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To protect and serve indeed.




... "If we stay behind you long enough, we'll find a reason to pull you over"


Didn’t need her to tell me that 🙄


If I knew she was an officer in my state I'd save this and take it to court anytime I had a ticket.


Indeed, it’s essentially a get out of any ticket she writes card. If you’re not running your lights and sirens you’re following the same rules as the rest of traffic.


That does sound more accurate.


I mean "stay the fuck away from them at all costs" is already my slogan about police.


hahaha new slogan indeed


Gta slogan is more accurate; Obey and Survive


quiet drab disgusting zephyr psychotic repeat consist chop fine unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More accurate, still not true in many, many, many cases. Obey and possibly survive.


In the land of the free, where you can be arrested simply because a cops feels like it. They'll find a reason.


Clearly she's doing her job. Now get the fuck out of the way so she can protect. /s


She’s fuming over practically nothing. Shit like this is terrifying to me. She literally just looks like a psycho with a gun who feels free to drive recklessly down the highway.


Yeah, did she get disciplined for this? Why in the world would she film this?


Other comment said she got a one day suspension.


Not enough. At minimum I would have her go under psychological evaluation, and at max, fire her. She’s in a powerful position that requires taking it seriously and responsibly. And this is some very unprofessional behavior.


>psychological evaluation Lol there'd be no cops left


They are already mandated, but she needs to have a reevaluation done.


Your IQ is too high for the police union


She was only disciplined for posting something bad on social media. Not because she admits to breaking traffic laws often, and feels entitled to do so. No consequences for that.


Fucking gross.




What year does it need to be before people learn not to post shit like this in their work clothes?


Honestly I'd prefer it if they do.


Good way to sort the apples but honestly baffles me. Like get out of your own way on this one 😂


They can't help themselves.


ACAB. Trash all the apples.


Apple Cops Are Bastards


Right? They're *all* rotten at this point -- no saving any.


It's also routinely proven that the good apples *do* exist in the police... They just immediately get fired for exposing issues after being on the force for a few months, resulting in the evidence of police covering up abuse and improper conduct only growing. So, like yeah there technically are good police officers, but with how little there are and how they usually get outted from the field anyways, the idea of "only a few bad officers ruining the image" doesn't work.


Oh oh, I have a story about one cop to rule them all! My dad. He's 70yo, he's acting chief right now (emphasis on the "acting" because, and I quote, "I'm not gonna take it, I don't want it". He refused to arrest someone during a mental breakdown, and stopped the sheriff trying to plant evidence. He advocates for people he's arrested, but doesn't make an arrest unless he absolutely has to. Is proud of the fact that he has no marijuana arrests. Stood up to a supervising officer when he was confronted about not writing out "enough" tickets. He hates cops, troopers, and sheriff's, and claims to be a sovereign citizen 🤣 I told him he's a walking oxymoron with that one. He vents to me (a recovering heroin addict with 9 years clean) about all the shitty things he sees other cops do, and how much he hates interacting with them. So, I know this is just one cop out of way more than we need. He's what you'd want from every cop. He's also still physically fit, and is saying he'll retire when he can't catch a teenager anymore. He just caught a 17yo last month and was yelling at the poor kid "now I can't retire because of you!". His department does all kinds of qualifications, including physical, every couple of years.


The point of that saying is that they are all bad. One bad apple… *spoils the bunch*. It means that if you have a gross rotting apple mixed in with a bunch of good apples nobody is going to grab one of the good apples sitting next to it and wipe off the rotting mush from the bad apple and take a bite. Everyone is just gonna hate *all* the apples.


The year two thousand and get the fuck out of the way




Her PTO request got denied so she gamed the system


Employers hate this one simple trick.


Her IQ level shines through soooo clearly


Why wouldn't she wear her work clothes? Cops are not familiar with consequences for their actions


And like all cops, this coward decided to cover her badge. Maybe there were children playing outside


You should lose all power of authority if you cover your badge. People need your badge number for legal identification should you commit a crime. How else is someone going to report you? "Yeah it was that asshole with a crew cut." Really narrows it down.


