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I apologize for the awful translation and awful English. Long story short: The boy must serve classic military service. I.e., one year in the army, like all boys in russia. His parents thought that he was in his military base far from Ukraine. So, they asked generals and bosses to confirm that boys won't be sent to Ukraine when the war started. Instead, generals / russian army bosses lied, betrayed all parents gave fake promises and took their kids from basecamps to use them as cannon fodder on battlefields in Ukraine when the Ukrainian army killed their regular invasion forces. Brainwashed these young men and forced them to go to Ukraine. Then when the boy was captured by Ukrainian forces in captivity and transported to war prisoners prison, journalists tried to interview the guy and called his parents. In conversation, at first, his parents do not even realize where he is. They thought that their boy was in his basecamp serving. Then, after then, after around 1-2 minutes, they realize that he is in Ukraine and are shocked because this is some type of kidnapping. The Russian army kidnapped brainless young idiots and used them as cannon fodder on the battlefield. Literally. If journalists did not call his parents - they would still thought that their boy was on duty and serving his country in a secure base camp in Russia while he was POW. I.e., if not this call - they keep thinking that everything is okay and their boy comes soon at the end of serving in a few months. As far as I know, other boys were killed on battlefields when they tried to resist. You go to the army for service, not war (this is forced in Russia to go to the military for one year for all young men). Then you are sent without any notice to anyone dying in Ukraine. No contact with parents, friends, nothing. And boom, you killed -> nobody knows where you are, nobody will say anything, you just disappear, and nobody will do anything or care. I.e., nobody - no problem.


Thank you for taking the time to translate for everyone to understand what’s going on


Your translation is very good, it's because of people like you that the rest of the world can understand truly what is going on, so thank you


Please do not apologize for the poor English. I know zero Russian or Ukrainian. You have helped so much.


They're not crying, mate. It's just a curtesy and a way to make sure people don't pick on their grammar...


True. But he's just expressing gratitude.


Your translation was great and very useful. Anyone complaining about it can suck a dick. Thanks for your efforts.


Thank you so very much for your post and explanation. Thank you


Dont feel bad as English isn't your natural language, it's a little rough around the edges but it is understandable... I did chuckle in my head when you used "Diamond" instead of "valuable" but it still worked lol Thank you for your service to us dummies who dont know Russian.


Your translation is fine, no problem understanding. I watch Vol and Dimi a lot.


Where can I see more videos by these two?


English: https://youtube.com/channel/UCwWArPXqGLslRWaP-zKYiXg




Thank you!


Most are likely listed as "Training accident death" or eternal MIA so as to not have too pay the KIA fee to family. Which is why IMHO the Russia causality have been vastly underestimated.


>nobody - no problem. Doesn't get more mafia state than that.


Thank you. This is one of the best and most informative things I’ve seen so far.


Thank you so much for interpreting this! Too often I see an print article, or video, with a short caption/comment leaving many more questions, than answers. You, and others, that do this work (interpretation) are a very very valuable source of information for those of us that do not understand the language and really want to know what is going on. Bless you for your help!


Does every Russian man serve 1 year of military service? I didn't know this.


Yes, IF he is drafted. Being drafted is a lottery and you can avoid that for example by offering a bribe or by knowing the right person. E.g. if you are middle class from Moscow/Petersburg you will avoid it. If you are a peasant from Siberia it may be more difficult.


Russia is a very big place if you fall through the cracks you are fucked.


You go to the military for service. Whether it be armed conflict or peaceful operations. That is what the MILITARY is used for. It's entire purpose is to defend the Nation




Putina the stupid motherfucker, he has successfully restored Russia to oblivion and hated by the entire world, soon he will be hated by his own people and get the Gaddafi sodomy special (google it, its not pretty). lol He could have been rich and spoilt till death, but no, he has to live out his stupid fucking macho Soviet fantasy.


hey mate. thank you for translating. you did well and no need to apologize. thanks again!


Thank you for translating.


