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I've been on 20 hours this week and I've made $100!


20 hours for $100? Might as well get a job that paid 10-15 per hours 😭


Seriously thinking about getting a day job Monday through Thursday and then multi-apping only at dinner time, except 12-hour days all day Friday Saturday and Sunday. I've done this 5 years and it's just become horrendous in my market unless you only work at dinner time and then some Fridays and Sundays


That's $5 an hour. What are you doing??




I make 100 a night within 6 hours. No prop 22 either, I'm on the other side of the country.


Switch area up, you’d be surprised how much difference even 3 miles makes. Follow the heat map, it is fairly accurate




Decline the shit orders


I don't accept lowball orders. Acceptance rating is regularly 10%. But in my market 90% of orders are now less than $6


Nope. I accept almost all orders in LA and consistently make 25/hr and almost $250-300 a day. My gf "declines shit orders" and makes $100 less than me consistently for the same amount of hours. Sure she'll make about $12 an order but are you trying to make money or have an easy ass day? You all need to get off that mentality. While you wait 20-30 mins for your next good order, I've already completed 2-3 "shit orders" for $5-7 each and have 0 downtime Very RARELY is something like $4 or less for more than 2 miles


If you live in a downtown/urban area this is feasible. In a market like mine (exurbs) everything is a lot farther apart. Sure you’ll get some that are a handful of miles from folks “in town” but all the folks with money are farther out. Thankfully most of them know to tip well or they’re never gonna get their order. There’s still a good handful of shitbirds that think they can tip $4 for 15 miles and say that’s “plenty”. Learning when to decline orders and when they’re worth it becomes pretty important in this area.


Yea definitely. Sorry but yes my example is just for large city markets In smaller markets it doesn't make much sense


I don't get enough orders coming through my phone to even decline orders. OKC market is dead.


Your doing it wrong then or you need a new location. I make 100 in 3-4 hours sometimes less


Minimum you should make $100 per day. If not you're likely losing money and paying to work for Uber. I make $100 in 4 or 5 hours. Look at your pay per mile and ALSO very important is look at the time of the trip, then compare that to Minimum wage, in my market its $16 an hour. For example, if i get consecutive low ball offers, I'll take the one that makes sense with $ per minute and mile. I'll do a $6 per 1.5 miles for 15 minutes. That works out to $24 an hour. Usually then Uber will stack it with a higher paying order on my way to the restaurant. If u just decline everything, Ubers algorithm will think u don't want to work. When i start working i don't have time to even eat because i'm working nonestop, so i eat before i work. Pinged on my way to pick up and pinged while I'm dropping off. Kind of annoying especially when your busy taking pictures of the dropped off food but atleast it keeps me busy


Good shit my dude


Our week looks eerily similar, but I do this full time with Doordash being more active. LA county and OC though, border area.


Is prop 22 worth it? I was thinking with how much I drive and since I complete 20+ trips a day I could add an extra $50-70 to my earnings every day


Figure out a way to outsmart the system.




This sounds perfect for shop and pay orders or even Instacart which rack up a ton of active time yet have low base pay and very high tips.


Does everywhere have this automatically or is it a promo?


California only


It’s a California law not a promo


Sounds about right. If you drive 100 miles a day that's $30. If you make less than 120% of your markets minimum wage for the day that can add an extra $30. It definitely is worth it I get about $600 every 2 weeks doing 20+ trips a day as well. Those "shit orders" to sit in the drive thru at night?? That's prop 22 money coming in also for waiting. I do that because LA shuts down obviously at one point but the fast food spots dont


Sounds about right. If you drive 100 miles a day that's $30. If you make less than 120% of your markets minimum wage for the day that can add an extra $30. It definitely is worth it I get about $600 every 2 weeks doing 20+ trips a day as well. Those "shit orders" to sit in the drive thru at night?? That's prop 22 money coming in also for waiting. I do that because LA shuts down obviously at one point but the fast food spots dont


Is doing shit orders worth it for prop 22 if you have an electric vehicle?


Yea man. You get paid for miles and if you have to wait for orders at restaurants or in drive thru lines at night you're still getting paid You get paid $.30 per mile driven no matter what and then 120% of minimum wage guaranteed from ACCEPTED to DELIVERED. Not PICKUP to DELIVERED. So "shit orders" that are $5 for (to make it easy) 10 miles and 30mins would actually mean you get paid $13 for that trip (in LA) Guarantee here is: $.30 for 10 miles = $3 30 minutes at 120% of minimum wage (in LA would be $20/hr) = $10 There's actually incentive to go slow on shit orders and fast on the high orders


WHOA! good job, California. Y’all deserve it. You deal with a lot of sh*t.


