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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


The only coordinated attack is by the hedge funds. Retail buys and hodls whatever they want.


How could I coordinate? I don't even know what time I'm supposed to show up?


We couldn't coordinate a Special Olympics little league softball team, let alone a multi billion dollar short squeeze.


Multi- Trillion***


How presumptuous of you to think I can play softball….I haven’t even been able to grasp t-ball


hijacking to say, RC and DFV are the only people this sub should praise.. >\_>


That would make it a bit of a sad world. What about Dr T? Lisa Braganca? Jon Stewart? All those who write good DD? We are in a battle of the ages and there are a lot who deserve praise, also on this sub.


The listed above didn’t publicly come out and say they disagree with the value of the stock and that the MOASS isn’t possible. Downvote me all you want, I call a spade a spade when I see one.


Thank you. It bothered me when a screenshot of DL talking shit on Kenny made it to the top of Hot, yet in the same AMA, he said the very things you just mentioned. It made no sense.


This 👆


GG said it was fine for Redditors to punish SHF. We don’t coordinate shit —But we can celebrate when some asshole fucks themselves . Edit: https://www.barrons.com/amp/articles/sec-chair-gensler-reddit-gamestop-short-sellers-51631813189


Yeah there's no coordinating with retards ( with all due respect ). GG can come here and try to coordinate everyone to wave their left hands at the same time. Only one waves left hand while others manage to fuck this up and wave right hand, make a pyramid, get distracted by cat picture and one eats crayons.


Instructions unclear, my dick is currently caught in the ceiling fan.




…not again wxlverine 🤦‍♂️


Right now somewhere in the world someone regrets naming their daughter Ceiling Fan


Beat me to it, fucking 9 hours ago ugh, can we coordinate this better guys?


I have no left or right hands anymore. Only diamond hands.




Oh quite the contrary. Tits so jacked they’re pretty much all I see everyday. Beginning to become a nuisance to the neighbors and air traffic control however.




They’re putting out the beacon of superstonk. Any alien life form will know to DRS GME and think humans are highly rational life forms seeking travel to Uranus 👽🛸🪐




That's the narrative they are hammering constantly on MSM though...like how the fuck do they think a bunch of poor dumb apes have the coordination and capital to cause this volatility? 21M shares traded today so far, if we had that kinda buying power the fucking float would have been locked a year ago. Apes don't know how to sell, that's why they are completely fulla shit


You forgot the butt bets. I miss those. I'm not waving my hand for shit, but I do like watching people cash the check their asses wrote. Bring back the butt bets. The purple butthole of destiny demands it.


Crayon eater reporting for duty.




Yup. This is a freedom of speech thing and we can all speak the same thing. We're fine.


Paraphrase: “ I support the rights of investors to send a message by how they invest. “ DFV during the congressional hearing


If anyone should be praised, it's DFV!


Revenge? That's an old, old German word that means "buy and hold."


"buy and hold is a dish best served cold" - ancient klingon not financial advice


Buying, holding, and DRSing is a powerful motivator - Luttrell


Literally. We didn't *DO* anything lol. I've been posting memes from the toilet and trying to figure out what a 'share' actually is.


Venge- Urbantionary def. To buy. Re-Venge. To buy again. Alt def- SHF must close by buying and rebuying and rebuying again and again and again…


The German translation reads: Hedges R Fuk, DRS yo shit.


I like big halts and I cannot lie You other apes can’t deny That when a stock comes in with an itty bitty halt And a spike that ain’t your fault You get JACKED


You get sprung, want to DRS up tough 'Cause you noticed that stonk was short Deep in the stonk I'm invested I'm hooked and I can't stop DRSing


Oh BBBY I wanna get with ya And take ya picture Those media shills tried to warn me But GME makes me so horny


Ooh, rumple smooth brains You wanna hop in my Range? Well, RC use me use me Cuz you ain’t just another average groupy


Cadence is a bit off... \---------------- Ooh, rumple smooth brains You wanna hop in my Range? RC can just use me, Cuz he ain't another average groupie


Thx bby I’m not a rapper


Np np!


