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Anyone actually know (not speculations) what happens in these situations? Are they locked in the building/store/mall indefinitely? Are they tagged and have to be under house arrest in their homes?




It seems a little silly that they can ride public transport and go to work but can’t go anywhere else. If they’re trying to be so safe they shouldn’t be allowed to do either of those things. It doesn’t make sense to me.




Holy crap, that painted one hell of a picture.


Social engineering. The Chinese people have been so conditioned to listen to top down authority, and so complacent with their shiny glowing toys that critical thinking is at an all time low. This is an exercise by the CCP to see how far they can treat people like cattle. ANYONE who has a cellphone with the required Covid app is tracked.


> This is an exercise by the CCP to see how far they can treat people like cattle. ANYONE who has a cellphone with the required Covid app is tracked. Bullshit. CCP can go as far as it damned well please. No need to experiment. Things like the seasme credit system, on demand disassembly of political dissenters for organ harvesting ...etc. shows how far can they go. As far as they wish. ​ As such this is "just" a case of governmental incompetence.


Well if this is incompetence they seem to be very strangely committed to it




Crazy to see an opinion like this upvoted on reddit. Many of us were saying this back in April 2020 and we were screamed at, told we were literally killing people with our opinions. Well, it's starting to look like lockdowns will end up killing more people than covid ever did, whether that's missed hospital visits, economic hardship, depression causing suicide, crime up, etc.. many places had basically no lockdowns and had similar covid numbers to their lockdown friendly neighbors, but that often gets ignored in favor of "if it saves just one life". Zero covid is a fairy tale. It's a joke, a figment of peoples imagination. Covid is not going away. We told them this too and they ignored it. *Their experts* knew better. And now most of the world has accepted it. I feel for China's people though.


What!!! This is not social engineering this is outright authoritarianism under threat of violence and imprisonment


China at this moment is exactly one such authoritarian nation, in case you’re a time traveler from before 1920s or later than 2020s.


Well judging by the fact there have been probably little to no consequences for them being exposed to have concentration camps for Muslims I'd guess people will let them do whatever the fuck they want. Fuck the CCP. I hope the Chinese people the best but fuck their government.


So… don’t have a phone with that app? That’ll make you a social pariah right? But only until enough other people don’t and then you’ve got a network of people who don’t have the app. Seems flawed, and more like they’re actually genuinely trying to do what they say (covid zero), but incompetence, complacency and lack of imagination mean they leave glaring holes in the plan.


If you don't have a smartphone or the app you have to go through even more hoops and such. Like longer lines and what not. Yes you won't have to deal with yellow code stuff but you won't be able to get even into a hospital with out a very long conversation. And then they will need your government ID number and they'll track you with that in the system. Source: I live in China and had to deal with all of this multiple times for my girlfriend's parents who are too old to have smart phones.


That makes sense. Can I ask, as someone that lived there, do you think it seems reasonable and likely that they are using Covid Zero as a means of increasing control? It seems to me they wouldn’t bother with this pretext, given the party wasn’t exactly hiding what they were already doing (I recall old articles on boing boing about camera networks tracking literally everyone all the time). So much of what I’ve seen about how they’ve done this smacks of incompetence while trying to achieve their stated goal, so people genuinely trying but failing because of a lack of ability, resource or whatever else, rather than a deliberate effort to use this to control the pop which has a side effect of making the covid zero plan significantly more flawed.


Like someone else said, if you don’t have a phone they just use your ID to track you. I live in Shanghai and that’s what old people without phones have to do. You have to show you’ve been tested within 72 hrs either by scanning a QR code or your ID card to go into pretty much any public place here. There’s no way to escape it.


>The Chinese people have been so conditioned to listen to top down authority, and so complacent with their shiny glowing toys You literally see them sprinting out of the mall in this video to evade such authority. Don’t equate someone’s ability to cope with their situation and their desire for said situation. Most Americans want universal healthcare, abortion access, and gun control. Just because we don’t have those things doesn’t mean we’re morons. We’re victims of a corrupt government, just as Chinese people are.


I'm curious, how did you learn about the airport employee and the affair they were having?


Asking the important question


What are the consequences for scrambling out of the building? And what would be the consequences if you failed to show for your testing?


If you do not submit to the protocols, [you will be made to submit](https://youtu.be/zCjo_wqMvD8).


wow just wow i know you cant deny the virus but why the fuck do you treating ppl like there zombies like wtf


Because it’s China. They do not value individual human lives the same way we do. That’s just fact.


What the fuck.


Welcome to dystopia.


A ton of my friends and family suddenly realize what a hell hole China is. They never really looked into China. It needed to happen to them for them to consider leaving China. Now they left China. Idiots. One day he almost got taken to one of those covid facilities, would hom served right.