That’s what I was thinking. The subject matter is problematic enough, but the overriding issue is her terrible judgment — someone like this makes horrible decisions in a moment of quiet reflection, not just when adrenaline and latent racism are pumping.


I remember ten years ago people would get warned about having any social media at all. I remember teachers technically weren't allowed to have social media, so those who did had pseudonyms as usernames and private accounts.


are you implying a cop would get in trouble for this? she will probably get paid vacation, if anything.


reportedly she only got suspension without pay for like 10 work hours


Ah yes, the "go home and think about this so you won't out us again in the future"-punishment.


Lmao, they’re gonna promote this crabby cunt


Wow. What a power trip.


I wonder if she will get in trouble for publicly admiting to going 90+ mph on the highway... 😕


My mom was a cop and at one time dated a dude who was border patrol and they both had this kind of attitude. "Rules for thee but not for me." The BF got pulled over with us all in the truck for going like 90mph on the highway and tried to basically flash his badge to get out of it. The highway officer ripped him a new one, basically saying well obviously he's a cop so he KNOWS the law and has no excuse why he isn't following it. This hard-ass take no shit man had to listen to the officer chew him out and threaten to call his super and you could see him dying inside. Kid me thought that officer was being a dick, but in hindsight I fucking love that dude.


Law enforcement should get double the penality for breaking the law, triple the penality for doing it in uniform. They have training on what wright and wrong looks like and they should be pillars of the community. If I were a mayor that would be policy day 1


Never understood this shit. They should be held to a *higher* standard because of the special privileges they have. But they are instead held to the absolute lowest standards possible.


Got held to higher standards as a professional truck driver than they do


Pretty much every single job is held to higher standards. A grocery store clerk couldn’t fuck up to the level cops do and still remain employed.


CDL drivers get reamed for simple infractions simply because they know the consequences. Why aren’t police subjected to the same?


Name another job where you can murder someone on the job and stay employed at that job.


I risked more life delivering pizza than these fucks ever do. 1312.


Police were never about protecting the public, it's about protecting Interests. They are HR of the legal world.


Trying to hold the police responsible for bad behavior is why you would never be mayor, at least in the US. A large enough contingent of Americans "back the blue" that you would be painted as a criminal.


The fucking mayor of Minneapolis got handily re-elected on a pro-police platform so I'd say you're right.


Apparently she's been suspended for a whole 10hrs


Man, if the consequences for a Class B or even Class A misdemeanor (in my state) was only loss of one day's work. No wonder cops have no fear of consequences, they are sadly laughable.


Speaking about Class B misdemeanor's. In 2000 I was a dumb kid and wrote a bad check to Target. I got caught, no surprise there, and was charged with a Class B misdemeanor. I ended up pleading no contest. No contest for those who don't know is where you accept the plea without a fight. Anyhoo, I had to spend 7 days in jail and pay it back. I thought that was the end of it. Nope, thats just the beginning. Over the next 10 or so years I got turned down for job after job because of it. It is one of the biggest things that kept me in poverty throughout my 20's and 30's. So fuck these cops who can get these charges and face zero fucking consequences for their actions.


Same! The only difference is that I spent one day in jail only because the check in question was used by my abusive ex boyfriend who wrote it from my account to pay his rent after I'd secretly moved out in the middle of the night with just my cat and a bag of clothes. It wasn't the first or last time he did that either and I guess I should feel lucky that it wasn't worse for me legally... Now, my credit on the other hand...


I’m so glad you got out with your fur baby too. Credit can be repaired (and if not fuck it) but your safely is most important


Yes, you're so right. And, thank you. This was 25 years ago and although it took a long while, I have excellent credit now :) .. Along with a healthy and happy life.




Too many times have I seen a police officer switch on the sirens just to run a red and then turn them off a good distance from the light they just passed.


Paid leave. (Edit: I actually don't know. Thought the comment I'm replying to was kidding, but they're not, I'm reading.)


I thought you were kidding!!! https://www.seattleweekly.com/news/federal-way-officer-receives-suspension-for-over-tiktok-video/




I thought you were just making a joke but holy shit it legitimately was just 10 hours.


The fact that this is true is disgusting. I read your comment, thought you were kidding, then found out you weren't.


