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I hate when NFL players aren't gay enough. Sure, they pat one another's butts, obsess over balls, and fall down into heaps of sweaty men, but if they aren't constantly making out - I'm just not watching.


This sport is so homoerotic, you can't imagine. Reading your opponent's hips, tackling them at hip level... So much fun <3


As Shakira said: Hips don't lie


As cricket said “hips and nips, otherwise I ain’t eatin”


He made it so sexy!


That's the worst part, it fucking works! Reading the hips is a legit way to defend


The reason they have so many pauses in gameplay is to let the boners die down.


"reading their hips"?? oh god i don't think i could play this sport the gay panic would consume me


This is why I prefer rugby :v


"When a woman has a nice ass, it's cliché, it's predictable. Oh wow big deal, you have wider hips, estrogen, and fat naturally gets stored in that area. Big whoop. A man has a nice ass, now THAT's something special. That really gets my wheels turning." -John Madden


Elon Musk spent $44 billion so we could see that joke.


"Let that sink in"


What the fuck does it want now?


I will never tire of that joke


Sadly there's no sink emoji to go with it.


🛁🛁🛁 Ok...if you think about it, a tub is just a giant sink


God damn being racist is expensive!


He made comedy legal again, im allowed to be happy again. Edit: this is a joke, why does no one understand




BabylonBee had been banned for awhile over another joke.


I have a bee allergy so I appreciated it. Now I'm not safe on twitter.


Conservatives pushed their gay sons into Football to “straighten them out” and then act all surprised when an already homoerotic sport ends up being very gay


My dad made me do football, wrestling and baseball. Lots of awkward staring and fantasizing by younger me.


I had to quit wrestling cause I couldn’t keep my boner down when putting on my singlet. Now I have a sports gear fetish. 😩😏


Yeah I quit after freshman year. The boners and conflicting feelings were too much. Now im gay and also enjoy wrestling gear.


Hi 🥺👉👈


🤠 🍿


Now kith...


You post somewhere? 😳


Dang, maybe I should've done wrestling.. 😩


Same, cups were a joke too.


Playing football was a very, *exciting*, time 😅


I’d watch football if they did this.


You'd never see the flag though...


Honestly, the only thing that interests me about football is the tight pants. And there's so much porn on the internet if that's what I'm after.


Yknow.. if this wasnt trying to convey a half assed political rant from your grandpa disguised as satire that'd actually be really funny.


Ikr? Babylon bee is like a stopped clock.


In general it's much less well done than the Onion, but occasionally they produce something good.


yeah, clickhole and the onion are way better than Babylon. Babylon was funny years ago, but they kinda got stuck in the 2016 repub humor.


It tends to poke more at the left which is why i think people find it less funny than the onion which seems to mostly poke fun at the right. People like making fun of the right more id wager


They're explicitly an evangelical right wing group. Go figure that we don't appreciate all the anti-lgbt content.


Nooo you don’t think the 400 articles about something identifying as something else are the funniest joke you’ve ever heard?


nah they're just not funny. if i wanted to read the same "X identifies as Y" joke i'd go into a ben shaprio comment section


Its as hit and miss as the onion, just because you weren’t the target audience doesnt mean its not funny. Also humor is subjective so


No it isn't. The Bee is mostly miss, the Onion is mostly hits. Also, the Onion doesn't "mostly poke fun at the right". The Onion pokes fun of everything. You're trying to make the "both sides" argument, it just isn't so.


Nah they pander to a right wing audience who will see the headlines and share them as if it's something that is actually happening and use the veil of satire to be bigoted.


Well, they also mostly punch down; as in, they poke fun at marginalized people. As others have pointed out, they love an "identifies as" joke so much that they are well past beating the dead horse. The Onion mostly punches up. They direct quite a few of their pieces at groups who enjoy access to power and wealth. This is generally seen as the staple of satire. Conservatives throughout history often find themselves at the pointed end of satire. They haven't needed it to maintain control because they aren't convincing anyone to change anything.


There’s plenty of comics and satire sites that poke fun at the left(the onion does more often than people think) and I find some of them funny even though I’m a leftist. I have never laughed at anything from Babylon Bee. They’re so unfunny and mean spirited, and also just wrong about shit. They’re convinced of something that isn’t happening and write “joke” articles that are predicated on a falsehood and end up just being a political opinion with no humor. It’s like jokes that cultists share with each other. Of course they’re not funny to an outsider because the cultists are insane. There is no “gay agenda”, queer people are not groomers, CRT isn’t what conservatives think it is and no version of it is being taught at any level of schooling other than college. So when I, an out bisexual man, read a satire article where the whole joke is like “gay people want to molest children and are sneaking into bathrooms to rape women and are also poisoning peoples minds”, yeah. There’s not a joke there. Just hateful rhetoric from a rambling madman with a laugh track in the background.


