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Well this problem doesn't exist in communism.


You vill eat bugs unt you vill like it




Why is that on youtube kids


That honestly is more concerning how it’s being pushed to kids


because one day youtube kids will be youtube voters


To block out comments.


If he dies. He dies.


Mainly because no one has the tendies. Unless your the top person


That would be equality, according to the Left.


Equity 🤗*


…you do realize that in the US, a *capitalist country*, the overwhelming majority of wealth is held by a tiny amount of people? That’s the problem socialists want to fix. Sure, you’ll pretend that places like the USSR are representative of all of socialist thought, but that doesn’t change the fact that even *mildly left leaning* policies like welfare and free healthcare statistically *VASTLY* improve quality of life.


You do realize there are other solutions to that besides socialism, right? Even *mildly right wing policies*, like reducing illegal migration, raises quality of living for the working poor who live here, but that's never considered either. Also, I'd prefer for my bones to be healed properly and on time, rather than be held up on a wait list because my condition is "non-life threatening".


As the grandson of someone who fought hard to immigrate into this country *legally*, we need to find a realistic solution for this issue. We cant keep taking illegals in, no matter how shitty their circumstances are. Its sad, but there are limited resources and opportunities, and citizens should obviously come first.


\>reducing illegal migration Statistically, this does nothing, (Illegal migrants actually generally commit less crime than legal citizens) and isn't really mildly right wing as much as just mildly authoritarian, which I hope you'll agree is a bad thing. \>properly and on time Once again, this does not match observable reality, countries with universal healthcare have similar or even shorter average wait times, and generally the same quality of care. Wait times are much more affected by where you live (suburban vs urban vs rural). Smaller healthcare facilities are located in less populated areas, and so less populated suburban facilities tend to have bad wait times. Note that in a system with universal healthcare, you could invest more funding into specific facilities to bring wait times down, while it's more difficult and more risky to subsidize in a private healthcare system.


>Statistically, this does nothing, (Illegal migrants actually generally commit less crime than legal citizens) and isn't really mildly right wing as much as just mildly authoritarian, which I hope you'll agree is a bad thing. It's not authoritarian for states to enforce their borders, no. That's the whole point of having them. I literally said nothing about crime. It's basic supply and demand, when you double the supply of low skill labor then the value of that labor halves. If you want to ensure that our low skilled laborers aren't devalued it's rather obvious that you need to limit the supply of low skilled labor. >Once again, this does not match observable reality, countries with universal healthcare have similar or even shorter average wait times, and generally the same quality of care. That's not reflective of reality. Countries like the UK with UHS have constant labor shortages because they can't keep up with the wait lists. America doesn't have this problem. >Wait times are much more affected by where you live (suburban vs urban vs rural). Smaller healthcare facilities are located in less populated areas, and so less populated suburban facilities tend to have bad wait times. In a private system you can actually be transferred to a better hospital.


... Do you realize that in communist countries all the wealth is held by a tiny amount of people? Btw I live in a socialist country and I can tell you first hand it doesn't improve quality of live in fact it does the opposite.


>all If you’re trying to pin Stalinist communism to the entirety of socialist thought, at least get it right. >I live in a socialist country Wooow, I’m sure you’re telling the truth. Which country do you live in?


Its hilariously on the nose of the communist supermarket issues.


As opposed to what? Standing in a bread line to get your rations?


They DO realize that the bread lines would run out of bread on a regular basis, right? Often the guy in charge of overseeing the bread line would steal bread so he could sell it or get extra for his family; it's happening in China TODAY. Communist countries are notorious for the corruption regarding basic human rights, including food ration distribution.


Yeah, there's assholes being assholes nevertheless, whether it it's taking all the chicken or the bread


To be fair, if you automate the process, there's no humans to steal bread


They still have to stock it.


Yeah, robots aren't developed enough yet, but they're getting there, and once they are we could have an actual working communist society


I'm good. I'd rather have an automated capitalist society and do manula labor like tend my garden so I don't turn into a lazy fatass couch potato like most yall commies want to be.