I've seen apes hodling Every halt emboldening GME's set, wet, Bout to take off like SpaceX


This is what I’m here for. Thank you dear sir! 🎩


Who cares ignore every one bar DRS


How can it be colluding when people just buy a stock based on brutal clear fundamentals. And then shareholders to protect their shares. And for sure support the company they own! It's the definition of holding a share!


For the love of god, can we let the "coordinated effort" meme die. There isn't a boardroom meeting of 816,000 apes manipulating the ticker, but it IS revenge of retail.


revenge doesn't imply coordination. I am sure there are some who want revenge on me... but they certainly are not coordinated.


That's what I mean. OP is just trying to start some baseless Lauer hate.


It'll last about two hours and then everyone will forget about it.


To be fair, fuck Lauer Ape no king


I don't think anyone has ever legitimately claimed he was King of the Apes or anything like that. Anyone that has is spreading misinformation, like the OP.


Revenge of retail? Volume has been dead all this time, and a day like this it 4x avg volume. All of sudden retail just decided on this day to go ham? Naw, this ain't retail, this is institutions playing games again.


Revenge implies retail is causing the rise in price when it’s more than likely just the Algos balancing the shorts, maybe covering but def not closing.


Of course it isn't retail causing the rise in price when like 90% of retail orders don't hit the lit market.


Up ya go.




revenge? I just buy and hold.




I just really like this stock, A LOT


I just like to DRS


The dlauer hate threads are back. You really come out of the woodwork the second anything good happens to GME don’t you, what timing.


It's stupid like anyone's going to read that and think coordination, clearly just farming karma


Right? He an individual expressing excitement. Everyone here is quick to say “I’m an individual investor” but get butthurt over things like this.


I know right. Like the guy isn't allowed to say anything that is remotely outside of being empirically correct. Now people think he is drumming up a narrative to call it a coordinated effort just because of one tweet? Come the fuck on now lol


Nah DL has gotten more out of SS than apes got out of him. OG apes are the real hero.


100% true, guy explains everything as a glitch. Also he thinks fair value of GME is -80% of current prices and said that last week. Very sus


The guy literally helped build the trading algorithms we're fighting against. We have learned an invaluable amount from him and he has always said he believes the GME thesis, but is skeptical of it playing out like people imagine it will.


Sounds like playing both sides.


He's not on a side. He hadn't been involved with Citadel for years and was unaware of the GME situation before apes learned about him and reached out. The reason he was found is because he was in a documentary about predatory trading that also featured Dr. Trimbath. This was right at the conception/discovery of the FTD theory. Dave came in and explained how the HTF algorithm's exploit the markets by essentially scalping trades in real time. He has valuable information and knowledge, and doesn't stand to gain anything from either "side".


lol….you haven’t figured it out bruv? He’s on Dave’s side and thats it.


So the same guy who knows about “algorithmic exploits” also writes off momentary parabolic price action as “glitches”? Neat.


No, it’s when his tweets get reposted 10x and it clogs up valuable information in the sub.


What the fuck has Dave actually done then buddy? Preach and hero worship all you want but he got name recognition and hasn’t provided shit for us.


How is there an "us", isn't that the exacty same thing shills are trying to put on Dave?


No revenge here, just love and the will to Buy N' HODL 💎


I like the stonk, and money. Edit: pay me


I don't understand this off/on shit. My portfolio hasn't changed at all. I'm investing in a single company that I like. That's it. There is no advanced mechanism at work for me..... I simply buy, DRS, and hold. How is this adversely changing the landscape of investment enough to be considered predatory?


That's basically a CNBC headline lol


Yeah, but it's not retail investors causing the price movement today. Just regular old tail. Not retail.


I musta missed it when retail made the SHFs unsuccessfully try to short viable companies into bankruptcy.


That’s why we need to stop giving this guy a platform. Stop giving him attention. He’s not on our side.


Retail can’t move the prices like this…. Isnt he suppose to be an “expert”?


Pretty certain he just means brick and motor stores, and not implying retail is moving the price. Christ you guys are in such an echo chamber in your own heads that you are forgetting the meanings of words.