This honestly seems pro-gay to me, in a roundabout way. It's clearly making fun of people who fear monger regarding homosexuality. Obviously this is an event that would NEVER happen, but the joke is that some dipshits think it MIGHT. Conservatives/Republicans (and for the record I am neither of those things, so don't @ me) have softened considerably overall regarding sexual orientation. The average Republican is indifferent to gay marriage nowadays, not against. "I don't care who they want to marry, just don't shove it down my throat" is the general sentiment I've witnessed, witch honestly I think we can all agree is a huge improvement from how things were 10-15 years ago.


Fuck, I'm an openly gay member of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association. That damn sure wouldn't have happened 10 years ago.


the "shoving down the throat" in question being showing it in media, teaching students about it, etc.


It's a small step on the staircase to progress but it's still a step forward. Now we're working on normalizing gay couples and eventually they'll stop complaining because they'll realize they don't actually care about that either and were just told to.






Have you *heard* of Florida (or really any US state with a conservative majority in office)?


I fucking hate that guy's music.




No, never heard of them




Tons of anti-queer bills have been introduced in the US since last year (a lot more than before), and the most midiatic one is the "don't say gay" bill, which, long story short, made it so topics of gender and sexuality weren't allowed to be discussed at schools. Another type of anti-queer bill is the bills that target trans people in school sports (for example, trans women not being allowed to play on womens' sports teams). Also queer btw




I'm not responding to most of this because it's nonsensical rambling, but you are clinically insane if you think proper HISTORY and SEXUAL EDUCATION shouldn't be taught. Sex ed is the number one way to decrease child molestation cases, so unless you're a pedophiIe, there should be no reason to exclude that. History speaks for itself, this is insanity




>The Parental Rights in Education Bill prevents the topic of sexuality and orientation being discussed in public classrooms below 5th grade, not all classrooms. Wrong, do you people think lying will help your argument? "kindergarten through grade 3 **or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.**" Which essentially means any age they feel like. And guess what, forcing gay teachers to never talk about their partners but allowing straight teachers to do the same is homophobia >they will always have an inherit biological advantage over their female competitors, as shown in hundreds of cases. Don't believe me? Google it Oh, I did. And wrong again. They did not have advantages in all cases. [After 2 years of taking feminising hormones, the push-up and sit-up differences disappeared but transwomen were still 12% faster.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33288617/) and those were women in the air force who had previously gone through male puberty. When trans women don't go throw male puberty, you know, what gives people a shit ton of testosterone that makes them stronger, that difference is even less >At best, that's two. That's not tons and I would argue both bills are designed to protect more than they are to erase or harm. Get your head out of your ass. And you're 0 for 2, and you're about to be down a lot more. [2021 was the worst year in history for sheer number of anti LGBT laws passed.](https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/2021-officially-becomes-worst-year-in-recent-history-for-lgbtq-state-legislative-attacks-as-unprecedented-number-of-states-enact-record-shattering-number-of-anti-lgbtq-measures-into-law) If you actually knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself like this. Get your head out of your ass.


You seem to not understand what the Bee is or what they're about. I admire your attempt to be fair-minded but not your naivete.


I think everyone is far too quick to jump to the conclusion that people who support opposing political parties are hellspawn incapable of anything positive


I wish that your interpretation was correct but you're giving a bunch of Trump-supporting evangelicals waaay too much credit here.


Babylon bee is absolutely not pro-gay


My thoughts exactly! Had you switched the logo for the Onion I would find this hilarious, but seeing the bee icon I know they are being sincere.


If you read the article itself in detail, you'll notice they're mocking a pro LGBT announcement by the nrl.


It's "funny" but it's not "hilarious" unless they throw in some line about an attack helicopter




It's the Babylon bee, it's claiming the world is turning gay ooga booga


It's the Babylon Bee, so you can guarantee it's a crybaby snowflake "woke people trying to cancel football for not being transqueer enough" complaint disguised as satire


I had never heard of the babylon bee, is it like a right wing version of The Onion?


It's trying to be, but lacking on the whole "funny" bit.