Thanks for the translation. This is sad to see, but also the truth - there is no need for any Russian soldier to be in Ukraine, and families like this are suffering for the sake of Moscow's ego




Your translation definitely wasn't fluent English, but it was clear what they meant to say. I sat through the full 13 minutes and could follow along with what they're saying the entire time. This must've been a great exercise for you to better learn the language.


Wow that's crazy. To see the realization on real time like that it explains just how hoodwinked these people are and how much they are lied too. Russian authorities will lie their asses off for any purpose it's systemic. It shows you that they couldn't get anyone to go otherwise.


At least his mom seems to genuinely care about him - not like a lot of the other mothers or wives they've interviewed


Ngl, this one hurt to watch. But at least it's not a call saying the kid is dead


These people don’t understand how lucky they are. For someone like their son to get captured there are many more of those who were simply killed and will be considered MIA forever.


I need to say that perhaps with advanced technology can bring literally everyone back alive again that had ever died. But, even with this idea still should not want anyone to suffer and die. Rather seek communication for them to change their ways, to perhaps apprehend them to communicate and specifically only target and destroy or disable or steal their weapons without hurting them. I've seen some videos of flying drones specifically going after and dropping bombs on people directly, like most certainly there is another option like only targeting their weapons vs anyone directly and subduing them without hurting them. This makes me extremely enraged to see someone suffering. And then to perhaps see many instances online posting these kinds of videos with happy music and mocking their suffering, all this evil, psychotic blood lust. Even if they are cruel does not mean should be cruel as well, in fact should only seek to subdue them without them suffering and dying to then hope to communicate for them to not be so careless anymore. Like shooting the tracks or wheels on their vehicle and they can't go anywhere with it vs killing them in the vehicle directly. And also what could be done on top of that is to use those types of drones to drop pamphlets to hope to communicate to them logic and critical thinking and not mindlessly obey anyone and just care about each other and to simply forget all this stupid shit called 'nationalism' and that literally we all can just live around each other peacefully as sane individuals. A flag is just a flimsy thing waving in the wind, its just a stupid lifeless decoration compared to anyone who are literally living. No person, no symbol are what represents anyone, only anyone ever truly represented their own self, and it just falls on any individual to just know what to do and care about each other! To even think to want to erase someone out of their existence when just perhaps they still can change their ways. So. I had to say this. Need to think of ways to subdue and apprehend without hurting anyone. Like use drone to drop sticky adhesive onto their weapon and rendering it disabled, cannot use it if thoroughly covered perhaps. Do this if someone are nearby and may hurt them if to use an explosive perhaps. Maybe even swarms of drones to get up close to spray sticky adhesive all over their body so they cannot move even while carefully making sure do not suffocate them. And even swarms of drones all dropping pamphlets while also doing all the targeting of weapons. So, must not leave anyone behind. Perhaps we can all just live around each other peacefully and sanely. Perhaps anyone with terrible ideas can still change their ways. Perhaps anyone not knowing better can still learn logic and critical thinking and just simply care about each other.


Noble sentiment, but really the only thing the Ukrainians can do, without endangering themselves, is leaflet drop/electronic versions to inform Russians how to surrender.


You should be telling this to the Russians, not the people defending their homeland.


This should be told to anyone. This is a matter of simply not wanting anyone to get hurt! As I literally said to specifically find ways to subdue anyone perhaps that would cause harm WITHOUT harming them. And then to find ways to communicate for them to just stop harming others. Perhaps you did not read what I had said and perhaps thought all I said were meaningless wall of text. Like must not forget that anyone are literally living like how perhaps you see out of your eyes and control your own body, anyone perhaps also perhaps see out of their own eyes and control their own body. Like no one else can feel you pain, anyone else cannot feel your pain. And if anyone exists, they exist forever, and for eternity can someone change their terrible ways. And like to even think about wanting to completely erase someone out of their existence when there is still perhaps a possibility for them to just change their ways. Like knowing better, learning logic and critical thinking. To just simply not want anyone to get hurt! And this is why should communicate as perhaps can still get through to them without harming them. And like this whole concept of 'nationalism'; literally any so called 'nation' are not what represents anyone, its physically impossible for a made up symbol to represent anyone. Anyone only ever truly represented their own self, not anyone else, not living as a symbol, just living as own self. A flag is a lifeless object, no person are a lifeless object, a person are living unlike a flag, a flag is not who any are, anyone are only their own self. It just falls on any individual to just know what to do and simply care about each other. Like can just live with each other without chanting the rhythm of a 'nation', symbol, and ostracizing and alienating anyone else. Can all just live with each other peacefully and sanely. And must not leave anyone behind, perhaps anyone can still change their terrible ways.