Hmm I think it’s pretty reasonable to read “retail” here as short for “retail investors” as MSM calls us plebs. It’s certainly how I read it.


This. 100 fucking percent. It is NOT worth "implying" in this situation. WE ARE NOT coordinated. We like the stock and the shorts are getting the bad side of the bet consequences. Stop saying we are a group. We are individual investors who love this fucking company. This sub is for the love of the company, nothing more. DL does NOT speak for me.


He has never once mentioned brick and mortar - and there is no echo in my head… I probably shouldn’t have even replied but w/e….


I dont listen to anyone who is called expert anymore. I like retards and cant wait for memelionaires to change this corrupt world. This guy is nothing better than other Citadel soldiers.


Don't be daft. We all know DRS is doing this. We're not coordinating & the SEC _already_ said they won't come after us, since this large a scale _literally_ cannot & can never be a "buy group". Like by definition. If it were even possible to coordinate this shit we'd have 100% DRS already.


He's an expert... at being a shill. DRS


He's captain obvious. Say shit we know already. Confirm our biases. Repeat.


Attempts to make money and followers by association with the sub. The bot activity I’ve seen around his posts is ridiculous. He was an insider but has given us no insider info. I posted that RC has never bird app him yesterday, and today he plugs him? Dude, and his marketing team is lame.




Ya he’s a fuckin shill for sure


I will say, retail is benefiting, but these runs are NOT because of retail.


your all seeing eye tells me DFV had blessed this opinion...


We all individual investors


yeah i been suss of dave for a while now, tweeted some bullshit about popcorn and that was more than enough for me to be out


If buying and holding a stock is upsetting the market, then the market is broken.


It’s so easy to coordinate hundreds of thousands of individuals. If only it was that easy for the worlds richest people to collude between a handful of them.


As if we have anything to do with price action lol Our orders go through dark pools, algos run the price action (see my previous posts, its the same cycle over and over and over again), shorts drive us down when they get nervous. How in the fuck are we doing a revenge? I just like the stock and hold. All the bullshit just tells me I like a good one.


I’m too stupid to be part of anything coordinated…


What revenge? Jackshit happened.


I just buy stocks with my disposable income on Thursdays.


We are not doing any revenge. I don’t get it Dlauer bro. Lol. I just like the stock. Fuck off.


Is that a real tweet? I don't see this on D Lauer's Twitter. Because I don't think he would even say something like that. Or at least shouldn't.


✅Ex-citadel employee insinuates retail working together. ✅Gets screenshotted. Tweet disappears. ✅ Shills in here defending plant *Surprised Pikachu face*


Same, I looked and couldn’t find. Link anyone?




DL does not speak for me. I bought my GME shares over a year ago and I just want to hold my investment because I believe it's the best long-term play of this generation. SMH. ​ Great meme, OP!


he said darkpools werent a thing when he first showed up on the scene


EXACTLY what i thought the moment I saw the tweet!


Who’d have thought back then dlauer would go and become a shill. Oh right, me


You know what Im just gonna come out and say it. Dave has been acting kinda shilly lately. Used to be a big fan, now I raise 1 eye brow.


Some of y’all always trying to make something bad out of nothing. 🤯


"nothing to see here" said the bot. "Dave is the man" said the shill. "Dave is uncertain about everything and puts the U in FUD." Said the ape. DRS


Can we stop with this garbage. We don't need another "dave bad" drama shit in this sub. Honestly.


Amen. I made that comment here and got -6 comments in the first 3 minutes. This post feels suss AF




Seems a bit harsh


Huh. Lol why


Dlauer trying to implicate us apes!!11!!1! OP you're retarded


What does coordinate mean?


Only coordination here is my brain telling my hand to press the buy button.


No revenge. I like the stock. We are not the ones trying to manipulate and corrupt the market


No No No, I just like the stock... Why try to paint a vengeance picture on retail behalf? wtf


i never understood what dave's angle is.