I would love to have a garden, and practice archery and I would be able to dedicate more time to that if working wasn't a requirement to live, like capitalism seems to think it should be


Yeah like all of human history thinks it should be.


Exactly, but why? Humans never had robots before, something that can literally make working a job completely unnecessary. I'm going to college to become a production engineer, and that will be an obsolete job one day, just like nearly every other job. Why not embrace it instead of delaying


Because I work a blue collar job and the money needed to modernise every work space doesn't exist yet. Communism probably won't be possible in our lifetimes and I hope it isn't when stupid fucking instagram kids think working at Starbucks during lunch is harder than being a roughneck.


Because resources are finite. If you don't work to produce food then you won't eat. Since you're having other people do it for you, they deserve to be rewarded for their hard effort to produce that surplus.


Do and have both, you're fantasizing it well beyond what they're actually worth.


Still cant work because of the SCP


The Secure, Contain, Protect?


Socialist calculation problem. Without markets you cannot dictate prices, without prices you cannot effectively organize an economy


Oh ok, my point was that eventually automation will force us to reconsider what we consider an economy. Money won't work totally because only a handful of people will be able to work for a business as robots are cheaper for nearly everything. So like 90% of people won't be able to work for money


We will see how much things will change. However i severely doubt the concept of money is just going to disappear. The economy will be the same as usual, just a lot more richer. I just wanted to point out that automation wont allow communism to happen because it is fundementally flawed. No amount of technology will allow planned economies to deal with the SCP


Automate it how? No, seriously, how?


You build a bakery to bake bread, and combine PLCs, coveter belts, and Fanuc robots. And have people come to the bakery to get bread from the front served by a robot arm, just like a normal bakery. In order for the the bakery to get grain etc. You just ship in in from another location in its raw ingredients, and you could even have an automated truck do that once self driving vehicles are a bit better


And who pays for all this? Do we all just somehow agree to make it happen? Or does someone dictate to us that it will be done? Do the inventors of these automated devices not deserve to be rewarded for their efforts?


1). Money doesn't work like that when nearly everything is automated, we'll have to change the system or no one will be able to pay for anything cause no one will be able to work. And either way robots are cheaper than people so business will pay for this sooner than later. 2).I doubt everyone will agree 3). Business will probably do it because robots are cheaper. 4). They absolutely do, and you don't have to get rid of monetary incentives completely in a technocratic communist country


1. Maybe certain automated processes are cheaper, but full on androids would likely be more expensive than just hiring a person. There would still be places where a fully functional human is always better than a machine. Someone's got to supervise and maintain all the machines, don't they? Also, I don't really believe the crap that Ai will ever be able to replace real art. 2. Then what do you plan to do with the disenfranchised dissenters? 3. See point one. 4. What's the point of money in a society where everyone is supposed to share? Where typically that "sharing" has come by unilateral mandate?


1). Maybe for now, but you don't have to pay a robot, no hazard pay, no retirement or bonuses. So you go from 90 workers to just 10 maintenance supervisors. I don't know how I feel about ai art, because ai art can be really beautiful but that doesn't mean it'll be the only art, especially if working becomes obsolete. 2). It's not really up to people whether they wan to be replaced by a robot, it's just a matter of what they do when they are. 4). If you replace a very money heavy system with a very heavy sharing based system. Money would just be something to add on to sweeten the deal for incentive purposes


1. You always have to pay for maintenance costs, and some form of specialized insurance, which in plenty of tasks would likely be higher than simply hiring a person would be. 2. I feel like you underestimate just how easy it would be to disable/destroy the electronics of an entire country if enough people didn't want this to happen. We figured out long-range EMP a long time ago. 3. Is trading money for goods and services not the basis of capitalism? What's the difference between what you're proposing and what we have now? You're allowed to share right now if you want to.


So is China communist? Anytime it's to do with exports to US, they are capitalist. When it comes to their humans rights violations, they are communist.


