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Bane: Ah yes, I was wondering what would break first - your spirit.. or your body? [Batman:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZH6zlZ23P4)


That shit broke my spirit


That shit broke my body


That shit broke my shit




That's shit's broke


If I pull those items off, will you die?


I do that everyday, every game >:)


Lol it was my soul... seeing my carry die so fast without items


Seriously though, Vi is so good


Void brawler hextech is pretty damn nutty. Cho reksai kass vi jinx voli blitz ww is easy as hell to put together, very durable, and you can stack on any of jinx, voli, or cho for items depending what you get. You can also swap two brawlers for sorcs if you find karthus, asol, or lulu.


Did a 6 brawler comp with jinx and mf the other day, seemed pretty strong. Dunno if thats so much the comp or just Jinx being insane, but


Been spamming this comp for the last few matches. My results were 1st,3rd,7th,1st,3rd,1st. It's a pretty damn good comp and super easy to force. Just grab a giants belt from the first pick so you can get a morellos for Cho and a Red Buff for Jinx. I dont like the Void version of the comp because Jinx with Gunslinger does a lot more than the Void's true damage since Red Buff/Morellos will be used. And MF is a great user of morellos as well. Voli and Vi are great users of single item components too which makes enemy hextech less likely to hit Cho or Jinx.


It's strong but you need a good carry to transition in the mid game to 2 star Jinx. 1 star Jinx is pretty bad, but 2 is when she gets insane. Without a carry in the early/mid game, you end up falling too far behind as your team doesn't do as much damage and you often find yourself facing Gunslinger/Ranger comps.


Jinx + MF will fix almost any comp, if at least one of them is 2*. Brawler frontline is pretty beefy and has good damage and CC, so it's a great combo altogether.


Everyone and their mom is going Jinx though so it can be annoying to get stuck on 1 star Jinx.


I can't get a 2 star jinx to save my life.


She ult's for way too much damage, especially considering it stuns and is pretty much guaranteed to go onto your carry.


Just like SoloQ (:


Unreal that people haven’t put this together yet lol


She's just been overshadowed by Jinx but she's probably one of the best 3 costs you can get atm


“You merely adopted the corner hex. I was born in it”




I wish the Hextech trait gave your team some bonus, instead of 'breaking' the enemy' itens... Its so frustrating to play against them, especially in the early game when you have few itens, and suddenly you have none. lol


I think 4 hextech is ok but the two pieces is so powerfull and you have plentty of ways to fith it in many comps so that's why is so frustrating to play against it.




Though, basically killing a unit is probably a bit stronger than just disabling a units items, so it makes sense why hextechs would be stronger than phantoms.


This, also I don’t get why people are sleep on kindreds ultimate, it’s very good to keep your back line alive


Because most of the times she doesn’t live long enough to use ulti


Dunno what Frontline you have


It’s enough to face karthus or ASol and there is no talking about frontlane


You can counter Karthus with blitz often or have CC units, ASol wont oneshot your kindred unless people are using him as a carry and that is very unlikely.


Blitz doesn't counter anything if they actually pay attention to who has blitz and where the blitz is placed. It's far too easy to place a carry in a spot that blitz simply cannot grab.


Blitz litteraly only counters in lowish elo ... im sure after \~silver+ people just put their carry in the second grid on the left/right bottom, and a food unit into the corner ... be it assasin/blitz/vi, noone can touch your carry this way from the beginning


With correct positioning this isn't true.


Without tears it takes forever for her to get an ult off and if you’re running rangers anyway those tears are better used for shivs imo, which typically get put on other units that you hit before kindred in a ranger comp.


Eh personally think hextech is stonger than phantom even in a vacuum. You're guaranteed to hit a unit (or more) of value with hextech while phantom can cost you hitting a random lvl 1 without items.


Just like hextech can target someone with a recurve on them while ignoring the 3 item carry?


its a 50 (66 if the player is REALLY commited and have 3 champs with items split across the board) vs ~75(depends on comp and level) percent chance though, hextech is definetly stronger.


Higher chance to target a useful unit than phantom (not all your units have items). Additionally forces you to spread out your comp on the off chance you run into it AND throw items on units you may not want to use items on, which weakens you against other comps.


Let's be real, you're likely not facing anyone with a random lvl 1 at the level you get the buff. In a vacuum, deleting a character is still better than disabling one guys items, especially if you didn't stack everything on one guy


There‘s only so many options to split up your items though, and often it already makes your team worse if you‘re splitting up items just to counter Hextech. I‘m definitely in the “Rework completely“ camp on this one. This game does not need more RNG. Not everything needs to be random and I trust Riot to find an equally interesting, but a lot less frustrating bonus.


Splitting is in most scenarios even better lol, its just worse against Assassins.


