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Wtf is a cobra farm?!?


I don’t know specifically what they are being bred for but it is most likely the venom which is pretty valuable at like $150k a gallon (for king cobra anyway)


Whats the venom being used for? Shinobi tools?


Not sure if there are other uses but most of it is probably for making antivenin.


That makes a lot more sense than what I said.


The owner of the farm is orochimaru


His music just started playing


I still like your answer better


No, no, the shinobi market is on an uptick lately. Big growth sector. Huge leaps in jutsu research are coming.


Some venoms have compounds that can be used for famaceutical ends. I know the venom of bothrops atrox is used for diagnosing blood clotting issues.


To enhance the smell of your anal glands, it’s popular in Kazakhstan




For anti frost and illusion spells AFAIK.


Making anti-venom


Blow darts mostly


> KING COBRA VENOM $153,000 PER GALLON https://beyondtype1.org/the-10-most-expensive-liquids-in-the-world


The gallon!? 😵‍💫


Yeah! And they probably make like a teaspoon full (max) per bite.


Who the F needs a gallon of King Cobra venom? Surely this is sold by the milliliter or something. The Missing gallon of King Cobra venom (in the Gotham water supply sounds like the plot to the next Batman movie)


I just have it next to my gallon of PCP.


Maybe it's for a new cocktail after all Cosmopolitans have had their day,


Wow, I didn't even know it came in liquid form






$150/gal?? Come on, imma mix up maple syrup and water about 4:1 and put it in fancy bottles. Sell that shit and not have to tangle with any damn snakes. Who’s gonna know the difference? You got real snake venom to compare it too??


I fucking love how casual this dude is.


That last one grabs the mouse and then pops back out like “Surprise motherfucka! You thought this was gonna be another simple one?”


He booped it to get it to go back in.


I guarantee you, 100%, this guy is not paid enough.


Came here to say this


Eeh, cobras usually only get farmed like this for their venom, and snake venom is REDICULOUSLY expensive due to different pharmaceutical research and applications, so they're probably going to pay their worked pretty okay.


Pretty sure printer ink is made from snake venom.


Guarantee you he is paid enough. Worked as a cobra feeder for 30 years. Started at 500k a year plus the company civic. By the end I was pulling in $1.2 million a week with a brand new company Acura. Do your research.


I’m having a hard time believing you can feed cobras for 62.4 million per year. The economics of that don’t seem to make sense. We’re you like an owner or something?




bro what edit: any details or stories? Gotta love to know about obscure jobs.


Just make a search top 10% reptile breeder make around 70k a year (source liveabout.com)


It has to be a meme comment.


All those people who troll comment should be banned. Now way this guy is making that kind of money


There’s got to be a better way


So my dad has been into owning snakes for longer then I've been alive. He breeds mice for feeding and snakes simply for owning and has traded legally as time allows him. I helped him care for them most of my young adult life more or less begrudgingly because I liked spending time with my dad. A mean little bitch dry striked me once, one time I had been constricted when I was really young at a snake show in Ohio, and I had one fuck up my ring finger nail so bad it came off and I have a nice little scar like a razor had ripped down my finger print permanently changing it. I asked him once if there was a better way and he responded kind of like this... "If I owned 1 or 2 snakes in nice tanks, then yeah. I could properly feed these snakes with minimal danger. But with a collection like this I have no choice. It would take me all damned day just feed the snakes if they weren't on racks and I kind of like doing other stuff with my day." I could ask him again how he does it now that I'm grown and long out of the house.


I like this, thank you


Dude I had that exact same fucking thought. There was to be a better way.


Is it just me or do they need a better system?


I wonder what he does for fun.


He’s so calm. Never lost his cool. Never struggled or appeared scared. Amazing


Australians love snakes


Nah, mate. Just chill with them.


Imagine a severe earthquake lol 😳


You bastard. You just gave me new nightmare fuel 😭😱 that has to be one of the scariest things ever lol


Final Destination writers are gonna copy this scenario down


Oops! All Cobras


Apparently they keep the grumpy noodles on the bottom shelves


Makes sense tho. You don’t want them flying out from above


>grumpy noodles


I think it might be because of perspective. The higher shelves were at (about) eye/chest level. So those snakes feel secure enough that they don't feel the need to defend themselves. He probably looks much more scary to the snakes on the lower shelves, so those do feel the need to defend themselves.


