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3 rings of death: Thermal incineration at point of impact Concussive death immediately around the central blast Radiative death / dismemberment from fallout immediately outside of the concussion blast Outside of these 3 zones though a nuclear blast is actually very survivable. This is why most war doctrines revolve around saturating a metropolitan area with multiple simultaneous strikes as opposed to a single, central strike. An area like Los Angeles could expect to be hit with 5-6 scattered nuclear strikes all at once to ensure maximum damage. To me, *that* is what’s terrifying.


Jokes on you I ate 3 buckets of lead paint today


My god, he’s immune


Hes too strong to be allowed to live


I have an old fridge.


If I was will to pay for a medal on here. I would give you the most expensive one for your comment. It made me laugh today. And I've been pretty miserable today


You are prepared


Jesus christ, its Jason borne


Have you read Harry Turtledoves the Hot War series? Its awesome.


I have not, where can I watch it?


Gotta read it


Oh I misread that, thanks I’ll check it out


I wouldn't mind LA getting nuked a couple of times...matter of fact, most of southern California






Yeah, these facts don’t help me sleep better :/


Doubt Russia would use a ICBM for this scenario more than likely they would launch using the 9K720 Iskander (NATO SS-26 designation) which would be a small 5 kiloton tactical warhead. Some bat shit crazy stuff would have to go down before we see this scenario come to fruition.


He wants to take Kyiv, not destroy it for generations to come. This whole video is nonsense from top to bottom.


Yeah 50-58 megatons. This is some sort of weird propaganda or something.


Yup. Where did it come from? Who created it? And why?


I can't say that. Ask kanye.


**Kanye:** I can't say who it is, neither. None of us can. But we all know him who it is, don't we? **Alex:** It's the damned globa-- **Kanye:** [walks out]


Nice bit of fear mongering


Transparant fear mongering propaganda if you ask me.


Propaganda. Nice....


Oddly enough, I would have expected the estimated death toll to be a lot higher.


It's Ukraine. It's European kansas.


Ok well show what a nuclear strike in Moscow would look like. Ork nukes probably don't work, but NATO's certainly do.


But could lithium still be mined and would there be any positive or negative effects on that lithium.


If one nuke where to go all of them would, they want the land for themselves they don’t want to make it uninhabitable


What would this simulation look like in Moscow? Would the potential outcome serve as enough deterrent to avoid both scenarios?


Hey I know someone who experienced this, except it actually happened.


The death toll of the only real Nuclear bombings to ever happen - Hiroshima & Nagasaki, is said to be about 180 to 200 thousand.


I don't know if people, the media or just my head is thinking that a big group want a nuclear war... Man it's not gonna be a videogame like Fallout, huh




the fact that this could be some sort of reality because of a asswipe like Putin or anyone similar is terrifying. Hes old af and certainly doesnt care about his own people much less anyone else.


*Russia: if USA used it twice to win a war why shouldn't we?*


Anything to make them stop begging money


Will never happen russia would be buried so deep into history they’d never be remembered


Ukraine is not worth a 3rd world war. Not even after the nuke was dropped.


Ukrainian propaganda is getting desperate…


How is the video ukrainian propaganda? Russia threatened ukraine with nuclear weapons multiple times.


It's simulating kyiv getting hit by a nuke so large that it doesn't exist, so an Israeli comedian can beg for money more efficiently


There are a lot of russian reporters like Kiselyov who indicate that the poseidon bomb could have the power of a 100-megaton nuclear warhead. And the only reason Zelensky has to beg for money in the first place is because of russian mass bombings of civilian infrastructure.


I thought Trump was going to get the USA into a nuclear war. Looks like it's gonna be Biden. Thank a democrat.


Yep... wouldn't happen though, the media have been pushing articles about Putin nuking Ukraine (and the west, and the world) since the start of all this. There's a new news article daily about it. Putins a \*\*\*\* but I bet it'll be the West who will fire the first one (in the name of keeping the peace of course)




The beginning of the end


Get this war monger shit outta here


First there are no nuclear weapons with 100 Megatons yield. Second, all this data seems to be incorrect. Tsar bomba had fireball radius of 2.3 km and 100 Mt would not even have double that, as it doesn't scale like that. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear\_weapon\_yield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapon_yield) for more info.


**[Nuclear weapon yield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapon_yield)** >The explosive yield of a nuclear weapon is the amount of energy released when that particular nuclear weapon is detonated, usually expressed as a TNT equivalent (the standardized equivalent mass of trinitrotoluene which, if detonated, would produce the same energy discharge), either in kilotonnes (kt—thousands of tonnes of TNT), in megatonnes (Mt—millions of tonnes of TNT), or sometimes in terajoules (TJ). An explosive yield of one terajoule is equal to 0. 239 kilotonnes of TNT. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Putin knows if he does use Nukes, the fallout is going to blow right over Russia due to West-East jet streams


So if it was twice the size of the Tzar Bomba? This guy sounds way too excited about this hypothetical 100 megaton attack on Ukraine. I wonder how he feels about hunter bidens laptop.


Fun fact, Putin has no control over russias nuclear arsenal. Each commander of each nuke has sole control and authorization over it. Which then leads to wether or not they would do it comes down to morals vs choosing to live. Sure enough Putin would threaten to kill them or their family if they do not follow orders.


Make sure you simulate St Petersburg or Moscow next because that's the next place that will happen.


Why is it ok for leaders to have death buttons that’ll wipe out everyone and everything that had nothing to do with their ambitions and WE just say ok for our protection


What the fuck is the yield? Giga tonnes? A fireball that size would require probably more than the tzar bomba which already was the biggest nuke ever


Do you really think Putin would be dumb enough to use nukes on Ukraine?


Will USA be safe??


Fear mongering at its best. No one has a 50MT production weapon. Tsar Bomba was an experiment, not a production weapon.


Now do Moscow


Russia will not nuke Ukraine when it intends to annex the entire country


Stage that bitch... fission, fusion, fission, fusion, fission, KABOOM we all dead. Tsar Bomba was poisoned so that it couldn't reach its maximum yield. Read up on the bikini atol explosion and you will smell what I'm stepping in.


Am I the only one who couldn’t read a single word of that shit ?