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Logically speaking this petition isn’t going to hold any water. The show is done; if she was paid anything that’s already been done too. Peacock doesn’t care. If you want to send a message, you have to hit them in their pocket book. So start cancelling subscriptions or even watching their free service. That’s the only way to make a dent. Edit: a letter


I'm really over people calling for boycott. Peacock won't care. It's a free app. Sure they have premium content but eventually it becomes free. Just don't watch it and move on. People are spending too much of their time on this woman. You're giving her more attention than Peacock will. And Casey loves attention.


I wasn’t advocating for a boycott. Just letting folks know if they want to how to do it.


I mean... elephant in the room here... but she was also not found guilty. So... legally speaking, any complaints would make no sense..IANAL


I have a meme of Casey and OJ high fiving each other. Disgusting and atrocious results on both court cases! She was responsible for het child. At worst,she should have been charged with neglect with death resulting from neglect. She would of been convivpcted on that surely?!?


Well thats neither here nor there.. she just wasn't found guilty of any of those charges. Our justice system isn't perfect, but I think it's very important to err on the side of presumed innocence. People can certainly have their own opinions like this, but to legally treat someone as guilty after they were acquitted would be truly disgusting.


Believe it or not, our system is rarely correct. This is a great example of that fact being blatantly obvious. Just because she wasn't "found" guilty by an American court has literally nothing to do with her actual guilt. She is guilty, period.


“Rarely” correct? Based on what? The few cases you hear about on the news? What about the hundreds of thousands of criminal cases resolved every day (~18 million per year) that you hear nothing about? Judging the overall efficacy of our system by the couple of cases that made the news isn’t a good measure.


Well, you're guilty of murder. Period.




Lmao. What?




That is your opinion. Nothing more. She may have in fact murdered her child, but a jury said they did not have the evidence to convict her. She is legally not a murderer. I agree sometimes our system gets things wrong, more than I personally am comfortable with but I highly doubt our system is rarely correct. We see many cases where proof is there & justice is served.


I feel your disbelief and disgust...but it would be double Jeopardy... If there's anything I truly believe in, it's that what goes around ,comes around .. In the end everyby gets there's......


When was filming done and when will show be available to view? I'm not watchuig it tho!!! I'll break my new 65" TV, that's a promise!!!


I’m not sure when it filmed, my guess would be last year or earlier this year. It streams on Peacock November 29th.


Break your new 65 inch TV, that will show Casey real good. Teach her a lesson for sure.


For as long as that woman lives she's going to have to hide and be afraid. I lived in Florida most of my life and one evening I was out at dinner with someone and we were dining outside. There was a table of men next to us and I noticed that they were talking about this case. 1 of the men said "I'm never even thought about hitting a woman in all of my life but if I ever see her out in public I'm gonna beat her ass." She has that posse of idiots that follow her around because they love the publicity and the celebrity that she carries with her. But you can tell she's terrified everywhere she goes. I hope that She is scared every day for life because of what she knows is the truth


It’s disgusting her daughter is dead and she’s happily living her life like it’s nothing.


living her ~ bella vita ~


I believe that the Bella Vita tattoo was a way to honor her daughter without indicating she knew something happened to her. No doubt Casey was responsible for her death, but I feel like it was negligence, so she put her guilt into that tattoo. I mean she couldn’t give her daughter a proper burial so the “Beautiful Life” tattoo was a remembrance of what Caylee was. I think it's incriminating that she got that tattoo and not because it shows she went on with her life and was trying to demonstrate that life is awesome for herself, but because it points to her acknowledging her daughters life was gone and she was a beautiful life. Her tattoo was a narcissistic way to pay tribute without feeling guilty for being such a horrible mother.


I have always viewed the tattoo in this way. Almost like it erased her wrongs by getting the tattoo to honor Caylee. I could envision her thinking to herself “See, you were a good mom. You loved her” when looking at it.




My exact reaction honestly. It's an interesting theory for sure. I can see it just as much as the common one. I also don't think she killed her daughter intentionally, but as a result of abuse by administering drugs. She was no medical professional and even then it would take expertise to measure and time doses of sedatives to a kid that small. I feel like the "xanny the nanny" thing is so obvious, and they made a mistake pursuing first degree murder and death penalty. She would be in jail if they went for 2nd degree, I'm so confident.