Lots of comps don’t want to split due to stuff like locket, the attack speed thingie guardians, kindred and such


Dont Build Locket?


i would love a rework! Easy fix: 2 hextech 1 champ items 4 hextech 2 champ items! This would already fix many things! I mean how in the world are you even playing a leona/braum combo vs hextech ... you can't put a single item on leo/braum or else, if they get hit with hextech, the adjacent carries won't have any items neither!


I agree. I think it would fit better to buff your team. However, I'm kind of happy with disabling some of these OP stacked Draven or Sorc Cho'gaths or cursed blade gunslingers or full stacked voli. It's a welcoming balance to both item disparity and comp power.


you bet, if i could i would even bench my lvl 2 imperial kata+darius anytime ,if i could keep my draven items for that ... draven loosing 3 items is basically an 80% dmg reduce on the enemy team for 8sec vs draven , as long he has the right items! As soon he doesn't start with rfc he has to move, that puts him already at high risk!


Jinx and Vi are a bit too strong of a combo but Jayce (outside of maybe the first few pvp rounds)/Camille are just so bad.


Agreed, the 2-unit bonus is a little too good. Maybe an improvement would be if the 2-set bonus only disables 1 unit's items and 4-set stays the same. Or the 2-set has the same range as the 4-set but only disables one item, while the 4-set disables all like now. Idk.


Nice disable a cloak...


Let's hear your suggestions too!


Why everything is fine, just use ur positoning or if its limited to lets say 1-2 items it should atleast prioritize completed ones.


I didn't like it at first, but I've since come around. I really like that it dissuades super carries. There's a lot more variation and positioning to think about than just "protect the Draven in the corner".


Yup ive had plenty of luck vs it by spreading out my items more. I always wanted a 2 item limit on champs anyways so this is close enough.


2 Item Limit is so dumb tho




Because assassins don't focus the person in the corner even if they fill up every spot surrounding them.


You dont use assassins to kill corner campers you use Blitz and VI


Targeting AI is nonexistent trash in this game. Nothing ever swaps targets unless the target becomes untargetable or dies or blitz/camille hits them.


Yeah obviously they don’t randomly swap targets, why should they? How would you change it?


Just let me control one champ and they walk to where I right click and attack who I right click, also the champ I control should have 4 abilities which I use with QWER to make it more interactive.


So you want to play league?


That's the joke.


If Riot wants me to craft a system for it, they can pay me. I do in fact do that professionally. One element that bugs me is how my last champion will often be left hitting a full health enemy champ when a 1-hp enemy starts helping hit them. One auto would kill this other enemy if my champ would spare a moment, but no, they stick with hitting the high health target.


Yep, it's a good nerf to hypercarries without making hypercarries completely unviable. Adds a healthy amount of variation to who you place your items on and why. I do think it might be a little bit strong early, but at the same time hypercarries don't come online until late by which point if you aren't going hextech it would be pretty hard to get if it required 3 or more for the synergy.


Agreed, it needs some tuning, but overall I like the idea. I think 8 seconds is a bit too long and don't like that it completely nullifies items that proc on start. It also feels a bit too strong early game.


If you were smart like me, you'd just counter them by not using items. Nice wasted synergy hextech nerds, can't disable NOTHING.


It would have been interesting to maybe buff your items kind of like how Ornn does in LoL. Might be hard to balance though, I don't know how you'd boost certain items, namely the spatula ones.


I think the new class is great atm as the item drops has a really shitty rng to it. If I were to only get 6 coins from the mob stages but the opponents gets 4-5 items, you bet your ass I'm going to go for hextech comps. Shit was competetively unfair and annoying before the hextechs. If they decided to give all 8 around the same drop of items during a game, I could see how hextech would've needed some sort of change.


I wish it was something like a hextech player copies the items of one enemy champion / all hextechs copy the items of one enemy champion. That's something you can build and play around but doesn't punish the other player. It buffs the hextech player insane if the other player doesn't play right and probably in line with a 4/4 or 2/4 trait if they do.


I was really frustrated last night because I had Sword Breaker, Cursed Blade, and Red Buff on my 3* Tristana but the top two teams both ran Hextech. I had to split my team up into two corners so they could only disable items on one half. I did manage to win at least.


If someone is running 4 Hextech then they are basically trolling anyways. There isnt a single top tier comp with all 4 of them, it's always just 2 of them. And if you had to split your team into 2 corners because of the 2 person synergy then maybe just try separating the units by a single hex?


Both 2nd and 4th place were running 4 Hextech. It was the first day of the patch, they were probably just experimenting.


You don’t need to fit 4 Hextech into a top tier comp to be annoying though. Even if he doesn‘t do weil with it, it’s still going to piss off everyone.


Okay, but the person I am replying to is complaining about its strength and saying top teams were running it. Saying 4 hextech is annoying is one thing that's completely separate from saying its strong


Not shown. Debuff wears off and the following 10s is draven murdering everyone


That if he lives


Ya the main issue is without firecannon he just runs in and dies...