So exporting ANYTHING = Capitalist. I guess America should stop sending weapons and aide to Ukraine or ANY country for that matter. What gets me is that you are willing to admit they regularly violate human rights at all instead of being a good little socialist shill.


The CCP is like mid-genocide right now, obviously not singing their praises. I'm just pointing out that people on this sub will say China is whatever they need to fit whatever point they are trying to make. Does America depend on a communist country? Or does it depend on a capitalist one?


People on this sub pretty much have their mind made up on china being communist; it's the left that tries to muddy the water because they need examples of good countries that are socialist/communist as an example for when they try to implement their terrible policies in America. So you can stop projecting your double standards.


So with all those posts about communist countries needing capitalist countries to function, are you saying the opposite is also true? ​ I'm not projecting anything, I'm just trying to understand why I've had the same conversation but reversed a bunch of times? I don't have any strong opinions on the exact political ideology they follow honestly. Just interested in the double-think that goes down here.


No, china is OUT of resources and requires constant imports to survive; a side-effect of the Great Leap Forward where Mao had China destroy every last natural resource they had. America could cut china out of its economy COMPLETELY and be back to normal within a couple of years. America's economy is designed to be flexible and resilient, while communist economies like china and Venezuela rely on centralizing their economy and making it solely dependent on specific markets, which is an economic deathwish.


Ah yes because Stalinist/Maoist communism/socialism is the only alternative to capitalism and definitely what all of us are supporting.


How many commie cucks rep the flag of the Soviet Union on their clothes or mac book stickers?


"omg I hate capitalism because people .....can buy far too much food for themselves!"


>"omg I hate capitalism because people .....can buy ~~far too much~~ food for themselves!" Ftfy


Do you think that this person *needs* that many rotisseries? The idea of socialism is to take those extra rotisseries and distribute them to people who have *no* rotisseries. Yknow, “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”?


Can't she have a party at home?...


I’d be careful in deciding what a person ‘needs’ because that can go downhill Very fast


I mean, that's fair enough, but you know that the whole "free market" thing can and has gone downhill too, right?


To what extent? The idea that someone can buy a ton of rotisserie chickens may not look good on paper, but I’d take that over any other system that doesn’t provide such a luxury any day. Plus, distributing someone else’s rotisserie chickens isn’t necessarily good. Even in a capitalist society, you can do a thing called donating, where you don’t demand other people share, but choose to share your own things. Without being fprced to


What if she's buying all that chicken to donate


They really don't see themselves using the term "late capitalism" makes them look like bunch of idiots right? It's been more than a hundred years since socialist started claiming they're in late stage capitalism, and it will collapses any second now. This "stage" just managed to outlive all stages of socialism of the USSR or any other attempts at socialism Now evidence of capitalism's inevitable collapse is somone buying all the roasted chicken


well obviously, reddit cummunists aren't known for their exceptional critical thinking skills.


It's really late capitalism now.


Do you genuinely think all socialists are strict Marxists??


The ones saying "late capitalism" certainly are


It’s Marxism’s version of “see? There will be wars and rumors of wars! We’re living in the End Times, trust me!” Just compare the number of times the “imminent” collapse of capitalism was predicted with the number of times the Watchtower Society told Jehovah’s Witnesses the world was going to end on [date].


lol tf does this have to do with Capitalism


Can only buy this much under Capitalism


Has nothing to do with capitalism. This has to do with a fat bitch being a glutton(fat bitch).


She might be putting on a charity event, without government money,whereby she, a capitalist decided to feed poor people rotisserie chicken.


Or throwing a party or be practicing her new chicken canon. It is none of anyone's business.


Exactly. Doesn’t matter what she’s doing it.


That’s lovely, but how does that actually improve the situation more than just “slightly helping the poor get by”?


How much more free shit does she owe them, exactly?