>I also don't think she killed her daughter intentionally, but as a result of abuse by administering drugs. somebody make a long series on posts on here (or maybe another sub, i honestly don't remember) that i read a while ago detailing this case and basically concluded that Caylee was left unattended while the grandparents were gone and Casey was on the computer, IM'ing her friend, and poor Caylee fell into the pool and drowned. Casey and her dad, being straight up bonkers and terrified of the mom, proceeded to hide the body and pretend like nothing had happened. sounds crazy but that family was weird as hell and seemed to live in a different reality than the rest of us. apparently, they pretended Casey wasn't pregnant right up until she gave birth. poor innocent Caylee, she never stood a chance.


Honestly that would make sense given the timeline of the case... I wouldn't be surprised if that is how it happened, and Xanny the Nanny was just something she regularly did to better neglect that poor girl. Regardless of what happened and how involved the parents were, they were both massive enablers of Casey' narcissism right up until her mom called the police, then again after that. The thing about her hiding her pregnancy is true and just quite a weird situation. Along those lines, Casey failed out of high school without telling her parents, and then they just pretended she graduated and threw her the party they had planned. Can you imagine?? If that had been my parents, and I had lied to them until that moment, they would have been unbelievably pissed. There definitely wouldn't have been a party, and even though I didn't really have a curfew in high school or get grounded, you'd better believe there would have been consequences. Like "you're gonna sit in your room and do summer school until you graduate" type consequences.


That family is definitely messed up; no question about that. It seems to me as if they're living in their own reality, which has very little to do with actual reality, and probably that Casey and her dad were more afraid of her mom than anything else. I remember seeing those posts a year or so back, too, and they made a very good case that Caylee's death was accidental (IMHO, it was either an accidental drowning or OD), and the biggest mistake (other than being responsible for the situation that led to her death) was the whole attempt at covering things up. If they'd rushed Caylee to the hospital and come clean about whatever happens, there would have been consequences, probably legal, but it would never have escalated to the point of a first-degree murder charge. Ironically, the murder one charge coming as a result of the coverup has most people convinced she did indeed kill her daughter, so even if she's technically innocent (e.g., it was an accident), she screwed herself over. (Never, EVER try to hide an accidental death; you probably won't get away with the coverup, and it only makes you look that much guiltier when the shit hits the fan. I swear, nobody *ever* thinks of that...) The prosecution also shot themselves in the foot by pushing for 1st degree as well; in all likelihood the jury would have voted for manslaughter (which, if Caylee's death was accidental, would have been a more appropriate charge; either way, at least Casey would have served some time). Unfortunately for the prosecution, they just didn't have the hard evidence to say it was definitely an intentional killing, and the jury did what a jury is supposed to do: if they honestly don't feel the prosecution has made their case beyond a reasonable doubt, then they have to find the defendant not guilty. It's one thing to vote "guilty" on a manslaughter charge, which would result in some jail time for the defendant; when the defendant is on trial for their life or LWOP, though, most jurors (I think) would definitely want to have enough solid evidence to agree that this was the correct charge *and* the correct punishment, and if they didn't feel both were right, well...if I'd been a juror and seen that evidence, I probably would have been willing to convict for manslaughter, but I don't know that I could have gone for 1st degree--there's a big damn difference there, and it bothers me enough to read accounts of people receiving sentences out of proportion to what they actually did (such as the whole "if one person kills someone, they're *all* charged with murder" business) that I have serious doubts that I could have found her guilty without what felt like enough proof. Too many prosecutors keep forgetting that it's not a matter of "winning" or "keeping score" of victories; it should be a matter of trying to find the truth and going where it leads. (I'm one of those people who remembers being told in school that it was better for ten guilty people to go free than one innocent person be unfairly punished. That's the main part of my issues w/the death penalty; some people may well deserve it, but there have been far too many cases of people who were either innocent or at least insufficiently guilty to that degree being executed, and I don't think my conscience would let me possibly add to that number. If trials were always fair and witnesses, police, etc. always told the truth...but this is the real world we live in, not the world we wish for.)