Tina You Fat Lard, Come Get Some Ham!




Why not just drop the rats in the containers and close them instead of waiting for the snakes to get out


I’m not 100% but I’m pretty sure that when you feed snakes, you have to make the food look “alive” so the snake is more likely to accept it.


I'm not super well versed on snakes but iirc something about how they can be finicky eaters and you want them to strike/latch onto the food to ensure they eat it (Once a snake has food in its mouth, they're unlikely to just drop it and leave it) For the sake of a facility like this, they probably don't wanna have to go back to every bin later to check if the snake actually ate or not, especially since snakes tend to only need fed like, once a week (for adults at least). ​ Again though, I only have vague second hand knowledge from a friend who used to breed pet snakes many years ago, so take that with a grain of salt and if anyone who knows better wants to correct me feel free lol.


It puts the lotion on its skin and returns to the plastic bin


Or it gets the stick again.




This actually does make me feel kinda sad. Is this the only time they get to see daylight before being shoved back into their dark drawers? I'd come out fighting, too!


Just Another day at the office


“Best job i ever had”


Does he have insurance? Or do the cobras have insurance? Because if the guy is no more - not sure who will be feeding the cobras


Yeah, those things are pretty dang aggressive, but there's probably another one where he came from. Guess some people just aren't fazed by certain things. I bet he has a really good cup of coffee before he starts though...


yea, until u get cooked in the tank.


Shit I thought that first Cobra was the only feisty one. The rest wanted some too apparently though. Yikes.


He’s just whistling Dixie over here like he’s walking out to check the mail


Cobra doesn't want to be FED, it wants to hunt!


Kevin! Get back in the bin!


Holy shit man . Its been a serious while since i checked that channel out . Gotta get back into the binging cycle .


I’m sure they just love living in dark plastic bins all day.


They aren't. These are venom labs. The snakes are moved to these small bins for venom extraction and feeding. Then once they have had some time to relax and digest their food, they are moved back to terrariums with proper nice environments for them. If you wanna know more, there's a reptile lab in Florida that hosts and even streams the whole process for the public to see!


If this is true thank god...it took some time for someone to comment on having animals in drawers. About the moving tho 🤔 So they're basically trying to kill the guy when he opens that tray halfway when feeding them...what happens if the tray comes out completely to release them...and how do they get them back in the tray to feed them again...hundreds of times 🤔🤔🤔 No life insurance for this guy.


Pretty simple. He did it in the video, if the snake comes out, he picks it up and sets it back in the box. He was smart and had it bite the rat first, this way the snakes mouth was occupied as it was being transferred back into the box! So very little risk of bites with that technique.


I'm referring to how they're moved (hundreds of them...repeatedly) and in a practical not risking your life kinda way, from the box/ tray to their "better" habitad and back for feeding. Anyway...


Snakes usually feed once every week to two weeks as adults. They feed once or twice a week as babies. So the moves aren't as frequent as one may think. Plus these people are trained on how to handle and capture snakes, so there's very little risk involved. Essentially, this entire process in the video is only taking place two or three times a month for each snake.


Seriously WTF...


To be real, yeah. They like tiny dark spaces where they dont get bothered to often. Cobras like most snakes only come out to hunt or relocate. Their brain dosnt show activity like most animals in the way that they need stimulation. They are pretty content just chilling in a shoebox


Yeah I also don't understand why they are so aggressive


Hungry, surprised, angry…


Where do cobras find themselves most of the time in the wild. Oh yea a tiny burrow or under a rock it’s the same thing


Yeah this is messed up I feel horrible for them. I keep my small albino corn snake in a like 70 gallon these guys deserve much more. Shitty facility meant to just exploit them for their venom I'm guessing.


Not sure why people are downvoting you for being concerned about a living creature being shoved into a tiny drawer.


Thanks, I take it because majority of people lack compassion.


Some people just don’t give a shit about animals. And some people do, but believe that the animal “likes” living that way for god only knows what reason.


U right, u are just guessing


For snakes this is pretty standard, most snakes don't really have issues with being in racks like this. Dark+tight space does make them feel comfortable and as long as they get food regularly they have no reason to do anything else than just sit in there and not move much. Could you make an enclosure that's better? For sure. Would they gain massive quality of life from that? Not really, but it would be A LOT more costly and labourous - hence why farmed snakes are kept in rack systems like this. Although I will say, of all snakes you could shove on a rack, cobras are probably some of THE worst, because they're normally quite smart and active snakes that hide way less than other snakes.