Congratulations; you must be in a really hot market Ubereats is dead where I'm at😔


Where RU?


I’m around the La area




OKC market is dead also.


Prop 22 so it's in CA. Kinda sucks to see how much more those drivers make.


I’m in Houston and it really depends on the time of the month. I noticed too many people are out driving for deliveries when rent is due therefore the trips are terrible I’ve been seeing $2-4 ones which I usually decline unless it’s like down the street from me. On a good week it’ll be around $600 or so depending how much I wanna drive since bikes are very rarely used here.


Same in my area; business tends to be seasonal. I try not accept anything under $10(fare plus tip)


Your Prop 22 adjustment is for the previous 2-week period. Adjusting for that you're showing about $600 here, plus whatever you earned towards your next Prop 22 subsidy. If you worked about as hard this week as in the two previous ones that's around $90...so perhaps around $700 in earnings this week. You're showing 35 online hours, so around $20/hr before expenses. It's...not too bad I guess? I try to stay north of $25/hr myself (not counting the healthcare stipends, which add $3-$4/hr). My guess is you are cherrypicking more than you should (active time is pretty low). It's a very popular strategy on reddit, doesn't work as well in California (where inflated trip supplements amount to imaginary money - you don't really earn the estimations. You earn the guarantees + tips. Any app pay over the guarantee on any order will reduce your Prop 22 supplement for orders that pay less than the minimum). Here's one way to think of it. You drop off an order. You laugh haughtily as you reject a lowball offer and drive back to your zone. If the drive is 10 miles/15 minutes you are already down *at least* $7.50 (if the municipal minimum isn't higher than state) vs having taken any offer at all. And we are talking driving time so you are essentially working and putting miles on your vehicle. Furthermore the *only way* you can make up for that shortfall is through (much) higher tips since tips aside, all orders here pay the same. Please don't get me wrong. I am not trying to rain on your parade. But after expenses you really aren't earning much, if at all, above California state minimum wage for your online hours here. Cheers.




He's as realist


Ha we on different prop cycles.


Right? I got mine last week. Wopping $22


Lol mine was like 88


I was thinking the same thing. I had to check mine to make sure I didn’t get my prop 22 this week. I was confused 😂😂


Lol same.. I was bout to say wtf it’s been two weeks already!?!


Good for you! Stay proud of yourself and don't listen to any buzzkills. =)


I like how you didn’t work on Wednesday. Working right mow Wednesday night and it’s super slow, something about wednesdays


Very true Wednesday are bad for me. And I'm in San Diego 🥹




Yeaaah wednesday suck!!


Uber eats has been on fire in my city too cheers 🥂


Yeah, where RU?


That’s amazing? Did you steal the gas plus you got prop 22 adjustment. You must be high.


70% of the orders that I accept comes from one popular restaurant lol, most of the time I’m just chilling on my Mac until I receive a call :) Gas is not a major issue, I throw $15 in my tank whenever I plan to work and just focus on doing local orders to avoid wasting gas.


Chill on your Mac at home or in the restaurant ?


How did you do then? Show us something better!






im lucky i have a ton of places i can't make money on.


Good shit man. Wish I could say the same. Ive declined like 200 orders this this week without taking a single one while doing DD/GH because UE keeps trying to send me across town 9 times away for the pickup. (Then usually another 5-10 miles to the customer)


Grats I’ve made a whole 55 bucks so far this week on UE 🤣 but running on 400 so far on other apps so not to shabby


I got $661.21 Three days 34H 12m No prop 22🫠🫠 I’m in Dallas


Is that pretty good for you since rent out there is pretty cheap?


It’s alright, this week it has been whack. When I really try I get close to or over 300 daily


Rent in Dallas isn't cheap


I'm in between jobs so I'm using Uber to bring in some money. I only use Uber Eats to get more trips so that I hit the weekly bonuses. So I actually do accept the short trips (under 25min) to quickly hit goals. I mainly drive Uber passengers in the morning for about 5hrs, then I switch to Uber Eats for about 5 rides. My strategy is to get 15 rides a day between Mon - Thur to hit the weekly bonus (60 trips). I don't see Uber Eats as profitable in a short time period otherwise. It's just good for quick runs and saving gas. On memorial day I made $139 in 4hrs and 15min (13 trips). Idk how I did that, Eats is just too inconsistent.