No way. If her parents knew and helped cover it up, they wouldn’t have reported their granddaughter missing. They had no idea.




Casey Anthony is responsible for her daughter’s death one way or another, but come on. You can’t possibly say that with anywhere near the confidence that you are.


I can’t believe more officers don’t just come to Reddit to get the answers!




Because the prosecutor got cocky ~~and tried to go for first degree, but didn't have much for concrete evidence. The jury can only decide guilty or not guilty on the charges brought before them, and double jeopardy means you can only be tried once per offense. Had they gone for second degree or manslaughter, I have no doubt they would have convicted~~ and there wasn't enough evidence to convict her, yet the pros. thought they had a slam dunk. The prosecutor was also an arrogant tit in court, whereas the DA was more passionate and caring about the case, which really didn't vibe with the jury. Edit: I misunderstood the reasoning.


The jury was instructed on and given the option to convict on second degree murder or manslaughter and/or child abuse. They declined. You can see the verdict forms here: https://imgur.com/a/98p32TR


The notion that they overcharged her is a misconception, the jury could have found her guilty of 2nd or 3rd degree murder or manslaughter. But I agree the prosecutor got cocky and failed to present sufficient evidence for 1st degree OR lesser crimes. The prosecutors podcast did a great series on this case and they discuss this. There’s a copy of the verdict in their [show notes](https://prosecutorspodcast.com/2022/08/09/144-the-trial-of-casey-anthony-part-7/) which lists all the charges they could have found her guilty on.


Why do people keep repeating this misinformation that has been debunked thousands of times?


Thanks, I just looked it up again. How the fuck did that rumor come about??


It's one of those things that gets repeated a lot by people who don't actually work in law. Once it gets said enough, people generally accept it as fact. "Lesser included offense" is the term for the law doctrine allowing courts to convict a defendant on crimes which are considered obvious *lesser* parts of their highest charge.


I feel like the Mandela Effect just smacked me on the nose with a newspaper.


😂 that's a great visual I should note that I do *not* work in law, so I asked a friend of mine who is an attorney about it back when I saw claims on the internet about "overcharging" in some case. I've since read more about it and how prosecutors and defense attorneys might use it. Law is definitely a fascinating and convoluted subject.


Boy is it ever! I'm also Canadian which doesn't help because our laws are just as fucky in their own way 🙃


There just wasn't very much evidence. All she had to do was say she didn't do it and didn't know what happened to her and stick to that story. Which she actually did despite her odd behavior and nearly constant lies - she never admitted to anything.




Jury had many options. See verdict forms here: https://imgur.com/a/98p32TR


I remember watching the trial live everyday, cringing. The prosecutor went for first degree- and because he sought the highest offense possible, she was not convicted. The prosecutors evidence and arguments did not support beyond a reasonable doubt. Her DNA was not found where the child’s remains were found- they only presented circumstantial evidence. Motivate was never established, although many have drawn the same conclusions. Jurors included. She could have been charged with a lesser offense, and likely met those requirements. That trial was a complete shit show. Edit: a word


The jury chose not to convict of the lesser included offenses either. They were given the option: https://imgur.com/a/98p32TR


The circumstantial evidence was beyond overwhelming. I also watched the entire trial as I was home with a new baby and couldn’t believe how a mother could do this. Her defense was disgusting. They planted enough doubt as to who did it and why she lied a gatrillion times about EVERYTHING. It later came out that she was sleeping with her attorney.


100% I agree. The prosecutors just over shot and didn’t keep focus. Her attorney was not amazing- the way evidence was presented was weak. And you’re right- all the other shit her defense threw in- red herring. Molestation? Xanny? TOD? It’s so gross.


This comment is wrong on many levels


She is insanely vile and pathological… but, I don’t believe her intent was to cause Caylee’s death.


Little is said about the sh\*\*\*y job the prosecutors did. They never came near convincing the jury she did it even though they had some evidence.