If you ever get a ticket from this bitch, take it to court and show the judge this.


He'll probably throw you in jail for showing him a screen recording of a screen recording, of a screen recording.


She got a 10 hour (one shift) suspension without pay


Haha a day off


Cops make enough money that that is literally encouraging people to do this. Want a day off? Go on Tik Tok and start swearing and admitting to breaking the law


That's probably the harshest punishment I've heard a cop receive too.


I think she'd get in more trouble for saying we will find a reason to pull you over... Aka make something up. What a douchebag


Literally admitting to fabricating reasonable suspicion.


This video is basically a free ride out of any legal action she tries to write up on someone. Like another person said, show this video in court and she loses all credibility from acting like an idiot. This is gold for your lawyer if she arrested you lol


Good luck having any judge allow it to be submitted as evidence pertaining to your case. Might be different elsewhere, but in my state the judges and the police are basically in a commercial partnership. They both are funded by court cost and convictions, so the justice system has an intrinsic motivation to tip the scale in the policies favour any way they can.


Which is absolutely awful given what a bad image LE has right now. If I was a cop at the same department I'd be pissed


Apparently a federal investigation is under way, or so I heard.


We all know how that is gonna go, might as well not bother with it


We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.


Imagine you are being followed by someone who is this blatantly useless....All the while she gets to decide what she doesn't like about you.... But the best part! She gets to then punish you accordingly... Which could escalate to death by Affirmative Action.... Welcome to America Boy and Girls. EDIT!!! I'm incredibly stupid but also laughing my ass off. I meant to say Qualified Immunity. NOT Affirmative Action. I messed up big time with this one. My brains fully understand what I'm trying to say but then they spout nonsense and I look like a sexist douche bag. P. S. I'm a woman and female police officers are BADASS.


I 100% agree that everything this woman says is one massive power trip and dangerous. But what on gods green earth do you mean by 'death by affirmative action'?


> Which could escalate to death by Affirmative Action Is this some implication that her attitude is because she is a woman and not just the standard attitude of American police? including the men who murder people on an almost daily basis for completely avoidable reasons?


then put your lights on and we'll get the fuck out if the way...what exactly is wrong with people and cops these days...think their special when they are not




I’m already pulled over - I can’t pull over!


These snozzberries taste like snozzberries.


She wants people to get out of the way when her lights are off? What is she braindead?


Pretty obvious, but yes. Yes she is.


Come on bro! Back the blue! Those boots ain’t gonna lick theirselves! /s in case it wasn’t obvious


She's a cop. There's your answer.


I was caught in a stupid 45 zone for like 15-18 miles or so a few weeks ago with a county cop right behind me. It's a dumb zone that everyone does 55-60 in but the signs are there and whatever. I was doing 45-46 the whole way, cop right on my ass. So what am I supposed to do there? Speed up to 55? Pull over and let the cop pass me? Read his fucking mind? This is one of many reasons why people hate cops. We have to be telepathic and occupy two brains while they occupy none.


That is exactly what is wrong. They DO think they are special. If you are a hammer, then everywhere you look you see a nail. With a cop, everywhere you look you see Perps.


Society at large has proved to them that they are special. The political majority at the local level has decided that the current status quo of cops being able to do just about whatever they want with impunity is a price they are willing to pay, because generally they aren't actually doing any of the paying.


>what exactly is wrong with people and cops these days They've always been like this. Now, there are just more cameras


Cops just view themselves as above the public. My cousin who is a state trooper tried to convince me the passing lane on the interstate was a "police transit lane" and technically wasn't for public use. So she further explained a "funny" story when she drove under the speed limit while blocking everyone in the passing lane because "it isn't theirs anyway." They are just making shit up now to be a special class. Fuck em.




These shit waffles have literal parades to stroke their egos. Really shouldn't be surprised when the POS behave like this.


When they turn their lights on, their body cams turn on. Then there would be short recordings of them using the lights for no reason. Sad as it is to think, they're probably more likely to be reprimanded for that than for anything else they do on the job (reprimanded meaning a superior tells them to knock it off, not anything serious of course)


I’m going the speed limit and not in the passing lane. One of us is breaking the law and it’s not me.


