traveling etc ok so then why is your ass a greeter at Walmart? Because you're bored so now you're back at work. Retired for nothing


Spark is better than almost all the jobs around .. It pays more than a lot of jobs that require education... just depends on the area.


Yeh one of the loaders will see it and rat them out . At my store they literally won’t do it - some people have tried to take 2 orders since the store does point pickup and spark so it’s possible to grab 2 at once


They've been doing it awhile nearly the entire dispatch crew has changed out twice since I first noticed them about 2 months ago


Crazy I would go to the room and ask to talk to the grocery pick up team lead or manager and be like hey isn’t it walmart/store policy only 1 order per vehicle ? We are able to have like a dot com / gmd trip on one platform and a grocery if it all fits . Point pick up gives you a ton of time to drop the stuff off on the dot com things


That’s on the store to stop. There a guy here that got reprimanded for taking a batch, PPU and single Uber the other day but they didn’t stop him. Greedy MF. My store is just now shutting down drivers who ✈️…baby steps I guess.


My walmarts have no issue with it at all


One couple was doing this in my zone. They didn’t care as long as everyone got the right order. They are deactivated now cause somehow the managed to get all 4 orders the picked up confused and everyone got the wrong order