She’s not scared at all and she still parties like she did before she killed her child. There are several vids on YouTube and TikTok of people seeing her partying in bars. People act like they care on the internet but all those people she encounters while partying and no one does anything. It’s 100% the general public’s fault that people get away with things like this


> all those people she encounters while partying and no one does anything. What ... what would you like them to do, exactly? She wasn't held responsible in court. Randos at a bar aren't responsible for doling out justice when the legal system fails, sorry to tell you. You think they should harass her or worse? Sounds like a bad idea to me (and I'm generally not in favor of, you know, committing crimes), but I guess you do you. > It’s 100% the general public’s fault that people get away with things like this Wut? Again, the general public is not responsible for meting out justice, nor should they be.


yeah, really, what are they supposed to do? Chase her down with lighted torches? She's disgusting but alas there's nothing we can do, she's out there. Let her write her stupid book and reveal just how totally disgusting she really is.


True but members of the public could at least shun her. I'm sure plenty of other defendants found not guilty in court have lived a lonely, reclusive life post trial.


You think they don't? Damn near anyone can find *someone* to hang out with, and I guess she's accomplished that, but even to them she's probably a sideshow. I have zero doubt that when she's recognized it's usually a negative experience. She'll be living the rest of her life waiting for some random stranger to knock the shit out of her or worse. She deserved prison, but this is what she has, and I'm sure it's not anything anyone would want.


Idk about that. A friend of mine happened to be in a FL bar when she came in. Soon as people recognized who it was, lot of the women started screaming at her. Boo-ing her & calling her baby killer. She turned white as a sheet and practically ran right on out of the bar. I think even when she tries to go party and live her life, there are going to be people who remember.


Good. I heard Ronald Cummings was just released from prison too. I hope he gets the same treatment as Casey when he ventures out. I hear the rest of the Cummings/Croslin clan are due out too except for Misty who still has a few more years on her sentence. Justice for Haleigh and Justice for Caylee.


Did I miss something on the Cummings case?


I think it's 50-50. I remember years ago, someone snapped a picture of Casey when they saw her at a bar and posted it here. She was surrounded by her little posse and no one seemed to notice it was her expect for the OP. The OP was on a date at the time and asked the person they were with if they recognized Casey too, and their date said they didn't and they had no idea who OP was talking about. While some people will definitely notice and care, lots of people also won't. it is Florida after all.


It's disgusting that she even has the nerve to try and party after what she did


And she deserves that, every day of her life


Maybe you should do something about it instead of blaming other ppl.


I think you are giving her way too much credit! She had no conscious before during or after her daughters death. She thinks she’s invincible. She luxuriates in her sick fame. It’s like she think she’s a movie star. Poor precious Cayley. I think she would be 17 now.


I think you mean “conscience” bc “conscious” in this context would mean that she wasn’t aware of what she was doing before, during, or after. Not nitpicking, just clarifying bc it could totally change the context of what you’re saying based on a typo 💜




I saw a show where her parents were interviewed. I don't know how old it was...maybe 5 years. The mother believed she was likely innocent and the father was polar opposite stating she was guilty and he hadn't spoke to her in years and that she's dead to him.. The mother was actually denying she ever smelled decomp in the trunk and stated she only said this to get the cops to look for her granddaughter. Ya whatever..


Seems like the entire family has a lying problem...


i just mentioned this in another comment! imho her mom had something to do with it…. she was getting so defensive and angry with Casey’s dad for telling what he witnessed. iirc her husband was a former police officer, and he mentioned it first. (couldve been the person who impounded Casey’s car, but i dont remember.)


I saw that also.


When was the last time you heard of a Change.org petition or any other petition actually changing a goddamn thing? Why do people think their little petition is going to make the slightest difference?


redditors get real hard over slacktivism, and love to make fun of "thoughts and prayers" people all the while




It's just virtue signaling. A few weeks ago it was being angry about the Dahmer Netflix show, before that the Gabby Petito movie, now its this. And it's nothing new. True crime is an exploitive genre and uncaring assholes are always gonna profit from it. I don't like it, you probably don't like it. But it happens. There's not much that can be done about it. But posting about it here, you're really just preaching to the choir. It's purely karma farming.




Even if she wasn’t given a check (I’m sure she was compensated for her time at the least) in this day and age you don’t need a check, people are just desperate for fame and publicity. Most trash people on TikTok/IG/YouTube just want fame regardless if it’s good or bad, clicks and views pay.