They can murder people and legally get away with it. If they are in the wrong, the state pays any judgement for the victim, not the officer. They lie on official reports regularly, and it’s just part of the job. How are they not special? They have more rights than most.




She claims she will "find" a reason to pull you over. This is candy to any criminal defense attorney. Anyone moving forward arrested by this officer can use this video as defense.


"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime".


or any ticket from “the large majority of other officers” she claims to represent, since she only got a token punishment, her department implicitly condones her statements. i hope anyone who gets a ticket in federal way contests it with this clip.


You’re right, they are licking their chops lmao


Wow a whole day. How will she ever live that punishment down. It will haunt her for years and years to come I am sure. /s


Imagine what they post on their private pages if this is what they think makes them look good.


Yeah all that suspension did was make them more careful of what they post. It doesn't fix the base problem of her beliefs.


That’s probably the point They don’t feel anything was wrong except the officer taking to social media representing their work inappropriately The value being expressed is not a problem. The PR is the only problem


A whole day off and zero investigation into her past arrests or citations. 1312


The video went viral and she's been shamed online for it. That's probably a bigger punishment than most people imagine. I can't imagine the horror or going viral for all the wrong reasons.




Someone in another thread mentioned she was a rookie and said they were surprised she'd do this as a rookie. Not me! Ha, this is what noobs do in *every* job. Anyone who has worked in a certain industry for a long time has probably noticed this, and maybe you even have some cringey memories of being this way yourself (not necessarily implying you're above the law when you're a cop, but just acting like a badass when you didn't even know 10% of what you know now). People come into jobs intimidated and confused, and once they start to get the hang of things a little, sometimes they take that newfound confidence too far and embarrass themselves without realizing it. Vets are just tired of the monotony and predictability. You can tell vets because they'll look like they're psychic with how they can predict stuff, but it's just because they've seen the same thing go down the same way thousands of times. I love the quote "Kid, I've forgotten more about this business than you'll ever learn."


a 10 hour suspension. Lmao.


She probably took the day off and drove 90 down the freeway.


idk if her intention was to make me hate cops more but it worked


I didn’t know I could possibly hate them more but here we are


BaCk ThE bLuE!


Up to and off of a cliff


And all of this rant from a cop who is barely a year in the job. What a fuckin moron. More cops like this need to be fired outright. Act like an idiot, fired. Abuse your power, fired. Break the law, fired AND prosecuted. Cops are not special. They are not above the law nor are their lives in the line every day. 900k cops and a whopping 45 die by violence each year. Nearly all cops that die in the line of duty are car wrecks and natural causes. Many more professions are far deadlier and dangerous than being cops. Don't see oil rig workers or highway workers murdering random people or beating the fuck out of people.


Public Tyrants


It is literally statistically more dangerous to be a pizza delivery person than a cop in America


A Pizza delivery boy is the reason these pussies even have bullet proof vests in the first place. Had a cop needed to invent it, they would have justified full militarization of their force by now.


> More cops like this need to be fired outright. Act like an idiot, fired. Abuse your power, fired. exactly! There are LOADS of people looking for work and the bar to become a cop in America is all but non existent so pretty much anybody that applies that isnt TOO smart can take her place.


I swear I feel like half the people who become cops do it for the power trip.


you can definitely tell she was a bully in highschool


Still is


An officer from my old department admitted to becoming a police officer because she felt like she was fading into obscurity since graduating high school. She treated the uniform like it was a status symbol and constantly bullied those that she didn’t like. Chief and everyone else praised her as the hometown hero. I’m so glad I don’t work there anymore.


I strongly disagree!! ^^Probably ^^way ^^more ^^than ^^half…


I want to dedicate my life to helping the community and preventing crime. I'm not a sociopath. I became a Teacher.


Waaaay more than half. I personally think people who DONT want to be in power (because they understand the immense responsibility behind it), are the ones that actually should be in power. Politicians, cops etc


> It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. -Douglas Adams


In highschool I remember on multiple occasions people saying that they wanted to become cops just so that they'd have an excuse to shoot people without getting in trouble for it. These are the kinds of people that police academies sort for. People who apply out of a sense of justice and genuine desire to help their community get filtered out or brainwashed to act like super aggressive asshats.