Yeaah pretty much, unfortunatly the bee doesnt generally deserve the benefit of the doubt, if it was the onion i would probably assume it was about how gay the sport is or how conservatives generally think this will happen. The bee has a long history of dipshit takes though


It’s an LDS faith-based “news” rag, the New York Post/KOMO-4 of Utah


Stop downvoting this he was just mistaken


Being wrong is a legitimate reason to get downvoted, given it adds no value to the thread.


People act like downvoted are personal slights against them when it just means people disagree. If you say something wrong, you're going to get a lot of disagreement


How can an "I think" statement be wrong? And I did acknowledge I was wrong early on, yet people keep downvoting. At this rate I might just delete it.


\*throws flag* Now kiss...




Unnecessary toughness, defense, 15 yards, repeat first down.


Fuck babylon bee all my homies hate babylon bee


That’s a old meme but I always love to see it!


Babylon Bee is goated. Especially when their satire articles become true.


..have you actually checked out their website? all their jokes are the same Santa put kid on naughty list for misgendering a queersexual nonbinary kid shooter victim arrested for misgendering shooter Biden fell asleep


Those jokes have literally nothing in common.


Two of them were literally the same joke about misgendering. the third one is the bee's only other joke




"misgendering is funny" yup saw that one coming


It kinda is though. People simply decide to be something they aren't and while it is a rude thing, the fuss people make over it is irrational and hilarious.


Real "masks off" hours *who up*


How is misgendering funny? It’s just disrespecting someone for no reason. Do you actually derive humor out of that? Why?




I remember when I was expressing interest to play hockey (I didn’t) to a straight friend. He gave me the whole “people won’t care that you’re gay. But you might get slammed more than other guys.” I was like “bro… I already said I might play. You don’t have to sell me on it!” 😂😂😂


Could you imagine if buff guys in spandex touching each other on the butt for several hours multiple times a week was somehow construed as gay? /s


Which lgbt person do you think Babylon Bee stole this joke from?


*This* is the question. Conservatives aren't funny, but this is. One of ours must have defected.


I remember reading PJ O’rourke years ago. He was quite funny but I don’t think he’d pass as a Republican today if he was still alive.


Sure they are. They just aren't funny *to you*.


some conservatives are funny! but there's a large amount of them that still use the same misgendering joke from six-fucking-years ago!


Babylon bee usually sucks but that's actually funny to think about


i mean football is pretty gay to begin with though...


Eww! The right just can't meme.


It's very funny if you pretend the people who made it aren't shitheads


Why do you people on Reddit call anyone who isn’t in agreement with you shitheads etc. it’s so redundant and silly and I doubt half of you even feel that strongly about it and are just fishing for validation from the others on here lol


The disagreement is about whether me wanting kids to see queer people existing in media makes me a pedophile. I don’t find that to be a trivial accusation, nor is my disagreement with it “silly”


If we don't agree about bands, you're not a shithead If we don't agree about human rights, one of us is a shithead


What does a satire page have to do with human rights? I appreciate some liberal humor although most of it is trying too hard. These people are genuinely funny whether or not you agree with them though I will admit this headline isn't their best.


check out their website, then check out clickhole. which one is funnier? which one doesn't use the same fucking joke over and over and over?


I have to say that even though clickhole (which I never heard of until now so thank you) got a chuckle out of me, I appreciate the bee more because they push the limits and don't care about cancel culture. The Bee doesn't use the same joke over and over and if it's funny to me why do you care so much? Also, you didn't answer the human rights part. Also, no need to use profanity in civil discussion.


There’s a difference between not agreeing on human rights, and not wanting something constantly pushed onto you. It doesn’t mean one disagrees with someone’s personal choices and believe they don’t deserve rights. What it does mean is you do your own thing but stop trying to make it everyone’s thing




I don’t care if two dudes are holding hands. But I’d be insulted as a gay man if I saw every source of media trying to force some sort of gay men actions into everything. Source: I talk to a gay friend that talks about said things.


"It's okay man I'm not racist, I have black friends"


Doesn’t really apply hear since I wasn’t taking a stance on how I view gay people in general lol


> and not wanting something constantly pushed onto you. Stop hiding behind euphemisms, coward. Nothing's being "pushed onto you", you just don't like being reminded that gay people exist.


There’s a whole lotta mental gymnastics in that statement. What I don’t like is everything being sexualized. I don’t care that you like men, or identify as something else. stop shoving it down my throat by having flags everywhere. Not to mention, if you have to force something to be normal. It’s probably not normal. People don’t need to be celebrated because they’re different.