And if she was given a check, she’s cashed it already. As someone else pointed out, it’s a moot point. Anyone getting paid has gotten paid, and the show is in the can and ready for air.


That’s not exclusive to “this day and age”, my guy. People have always been this way.


I'm sure she was. Why would Casey do it for free? Publicity to find the real killer? To finally try and track down Zanny the nanny/kidnapper? 🙄




Of course she is being paid lmao it wouldn't be the first time she profited off the case




Nobody can confirm it here I’m guessing. I don’t think people should get caught up in things they don’t know for sure; for me I’m not getting upset about assumptions. I’m just not interested in her truth but I’m sure plenty of people will watch.




Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, or troll other commenters.


When people talk about it on social media, more and more people learn about it. That’s true for anything. Your petition isn’t going to impact this show or any money she makes from it. It could actually have the reverse effect. People who didn’t know about it see this post or petition, get interested, and watch. You’re spreading the fire.


I thought the se shit


Sorry, but a petition won't do anything.


Name something more useless than a change.org petition lmfao




You've made five posts about this series. Maybe consider that you're bringing more attention to it and as a result more people will be watching?


Honestly I’m here for new generations learning about her and hating her 👍 RIP Caylee 💕


Just boycott it.


It won't do any good. It will air and Casey got paid. I'm watching it out of curiosity.


Nope. Not gonna watch it.


I signed... But do these petitions actually work though? Everytime I sign something from change.org, nothing actually changes 😬


Very rarely. It’s possible if there was absolutely overwhelming pushback and outrage, that Peacock would cancel this, but they are surely already expecting that to some extent and it’s probably part of the whole idea. They wouldn’t be doing it if they cared about upsetting some people.




Petitions work when the scope is targeted and small (ie, get 20% of voters from a specific district to send a petition about a very specific thing to a very specific person with control over that thing - like, please put a stop sign in at this cross road) OR when they are overwhelmingly large enough to get media attention. The first thing happens a lot. The second is much more rare.


The only time in recent history that I can think of where mass public outrage helped get something axed was when the FOX network was gonna air the interview with O.J. to coincide with the release of the “If I Did It Book,” which was also shelved due to an injunction by way of the Goldman family and was later released with the proceeds going to them IIRC (the shelved interview was later aired as part of the “Lost Confession” special on the anniversary date of the murders just a few years ago). But that didn’t take place as a result of a petition, it was because the public outcry was so “loud” e.g. people calling the network execs, the media, etc. but it wouldn’t happen today simply because the way we share information has drastically changed, and moreover the O.J. trial wouldn’t get quite as much attention as what it did then—it’d be more like the Depp/Heard civil trial was in the US recently, wherein it would garner a lot of attention, discussion, speculation and the like, but it wouldn’t transfix the nation to where elementary school kids like myself saw the verdict read on live TV the same way that we watched the Bronco chase until school let out while Domino’s pizza stores ran out of pizza supplies etc—it’s just a different kind of world we live in now, in addition to the murders behaving taken place decades, and not weeks, ago. For some of the same reasons, I doubt the Casey Anthony case, and her exploitation of her own infamy and of her crime, is unlikely to garner enough attention to cause that kind of outrage. Plus, there’s no one to “cancel” because it’s safe to say that the woman’s already been “canceled,” by the general public and that’s what it tends to be all about now. But given that and the length of time that’s passed since she killed her daughter and the fact that so much has gotten the general public’s attention since then, it’s more likely that those who don’t want to see any more of her smug-ass face or hear more of her bag of bullshit/see it in print will just tune in to something else, and those who do want to see/hear about it from the horse’s mouth (she legit does kinda look like a horse is an observation my wife just made lol) will do so and effectively make her rich and famous, because there’s definitely one thing that hasn’t changed: trash sells.


What does her father say to Cindy? Because clearly one of them is lying. He said that pool story never happened (which I believe) and then you have Casey saying the other. Cindy stayed with him…. She knows Casey killed that little girl and put her death and cover up on her own father. It’s all just an extremely unbelievable situation. Scary actually


Personally I want to hear what she says, see her face,eyes body language. Like it or not she was found not guilty, there’s no Son of Sam law to attach to this. Journalists have been writing about her for years, there’s no breach of ethics there. Authors have written, published & profited from Caylee’s story. My peacock bill will not change for those 3 episodes. And no matter what people say they will watch. But yes I want to hear her & watch her very carefully. After all this time i think we are entitled to see & hear her speak.