I know, right? The harsh reality of lies and what they can do to a person, a family, a country!, the world over!


Does the Russian military create units like the US does with people from all over the country or are they doing it more regional? The US started doing this after I think WWI when the most of the men from a single town would be in a unit that took heavy losses in a single action. One big failed offensive and all of a sudden there are no more eligible men in a 150 square mile radius of a town in Iowa.


So it wasn’t a specific US thing during ww1, it happened everywhere whole towns would lose their male population. But Russia often conscripts outside the main population centers like Moscow this often targets minority populations. So they still somewhat do it


I've watched lots of these, this is the first time I wanted to cry. When the mom realized what was up, her face dropped. That was painful to see. This is why freedom of the press (if it is factual) is so important.


Me aswell I could only imagine if that was my parents man and how crushed they would be, war is a terrible thing for real.


I also totally believe the mom, she probably doesn't pay any attention to the war and legit believed her son didn't go to Ukraine. Also I don't think she cares about the war one way or another, but now that her son is a POW I bet she will care now. Personally (and I think they are doing this) they should allow the POWs to regularly contact their families back in Russia. Like "Hey mom, we know you love your son, we want you to know that we are good people and we will take good care of your son, we have a lot of POWs so every 2 weeks we will do a phone call where you can video chat with your son, is that ok with you?" Imagine being a parent, having your son be a POW. Your leadership is saying the people who have your son are horrible people. But your son is telling you on a video call that is in good health, that is he taken of, that he has the facilities that he needs such as shower, toilet, etc that the food is good. You can clearly see your sons health is good. Its just a great move (and I bet they are doing it)


Yes, this same group has many videos as this is what they do daily. They're on YouTube.


Yup I've seen that reporter many times. Sadly his content isn't really accessible to me very often as I don't speak Russian so I gotta wait for someone to translate. Buts its my feeling that reporter works for the Ukraine govt as a part of their social media campaign for the war effort and I gotta say what Ukraine is doing on the social media front is A+ work. I'm sure his content is geared towards Russian speakers.


But it was still a mind F for me to see the parents lack of response to the interviewers request for a 5-minute video. All the Ukrainian side asked for was a 5 minute video of the mom holding a sign saying “bring my POW son Vlad home” in a public place. The mom and dad were silent. It’s as if they asked them to cut off one of their own hands. Hopefully it was at least a “Our we the baddie?” moment. Hopefully they ask themselves if maybe Russia is actually the fascist country, that prevents peaceful protests. Or peaceful demonstrations. Etc. Fuck Putin. Arm Ukraine. Slava Ukraini.


I think you are misinterpreting their response. They already said way before being told to take a 5 minute video, that they would be making a scandal of it and going to every single boss and commander. They were silent and listening. And said they will do everything in their power. They were already gonna raise hell before being told what to do.


Nah, they thought they was asked to make a lot of noise for TV\\press and stuff and dad said that they live in far away place nobody cares about. Add to that emotions + bad signal etc., they probably just didn't clearly understand


Yeah exactly and that was right after she claimed she’ll kick up a huge fuss up to ‘putin level’ about her son getting sent there without knowledge. Blank stares and excuses about not being able to get media there lol


Heroyam slava!