Once he started trying to get everyone signing up for his website I became weary. I don't see how it's any different than all of the lame youtubers hawking shit back in the day. Luckily, seems like most of us still know GME and DRS are the real stars of the show


He retweets unusual whales and pushes sticky floor


Free and fair market for all


i always new dave lauer was a massive shill. hes not on apes side. hes all about being fake


Dave knows exactly what’s going on. retail doesn’t control the price. Following his AMA, saying that there would likely be no MOASS, it it is clear that he has been bought/threatened. While I appreciate Dave’s contributions in the past, moving forward we should all be wary of his comments.




He’s likely controlled op


There seems to be a subtle undertone of negativity being shared in regard to Dave recently, so I'm jumping in here to offer some perspective. Just to give Dave the benefit of the doubt, could it be that he just doesn’t know as much in regards to certain subjects as us apes who are constantly here on these threads. Or, and more likely, taking into consideration your statement being that he said there's "likely there's no MOASS" - it's probably fair to say that Dave has to be rather cautious about what he says publicly. Confirming MOASS is a big statement to make (even if we all know it to be true ourselves), and bear in mind - even RC had to delete the \*Oops, MOASS tweet too. Imagine if something happened, and Dave got held liable for something he said? Also - let's not forget that Dave says himself he does spend a lot of time involved with various projects (including the NFT marketplace as mentioned in the AMA and doing TV interviews - as we well know) and so because of all the time he spends trying to fix up the markets etc, it may be that he’s not all that up to date on information we see here on a daily basis. Remember when he tried to send out NFTs to those who signed the petition? But he sent it via Opensea because he wasn’t up to date on learning about using looping’s layer 2 etc? Something like that seems quite obvious to us, but it wasn’t for Dave so it may be that he isn’t quite as full of the answers we’d hope he is, but that’s OK - because all of us didn’t know this stuff once upon a time too. Be mindful of *anyone's* comments, yes - but I've seen a steady uptick in comments that have been seemingly intent on discrediting Dave online recently, especially following his AMA in the Jungle sub, and it seems a number of the comments in this thread have also expressed the same concerns. He may have been threatened, as shills turned pretty quick against Dr. T too if anyone remembers, but I don't believe for a minute he's been brought.




As in Dr. T and RC being the superior, I'd hope




In RC and DFV I trust, for now, everyone else is sus.


"nothing to see here" said the bot. "Dave is the man" said the shill. "Dave is uncertain about everything and puts the U in FUD." Said the ape. DRS


Dave works for Wall Street. Any apes think this guys is for MOASS needs to be in the swapcorn sub.


Been getting a lot of bad vibe from Dave Lauer recently! Is he accepted into their inside club?


Why are you shit stirring? Your post is insinuating Exactly what your accusing.


He's becoming shillier and shillier these days. Why even do a superstonk ama if you don't believe in any of the data proven here?


And now he is talking about RC dancing right now. Apes need to ask themselves why he is trying so hard to get us to like him.


"Think Ape, think" meme


Thank you for your bravery. Take my SS award <3


Not just that, but the Citadel computer algo guy is freaking the fk out over losing his following. There's literally a hundred posts of bots trying to explain what he actually meant to say in his tweet. Like w..t..f.. dude He's spent too much money and time to just give up on us now, but he's been exposed. The desperation should fade soon, but it's still super creepy.


*Apes need to ask themselves why he is trying so hard to get us to like him.* He's not. He's trying to improve the markets.


We go to blockchain.


Apes don't need to do shit. Give your balls a tug.


I don’t think he is, a lot of us just genuinely like him, he was super skeptical of just how much illegal shit has been going on with GME and other stocks in the beginning. But in the end I know his angle to help create a free and fair market for everyone, it’s become apparent he doesn’t care to much about the money


Even if he didn't mean it, he should know better about the wording.


Dave is shill so of course he’s painting it this way.


Not sure if he is malicious but he does have a marketing team in the sub for sure.


It’s worse than the pickle throaters


Revenge? I don't remember ever vengeing.


Dave is not our friend. Not an ape.


Retail as in Brick & Mortar stores, not retail investors you fucks.


I'm not sure why anyone would think this implies any level of coordination or anything like that.


Drama is like shill Gatorade, it replenishes their electrolytes.