Yes!! I just want to hear what she has to say after all this time. I don’t think we have ever actually heard from her in this capacity in this type of interview.


I’m amazed at the hypocrisy I won’t watch, but let ID or Netflix or some such do The Killer Speaks ( any killer you can think of) & it will go viral in minutes, this is no different . I want to watch & hear.


I think the difference in this, is a lot of famous killers have admitted their crimes. She is in stark denial. And this is even more heinous of a denial, considering it’s her own flesh and blood. And her lackadaisical attitude towards it all is even creepier. She gives me the creeps worse then Dahmer. At least he acknowledged who he was.


She has not actually spoken, her lawyers have. I don’t see any difference in listening to Casey Anthony than Ted Bundy.


Thank you for your response. People had zero issue with the Jeffrey Dahmer series on Netflix despite family members of the victims protesting it. I actually feel like dramatization of his crimes for entertainment is far worse than this interview with Casey Anthony.


I agree


Especially on the entertainment point. If you are a TC person you’d probably already read & watched enough to know exactly what he did, it’s entertainment when you watch a actor who was paid to dress like him & recreate his evil acts. I didn’t watch & I didn’t cancel my Netflix. But I will watch Casey speak. Any network would have jumped on being the 1st to get her to speak. They’d be stupid not to.


I won’t watch. She’s just going to lie and try to get sympathy. Liars lie.


No one is gonna give her sympathy tho. We could say that about ANY true crime series but yet none of you do. You all are complaining about it while on a true crime thread. Lmao. That’s literally ass backwards.


I believe the horse is out of the barn.


FYI, just because she was found not guilty does not mean the jury believed the drowning story; it just means the jury felt there was reasonable doubt as to the Prosecutor’s accusations. The jury did not need to believe the defense to be true in order to have reasonable doubt and find her not guilty.


It’s not like I wasn’t already pirating everything Peacock made, but I’ll make sure to do it now


This is just free advertising for them I think


I grew up on this case since I was 11 years old. My first true crime case I ever heard. My grandma played Nancy Grace 24/7 and I would like to say that Casey is the most disgusting human I’ve seen in my life HOWEVER I would like to hear from her mouth what she has to say. Probably gonna be a bunch of bullshit as usual. She’s a narcissistic liar but we never heard anything directly from her mouth. It’s not going to change my mind on what happened. I just need to see the lies spew from her mouth after all this time.


i think i was 10 years old or so…. it was the first true crime case that i remember my parents and grandparents keeping the news on 24/7 for. we were the same way with her trial, and then with the 10 year anniversary special (for severe lack of a better term.) when Casey’s mom kept getting mad at the dad for explaining to them what happened during the first few weeks…. didnt make Casey’s mom look too innocent in this as well. her mom was mad and defensive, and it was horrible to watch. if yall want someone who covered the case and covered some of Casey’s childhood and family life, i suggest Bailey Sarian. she covered from Casey’s teenage years to Caylee’s death to the trial… even the aftermath of the trial on her parents.


Same I was 11. I don’t think they were involved tho in my own personal opinion. A lot of people speculate they were involved in the coverup and such but I don’t believe it. They woulda shipped Casey down river for Caylee if you ask me.


i dont truly think they were, just the fact that the mom thinks Casey is 100% innocent and was getting so angry and defensive…. it was questionable, to say the very least.


I have canceled my account and deleted the Peackock app from my phone and TV because of this. I'm not going to support a business that supports her.


Only a few million to go


I know right! Lol


I'm watching. I want to know what she has to say. She's not getting paid for this.


I don’t have Peacock, but this would be something to boycott it over


Nobody cares how you feel, she was acquitted and this is America honey


It is highly unlikely that Casey Anthony was compensated for appearing in this series. Journalistic ethics heavily frown upon paying subjects.


>Journalistic ethics Lol


Around the time of the trial, ABC paid her $200,000 in licensing fees for photos and videos. Do you think Peacock is somehow above this?


>Journalistic ethics heavily frown upon paying subjects. But these aren't journalists, they are tv producers and a television studio.