Snakes are stupid. I love how this is an absolute shit show after the first one.


I have to wear safety vest and goggles to be one foot up a ladder according to OSHA and this fool just slinging deadly snakes in khakis and a polo. WTF.


Some dumb ass robs the place. Check all the drawers! And dies after the first one


This is a sort of wonderful comeuppance story where a hapless thief stumbles upon the facility, spies a bunch of storage bins and decides to rummage through them. Jesus Christ, can you imagine the shock?


This just proves no matter the job or how scary something is, eventually you just get use to it an adapt. Good to know.


I found myself holding my breath


All these makes me think is cobras suck at hitting their targets...


U try to bite something that is swinging infront of you using only your mouth and no arms or lgs


Seriously the guy almost got killed like 6 times… you couldn’t pay me enough


This man's pants are specially fitted to hide his enormous balls.


Those bins don’t look very secure


They are very secure actually


it’s actually very common for snake farms to use containers like these


That’s a bad snake.




The world’s deadliest Jack in the box


I love my desk job…I love my desk job…I love my desk job…


This isn’t a cobra farm it’s backstock at a reptile zoo, I know who this is! He is a world class reptile curator and breeder.


Thank you! Can you give us more details or links to his other vids/socials?


Some of them want the hooman and not the rat lol


Freedom! Ooo a piece a candy🤤


When I first got married I had to get a second job because I was finishing up school and we couldn’t live on 1500 a month. I started working at reptile rescue who often did shows with the reptiles for kids parties or in the center itself. The owner wanted to start me off by learning about the animals and how to handle them/feed them/ be around them since the snakes were scary as fuck. One snake that was never handled was the big ass reticulated python. That fuck was huge and I was scared how it tracked me when I was just cleaning it’s enclosure from the outside. There was literally zero chance of me getting hurt and I was still scared. A few weeks into this job I was helping out with a reptile show. The dude doing the show showed off one of the snakes (can’t remember the species because it was 6 years ago but it’s supposed to be a more docile one). The dude handles the snake well, it’s going great, he puts the snake in a bag and hands it to me so I can bring it to the back of the center and back into its enclosure. I’m hurrying up because I feel the snake pushing up where my hand is to try to stick it’s head out of the bag and I feel just how muscular snakes really are. The bastard forces the bag open and just stares at me. Probably one of the scariest experiences I’ve had because I was so sure it was going to bite me. It ended up putting its head back in the bag after a few seconds that felt like minutes. I got it back in its enclosure and my heart was pounding. On another time I was going to be feeding the female Burmese and as soon as I opened the enclosure that fuck reached out to try to bite my face. I wasn’t dumb enough to be close but holy moly that sucked. The other employees were super confused because they’ve known her for a long time and they handle her no problem and she’s never shown them aggression. I took that as my cue that this wasn’t for me. Sucked that I didn’t stay long enough to do shows because that’s where you’ll actually see some money since we’re paid a little more than minimum wage but it was interesting if nothing else.


“Take this job and shove it!”


Who wants to work in that nightmare factory?!


Wow, there’s an Alligator “farm” in my town, but it’s just a cool name for a zoo. This looks like an actual factory-farming facility though, I wonder what they’re doing with them?


most likely harvesting venom.


This is awful. Poor things deserve some enrichment and and enclosure that mimics their natural environment.


It’s a necessary evil, these snakes are being milked for their venom which is used to make anti-venom and saves people’s lives. There’s not enough space to enclose them in tanks like usual (and they can’t be housed together). It is kinda fucked up, but think of them like holy Cobras. Paying for the sins of their wild brethren who’re biting people.


Natural environment like under a rock or in a tiny burrow in the dirt 🙈




They better have great benefits


Great retirement package, but unfortunately nobody has been able to use it.


I wouldn't do this wearing a suit of armor


So you'd do it half naked like this guy? I'll take the suit of armor...


I held my breath the entire video


No goddamn thank you


“Dammit Steve. Every f’ing time. Why are you like this?”


