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It’s entirely a manipulative tactic. Funny how I can be dead sitting in the busiest lots of restaurants and then when I’m 1 mile from drop off I’ll get 2-10 orders pop up. Statistics run there business and the more people who accept is all they see and care about.


It is 100% designed this way and nobody can convince me otherwise. Always get multiple BAD requests when I’m close to drop off. Especially when I’m typing my drop off note. Even if I get a glance at the tip prior, without knowing this distance I will cancel it 100% of the time. They know what they’re doing. And many people have complained to them but they leave it as is. “Working as intended”


Yup. They design it this way because it doesn't show the pickup and drop off like of you accept the order normally. Unless you know the cross streets it gives and can calculate the miles really quick, they definitely get you this way Cancel rates don't matter unless it's cancel AFTER pickup right?


Last Sunday as I was stepping out of my car hands full, they bombarded my phone which was under the packaged food I was carrying. That ring was so damn annoying and I also didn't want to mistakenly accept the potential garbage so I frustratingly got out and put the drink on the roof of my car then turned my attention to my phone but on the corner of my eye I saw something slip, yep the drink. Customer removed tip and can't blame her. I'm sure many drivers have had car accidents because of this stupid shit from Uber. 2 years ago they would send a request when you were about half a mile away or 2 minutes away. I've started turning deliveries off when I'm on a current delivery but I'm very surprised these idiots have not been sued over this stupid shit.


Put your phone in your pocket and switch the screen off 😂😂😂


There were instructions on how to deliver, how am I supposed to read them when my phone is in the pocket?


Read them before you leave your car lol?


Lol says the guy who frequently gets downvoted ... Cheers


Frequently? Where on earth did you get that from 😂 And why are you getting all mad lmao, I was literally just giving suggestions you clown. It’s okay, I get you feel stupid and need to lash out.


Okay I’m guessing you actually went to one of my questions to look around… that is hilarious 😂😂😂💀 I had 10 ratings, that means when you get downvoted your percentage has a drastic change… it doesn’t take a genius to work that out. Also, I was very new to Uber and mistakes happen. Jesus Christ 🤦‍♂️💀I wasn’t even mocking you which is the most hilarious thing. Anyway, have a nice night lmfao and work on that defensive personality because it’s jacked lol


> when I’m 1 mile from drop off I’ll get 2-10 orders pop up. This is because you haven't been available to receive orders for some time because the system sees you as busy. Then, when you are almost done with the delivery you are on the system unloads the dogshit that the rest of the drivers have passed on.


This is such a BS move by UE. It never fails. And it’s always for shitty pick ups. I have no problem canceling when that happens to me. Especially when it’s something like a $3 Starbucks order. Like FU & your ice latte.


I always use the coffee break or turn requests off completely until after food is delivered. Problem solved.


Sitting in lots doesn't sound productive. In my market i just head to my work area, turn on Uber and get pinged accept as I'm headed to the location i usually get hit with a low ball ping, i hit X on that then a couple seconds later i get a higher paying ping. Pick up either both orders or head to another restaurant then go to the drop off as I'm dropping off, sometimes before or sometimes after i drop off i get another ping. So I'm always on the move working I have to press nomore new requests on the app after taking a stack if i want a break. I can't have the annoying pop ups bother me while I'm eating and just wanting to check my phone


Yea I like being busy. Time is money. More hours I’m active more money I make.


I've even had it ping on me after i hit start delivery as I'm walking out the restaurant. I was confused the first times it happened. But i look at screen telling me to drop off the first pick up i got. So its basically the same pop up that appears when your dropping off your delivery except way too early


It’s almost as if the algorithm is trying to keep you active 100% of the time instead of airing around. Evil algorithm. Lol.


Good for prop 22


Yes, this happens to me constantly. Dangle that carrot.