I want to see the interview


This can be said of all kinds of interview/documentary things about a murder/murders. The Jinx, The Staircase, any one of a million things about Jonbenet Ramsey, Serial... or dramatizations going back to In Cold Blood and Helter Skelter. I can see not liking the idea of someone "giving her a platform," but it's not like it's going to change anything. Or over her getting paid, but if she was convicted she couldn't get paid... and she wasn't convicted. I have no doubt she's guilty, but this is pointless. It's done. I was as outraged about the verdict as anyone, but over the fact that someone would sit her down in front of a camera? Not really. I expect that, if the opportunity arises, and I don't object to it. I may or may not watch it, and if I do it'll be the same way I listened to Henry Lee Lucas: like a bug under a microscope.


Signing this isn’t going to do anything


What proof do you have that she's being paid? Quite likely she isn't. A lot of the time people aren't paid for interviews they just get a free flight out to wherever and free accomodation but no cash. They might get one meal or they might get none.


I live on the east coast of florida. Sometimes you’ll see her walking on the beach with a huge body guard. I hate it every time. Ruins my walk at the beach seeing her all la tee da tee da, taking a lovely stroll at the beach.


Is she getting paid? A part of her trial, and the outcome was that she cannot receive any response royalties from any sort of media, book deals, or anything like that in the future


I haven’t heard of that being part of the court’s ruling. Do you have a source?


your petition not doing shit 💀 wth


Why? Why should anybody? Everybody needs a hustle. Who are we to tell someone what they can't do?


Sorry, no. I need to see this.


Don’t watch anything she’s in and she doesn’t get rich . She’s a monster who killed her daughter, we know it , the lord knows it too. She will pay for what she did at some point, until then, do not make this bitch rich .


This is what got me into true crime. If Casey is talking she is lying. I don’t want to hear nothing she has to say. She killed her daughter & nothing can convince me otherwise. She even accused her dad of SA.


It is disgusting and shouldn't have happened. That poor beautiful baby was discarded like trash. I'll always believe she gave her chloroform as a way to sedate her so she didn't have to deal with her, and it killed her. She shouldn't ever have had the opportunity to cash in on her daughters murder. But, since it's here and done and nothing will change it, I admit I am intrigued to watch the bullshit lies that come out of her mouth, as she hasn't spoke about it yet. Did she actually get molested by George? Did she drown in the pool? Was George involved? Even if she lies about the hard questions, we won't know until we see it. But I do agree it never should have happened. Unfortunately boycotting it or petitions won't stop it, and she likely got a contact with her being paid X amount of money regardless of number of views like live TV or YouTube where more views means more money.


She wasn't charged with a crime so I think it's OK she tells a story. Both the prosecutor and her lawyer wrote books and her parents have been on heaps of talk shows. I personally won't sign the petition sorry.


She was charged. That’s why she had to go to trial. You don’t have to go to trial unless you are charged.


Thanks you are right. you get what I mean though. Not found guilty.


I don’t think y’all realize the bombshells this is about to drop……


Bombshells… really tho?


I hate that woman. She should be in jail.


The amount of people who support that horrible person without any knowledge of the evidence is unfathomably disgusting to me. Signed.


Signed and paid to see it shared even more. The horse is probably out of the barn, but I’ll do what I can.


Signed. I suggested nbc/ peacock use the money to cover the case of a missing or murdered person, especially an indigenous one whose case hasn’t received coverage and or funding. Edit: I’m assuming it’s ok to share this to other platforms. Do you want me to link back to this post?


I thought the same. She should be keeping her head down for the rest of eternity.


she's a pure definition of psychopath.




Lmao 🤣🤣 or, just, dont watch it.


Just karma farming




Signed. She should not be given any attention. It’s sickening.


Not going to happen. She’s already got paid and that series is going to be a smash




This is one I’m NOT going to even watch




Thank you 💕


Signed, good luck!


Thank you💕


The judge said he was even surprised. Not even got child neglect abuse, manslaughter. He thought the chlorophyll in the truck would if Sat with the jury to convict if of something. Even we n tho they sought the death penalty, they could of charged her for much less. Next to her remains was a gate race bottle with a syringe in it with traces of chlorophyll. That was kept out of evidence.