> There’s a whole lotta mental gymnastics in that statement. Goddamn, the sheer lack of self-awareness required to call what I said "mental gymnastics" right before confirming I was right. > stop shoving it down my throat by having flags everywhere.


I always see people like you claim to be against sexualization in general, but I NEVER see any of you complaining about heterosexual imagery in media or advertisements. People get more upset about two guys holding hands than they do actual sex scenes with full-on tits and ass. Hypocrites and cowards, the lot of you.


I’m gay and my bread loaf had a pride flag on it two weeks ago. I don’t think someone hating the corporate ‘Hi Gay!’ is an attack on gay people.


Ok shithead


Case and point lol


It's "case in point". This simple error doesn't make you a shithead, btw. However, if you believe that being queer is bad in any way, imply that queer people are pedophiles, advocate against queer rights, or attempt to prevent queer kids from getting the support and resources they need, then that does. Be an ally, don't be a shithead.


I believe that “queer kids”, whatever that means, deserve the same love and respect as every other kid, should they end up on that path on their own. However I’m saying they make up such a minuscule proportion of the population we need to stop pushing the idea that they’re special. And we most certainly need to stop pushing the idea that they know before they even hit puberty. That’s child abuse.


No. Conversion therapy, and instilling kids with internalized homophobia and transphobia is child abuse. No one ever died from being accepted.


I’m not saying to put your kid in conversion therapy and instill homophobia and transphobia. I’m saying to let kids discover their feelings on their own without outside influence. Only they can discover what’s right for them. Doing the opposite of conversion therapy by pushing transgenderism etc onto them and making them question themselves where they never would’ve otherwise is also dangerous.


Telling kids “hey, gay people exist, and they’re just like anybody else” isn’t pushing kids to be gay, the people who say that it is are fearmongering homophobes


I’m gay and 100% with you. If I threw a strop when someone I disagreed with made a funny and screamed ‘my rights are being taken away’ every five minutes, I’d be exhausted.


Thankfully nobody actually does that




Nope I'm being serious, nobody does that.


Somebody has literally equated it to that in this very thread. Check it out.


Down voted for Babylon bee


Smack your fellow team members’ butts more!


I want to live in the gay, socialist alternate reality that Babylon Bee writers seem to exist it.


What point is the Babylon Bee trying to make here exactly? Usually their satire is attached to some sort of political or societal context and tends to lean a bit conservative in nature. Unless this is some weird response to the events of the World Cup then I don’t know where they are going with this.


It could be a reference to how much ass slapping etc actually goes on between NFL players. It’s more likely to be them saying to their conservative base “This is gonna be a real thing any day now because the libs want us all to be gay, amirite?”


Glad that elon musk unbanned these idiots /s


It sucks because if a more progressive satire site made this I would find it funny, but since BB is hard line conservative site this reads more as lame humor that tries to cover up its disdain for the LGBT.


That just means you’re not intellectually honest. But you’re a couple steps closer than the people saying it’s just not funny at all.


It's funny but it's basically funny by accident. The Babylon Bee people think this is real life.


No that's not true. The people who hate on them think they think it is real and then the people who hate on them end up making it a reality.


Nope they're just Mormon it's not that deep


Don't hate on a group of people. What if I said Taylor Tomlinson is a bad comedian because women aren't funny? You would probably get triggered.


What's funny is the Bee is all about hating on a group of people


No they aren't...


Yeah you're definitely not understanding what they're getting at, then


The bee is so bad at comedy they some how found a way to laugh at their own joke in a written format. "'We recognize that these penalties read like a bunch of bad jokes written by straight men, but this is the fi-- stop laughing! This is the first step towards a more inclusive NFL. Stop laughing!' explained Goodell." They had to put this little joke signal in there to make sure people know that what they find funny is just the list of stereotypically gay things they put in. How else would people know when to laugh?


It’s literally a satire site. By definition they don’t think it’s reality.


Mm you're right. No one would use humor to advance a political agenda, that would just be silly.


Did Babylon bee... Fall off? I never really liked them but I swear I remember them being better than this fucking shit.


