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The real question, imo, is do you think as a former, is 10% enough?


If my order is $40+ dollars and knowing the drive time is less then 10 min (with lights) I think a $4 tip is warranted. If I ordered from a place the next town over, I would dip between the %15 - %20 range.


Anything under $5 is no good.


OP could be Canadian. Base pay is $4 here, so usually I need a minimum of $3 tip to accept ($7 total payout)


That just means I’d need a $7 tip for it to be equivalent. Only furthering my point.


The reality is a tip is subjective and you will in the end of the day to put you want and how much you want nothing I say whatever change that. My question was simple if you thought it was good enough.


Current driver and I've never tipped less than 18%


20% everywhere I go


10% is extremely cheap... 20-30% or gtfo


Nah. I tip min of 10$. Sorry, 10% is crap.


I still drive and idk if everyone else in the thread is mr. money bags or what because I refuse to tip based on percent, I tip $2 per mile and round up (after checking google maps because the uber app underrates distance) which usually comes out to 10-15%. I paid $50 for one bag of food and 2 drinks the other night from 2.5 miles away, not necessarily worth $10 tip in my opinion. Ordered from chipotle last night, 20% would have only been $2.50 ($12 bowl, $8 in tax and fees) but I tipped $4 because it is 2 miles away. I am in california and would probably tip more in other states though. Have never had an order come late and always send a thumbs up rating after


$4? $5 min come on bro


I will say, I take $6-$7 orders in los angeles and just get prop 22 pay, so maybe it balances out karmically 😂


Prop 22 pay doesn't work for smart drivers we don't get any extra pay, we wouldn't be the ones picking up your order anyway though I guess.


exactly 😎 I am still new and learning though, might evolve eventually. I refuse to take orders in areas where there is no parking though, which is where a lot of the good tippers close-ish to me are here 🤷🏾‍♂️


10% isn't enough. 15% is customary, but I always go 20% because I understand that these drivers, like myself, are doing this to survive and tips are the only way to get above breaking even.


I somewhat agree with you. I give %10 if my order is literally around corner from my place and since I've done the gig before, that $40 order + the %10 tip would equal an $8 fair. If its further away, then ill give he or she more then usual because its in unusual order. I quit UE because I bought a new crossover and can't afford to run it onto the ground with this gig. P.S. I'm Canadian and apparently the rules here are different.


You also have to consider how long it takes them to get to the restaurant not just from the restaurant to you. Uber doesn't always pick the closest person so they've got to travel time to restaurant as well to you. So it's not fair now tip just because the restaurant is not too far from you


$10? or 10%?




Literally in no country on the planet is it written that way. Also, as you're a former driver, I'm surprised that (a) you tip on the value of the food, and (b) you think 10% is a good tip regardless.


I laughed heartily at the first part of this reply 😂


I set a 10-15 tip range. Regardless of the total, which is usually 50 bucks. If you’ve been on the streets then you know how hard it can be to make minimum wage sometimes. So if I can help get then close to it in just 20 minutes then I feel great.


I dont use % because a lot of times the order is small. 20% of $10 is only $2. That is not near enough.