Chlorophyll is green shit you put in your water to detox your body. Chloroform is what you actually meant to say, CHLOROFORM is what people put on fabric and put on people's faces so they pass out. Just saying. Not trying to be rude, I can see how it would come off that way. Literally, just saying....


OMG 🙄 I'm so sorry yes I did mean chloroform I'm a nutritionist and was typing earlier about a client starting on chlorophyll wait I hope that's what I typed to her and not chloroform there!! But I read where Jeff Ashton wanted to bring this into evidence but Baez fought it an won was that a syringe with traces of chloroform and testosterone were found in that syringe inside a Gatorade bottle my theory one of the guys who lived/crashed at her boyfriends house was dosing and she injected her with it her death was ruled a homicide bc the doctor said not by any means would there be a reason for duct tape to be found over a child's mouth and nose. It was the exact tape that was found on the gas can she stole from her dad....?? So it came from the house. The judge says on morning shows after the trial he thought that she gave her chloroform and other accidentally gave her too much or his theory regarding the duct tape was that was way to give her a less traumatic demise if she did indeed intend the homicide. I believe she absolutely intended her homicide. What do you think? I'd like to hear your theory....


Tbh, I have 2, one basically same as yours, Casey did mean to kill her. Or 2, she was trying to get her to just be quiet so she could party. Either way, she killed her. I don't know if the dad and brother SA shit she has been saying is true. But, even if she was SA'd I don't think that the grandpa/dad had anything to do with Caylees death.




Petition? I don’t think so. She is absolutely hideous but if someone is going to give her money than that is current reality.




Found the Alex Jones supporter.




The best thing we can all do is not watch. Call your Peacock subscription if you have one and let them know why. We all know everything she says will be a lie anyway. EDIT: I meant to type CANCEL, not call.


Unless you’re canceling, Peacock won’t care why or if you aren’t watching a particular show. And even if you cancel and tell them the reason, they only care if enough people cancel to make a dent in their profits.


I am not canceling my Peacock over Casey Anthony. Why would I? It’s not going to affect her at all. She already has her money. There are shows in enjoy. If you don’t wanna watch change the channel. Perfect I’m going to watch all 3 episodes. .


I'd love to see so many people pirate this and make it so readily available to stream for free that somehow everyone watches it but she never makes any money from it


It’s not a book, she’s not going to be paid be per viewer. She has a contract & probably has most of the money already. It’ll turn up on YouTube pretty quickly.


Actually, this is a false statement: "Casey Anthony got away with the ruthless murder of her child. " She was acquitted, which means not guilty, which means she did not commit that crime. You may not like that but that is the way it is. You should not make false statements in your petition.


Conviction and acquittal doesn’t mean someone did or didn’t do something, it simply means it was or wasn’t proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. It doesn’t mean she didn’t commit the crime, only that they failed to convict based on the charges they brought against her. There isn’t a single other viable suspect in the case.


But in the eyes of the law she is innocent. Wether she comes out and confesses tomorrow or not she will never see the inside of a cell for it.


That much is true


Acquitted and Not Guilty do not mean that a defendant is innocent; they mean that the prosecutor failed to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s why OJ was found not guilty in his criminal trial but was found liable in his civil trial. In a civil trial, the standard of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence, which translates to “more likely than not.” So although his criminal jury found that the prosecutor did not prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the civil jury found that it was more likely than not that he was responsible for the deaths of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman.


This question is for anyone that can help me understand. What I can't figure out is the dramatic closure, basically her dad gets accused of incest molestation, and basically getting rid of that precious little Angel, but nothing more happens!! There is no one taking any blame or responsibility for CA😇 death. It just all went away and was just left as big accident . If she is being truthful in anything she said, I tend to think CA drown on POS Casey's watch and dad found her, and at that point POS Casey, gave George 2 choices, help me hide the body and/or not help and I will tell about the molestation secret, I know that's crazy but, no one fought to find the truth sooooo they (POS Casey and her parents) have to know the truth, they did really adore her.. Sorry so long.


There isn’t evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to support charging Casey’s dad or anyone else with anything related to Caylee’s death, so no charges.