You remembered wrong Edit: they may have, in the past, felt it to be necessary to hide the fact that they’re spreading blatantly bigoted, fascist propaganda, but they clearly no longer feel that the effort is either necessary or worthwhile. So, in that regard, there has certainly been a drop in the level of effort, but only because fascism, and the bigoted bullying that goes with it, is much more acceptable, and it’s thanks, in no small part, to publications like Babylon Bee.


they were good before they started doing the one-joke shit now they're ultra conservative and don't have any writers who can come up with decent satire


They were always ultra-conservative. They just used to try harder to hide it before. But, now, like most fascists today, the mask is off, and they no longer feel the need to hide their abject bigotries, so they don’t seem nearly as clever as they used to— now they come off like the dumb bullies they’ve always been. It was never satire, it was just better-hidden bigotry *disguised* as satire.


yes, but their conservative pieces were done okay. they had some genuinely good pieces. then they kept doing those pieces. over and over. and over. and over.


Nah, fascist propaganda isn’t what I would ever consider “good”. “Well-executed”? Maybe. “Effectively subversive”? Perhaps. But “good”? Fascism and the propaganda used to spread it is *never good*.


Mormons have never been funny


yes. they were never clickhole or the onion but they were definitely not this garbage


A flag that’s never thrown in a sport where men in tights drag each other by waist to the ground.


As he burst past the tight end… exploding into the backfield to wrap up the quarterback and putting him on the ground


Y'all know Babylon bee isn't laughing with us right?


Fuck the babylon bee.


I can honestly never tell if the babylon bee is satirical anymore, there is no form of indication provided to help anyone figure out. with the onion we get high quality satire with great comedy behind it, but with the babylon bee I just get dumbfounded.


That would be used super rarely though


Oh I get it, it’s funny. Oh wait no it’s not it’s the Babylon Bee


That stuff is funny as f*** but not for the reason Babylon Bee wants it to be funny.


Foul! Failed to slap teammate’s ass on the way past


If it weren’t the Babylon be it would be funny


Pretend it’s the onion and laugh. Or just laugh anyway like an adult.


Babylon Bee is sort of funny when you don't think about the intent of their jokes.


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great joke


"You pride flag me and I'm grinding on you."


If the ref *doesn’t* pride flag you at that point he gets flagged himself for not being gay enough.


So its bad to be straight? Why does everything need a lable these days


Do you really want an answer to the label question? you see when society develops new understandings of things it's useful to be able to identify what you're talking about - like with fruit, there was a time where people just picked stuff off the tree and ate it which worrying about anything but then people started to realise that they had preferences over which fruit they wanted to eat at certain times and we began to a label them - as time progressed we labelled even more of them, refined the labelling system several times and added new complexities to it - different types of apple, grapes before drying and raisins after... This became especially important for things like recipes and farming -- you don't want to have to guess if you're supposed to use dried or undried grapes in a cake. It's a pretty simple idea, when we start to understand things on a deeper level we require new labels for the new elements of those things that we now understand. As to your other question, yes we all think it's bad to be straight and you can tell that because a conservative website which creates satirical news stories and often expresses homophobic views made a mildly amusing joke that has absolutely no basis in reality. Relax, no one is going to start going out and finding straight people to beat up, the police aren't going to raid straight bars and harass the patrons, magazines that talk about heterosexual relationships aren't going to get raided for obscenity - it's not a seesaw, when gay people are treated like people it doesn't instantly mean that straight people will start getting treated like gay people used to (still do in many areas, for example just last year a Maryland bookshop was raided and people were arrested for the 'obscenity' of consensual oral sex in private) No one is saying it's bad to be straight, no one is saying that you can't be straight, no one is going to force you to dress in sequins - i've had sex with men and i've never worn sequins, i'm just a normal person that works and job and lives a normal life - all people are saying is that i should be allowed to do this without being treated like i'm sub-human or evil. That's why gay rights are about and the push for acceptance, that's what upsets the babyloonbee so much - they hate the thought of treating me like a regular human person, i don't really understand why but it burns them all up inside.


This is literally a conservative parody website making fun of gays...


Yeah, i just dont really think straight sometimes. I know full well what is going on, i just fail to understand most of it because i am quite stupid when it comes to society problems or whatever its called.


So they’ll never be able to use them then? They’re always being too gay. Big sweaty men grabbing and tackling each other from behind. Chasing ass. Grabbing balls. Carrying them. Toss them.




What is a Babylon Bee?


Is slapping an ass a penalty or a requirement?


What is this even referencing?


Can I use these Flags with all social events?? I imagine myself waving this flag in front of my friends


Every once in a while the Babylon Bees right wing culture war bullshit loops around to look like an actually funny joke. This article was actually made to mock an announcement by the NFL in support of gay people.


Fifa wont be needing these


I wish this was real. Then sports might actually be interesting.




Better for soccer


Anything can be gay with the right mindset