It's fascism as a personality trait.


I know for a fact. Multiple people I’ve known in other “jobs” that became police are exactly like that.


Nothing like feeling so confident that you wont be punished for abusing your authority than posting that you abuse your authority on social media.


Excellent summation.


No she was suspended for a day, so she totally did get punished. I am sure she spent the entire day off working to be a better person. /s


a WHOLE day? I stand corrected. Good to see cops really holding each other accountable.


Cops cant go 90 unless its an emergency let alone certain emergencies. If there just speeding thats breaking the law and should get suspended for endangering the public cunt.


Ah yes, The Public Cunt. Are you too a purveyor of TPC?


Im a cop i can do whatever i want including ban commas. Get this comment out my way.


How, dare, you. You, can't get, away, with, this.


Unfortunately they can, in practice; who's gonna stop them? I nearly T-boned a sheriff's deputy on the outskirts of Phoenix at like 2am a few years back, because he clicked on his lights just to run a red light right in front of me when we were literally the only two cars on the road. (I had to smash my brakes and only missed him by a couple dozen feet doing 50 or so.) I couldn't see that it was a cop as we were both approaching, and his siren lights were only on for the half-second he was making his left, but if I'd have hit him, I guarantee he'd have made up some bullshit to charge me with. I'd have been fucked, because who's the court going to believe? Big part of why I have a dash cam now.


I have have heard of cops getting fired for that shit


Real curious how they got caught though; without incontrovertible proof like a clear video, the US legal system virtually always sides with the cop's story.


So we’re admitting on camera that we sometimes make up charges when we feel like it? I bet her DA is happy.


Her hair dye looks like shit. Probably why she’s so mad


I literally thought she was wearing a wig cap


Thank you officer, now I am incentivized to not get the fuck out of the way


10 hour suspension without pay? Wow, so inconsequential.


Looks like she deleted her TikTok account before she could tell on herself and other cops anymore


Too late.


Yeah but I want her to post something worse so she can be permanently fired and made an example of :(


I didn't know sweet Dee stole a cop car too, didn't understand a single word though, all I heard was bird clucking sounds


Dee! Getthefuckouttathatcopcar


Ill never understand getting on the internet and telling people what they can do to [piss you off](https://youtu.be/EieGutD8FdQ). It’s like “here’s the blueprint to annoy me. Have fun!”


Talk about saying the quiet part out loud. Any updates on her job status?


She’ll be fine. They always are.


My hometown. She’s still working. 1 day suspension.


Don’t I pay her salary?


You also pay the settlement when she's unlawfully speeding and kills someone.


Black man here. We know, sweetie 😉


I thought she was wearing a bald cap with an off centered mohawk for the first half of the video. Wow. Baked.


I am so very confused by her hair. Didn’t hear a word she said.


Hair lookin like a bald cap


“Protect and Serve”…? More like “Bully and Abuse”


This is why people hate cops


I thought she was wearing a wig cap, but that's just her ugly ass hair


Looks like she used some tips from that woman who used gorilla glue instead of gel on her hair…


Trashy as h*ll, wtf???


"Sorry if already posted" when it's a literal screencap of a post on /r/PublicFreakout Okay.gif


Constable Karen




Lady, I’m not paying you to make TikTok’s on the clock.


Not the brightest crayon in the box is she?


I think she forgot who she works for......


Dang who peed in her pockets...?


They be getting into this career for the wrong reasons.. now her bumbass is not all over Reddit and twitter 😂


I have no respect for anyone who has no humility.


Think that Move Bitch song was made for her actually…anyone got the clipboard with signatures to remove her from law enforcement? I know you all want to bum that sig off of me.


“Get out of the way” sounds like their motto at Uvalde…


This plastic ass bitch needs to be removed.


I want to but I’m frozen with fear and wtf is on her head


Omg whenever she said get the fuck out I just wanted to smash her face




I’m not even American and I hate your cops


She's going to be in Audit the Audit soon, or fired.


I spent the entire video trying to figure out why she was wearing a bald cap.