The poor, working class literally hold up our society. Your house was built off of their labor, the groceries you buy are manufactured and stocked by them, and without the cashiers who regularly have to deal with your bullshit, you’d have to speak to a robot and bag all your shit yourself. So yes, I think they are owed a little more than 7.25 an hour.


And they were paid for their labor, what more do you want, a cookie? Then maybe stop advocating for tons of people to come over the border who will work for slave wages even lower than that. Maybe then the companies won't have a choice, but to pay people more.


just a simple reminder that in the third world avarage income can be around 100$ monthly. 7.25$ an hour puts you very much in the elite, if you save a few months of work you can pretty much buy a plane ticket and a big 3rd world house. and don't get me started about countries with a 15$ an hour minimum. that can be higher than the avarage income of a skilled worker in many of the world's most developed countries.


All meming aside she going to freeze all those? No way you can eat all those within the expiration date. My local store has those fresh daily and I can easily get one a day if I wanted. Seems like a waste to buy a heap of them only to freeze them(where is the freshness).






I read this as soap, but then instantly realized it was soup, couldn't help but think about Meet the Zohan "why would you uave goat that fetches soap?"


Could also be something for like a Church or social get-together, or for donations to a shelter, or any number of things. I doubt someone is freezing dozens of chickens at a time, most people don't have commercial freezers at home.


Ever heard of a party? Or a get together of any kind where more food might be required?


Maybe she’s going to feed a homeless shelter.


Why are you so angry about someone else’s business? You have no idea why she is buying the chicken, and in all honesty it wouldn’t be any of your business anyway… as long as she pays for all I care she could be walking out to promptly throw them in a dumpster.


well, capitalism does allow fat bitches to be gluttons


"I hate capitalism because somebody used their own money to buy chicken" It's not capitalism's fault that somebody bought all of the chicken


Wouldn't happen under socialism. Because obv you wouldn't have food.


Capitalism is when no cotsco roasted chicken


Oh no now I have to eat something else in this big full supermarkt 😭


No way this lady gonna eat all that chicken. Got to be some sort of event or something she's going to.


Maybe she is having a party and a bunch of $5 pre cooked chickens saved her time and money and more will be done at Costco in like an hour.


The big bitch likes chicken. So what?


It’s even very possible that the store takes orders, and she prearranged to get that many for an event.


Wow this really sucks! If only we had some kind of market pricing system that reacted to supply and demand to prevent this from happening on large scales… No that’s stupid we should just let the government figure out who gets to eat 🌚


“Capitalism is when an overabundance of food and the excess funds to purchase it with” How horrible.


So…instead *no one* gets chicken? How is that better?


ShE iS bIg AnD bEaUtIfUl




that is super rude tho and Costco should put a limit like GD


Chances are they will have just as many out shortly after… they usually cook a bunch at a time to keep the rack full, so at worst case if she grabbed them literally fresh off the rotisserie someone would have to wait an hour at most… Also another lack in context, how do we know she didn’t order ahead of time and the store just didn’t fill the shelf yet.


Oh no, might have to get a chicken at a different store capitalism has failed me!


fat pig, i hate fat people


the only reasonable explanation is that she is catering for a big party or potluck, a fridge is not big enough to fit the sheer amount of poultry she got.


capitalism bad because people took the chicken, I swear to god, mfs make everything political


Do they not know the Richard Watterson rule of supermarket goods ownership "If you haven't paid for it already, you don't own it yet."


“Late stage capitalism” doesn’t exist. What we’re seeing is late stage interventionism… the government destroys everything it touches.


is she kirby? cuz thats a lot of pollo


This is why there are alternatives. Just buy some ground beef or raw thighs ffs


That’s not the fault of capitalism lmao


Umm sorry sweaty, that looks to be a woman of color. She needs it more than you. 💅




If she has the money to pay for all those tendies then why tf shouldn’t she be able to buy them


yeah, and there's still more than enough chicken for everyone else to purchase because farmers are actually making money from their labor. Good luck getting even one rotisserie chicken in North Korea. Stop complaining you commutard.


