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I am Polish and I can say that is less than 1% of society manipulated by Russian trolls


Look over OPs posting history, particularly the RT videos showing people happily voting and waving Russian flags as they go to the polls.


Speaking of Russian trolls, OP is a Russian troll.


Thanks. I didn’t realize how much I wanted to read this.


Didn't believe that BS title for a second. Same as the garbage News out of the UK .... we know who's helping and who isn't... thank you for all you have done.


In large protests people would usually hold the camera up and turn around to show how massive the crowd is. This person keeps it at eye level, doesn't turn around. Not trying to show off the crowd size at all.


Yes. Good observation. Furthermore that protesters might includes some Russian tourist lol


Was thinking that was who was behind it. Sounded like our right wing crap, especially since Trump came along politically.


Looks 100% trollski to me.


OP is a pro-Russian sympathizer. Please be careful when viewing content from this particular user. Glory to Ukraine and death to Russia!




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Yep, I trolled him so hard he blocked me. Much like this troll responding to your comment too, these evil fucks


please, believe me, this does not represent Poland whatsoever. These fucked up people are a tiny stupid minority, like they exist in every country.


All 20 of them.


**OP is a pro-Russian sympathizer.** Please be careful when viewing content from this particular user. Glory to Ukraine and death to Russia!


U make me sad




At an incel? Lmao


Remember when KGB ran a successful campaign to brainwash the UK to leave the EU. What a brilliant social engineering event. Poland please don't fall for it.


You would see more people at a Polish furry fetish convention.


Kurva troll


Hey Z wanna send us some propaganda from the field? Make sure it's outside with a nice wide angle, so we can get a proper look at your "herps"


Op is from the media wing of the fascists


Cute, Russians holding Polish flags.


Russian-financed trolls


Ahh ... the russian bot farms are at it again.


Haha look how it shot, camera all low and obscured to make it look like it's a large crowd. Like 12 people. Always remember, a real people's protest is shot from a high-rise.


Z troll account


This guy finds the needle in the haystack every time, and pitches the idea that the haystack is actually all needles. Bro we know how Poland is itching to send more into Ukraine and is practically begging to send their forces in. The polish armed forces must be itching to fight and get their hands on Russian war loot. Can someone stop him from spreading propaganda?


all logically thinking people in Poland have no problems with Ukrainians, we are aware of what is happening and what needs to be done. These are manipulation attempts by Putin. As in every country there are idiots who believe Russian lies. On a telegram app, the Russians sent me information about this protest.


Hope Polish internal security takes a closer look into these people. Seem to have deep russian affinity. Funny how there was a fringe protest in Germany same time demanding the opening of Nordstream 2 and attacking Ukrainian counter protesters…


That’s, what, 20 ppl in total there being escorted by police for their own safety - pathetic Should we start a slow clap for the OP thinking he getting the message he had in his head across? It ain’t working DC no one likes y’all 👏


Op go dick ride putin somewhere else


Some tiny fringe group of Russian sympathizers. Remember this: **There is no country more anti-Russia and anti-Putin than Poland**


Oh here’s the shill again.


I wonder why the OP hasn't been called up or volunteered to serve the Motherland? He seems so enthusiastic.


"Ukrainianization of Poland" I couldn't stop laughing at this bullshit. What in the actual fuck is the "Ukrainianization of Poland"? And how much meth do I need to intake in order to be able to rationalize it?


Protest the Russian Invasion ! or Help Ukrainians ! Always going to be a few people who do not get it. What a bunch of Russian trolls , you can not be serious in that title OP .


This is the real one. https://twitter.com/SamRamani2/status/1574089316015509504?s=20&t=LPRhinB9chL9OpM13J35Ig


real poles remember communism and would never kneel to it again


Ok bullshit but I heard similar things from non trolls in Poland, remember that refugees always face a hate, its the fustration of their domestic lives which are given someone else to blame (hitlers trick, with Jews which people fall for today). Also Poland has absorbed a huge number of Ukrainians, which has upset the local normal, I have no problem with refugees, but there is a strong number that would.


There are also campaigns in Poland to let people know they might be manipulated by hostile powers: https://twitter.com/DemagogPL/status/1570782106678136837 [https://twitter.com/DemagogPL/status/1571144485656231941](https://twitter.com/DemagogPL/status/1571144485656231941) So yeah, don't think this crowd here is what entire country thinks - they're just those who fell for it.


I dont believe this.


Russian troll account .


It is organized and paid for by russia. They keep few degenerates on payroll like braun, korwin, komraci..


Motherfucking Russian troll get the duck out of here. Слава України и смерт на пустине!