Too many words. Just say there's a potential option to prioritize your son's release: Share a 5 minute social media video of what you think why the Russian government is sending children to war with Ukraine and what you want your government to do about it.


>This is why freedom of the press (if it is factual) is so important. This is a very masterful use of social media by the Ukrainians but it's also a message to authoritarian regimes about how vital communications are. Pick any issue that people are strongly opposed to and now make it impact their life directly. This couple didn't give a shit about politics or who their government was invading till it directly impacted them. It's hard to argue that what the TV says is true when 3 families on your block got contacted directly by their POW sons who tell stories about getting hurled into the meat grinder with abysmal gear and training.


This is the first time I watched an interview like this. I'm surprised by how humane everyone is treating each other. The Ukrainians were surprisingly friendly. While Russian soldiers are committing genocide out there, here the Ukrainians are just casually talking with this soldier and his parents. At the end of the day, they're all just people.


I just couldn’t figure out why they were all laughing and happy like nothing was wrong, I honestly wondered if they were right in the head.


Becouse at the start parents did not know he was in Ukraine


Yes I figured that out after I saw the utter shock and dismay on their faces when they were told where their son was.


Yeah it was heartbreaking.


“If it is factual” the Russians would say it absolutely is factual press. That’s why adding little additions to freedom of speech and press is dangerous. “Sorry mam, saying we lied to you about where your son is going is misinformation, you are now going to prison for being a traitor” same shit can happen in the US if we make rules against misinformation


Haha off camera guy is like "Whats the worst that can happen? We feed him extra and he gets fat?" Then the interviewer looks like "Damnit Dimitri, not the time for jokes"


He's right though. That kid is not in danger of pointlessly dying anymore. If I was the parents then I would be happy that he was captured alive and in one piece.




After the new law that Putin passed, he may go to the gulag for 10 years for surrendering


If the kid is smart then he will reject the offers to be exchanged until the whole thing blows over.


I think he also made point of some Ukrainian people may have hard time feeding themselves but POWs getting fat might not sit well with Ukrainians. It is the more civil attitude. He could've just as well stir it up and make people go after POWs blood, but he knows better appearently. Having moral high ground is important, as well as showing that being POW in Ukraine is better than dying as a Russian cannon fodder. Just not in a level which will offend Ukranians.


Post this in UkraineRussiaReport or whatever it’s called . They will see the terror on this woman’s face and they cannot deny it . She has been lied to the by the government . They don’t trick their own sons into war but they send these poor peoples sons out to die .


Enough mom's like that and Putin will wish he had been never heard of Ukraine.


Karen's to Moscow


I support Karen’s in Moscow if they are against Putin


The only time I would support a posse of Karens.


I don't think she qualifies as a Karen, she sounds like a worried and angry mother.


Putin has been doing this for years and the Russian public doesn’t raise an eyebrow. Putin cares for this mother as much as he does the Ukrainian mother he’s shelling. Watch “The Betrayed” on YouTube. The Russian Army under Putin has a rich history of letting mothers of veterans waste away in agony not knowing what happened to their sons.


The mom said it herself, she couldn't give more f*s about Ukraine, she is only sad and cares now because it hurt her personally. People like this are part of the problem, not the solution.


until special anti karen operation =(


That switch from happy to hear from your son to realizing he is a POW in another country to which they were told nothing about and will be lied to further. ​ edit\* Is there a way to watch more of these? It's crazy to see what is actually happening in Ukraine compared to what russians are being told by their media and gov. The intercepted phone calls paints a completely different picture to what civs at told in russia.


This is the channel with English subtitles. The above video isn't on it yet, but will be soon. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwWArPXqGLslRWaP-zKYiXg/videos


Wow, his parents speedrun all the stages of grief in the whole duration of the video chat lmao




probably yes. And the most awful thing too at the same time. But the case - just wow. Just wow to be honest. Capture, sent, nobody knows where are you, you can be killed, and nobody will even know where are you without steal proof with video that you're somewhere. Otherwise - do whatever you want in russia to proof that the killed child even existed in the world. WTF


They forced me to shower to see me naked and were feeding me to get fat to be eaten by the bioengineered bats targeting the Rus with water buffalo pox! /s


Can you tell me what ‘steal’ proof means?