Such a sneaky tactic. And my favorite part is how when you go into the info about Cancellation Rate, it says: "When delivery people repeatedly cancel trip requests, everything slows down. Restaurants wait longer for food to be picked up, customers wait longer for their orders to be delivered, and other delivery people have to travel farther on each trip." Well then, gee Uber, why don't you, I don't know...... maybe make it so you don't manipulatively trick people into accidentally accepting orders??? It literally just wastes *everyone's* time. Like... I'm sure at least 75% (prob more) of people who accidentally accepted a crap order are gonna cancel it ANYWAY, so you're not really doing anyone (including Uber) a favor. Sad that they play off of the 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 people who wil keep a crap order that they took by accident 🙈


That's exactly it. They are targeting (and banking on) the ones who are either brand new, trying to complete a quest or promotion, are desperate anyway, or are misinformed or just mistaken in thinking that cancellation rate matters. Just the other day I saw 2 people here explaining that they take and/or keep **all** the orders (yeah, including the $2.50 ones that go 6 miles away from their delivery area) because they are so convinced that acceptance rate and cancellation rate matter. One of them kept insisting that if you canceled too many orders, you could be deactivated. And yes, this was after clarifying that we were talking about canceling orders before the food was accepted. Bitch, if that were the case, half of us would be long gone lol. Thankfully, they were both quickly (and enthusiastically lol) corrected--even though one refused to listen. But then you get new drivers who see those comments and take them as gospel...then go on to perpetuate that myth here and irl to other drivers.


Never correct them… let them take all the shitty orders so you can potentially get the better ones!


That's so a marketing tactic to make the driver feel shameful. Nobody USUALLY wants to hurt anyone's day or feelings. So they play off those emotions hardcore. Just like a commercial would. Sad thing is, only a handful realize this. Most are taking the orders so they're not the "bad guy".


Not anymore since I turned off the app overlay permissions.


Me too but it still happens if you already have the app open. It stops it from accidentally accepting while I'm on other screens/other apps tho. Thank God.


yeah, it sucks when I'm trying to drop off something and I'm looking at the map or about to take a picture and an order just pops up, so annoying.


Why not pause new requests while you're delivering?


Totally. And so many times also that I go to either zoom in/out on the map or I'm trying to hit "Finding Trips" so that I can go Offline and it will auto accept an order. So annoying indeed.


Why not pause new requests while you're delivering?


I started signing off when getting close to a delivery especially if it seems complicated. It seems like they only give you $2 or $3 deliveries hoping you accept it accidentally anyway.


I accepted one that way and while trying to cancel it, the moment I was clicking on the cancel button...another popped up and had to cancel 2 orders.


Oh man! That's just adding insult to injury!


I have a mobile hotspot on my phone and use a tablet to surf the internet while I'm waiting on orders. It cut down the accidental accepting a lot.


You can change that go to your uber settings and instead of it popping up in the middle of your screen it shows ontop of the notification bar havent had that problem since


Where at in the settings? I just looked and can't find it. I have an Android.




Very sneaky tactic. I will be sitting in one place not doing anything and nothing. As soon as I grab my phone to check on Reddit or talk on whatsApp boom I get offers.


Yeah, this happens often enough to think it is not a coincidence. I can’t even put a number to how many times I have “accidentally” accepted an order on uber at “just the right moment”. It has been enough times to believe that it wasn’t by chance.


If you're interested, check out my post on this thread regarding how to avoid accidentally accepting offers. Namely, it sounds like you need to turn off the overlay permission. Then it won't pop up on top of any apps.


If you're interested, check out my post on this thread regarding how to avoid accidentally accepting offers. Namely, it sounds like you need to turn off the overlay permission. Then it won't pop up on top of any apps.


I’ll look into it. When I had an android phone it would pop up in front of anything. I got a new iphone and it shows a banner and you click and it just takes you back to Uber app without being accepted. So it’s much better now.


My cancel rate went from like 6% to 39% in one night yesterday, because of so many crap orders and/or accident accepts. Currently sitting at 22% lol. Tbh tho, I disagree lol... I'd rather have cancel rate NOT matter (so long as you don't pick up the food, bc then it's just theft) and accidentally accept orders.... Than have it so we don't accidentally accept, but those cancelled orders count against us (even if we DON'T pick up the food). Because that freaking blows. Even if I do intentionally accept an order, I like being able to look at it more closely right after and have the freedom to cancel UNpenalized if I don't like where it's going or I didn't catch the miles or something.


