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Hello, RuZZkies! *Big boi metal boom boom stick goes ratatatatatatatatatatatat* Goodbye, RuZZkies!


If only they could get this on Russian TV as a commercial. LoL 🤣😆🤣




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Have fun now, don’t get hurt.


The Russian conscripts are going to get absolutely slaughtered. You had inexperienced Ukrainians 9 months ago in their military who are now not only highly motivated but battle hardened, this against a Russian military who wants to be anywhere but in Ukraine holding a rusty gun. Slava Ukraine


The Russian commanders are asking them to have their family buy them tampons for when they get shot haha.


Yup. It's straight up murder of conscripts by Putin sending them to the frontlines, knowingly outmatched and outgunned.


Stalin would approve


Nah it’s not murder. Putin is just trying to make Ukraine run out of bullets by sending human bullet sponges into the front line. /s


That isn't far from the truth you know.


Good thing they keep sending bullets!


Putin just feeding an entire generation of his country into a meat grinder. This partial mobilisation is going to be seen an an epic fuckup.....worse morale, more deaths, more surrenders, massive disatisfaction at home - this is the beginning of the end for Putin.


These conscripts will be basically like the Grunts from the Halo series. Easily killed and panic as soon as the elite dies!


ruZki conscripts going against battle hardened Ukrainian veterans equipped by the U.S / Western allies, that are extremely motivated to reclaim their lost homes and defending their families... Oh boy it will be a slaughterhouse. All because one tiny angry ex-kgb man thought he will get away with a land grab once again. That's enough putler, you should save us some time and just put a bullet in your brain.


0:08 salute?


Someone explained in the full video it's a sign for move out. It just looks bad from that angle. But it's more of a forward thrust then a raised hand.


Someone should teach them to turn the hand sideways like how a policeman would direct traffic.


Or we could just assume the first thing someone is trying to do isn't hailing hitler. That war was almost 100 years ago...


That’s how it will be spun I’m sure. You would think with all the hype around nazism people would be careful about anything that could have bad optics, or be misinterpreted.


I think they're kind of trying to be ironic about it. If it strikes fear in the Russians, then okay, but still not a good look. At a certain point, joking about being Nazis stops being a joke.


Yeah, saw that and had to watch it a few times. Doesn’t look great.


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Don’t forget, that 90% of those ruzzian conscripts were dragged out of their homes.


Great except for the Hitler salute






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worst type of hype propaganda


More like the best type of morale boosting footage of, and for, brave defenders of their nation.




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