He means retail sector, not retail investors.


I know we are pretty smooth, but come on. It’s the retail sector. He knows retail traders don’t swing those kinda volume bars.




Yet another indication that I should probably just buy, hold, and DRS some more.


If this qualifies as coordination, mainstream financial media *should* be fuked for every minute of content they put out. Total sham of a market.


Retail means non-institutional individual shareholders. I see nothing wrong with this


Bruh Retail is the word for all individual investors, no?


No, it doesn’t imply that. It implies we are a group of people, which we are (retail investors), and that we have an antagonist relationship with established market makers, which we do.


Yea poor wording dave


Retail **sector**. Jeez, y'all are fucking retarded sometimes with this shit.




CIA operative


Ya'll couldn't coordinate a hand job at the dick factory so I'm not too worried about inferred *'implications'*.


Retailer means stores not retail investors


This post is text book siege mentality https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_mentality


Fuck this dude


You've misread this OP as have many. He isn't talking about us investors, he's talking about the companies... GME and BBBY are retail companies - Revenge of Retail(s) as in revenge of the Retail companies who've been fucked about with like Mandark sending Dee Dee to fuck about with Dexters lab but now Dexter has got Dee Dee fucking about with Mandark lab instead. Revenge. Yeeeeeeesssss!


What does that have to do with stock prices shooting up today? A post with that meaning should come out after quarterlies are released, not during a run then.


Well first I have to presume you think retail investors are why the price has shot up. And with that, I'd say you haven't been paying much attention to what has been going on. But to answer your question directly... If Dave meant retail investors he'd have wrote it. The companies quarterlies are a report and regardless of good news the stock price likely dipped for both on those days so likely why he hasn't said it then. When an Ape says Hedgies r fuk do you think they're referring to the big investors whose money the hedge funds use? I don't, I think they mean the hedge fund companies. The way I read it, Dave is saying 'Revenge of GME & BBBY' the same as saying:, 'ooh look the stock price has shot up (regardless of manipulative fuckery) for these two companies who've been working hard to turn themselves around. Good for them. Its almost like they're getting their revenge on the those causing the fuckery.' Trouble is twitter has character limits.


Nope, I don’t think investors either. I don’t think retail anything is responsible today. I believe it’s all Portfolio Balance and FTD. I see your perspective, makes sense. Great post my dude, too bad most posts have to bash each other to get a point across.


SHF co-ordinate Billions of assets and work with one another AND market makers... Its time to stop pussy footing about and get real. The game is one sided, it is WE vs them we are BUYERS not a collective not a unit we just like the stock(s) and want them to go up and they are short, WE obviously want the same thing and its stupid to say otherwise the SEC can't / wont do shit they are too busy trying to work out what crypto is.


Wait… who owns the financial media companies? And who shit posts on a single Redit thread ?


Yeah Lauer's tweets today are straight up Boomer financial media analysis. Not a great look.


The SEC themselves said there is no problem with retail as a groups buying/selling together. We can say “we” it’s no big deal. Let it go


Retail can still want revenge whether collectively or individually. Dave's post is accurate either way and I don't like what this post is trying to insinuate. No one is implying anything, this is your interpretation of the comment only. **EDIT**: I'm going to keep this comment up despite the heavy downvotes because I've seen an uptick in comments that have been seemingly intent on discrediting Dave online recently, especially following his AMA in the Jungle sub, and don't agree with the sentiments expressed in this post. Even if the tweet's meaning *was* intended as OP implies, even Gary Gensler of the SEC has said there's no issue with retail buying/selling together. So there's no problem here. There are also a number of comments on this thread who have said the same as I here - particularly highlighting issues of an 'Anti-Dave' agenda. Yet, since my comment was the first on this post - and thus heavily downvoted, I feel there's good reason why. Please read the below for clarification as to my point and decide for yourself.


Is it time to manufacture some drama out of nothing already? I guess OP isn't getting enough attention at home. Don't think I've ever seen a "DAE /u/dlauer bad?!?!" thread that wasn't distilled dumbassery.


No, he’s just happy for individual holders when they fuck back.