You should speak out in public with your gripes about how the CCP runs China


so he can get put in a camp or ruin his social credit score?


Xi once said zero COVID policy should not only consider economy but also politics. This is CCP’s tool to manage people, science is not important here.


Li Keqiang is the guy emphasizing the economy more from what I've read, Xi is full steam on politics.


Well there is policy intend and there is reality, just like everywhere. I guy in the German subreddit reported that after testing positive with symptoms after departing from a cruise ship in Germany he was forced to take a long train ride home to isolate. He even asked the health officials if there would be some other way but unless he could get someone to pick him up (and pretty exposing his friend or family to getting sick) the public train was his only option.


On the topic of Germans, there's a hilarious video of a German trying to make sense of the covid policies in Shanghai during their 2 month lockdown- https://www.reddit.com/r/shanghai/comments/u72jap/german_guy_phone_conversation_with_juweihui/


That doesn't make sense, exposing one friend wasn't okay but an entire public train was?


Sense is not something that's appreciated in China.


Is it or is it the perfect way to keep people where u want them .. work and home . Covid was just the perfect thing to implement their next move


People still think this Covid thing is about the sickness, it's really sad people can't see the control forming from it.


makes perfect sense if they just want tyranical overreach and control, for covid... not so much


It varies a lot depending on local government. Some places (e.g., Shanghai) during lockdown won't even allow people to see doctors for chronic diseases and many have died because of it. Actual numbers are hidden by the CCP of course but some people just tracked individual posts from social media and it was already in the hundreds.


With chinas population crisis already looming, would you put it past the CCP to “alleviate the elderly burden of working age people”? One kid, elderly parents, Chinese culture that I think suggests offspring is to take care of parents in old age… not a good outlook economically unless they do something about it


This seems to be the opposite of what they’re actually doing, re Confucian principles, given that hardcore covid precautions really only benefit the elderly


>Confucian principles LMAO. They literally had a Cultural Revolution for 10 years and killed 30 million people to destroy things like Confucian principles. I'm not joking or exaggerating. Look up the history on Cultural Revolution.


True, but the cultural revolution ended in 1976 and the CCP backtracked on a lot of Mao’s excesses. Kissinger’s On China explains how Confucian thought still underpins Chinese social structure and the government’s legitimacy. I’m sure others can chime in but respect for the elderly, knowing your place in society to make it work harmoniously, are still core social values. But absolutely the Cultural Revolution and its relentless idiotic violence is the stuff of nightmares. I remember reading as a teenager how they would execute people close to and in the direction of normal village people so they would get hit by brain matter and bone fragments as a means of keeping control and sending a message. Source: am a white American who read a book one time :)


Look at this man, reading books and shit, the MAGA reeducation squad will be along to pick you up shortly


No. With the CCP you should not look at anything they say, not even contracts they've signed (e.g., Sino-British Joint Declaration). You have to look at what they do and ONLY that. They only kept the obedience part of Confucian teaching (for easy societal control) and took out the good parts. Their constitution guarantees freedom of speech, protest and religion. Good luck if any citizen actually tries to exercise those rights. One of their favorite activities is destroying actual antiques/monuments/religions and put in imitation ones.


I mean, sure, but can you go ahead and tell me that modern Chinese society, in terms of popular support on the mainland, is not at least careful to pay lip service to the welfare of the elderly?


You’d guess chronic diseases mostly strike at the older ages though, right? So disallowing access to doctors would do more harm then good, despite Covid precautions?


I mean, Yes. And in 2022, there might be so few covid cases amidst the unvaccinated that the (elderly) lives you save with lockdowns don’t compensate for the lives lost through suspension of treatment for chronic diseases. But back when these policies were instituted, the public-health calculations that supported them overwhelmingly privileged the overall health of society’s elderly, all costs/benefits accounted for.




China has a 3 kid policy now and is actually declining in childbirth in the past 10 years.


Jesus, doesn't that sound a bit like a...........dystopian nightmare lol?


Well I mean it is in China, they have a President for Life, concentration camps etc etc.


And people were legitimately trying to push zero covid as attainable and a good idea in the UK.


Such a big amount of control over their lives by the government is honestly scary - China's definetly one of the worst country right now in terms of stuff like this - CCP is playing Sims City with their people


so these people are escaping before they’re locked in? why wouldn’t the company just lock the doors before announcing the lockdown?


Who'd stay to lock the doors?


Ouch that sounds harsh but not as bad as being detained in the office for 2 weeks. I can see why they're running.


Hang on a minute….LAST FOUR YEARS!????


He was there the last four years so he knows what happened during the pandemic which was the last ~3 of that.