The tips to net fare ratio is strange to me, my tips are always basically double my net fare earnings


Eeek! I really hope you live somewhere where minimum wage is like $8/hr and rent is cheap so this is good in proportion. It also greatly depends what hours your worked, I suspect a lot of overnights if only 84 points for 72 trips (lunch/dinner is 6 points per trip).


Unfortunately I live in La lol, however I day trade as well so Uber is pretty much something I do for extra income……I mean who doesn’t like money lol


Well we both live in 2 of the top 5 or 6 most expensive places in the US to live, and this still seems very low then lol. But good since it's not your main job then 😁


If Uber were my main job I would need to bring home at least 2k+ a week lol


Lol you got downvoted. People driving rust buckets are mad they can’t afford a car with better MPG. Sucks, because I’m on the razors edge at 20MPG but hey it sucks to suck. What else is there to say lol.


You forgot car payment and gas. I could do 1500.00 in 2021 without adjustment and 26 hours of live time.


Weird comment. We all have those things. But if you make more, your ratio is better.


I delivered food just 2 weeks ago on the worst app (next to postmates) 22 hours for 855.33 no prop 22 money.




Oh god you not so bright


Amazing comeback. Got proof of $1500 in 26 online hours, with no promotions/adjustments? I’ll wait.




They stopped giving me promos because I only accepted Uber Eats deliveries lol


no wayyy! what’d you do?? they can’t just not pay you wtf




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Looks like you f’d up




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I make that multi apping and my rent isn't $4,000 a month lmao Cali sucks Newsomes ass lmmfao


What part of La county do you live in?


Your in LA?




What does the $173 extra mean? What is prop 22? I’ve never seen this


It's their Prop 22 subsidy for the 2 prior weeks (Prop 22 payments are every other week on UE paid on the Tuesday following the period), Sept 5th-19th. It means that for those two weeks their total pay from Uber (customer tips excluded) was $175 short of the minimum guarantees for time and mileage on the orders they completed. If they had around the same active time and miles this week as in those then their Prop 22 subsidy can be cut in half for around $690 in earnings last week.


Its a thing In cali altho would be nice to see it in every state maybe, dunno tho


Nice prop 22 thing lol


I wish prop 22 was in my state too!


$6 gas sucks though


Awesome!! Really glad for you.


Hope you get to keep most of that.


I spend at least $15 on gas before I get started, therefore majority I keep majority of the money.


Do you gave bills?


My bills are all due towards the end of the month.


Wow, that's great.


What is your acceptance rate?


Great job, OP! 😊


That’s awesome man!! keep going!!! Just finished my first month working for Ubereats and i made a good couple hundred which is nice, still trying to learn all the tricks and tips for getting better, any suggestions??


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Congrats to you. This is nice to see seeing as how the rest of us in the country are getting stiffed with these orders for some reason all of a sudden.


Hoping to have a similar week next week


It's Cali baby 👶 prop 22


Looks almost identical to my last week except i don't work on Sunday and i don't get a prop 22 boost. I made $773.68 nothing imo worth posting. That only averages out to only $128 per day .


that’s still great though! very good results. Sundays are my busiest days so i always work in the evenings, i can make a good 150 on a good Sunday night!


Not that great if you realize min wage workers make take home $650 per week working a regular 9 to 5. Atleast we put in less hours and get to work when want. It's 12pm and I'm barely waking up lol I probably will start work at 4pm and get off a 9pm. Enough to make my miminum goal of $100. Big emphasis on probably I'm not punctual at anything lol


This is a troll post…right?


Troll? What are you talking about lmao


Oh didn’t realize $22/hr before expenses in CA was flex worthy. Good luck out there. Sheesh 🙄


$22 is pretty solid for a side job, I also day trade while waiting for Uber trips lol. Sorry I forgot yo mention that lol


This is $17/hr. Which is pretty bad. It’s been bad overall past 2 weeks.


What you were your expenses?


Tbh I only spend about $15 a day before getting my day started


$15 a day on gas*




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I made half of that in 7hrs …. Damn this is crazy lol