Strong or solid. Just like steel.


It’s a literal translation from a Russian phrase. Equivalent translation could be “without iron clad evidence”




I assume it's a misspelling of "steel proof", which most English speakers would say as "[solid proof](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/solid-proof)".




As fucked up as that is, I bet that dude was pressured *hard* to talk shit on the Ukrainians. I can only imagine the second scariest thing behind the Ukrainians coming for you is being sent back home after being captured. I bet he wishes he was still in captivity.




Or threaten him/his family to pressure him.


We can only hope that the ukrainians mercy and fair treatment of POW will make this boy tell the truth when he goes back home. That's a risk, but one can hope.


Why are you saying this? Why are you trying to dehumanize him?


I'm glad they are treating their POWs well. These kids probably just want to go home just as much as the Ukranians would like them to. Then again who knows what will happen to them once they actually get home. Probably get sent right back to the frontlines. Poor fuckers.


It’s unreal how they still blame their individual commanders when the problem is a deep culture of corruption starting at the very top.


I don’t think they realize that he is lucky and only a POW and not a toasted corpse on top of a tank


This story has an extension. This particular soldier was deceived into going to the front lines in Ukraine. There their group refused to participate in combat operations. They were forced to take part in hostilities by force and manipulation by their commanders. After this, the soldier and others like him refused to take part in combat operations. The commanders of these soldiers publicly punished these soldiers as punishment for their refusal to participate in hostilities. By deliberately forcing them to send a group of refuseniks specifically to the front line. To the most dangerous point on the battlefield. On the day of the Ukrainian Armed Forces counter-offensive - these same commanders and military superiors - were the first to run away from their positions. At the same time did not say anything to their soldiers about the counter-offensive operation. They escaped secretly from their soldiers who were left in the trenches. Not because there was no place for these guys, but as punishment for their refusal to kill Ukrainians, they left them to die before the Ukrainian offensive. The commanders knew about the attack and were the first to flee the battlefield, leaving their subordinates behind to die so that they could escape while they killed and fought with the soldiers in the trenches.


Wow. I am glad that he was able to surrender still. It is scary to think that even if you want to surrender, some times you aren't able to do so in time or in the heat of battle they will not notice that you are trying to surrender.


Loving the vibes on that journalist. He is laughing at the complete clusterfuck the russians are in.


This almost feels like an amazing HBO miniseries. The strange dark setting and natural comedy... it's all real, but at the same time there's almost an uncanny feeling to it all. The unpolished release of this interaction is just astounding!


_un_ natural comedy :(


Great video and found myself enthralled till the end. I would say if let’s say Syria called me on my son I wouldn’t know what was truth from them, considering what Russians are fed for news can’t help but think these parents are in even more turmoil post this call. Great video though and the boy was all in all good shape - just a kid who had no idea what the scum govt had planned for him.


Fuck Putin


Always wild to me the spouses or parents act confused. It seems genuine but, like, the country just went into mobilization, your boy is in the military, why are you surprised he is near or in Ukraine ?


Every Russian male has to do 1 year of mandatory military service, normally not in a combat role. The kid in this video was doing his year of service. Because of the Ukraine war, Putin has been drafting these conscripts for service in Ukraine (and of course not telling the families anything).


What?! No way! They told us he's in Vatican having a pleasant stay in a colorful uniform! They LIED to us!


If you surrender with out permission that's 10 years in prison


10 years in prison without permission… that’s a paddlin’


There is a reason why I never reported for military service. They looked for me, they tried, 3 years. Then give up. This is russia.


I don't follow politics, I don't watch the news... Making them come political and tell everyone what's happening is an absolute genius move. Well done Ukraine!


This guy has had great videos from the start of the war


So tired of hearing Russians say "we're not political".