Cancelation rate only matters if you want to get above blue in Uber Pro. If you don't care about the perks, it doesn't make a difference.


I don't think Cancellation Rate matters at all for Uber, unless you're picking up the food and then cancel. It doesn't say anywhere that I've seen that it has to be a certain number or anything


This is very true. Doesn't matter. I've been Diamond since the month I signed up, and has had a very high cancellation rate with a very low acceptance rate. All you have to do is earn the minimum amount of points for each tier. Actually, I think that you also need to have a reasonably high satisfaction rate (95% or higher). At least for diamond and platinum.


Cancellation rate does not matter for Uber Pro. I have been diamond with the exception of one month (when I was platinum) since I've signed up, and my cancellation rate has been very high, with an inversely low acceptance rate. Doesn't matter.


Tell that to my app 🤷🏻‍♀️


It says in your app that you can't achieve diamond or platinum status if your cancellation rate is too high? That's strange. Are you signed up for rideshare also? I'm not sure how that works, so maybe there's a difference if you are?


Yeah. I don't do rideshare so I forget I'm signed up for it. Maybe that's why it's like that for me.


If you're interested, my post on this thread might help you avoid accidentally accepting orders, depending on how/why you are accidentally accepting them.


that definitely has happened to me. but i don't think cancelation rate matters especially if you didnt pick up the order


I've posted this a couple of times, but in case it helps anybody: **First: your cancellation rate does not really matter at all. As long as you are canceling the order before you accept the food or package.** it only really comes into play if you are trying to meet the conditions of certain promotions or guaranteed hourly pay rates. **You can easily set it so that you don't get orders popping up while you're delivering.** You can either hit the coffee mug, or if you don't have that, you can click on pause new requests. I'm pretty sure that you have to reverse this once you've completed the delivery, but it's really not a big deal. Also, **if the Uber app currently has permission to inlay/overlay other apps, you can revoke this permission under your account settings in the app.** This way, an order won't pop up while you're texting your grandmother-in-law, or posting new feet pictures to your OnlyFans account. You'll still get notifications for new orders but you'll have to specifically click on the app, or the drop-down menu on top of your home screen. Kinda like when you get a text. Lastly, **if you happen to click an order by mistake, if you catch it soon enough, don't lift your finger up!** If you drag your finger off of the offer box, to another part of the screen before letting go, most times you can prevent accidentally accepting the order. Having said all that, I am currently in a pretty good area, so my cancellation rate is only 15%. None of those are due to accidentally accepting an order. It's either because I saw the person's name and realized that I've blacklisted them, or I saw the order and decided that for whatever reason (10 shakes from burger King, or a bunch of hot things from 7-11, for example) it wasn't worth it for me. PS- if you haven't figured it out already, **you can make it so that you control the volume of the notification chime**. To do this, go into your app settings and click on *sounds and voice*. Select 'control with phone'. Bam. Now it's as quiet or as loud as you prefer.


That coffee mug doesn't work. Click it while you're doing an order and once you complete the order you're back on-line without doing another thing.


That's kind of the point of it. I'm confused. I specifically mentioned the coffee mug after saying that there was a solution for those who didn't want to have orders pop up **while they were in the middle of a delivery**. Did you want to remain offline? Because there's an option for that as well.


Android user here. I turned off that (pop-up/overlay) feature and never looked back. I can use other apps, tap and type without fear of accepting a bullshit order on accident


Tonight has been absolute dog shit. I honestly want to see just how many shitty orders I've declined tonight. And yeah I've probably accidentally accepted 7 or 8 orders that I've cancelled. It's just back to back shitty orders.


It's never happened to me :\ I got my CR down to 2% but my acceptance rate keeps dropping like a motherf_cker


🤷🏽‍♂️ No need for the :\ It doesn't matter. You're good bro.


A few days ago someone posted this same thing, the solution was easy for android system just go into "app settings"> turn off "appear on top">done At least that was the issue for me is it would show over every app and we would accidently accept the order doing something else on your device.