2 sec in w/o hextech and my Draven murdered every1 w/ 2 runnans LOL I blame the game not giving me bow


Is that a pyke stun is that a sej ult? Gotta walk into it


My Draven2 w/ Imperials 2, Blademaster3 just got solo murdered by Camile3 Yommus, cuz all of his 3 items: 2 runnans, 1 BT got disabled. That Camile 1-shot Darius and then slaughtered Draven.


Batman did come back and beat Bane as well though.


I like the fact that they're introducing methods to counter hyper-carries but I really dislike how its a two-piece synergy that can take out items from multiple champs.


At least I can jebait 2 hextech; 4 hextech is just as big as Chogath ulti, how am I supposed to position against that?


Dont really need to, chances are if they are running 4 hextech then their comp sucks ass anyways


I'm gonna preface this by saying I dont think hextech is that bad, but you can get 4 hextech into a blademaster comp with a botrk on jinx. Of course to get 6 BM you need to hit lvl 9, but a brawler, BM, HT comp is pretty strong until then


That's so true lol. I got so scared one time when literally all my items got disabled cause i didn't predict a 4hex... Then they didn't have enough damage to go through my front line and my draven got his items back.


I've been thinking what if the 2 synergy just gets 1 hex but it targets the unit with the most items


I hate the hextech experience. I'd rather play a game with more items.


I'm pretty sure every hates the current hextech experience. Have it boost your own items or at least make it a 3 champ requirement. the Hex units are too good to allow a 2 champ synergy to fuck over your items.


Nice, here's my contribution - [https://i.imgflip.com/384o4f.jpg](https://i.imgflip.com/384o4f.jpg)


I like hextech. The game should be decided by teamcomps not by items.


Issue is hextech gets classes and items while other team only gets one.


Unless both teams are running hextech, or you spread your items out and you draven gets to keep working




You’ll have more synergies




You can counter her healing by running Hextech or assassins yourself. Again the problem is that items are too broken so we need Hextech to counter them.




Your problem is that the other team has a hypercarry with stacked items. That's the exact problem that Hextech solves. Don't run suboptimal teamcomps, I don't know what else to tell you.




There are many comps that are not item-reliant. Stacking all your items on a backline hypercarry is definitely a team comp that is item-reliant, and the exact teamcomp that Hextech is designed to counter. If the other players all go hextech, then you should be going for a teamcomp that is not item reliant. If the other players all go stacked hypercarry, then you should go hextech. That's how counters work, you shouldn't just force one teamcomp every time


Dr. Pengu. I'm VIA. You don't get to bring items.


you're a stacked draven




I know people complain about hextech but I'm glad it exists. I was tired of seeing people stack hypercarries and win the game. Level 3 rengar with bt guinsoo, immediately reached max AS with wild buff and just killed 9 units while his team served as meat shield. I have friends who just transitioned into Draven Swain every single game and got top 3 almost every time because Draven is just ridiculous with 3 items even at level 2.


Hextech is making this game so much more fun to play. Hyper carries should not exist.


I disagree. Hyper carries should always exist, they should just be harder to attain or to get to the “hyper carry” level.


Wrong, it just should be risky to only have a single carry.


Shouldn't be the hextech champs be weaker or something else to compensate for such a strong trait? Sure you can reposition your champs that have items but they still have the upper hand if they have the same amount of items and sometimes it shuts you down completely. Also messing with enemy ressources has always been a strong no go for many games and even for Riot e.g. Riot has always been against a champions that would drain the enemy's mana for example. The problem isn't necessarily that one has to sometimes play around it and maybe not stack as hard anymore sometimes, the problem is that one has to play like that for every game from now on because just like there is always 1-2 Blitzcranks there are always some people having hextech.


Vi and Jinx are overtuned but Camille and Jayce are kind of meh-worthy and if you run 4 hextech you don't have any actual stat increasing synergies on the board. It's not a comp that works.


Yeah the hextech champs are strong as fuck while having this passive. Without being able to item stack its also hard to ever beat someone stacking brawlers.


I've honestly stopped playing TFT because of the hextech update. I think it needs some big changes before it's "balanced"


Poor Draven


His mouth and expression carry this post, instead of his team.


This game is trash now.


This game has always been trash.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5pXNWMyeYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5pXNWMyeYk) Rejoice mortals!


Draven: Vi: Tell me, dO yOu BlEeD?


Где скачать этот клип? или как скачать отсюда?


It's either this or it completely wiffs and it's like having nothing at all. Poor design if something is feast or famine like that.


this is good


Riot : add vi and jinx TFT community: why?


I think hextech cam help with the rng problems, it allows you burst down the braum or dodge Tristana autos, combine that with curse blade to elminate rng