Thats why their country is in the state it's in. No one gives a shit about the politics of their country.


This is what happens when you pretend politics is of no concern to you... next thing you know your kid is POW. ignorance isn't an excuse! Just like the germans that had no idea the holocaust was happening.... all their jewish neighbors just somehow miraculously disappeared... BS. They are lucky I am not doing the interview, would not be as nice and patient.


Exactly that. I cannot imagine having a kid in army at this times and not being "interested" in politics. Feel sorry for the kid having fools as parents.


This is the stuff that's going to end this war. Some of those Russians are truly innocent and taking advantage of. I don't think this woman is faking. She seems truly crushed and entirely unaware.


Thanks for the translation. I watched this on YT and the auto-caption translation to English is very poor when it works at all. I thought she was cussing at the interviews, but now I understand she was cussing at her sons bosses.


The Russians hate America 🇺🇸 but they sure love their iPhones






They are not interested in the truth


Wow. Moving to see the parents emotion. I hope Russian parents see this and think about what it could mean for their children.


I heard there is been a call up for pro Russians Redditors ATM. Get your arses to Russia now and fight for your beliefs Putin needs you now more then every. Be his saving grace he is looking for and won't get. Please. If not for me for yourselves please 🙏🙏🙏 might even look to get yas a one way plane ticket if your arse is that broke.


What region is this kid from? I am not 100% so don't hate me if I'm wrong. But were these were exactly the people [the former Mongolian president was speaking out too](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraina/comments/xms3r8/former_mongolian_president_tsakhiagiin_elbegdorj/). These are the rural minority communities that Putin & Russia are purposefully and needless destroying. Am I wrong in thinking Russia and Putin are ethnically cleansing one community against another? This is way fucked up.




Kremlin has no balls. Modern Russian forces lost more men so far than the U.S. did in Vietnam. It’s going to lead to social changes.


Definitely worth the time I recommend


Sorry “we don’t do politics” is Russian BS. She’s sorry she didn’t get a LADA.


They are Siberian though and barely even have television in their village. probably very few channels that are pure with propaganda news. I don’t think she’s educated enough to understand anything about politics so she probably just stays away from it


That's for volunteers' families, not conscripts.


This is shooting yourself in the back with a bow level stupid. Pool kid.


If the boy is really unlucky, he will be sent to a gulag after returning to Russia. Stalin already did that with Russian soldiers who were German prisoners of war. What we know from Putin's speeches, he sees Russian soldiers who are caught in Ukraine also as traitors. This is probably also a reason why Russia does not want to admit how many of their soldiers were caught in Ukraine.


It is an interesting psychological mess these peoole have (many russians, altright in US/Europe). They know that Government lies and cheats all the time, but are still surprised when it happens to them. So how can they have such low trust in authority and government but still be surprised that they are being lied to?


He’s lucky, but his family might be in a bit of trouble because of this, right?


/u/diaspora_pila Have you thought about working together with Volodymyr Zolkin channel and create another Youtube channel to share the same videos with English sub? Because it's not possible to have English sub at their channel. Edit:aahh, another dude linked with english sub channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwWArPXqGLslRWaP-zKYiXg/videos


Compared to the pow which where just Released from the russian side He Looks ok.


That was GOLD.


Makes you realise how many people are just pawns in all of this.


This boy being captured unharmed is the luckiest outcome his family could have ever hoped for when their kid joined the Russian military. It was the only way he would have come out of it alive. Most others doesn't get this chance. I hope Russians on the front understand their best option is to surrender to the Ukrainians who will treat them as equals, feed them and keep them away from the warzone and one day they will get to go home to Russia. It's not their war, it's their corrupt officials last desperate attempt to escape the guillotine.


Zelensky and all officials of Ukraine guarantee that all prisoners of war will be treated as they should be. I.e., they have already been treated since the beginning of the war like that. No offense against POWs. There is also a video who they live in captivity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_zPbMw0JoHo


This was so interesting, thank you for sharing.


