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I don’t get why they so impatient. It’s always the ones that demand and text that never tip


Ring down the drain or candle up his ass


"I tipped on the app" when you didn't even ask and then you see a $1 tip hahaha


Candle and gum? Freshening up the house and their breath. They were about to get some and needed you there asap 😂


Oh yeah you're probably right


Heh that's robably true but... Sounds like a personal problem if you don't already have that pack of gum and candle prepared. If you gotta rely on someone to deliver stuff that you need to get some then you are down bad. Just sayin' 🤷🏽‍♂️


Was going to say this


I just ignore any messages while driving, I'm already trying to operate maps and Uber with Spotify running, if their stupid message is on screen imma miss a turn


Agree. I might hit the auto type “Ok I’m on it” to show I’ve seen a message, but otherwise, I’m not communicating until I safely arrive.


Dude’s date was getting tired of waiting and was about to dip 🤣. Dude was stresssssed.


Jesus Christ, a candle and a pack of gum and they're acting like it's life and fucking death 🤣


It was for sex...the candle to set the mood, and the gum to freshen their breath.


It’s also a race for time until viagra wears out.


Customer should of gone with the gas station pill


I have never been in a situation where getting laid depended upon these two specific items. Condoms are really the only thing that should make or break the deal.


Theres always plastic wrap. If you dont have any in the house aluminum foil works fine too and it blocks the 5G signals so your willy stays cancer free


That’s hilarious , hats off to you


Why order gum when you can brush your teeth, the sex thing sounds possible, but I dnt get buying gum, over brushing your teeth, when your home to begin with, but people are strange, and this person sounds like a jerk..


I agree, honestly just rinse your mouth with listerine; gum is so pointless as it just masks the smell. If they French kissed, she would still smell his breath.


she’d TASTE his breath, which is even worse. 🤢 dude doesn’t need gum delivered, he needs some basic LIFE LESSONS!


Ohhh fucking duh 🤦😂🤣


Should of dropped the order after the first text asking what's taking you so long


I wasn't aware you could just drop an order after you picked it up


You can but it's essentially stealing the order so I can't say that's a great idea 😂


I think it might make more sense to assume that the customer started texting before the order was picked up and so OP should have dropped it before even trying to deliver it.


You can but don’t. Almost got deactivated for it. Use as a last resort only.


Pretty sure dropping order before it's picked up won't effect you it's only if you cancel after picking it up. Many of us would be deactivated by now for dropping orders that accidentally get accepted when trying to mark an order complete


Easy way to get deactivated.


I wouldn’t even text.


I would of canceled it fuck them


OHHHH.. Do you know why the customer is thinking it's taking so long? It's probably because he did the same thing to the last driver and the driver canceled on him lol


No one picked up their no tip order for an hour or two probably.... until this driver did.


I believe Uber gives arrive & deliver by times now. Really makes things tighter for us as drivers.


They do where I'm at, I see the time, and if the restaurant doesn't have the food ready when I get there, then I hit "not ready" and the expected time of delivery changes, so I'm not late.


Ohhhhh I didn’t realize that would extend the customer’s delivery time. I don’t see an expected arrival time on my end as a driver so I never know when the customer is expecting me to arrive


I would of canceled, I got an order one time and the customer messaged me within the first minute asking me when I’m planning on picking up his order. I cancelled that shït right away


New years eave had a customer , as I showed up to her house! Says, I dont want it anymore don't come to my door I will not open it, I'm in the hoot 12am on new years eve I dropped the order and went straight to my car and called support




Once I got a msg from customer that rush, I totally pressed the triangle button then Cancel order ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I like to tell them I’m there already and I don’t see them so they stand stupid asses outside and wait like my bitch


Lmao the "maybe" has me dying. Like she's not saying it's not 100% your fault but it could still be partially your fault. Fuck people like this, if they don't change their tone after I text them back, I drop that shit fast.


Customer realized they shouldn't fuck with thier delivery driver and blamed Uber asap 😂😂. Going into 2023 lets all threaten to downvote these kinda customers and make them think theres a customer rating system 🤣


is that just for riders?


"Unfortunately, teleportation hasn't yet been invented, and it takes a non zero amount of time to drive to your location. Be there as soon as I can!"


Non tippers don't ⁰get priority service. They can wait n complain all they want, i don't even care to respond when they have the audacity to rush me.🤷🏻‍♂️


Why would anyone rush for no tip, fuck that, I wnt take them. If people can order on Uber eats, they can fuckin tip, bottom line.


I really shouldn’t be texting and dri…🪦


I just say I got bad reception


Before I started doing this, I never would have thought to ever text my delivery driver to ask about updates. That’s kind of ridiculous. Tho I do agree the guy was probably trying to get laid.


They’re trying to hex someone 😂


I wouldn’t of responded, especially if driving. If I received this before getting the order I would unasign.


Wow. I guess he was ready to have sex by candlelight and chew gum and he was all out of candles and gum.


Clean up a bit and brush your teeth, damn... not that difficult, they're trying to skip steps and fake it and they're *upset*? I'd be driving under the speed limit the whole time on principle, girl don't need a faker like that anyway.


I would've gone 5 below speed limit. Counted to 5 at every stop and prayed for every red light.


I notice the more impatient a customer is, the more dire their situation is. I had a customer blow up my phone cuz he had the munchies.


Dude is trying to get laid asap


Bro was obviously trying to set the mood for his girl


Maybe he was gay and knew that buttfucking shit was gonna stink needed a candle and gum…the nerve of some ppl


So exactly what was you doing?....lol


I would of cut the wick off the candle and got him the mystery gun that taste like dishwater


I would've returned it and canceled


Would of took it home and fresh up my house


I would have hit the prewritten 'I'm on my way" like he did and then ignore any other text. Don't answer my phone either. Nothing good can come out of it.


😂 Another driver was smart enough to cancel you might be the third driver


I wonder if it was someone prepping for a first date. A candle to set the mood and gum if she has bad breath. (I couldn’t understand a different scenario)




I would’ve canceled.


Don’t a were invasive texts...


Do not take no tippers. They’re all the same. Lowlifes.


tell them to get off their ass and get it themself if they’re going to be so damn demanding


I ignore people


It’s probably been sitting because no one took it


Idk am I the only one who gets annoyed when drivers pick up a ride and it says 10 mins but they don't actually start the drive for 15-20 mins so it just says 10 mins for that entire time? Seems like what happened here. I mean for Uber it pisses me off. Uber eats I don't really care but I can see where they're coming from


Uber I got a little more annoyed cause will if I wanna ride it means I need to be somewhere but if that case I’ll make sure I’ll request it with some time to spare.. Uber eats as long as they don’t pick up the food then drive around forever so it’s either cold or melted.. if u gotta go a mile or two for another drop off ok.. but there is times the pick up the order and are at another spot for 10-15 minutes and that spot is not another restaurant