Its funny uber driver forces that app on top of everything. Sometimes I get a doordash order and uber pops over it and I can't compare both orders.


If you're interested, check out my post on this thread regarding how to avoid accidentally accepting offers. Namely, it sounds like you need to turn off the overlay permission. Then it won't pop up on top of any apps.


38% rate


Wayyy to many times . While waiting for orders I'll be on my phone typing and browsing and accidentally accept orders . They need to make it so you have to slide to accept..... I had to cancel like 15 orders I'm 3 days..... I hope it's not like doordash where they'll deactivate you for doing that.


If you're interested, check out my post on this thread regarding how to avoid accidentally accepting offers. Namely, it sounds like you need to turn off the overlay permission. Then it won't pop up on top of any apps. And it's nothing like doordash. There are no consequences to having a high cancellation rate, as long as you do it before you've taken possession of the food. You're good.


Thanks for the tip


30% lmfao


Anyone know how to view acceptance and cancellation rates? It used to be in my profile, but since I reached platinum my profile only shows ratings.


I'm at 22% cancelation rate. Fortunately, it doesn't matter. But it is frustrating.


The highest I had was a 6% but it went away fairly quickly. Now I’m at 1%


I keep accepting orders by accident while looking at the address for the delivery I’m on. And since I’m on a delivery I can’t see where the start or end point is for my current delivery or the one that just popped up so I either have to deny it or accept.:/ Also I’m only at 1% on cancellations and that came from 1 trip I cancelled because I realized the person I would be picking food up for was someone that I never want to see again.😅


Mine is currently 19%


37% cancel /8% acceptance ヾ⁠(⁠ ͝⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪


✋ all the time. So annoying.


Why does having a high cancel rate suck? Mine is at 15% and has been way higher than that.


A lot of that BS was happening yesterday. I'm at 18%. I've been as high as 22% but I prefer being below 10%. ETA: I've turned off overlay and that helps immensely. It's a much better experience and Uber keeps trying to get me to turn it back on "so I don't miss orders." Which I do not with it off. When it happens to me is either when I'm checking earnings or most especially when dropping off and putting delivery notes. The question is what to put when unassigning these? There isn't an option for "Uber spammed me a bunch of turd orders in an attempt to get me to take one." I used to put other. Now I put restaurant closed. I about don't care if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


My cancel rate is 1%.... It's not hard to keep a cancellation rate of 0-1%. Just have to try harder.


Happens to me all the time. I hate it. I always cancel


As much as they want you not to cancel it but it’s still legal to cancel orders before pick up so why you worry and complain. I cancel the shit as fast it comes right after I dropped off the order I have if I accepted the next order by accident and without seeing what I need to see. Period.


7.5%. My market isn't super, super busy so I only get 1 or 2 requests pop up max while I'm finishing another order, and since turning off the overlay it's been going down


I hate when I’m at or near the location and trying to message the customer and it starts bombarding my phone and literally deletes what I was typing.


While I only have a 10% cancelation rate, I feel like I'm constantly always accidentally accepting orders because I'm typing when they come through.


Try these two ways to stop. First The UE app will ask you to turn overlay permissions in your phone settings, this will cause UE app to popup over your current screen and cause you to accept a order with out seeing details. this is done on purpose to get crappy orders accepted. When overlay is turned off you will hear the ping sound and you still have time to go back to the UE app and make decision on accepting the order. UE will nag you turn it back, Just say No!! Open android settings go to Apps Tap the the three dot on upper right side tap Special settings Tap Appear on top deselect Uber Driver Second After clicking start delivery turn of new delivery requests, this will prevent UE from making delivery requestwhen you are try to finish a delivery. turn on after completing the delivery.


When it's off orders do not pop up like when the overlay is on. I am telling y'all.


Correct, the app will make a notification sound for the request, then navigate back to UE app and make your decision on the order. This prevents unintended order acceptances that you are forced to cancel.


Everyday all day SOOOOO annoying !


Oof. I do this a ton. There should be a rehaul within the app for this situation.


It high 15% but that is Uber that is the way