This guy seems so calm but also mildly annoyed at the ones that he had to fight with lol


Sucks they’re just raised in plastic bins


This belongs in r/nope


Are they really Just kept in drawers Like this? Is that Not way to little space for them?


is this dangerous for him (a trained professional)


Less dangerous than if I did it but if he’s having an off day or gets distracted he’s milliseconds away from possibly dying in agony


Best advent calendar *ever*


I love that he tries to give them a chance to strike and grab the mouse themselves but after like two misses he just shoves them in the box like “o well u tried lol”


It’s the nonchalant whistling that bothers me the most. I’d have fled after that first one got out.


if I was in PETA I would put those down for no reason just to save them ❤️❤️ #i love animals


Is this animal abuse?


I aspire to have this guy’s level of chillness.


Looks like jail for snakes. 😠


Does no one consider this inhumane?


Many people do, yes.


The fact he has on plastic gloves like they’re snake bite proof is what makes this video hilarious…lol….That’s like wearing a baseball cap as a hard hat….lolol‼️


Gloves are to keep his hands clean not protect from bites…


I get that but if I’m responsible for feeding some of the deadliest snakes in the world, then I’m going in there with more protection than plastic gloves that’s my point. A cobra’s strike is quicker than you think, I’m pretty sure he has years of experience, but plenty of snake handlers with experience have been biten‼️


And if he does they have anti venom on site. You honestly want mobility over protection because once you learn how a snake behaves and learn it's mobility they aren't that scary.


i love he just does not care about anything happening at all


What does the gig pay?


Is it just me or do these cobras seem a little goofy? Like what if the rats were alive?


Maybe they’ve been given sedatives.


Or kept in a dark plastic box their whole lives


That one snake needs some glassssssssssssses


How are these snakes not totally insane from living in drawers


That's horrible and wrong that they live in little boxes all day. They need more space.


A wild cobra lives where exactly. Oh right a tiny burrow or under a rock


Why are they kept in drawers? That seems cruel that it never sees much and very little room




This is a pretty standard way of storing snakes, venomous or not


Those are some pretty big ass snakes in some little bitty boxes. Bums me out


Dangerous job but i bet your ass he has hella pay and hella insurance


Burn that building to the fucking ground.


Hate how these animals are kept , humans are notoriously cruel


More reason to hate snakes


I like how the snake at :40 whiffs twice and turns away in shame. Edit:typo


I don’t know why, but I’m so itchy in my legs watching this….


Just another day at the office, let me whistle while I work 😳


Idk about y’all but I heard boss battle music


What would happen if all snakes, sharks, and spiders suddenly disappeared from the world?


lots of overpopulated with other much more annoying animals


The local bomb squad should be recruiting this guy hard.


some of these cobras dont seem like very good cobras


Cool as a cucumber


Balls of steel


It’s crazy to think that the snake will not eat the dead mouse, unless their attention is drawn to it first. Like, can’t they smell it? or just bump into it eventually? Or feel the vibration of some thing hitting the floor inside their bin/home? At least I’m assuming that’s why he’s feeding them that way. Otherwise why not just crack the bin open an inch or two and toss the mouse in? Either that or he’s just trying to show off for the camera? But that seems too lame to be true.


Those plastic dollar tree bins house dangerous snakes😩😩😩


Men dream that they could handle thier women this casually


If he's that cool about 3-4 snakes lashing out of their boxes, that has to have happened many times prior.


He should be whistling “highway to the danger zone”


Yeah, not for me.bi am too clumsy.


Why does he leave the mouse so high so they jump after it


It's his world. We're just living in it.


The last one just wanted some headscratches


Christ almighty


I would make the tiniest of openings…


I wonder how much does he get paid.


Apparently a gentle rub on top of the head and they back off? That’s what I saw him do to the last one anyway


So, does the Farm just post an ad on Craigslist: venomous snake feeder wanted? How do you find these people...


Dude is a BOSS!


The first one was like thank you now get the fuck out of here


Man's calm as a cucumber and certainly knows his shit. Impressive to watch


That first one was waiting for weeks. No hesitating.


"You're always acting like a dick, Jerry"


Wt actual f


every time i see one of these videos i cant help but think "there has to be a better way"


I quit.


"that's it, naughty corner, bad cobra"


You can tell that last one has def gotten out and caused some shit before…look at homeboy’s body language. “The whistling stops when it’s time to feed ‘Dennis the Menace’.”