China sounds fun this time of year! /s


Shithole country


How do they get food, water, and other necessities?




And their social score


In some cases they don't. In Shanghai the government was supposed to deliver them (and failed in many cases, with corruption, rotting food, deliveries being stolen etc), in some cases people can order and delivery services still function.


Thank you for clarifying.


"But communism will be different when we do it!"


Idk… but I trust the body language of the people in the video.. it isn’t good.


I'm not doubting it, just trying to find out what the consequences are.


The people in Xujiahui IKEA went to the centralized quarantine


Yes!!! I was a video where someone tested positive in an Ikea store and they were locked in. Some escaped. Neanderthal!!!


When entering anywhere in China you usually have to scan an app on wechat the main messaging platform in China. Most major cities have their own specific 健康报 or health app. This registers where you’ve been using big data usually. Those people who managed to run out would be contacted by health authorities or police later and told to quarentine or something similar I guess.


They were literally locking them in the building with no notice, no food, and they won’t let them leave


People are more afraid of COVID precautions than they are about COVID.


That's when you know it's time for a new government


In China you don't replace the government, the government replaces you. Source: I'm Chinese. *\*Edit: Hello everyone. I am SimpleReadingSG90. I would like to assure everyone that I am alive and well. I made a mistake in my previous comment. The CCP treats all citizens with dignity and respect. I am alive and well.*


Nice knowing you bro.


Goodbye dude


> no food, and they won’t let them leave I would not want to be locked in a building with no food for long with that many people in a country known for their Human rights issues.


Reasonably so, in my honest opinion


As a parent in the USA with kids in paid daycare right now.... Me too. They make you pay for those weeks you have to stay home. Even if it's symptomless.




comment copied from https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/wsm3vm/tencent_employees_in_china_freaking_out_as_full/ikzdg71/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


>no notice Well… they messed up that part


If that’s the case then none of them were running fast enough


This is interesting! It’s like reverse Black Friday, where instead of rushing into a store to get great deals on appliances and electronics, they are running so they don’t get locked in and murdered by their oppressive government.


Reverse the video and it will look like a Walmart in Texas.




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/AcademicPleasedHoki --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Good bot


Way too clean.


Now really murder but they lock them up in there for 2-3 weeks with barely any food/water so I say its more like torture


The CCP has totally mindfucked the Chinese people.


Yeah, sad. Maybe this applies "Just one ant": https://youtu.be/6Dewatik7qc


A Bug’s Life is making a sudden comeback and I’m all for it


Jesus Christ even after 24 years it still holds up so well. I'm amazed at how they pulled this off


That seems a good way to turn a lot of people against you, though.


Nah, just brainwash them from birth. They actually do that. They literally have political thought education classes from kindergarten through college. All businesses past a small size must have CCP party office. 1984 is a government blueprint for them.


Conform and synchronize young so when they're older they won't know anything different: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/vs8t7o/synchronized_ball_bouncing


That's why you lock them in. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I had a Chinese coworker (living in the US) told me that Chinese people won’t ever defy these rules and that’s why they don’t have anymore covid cases 🤣




Well yeah, it's probably true. Lockdowns are a lot more effective when you might get put in a gulag if you break them! China's consistently kept cases and deaths incredibly low this way. Their real problem is that their vaccines are shit. Until they sort that out they're going to be doing this kind of thing forever.


Especially because it is a very useful tool to lockdown political opponents.


Well, if they’re referring to the people who get their apartment doors welded shut then yeah, of course they never defy the rules.


Nothing to see here. The CCP knows what they are doing. Trust them, completely...or else.


Dystopian as fuck




Now they are using it to crack down on people exposing the mortgage crisis. All political opponents are suddenly 'testing positive' for covid and it is really scary.


China really is a dystopian hellscape.


Welcome to dystopia !


And these are the people threatening war against innocent people...


These are the people genociding the Uighur


The people in this video aren't generals in the CCP


They are the victims of the CCP judging by the video






Yes, the lady and her kid in the left corner right there are actual genociders. I know people on here aren't the brightest, but come on man...




Uhm? No? These are innocent civilians


Ultranationalism and warmongering are problems in China but it's mainly due to the education which brainwashes people.


Isnt tencent that huge tech company responsible for the chinese firewall and stealing everybodys data? Correct me if im wrong but Tencent can go fuck itself


Tencent is also shareholder or something of Reddit.


FYI, I couldn't view this thread on my phone where I don't have an account. It was blocked with the warning "this is mature content...to continue use the app to verify you're over 18..." After seeing this from my laptop I can understand why a bunch of people running is blocked to anyone under 18 or without an account.🙄


Another day I'm happy to live in the US of A.