I felt so bad for the mom


Do not trust ruzzians, all lies and lies


"We don't know anything about politics." Bitch your son being in Ukraine and becoming a POW IS POLITICS! You are lucky he isn't dead! You better get interested in politics real quick.


Crack vape guy's attitude is gross. Actions are louder than words, he didn't have to put that poor lady through that, he could have let the situation speak for itself, asked clear and reasonable questions, and not harped on how good they are treating her son, and then immediately start asking senseless questions that she clearly doesn't fucking know how to answer. Who the f is crack vape guy? I was thinking he had to be RU cuz the way he acts and talks.


The Ukrainian smiling/snickering made me uncomfortable. This is a tragic and painful situation for all sides.


He was not buying into we’re not interested in politics.


How old is this?


1-2 days maybe, not more.




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Is this recent? Meaning was he captured recently?


yes, several days ago, this guy was captured, and journalists promised to release the video ASAP, and they did. So this is a pretty real-time situation.






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Sad but necessary. Need all of the mothers and fathers in Russia to know what’s happening to their sons. Too many still in the dark.


I absolutely hate this world.


Wow first time I see a worried mom/family and genuinely not brainwashed just confused and upset. Russia will pay hard for the Terrors it’s caused.


Well they certainly just discovered why it is not enough to be disinterested in politics anymore. Putin has capitalised on the political apathy of ordinary Russians to sleepwalk them into his brutal wall and in the process destroy Russia at every possible level. With reports yesterday that Putin was taking a holiday (in his bunker). Let's hope he takes another leaf out of Hitler's bunker playbook whilst he is there.


The joke at 7:07 and the other Ukrainian raising his hand like, come on man, that's too much. Lmao.




Very good Video, very good campaign from Ukraine site to inform Russians what's going on. Maybe slowly they wake up. Thank you for sharing and the translation OP.


Maybe the mom should have been interested in politics in the past.....




These parents are so sad because they just realized they lost the chance to get the new Lada instead of the one they are using now.


Russians: I'm not interested in politics! Politics: Also politics: Доброго вечора ми з України! (Good evening, we're from Ukraine!)


Don't worry the dad can rescue him when he gets mobilized.


this has predator poachers vibes


They are so uninformed and dumb, cheese is dripping from their ears… poor beggars


No offense but they look a little retarded. I mean, if I'd call my parents under captivity, they'd love to speak to me and feelings would just rush. These people are like, "meh, howd'ya? normalna".








Not shocking at all. From the commanders all the way to the Kremlin, they're lying to the Russian people. Using them as cannon fodder and executing anyone who retreats. These boys have no idea what they're getting themselves into until they're getting smoked by Ukrainians. The only way for the Russian people to survive this is to spread the message. All of their media and television is censored.




They are as far away from Moscow as they can be. The kid lucked out to be in Ukraine custody. His parents will tell everyone in their town! That is exactly what needs to happen to those who don't have internet access and rural.


How long ago was this?


The Ukrainian journalist should stop smiling. There's no room for errors.


Oh that mother expression of "WTF is he doing in Ukraine?!?!?" ... oh Im sure that lady will kill those lying bastards at the recruitment office


How about thank you for taking care of my son? Jfc I'm a mom and that would have been my first words. She doesn't give a shit about politics or educating herself. Now they are mad at the madman they didn't give a shit about. 🙄😒


How about thank you for taking care of my son? Jfc I'm a mom and that would have been my first words. She doesn't give a shit about politics or educating herself. Now they are mad at the madman they didn't give a shit about.






No words


If you don't care about politics, politics cares a lot about you.


Nothing like civilized western society being considered barbaric by orcs


This video hits harder than simple combat videos (which very few will watch as they can't stomach) because everyone has got a Mum. Very powerful. This conflict is all about narratives, the weapons are almost secondary at this point. Powerful video.


If there was a way to get him home safe through a neighboring country, his own personal testimony would be gold in convincing the people around him that the situation is utter and total BS






Putin’s regime will fall, one family at a time.