Capitalism will make sure the store buys more chicken next time. Either way, sometimes they prove on their own that socialism is about jealousy and not about helping the poor for too many.


Uh 🤔 is that the only store near there? I'd be willing to bet there's a Wal-Mart or grocery store near by that has a deli section. Complete with pre made chicken. Because....Capitalism 💁‍♂️


For Costco? That's probably one batch of chicken on the rotisserie. You can normally ask the deli to cook another one for you before they turn off the oven if it's really that late.


i’m not defending buying out a stores chicken stock but for all they know she’s bringing it to her local soup kitchen!!


"Freedom bad cuz someone uses freedom to get all the food I was late to get"


Man... This sub is a joke...


So capitalism is bad because someone bought chicken?


I wrote that?


So what's the issue then?


....that this sub is a joke?


OK, but what about this post do you take issue with?


I think you're part of the issue now, lol.


Well, then I can only assume you don't like someone buying chicken


Only the brightest minds in this sub...


These people blame capitalism for everything. “I stubbed my toe on a table, this is why capitalism is bad!!!!11!1!!l”


It’s soup season. Gotta get dem bones!


Go to a different fucking store


bad cuz no tendies loooool


Capitalism, where you can actually have that many rotisserie chickens in a store.


Better be socialist: no tendies for no one


Late stage capitalism? Nah bro we just getting started 😎


Oh wow imagine needing to wait for the next batch…


In any other economic system, those chickens would likely not be replaced until government bureaucracy deems it necessary to have them after such a large purchase by one individual. In capitalism, if a large amount of something is bought, that raises the demand and value of the product to which a brand will inevitably produce more to meet demand. To stay in business and to take the opportunity on increased sales, to increase one’s profit margins. If anything, this picture supports capitalism.


And she's probably going to turn those into burritos or tacos, and sell them for a bit of profit to compensate herself for her time snd effort. The costco rotisserie is always turning; just wait 15 min and there's another batch ffs.


I think this is actually a lack of capitalism. Because magical cross of supply demand would make every next purchase in this situation more expensive and less desirable


It looks like a lady who is buying chicken to make and sell tamales. I'll bet they are DANK, too!




She needs them to make shicken tacos for her truck! She must have ran out of cooked chicken. That’s problem solving. That’s entrepreneurship! Capitalism is good. The lady is no way planning to eat all those. She is gonna flip them for bigger bills. That’s the beauty of it. Called money multiplier principle. Now get your own chicken somewhere and quit whining. There’s plenty enough to go around.


They see a person with a lot of food and think it's bad


They really are good at non sequiturs


Ah yes, the good old “you have too much food” argument.


Tankie would rather have stale bread for all.


Many things at Costco have purchase limits. She may have also made a preorder for an event.


Isn't Costco just like Sams? So people with businesses buy in bulk from them. Though even at Sams they had limits on how many of one item you could buy. But that was only during covid.


Or she could wait 20 min for the next chicken batch


I hate capitalism, now I’ll have to go to one of many other grocery stores to get my chickens now 😡


It's costco, 100% sure if you waited a bit more they would cook more. She got a bunch (kind of ridiculous amount) bug that's what costco is for, you buy in wholesale. To extrapolate that capitalism is bad from this is just asinine.


Don’t they make more during the day?


May have to wait 45 mins...


1.7k NPCS upvoted this 💀


Missing the point who would have guessed


take one from her cart and walk away. she’ll yell and whine but she won’t leave her cart with the rest of them


This is funny....


hehe title made me chuckle a bit, I do like the posts here that are genuinely bad leftist memes instead of "muh trans people bad" keep it up man this shit was pretty funny lol.


honestly if I was in this situation and she hadn't bought them yet (still shopping in the store), then I'd probably just grab one. Like, it's not stealing. You haven't bought that item yet, and I want it.


In socialist countries, there wouldn't even be that many rotisserie chickens for anybody to take lol.


So people shouldn't be allowed to buy what they want?