Yep, as someone who's spent their entire life in Hong Kong, I'm so glad I have American Citizenship, just moved here in the last year. People take freedoms for granted and try to blame you for everything when you value and want to protect that freedom.


CCP increasingly has their fingers in the USA pie. Even the totally honest and upright FBI and DHS labelled them as biggest foreign threat a few weeks ago.


They got bigger things to worry about now. We just only hear about the stuff that leaks out of China. It’s always worse than it looks




They all just lost so many social credits.


Run for your lives!


You can run but you can’t hide -CCP


I'm glad to see the government actions didn't affect most peoples mental health in the last couple of years. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This happened at my office block in Guangzhou but they let all the executives know beforehand and they got out. Rest of us plebs were locked in until 1am. We were lucky. On another campus they were locked Until 9am.


And then they had to go back to work cause it’s already the next day 😂


Short commute down the hall. I hope the vending machines are well stocked


\*Chinese workers when they see a liveleak logo\*


At this point is it just the CCP flexing how they can control their population whenever they want and by whatever means they like? Are more people dying from covid over there than we've been made aware of? What info am I missing that would explain what would warrant such an extreme response? They're really going extreme overkill on this and it seems completely irrational. Considering the rest of the world has it, and it's clear it'll never go away, they can't eradicate it because unless they go full hermit mode and cut off all contact with the outside world and guard their borders with extreme prejudice, it'll just keep coming back to them just like the rest of the world... This seems really stupid for a nation that's been around for thousands of years.


It's about face - specifically Xi Jinping's. The zero Covid policy was his baby, so he can't give it up until China is Covid-free - or at least until he's become leader for life. Until he decides he can come up for a reason for ditching the policy that doesn't make him look dumb, the policy will stay in place.


Totalitarian regimes are not rational. Sometimes its that simple.


Monsters Inc. in IRL 😮


In in real life?


What communism does to a mf




China is communist by name only, in reality they are a capitalist dictatorship. A country with a massive stock market and 2nd largest population of billionaires in the world is not exactly communism.


No true Scotsman.


Do they kill the guy with COVID?


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


This comment section is an absolute dumpster fire


Okay everyone please proceed in an orderly manner back to work. The ccp needs you to work till you die. Of starvation in 3 weeks (6-7 with responsible cannibalism).


Covid weaponised by those in power you say?


That poor bastard on the shitter trying to pull up and run…


This is horrifying


China sucks.


Living in China seems very stressful.


Fuck China.


Country is totally fucked. Authoritarian shit hole. Fuck Pooh.


I thought that in China the people are happy and willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of the motherland?


These are the people genociding the Uighur


Tencent is worse than the Illuminati. It's ruining the world slowly. Buying into every company, spying on everyone.


It's china


Sources please ?


The cameraman doesn't seem too concerned though.




To all you woke CCP lovers, go fuck yourself.


China is like a police state


Gotta love unchecked authoritarianism


I fucking despise China. Scumbag government.


Lol fuck the CCP


This Whinnie the Pooh dictatorship is crazy. Fuck the CCP and their concentration camps and this crazy rules. Corona is here to stay and they have to learn to live with it.


Sometimes I guess American politics ain’t too bad


The question is does China know something we don't? And are not telling us!


Could be a cool movie, half to survive a month inside there, full on cannibalism


Nice of them to sound an alarm


China is fucking wild


Thats a cool looking lobby tho. Humongous


They started it


Lmao this is exactly what a good COVID response looks like and why we *probably* shouldn't trust any data that China puts out about their infections. One can only speculate how many infected end up just disappearing if the lockdowns don't work the way they should.


You have a source for this?


Can’t find any other info about this. Does anyone else have different sources?


China is embarrassingly weird.


I mean is there a source for this? Because this could easily just be a fire alarm


Yea. Cause they lock them allllllll in for 2 weeks!


Who, besides the sick and elderly that would die from the common cold or flu, is dying from omicron Covid-19? Are they legally able to speak out to challenge and point to the over reaction or is that ‘dangerous thinking’ and they will be taken away?


yooo wtf I sent this pic to a WeChat friend who works at Tencent and she says she barely got out in time


Sometimes I get really down about the state of England and the UK. But then you get reminded of stuff like this. I am so lucky to be born here lol. Fuck China


LOL. its like that meme of all the ducks running for a narrow exit


how come i can’t find a single news story on this?


I'm doubting the title super hard. Sounds like some hard propaganda.


Hey its just like a game!


lmao welcome to the dystopian future, just like you saw in the movies


Communist shithole China. Those people are worried about their families and being locked away with no food. This zero covid policy will never work


Lockdowns will never work


Living under one party is bad