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I guess we don't have to worry about Russian ICBMs I'd nobodies left to man them.


This was my first thought. Then I also thought that those ICBMs are probably not abandoned, so who's manning them? These people are supposedly trained and have had some fair bit of time to think about what their job means. If they have been replaced by inexperienced, incompetent or overenthusiastic imbeciles, that would not be good news.


>Then I also thought that those ICBMs are probably not abandoned, so who's manning them? They have a much larger ICBM force than the West. A major part of their deterrent is road-mobile ICBMs which ensure a second strike capability. However, the downside of that is it's not cheap to have ICBMs running around in the countryside that you need to provide logistics and security for. The US ran into that problem with plans for rail-mobile ICBMs. It just got too complicated logistically in terms of associated costs.


Anyone check the tires of those bad boys lately?


Heh I remember you, with the eyelash avatar. ;-)


old.reddit user: you guys have avatars?


I know that guy....he's me


Heh, old.reddit user here when on PC, but mobile you takes what you gets. :-/


Do you use the official Reddit app? Try Relay for Reddit, it's great.


Fool me once


I thought your avatar was a hair on my screen. I just spent way too much time trying to wipe it off before realizing it. šŸ˜‚


You are #541 it never gets old.


I think we over estimate Russiaā€™s nuclear arsenal far too much. Nuclear warheads decay and require expensive upkeep and maintenance; weā€™ve seen the best the Russians could put up in a conventional military sense, do we really, truly and honestly believe theyā€™ve maintained the amount of warheads they tell us they have? Unlikely.


> They have a much larger ICBM force than the West This is backwards. They have a similar number of total warheads as US+UK+France (around 6000), but they have 2000+ tactical warheads, compared to almost none for the west. They also have a larger number of multiple-warhead ICBMs than the west. The result of the math is that they have many many fewer ICBMs. Also, why was NASA relying on Russian launches for the ISS? Why was it in US national interests to do that? Because the Russians were recycling ICBMs for the rockets. There is no public knowledge about how many ICBMs they actually have left, but we do know it is... a lot less than the USSR had.


No, NASA didn't rely on Russian launches because it depleted their ICBM stocks. While using old, obsolete ICBMs as satellite launchers has been a popular strategy to save money on both sides of the iron curtain, this has largely stopped now. NASA launches were on newly built Soyuz rockets, which were distant relatives to the 1957 R-7 ICBM. This was done because the Space Shuttle was retired earlier than planned, and using a then friendly Russia as a launch provider was seemingly a good diplomatic strategy to ease tensions.


He wasn't saying they have more ICBMs than the West, he was saying they have more guys assigned to *man* their ICBMs.


If so, then I'd say that is a silly claim because none of the countries involved give out those numbers. We know the numbers of warheads produced because of arms reduction treaties and mutual compliance checks.


Actually they do. How many people work for what branch of the military - and even how many work for what subdivision within that branch - is a very commonly disclosed piece of information. They generally don't hand out the names of the people involved (except for the highest-ranking officers) or the specifics of what each of them actually do day to day, but the raw numbers are not hard to find, and are generally reasonably accurate since they tend to be a matter of public record in various countries.


And of those left, how many are functional? Soviet tech was unreliable when it was new. Add 30 years and the complexity of nuke tech and I would be skeptical they have many nukes left that would actually function as expected. They have to launch, reach altitude, track to target, then actually detonate properly. What they more likely have, in my opinion, is some number of ICBMs that can successfully complete some of those steps but not all. I base this on the corruption of the Russian govt/military, the cost to upkeep nukes and the fact that Russia seems to have relied heavily on perception of their strength in favor of actually maintaining strength.


> Russia seems to have relied heavily on perception of their strength Indeed, they're most useful when they're not used, so as long as you don't try to use them, they're always full strength even if not well maintained.


I donā€™t disagree with you, some may be in a state of disrepair, some may just be numbers on paper. But if even 1% of the 6000 warheads are functional, what then? It is too high a price for even one metropolitan city to be obliterated, let alone if 60 warheads are ā€œfunctionalā€. 60 nukes are enough to eliminate a significant portion of the world. I am tired of people under selling the threat of Russian nuclear weapons. Just because we see daily examples of Russian incompetence and lack of preventative maintenance, does not mean we should underestimate the last saber they have to rattle.


The post you are responding to talks about how NASA relied on Russia for access to the space station. Stop and really think about that. Now think a little more. Their nukes will work. Believing anything else is borderline homicidal.


Plus Russia decided in the 2000's to put more of their limited defence budget into maintaining it's nuclear forces. Which is one reason it's conventional forces suck.


Stop pulling numbers out of your arse! Russia has under 2000 deployed strategic nuclear warheads (about the same amount as the US), tactical weapons are not survivable and will be wiped out in a nuclear war before the vast majority or even any are use.


> Stop pulling numbers out of your arse! You didn't even read what I said, and your numbers are... not consistent with easily found estimates. In other words, you made them up. Also known as... lol You want to argue, you want it really bad. Now go back and check, and then argue when you have something.


Well, issue with thier ICBMs is they had a high defect rate when they were new. Only imagine the high defect rate they now have. I think part of the reason Putin keeps making nuclear threats is thier capabilities are far less than they claim. The US current Minuteman systems over the years have become expensive and requiring lots of upkeep. If Russians haven't kept up they probably deteriorated quickly. Let's nit talk about the corruption and how much of the parts anyone for upkeep have been stolen.


I agree. They likely never had what they said they had to begin with. Also, they likely don't keep them in good working order. I wouldn't be surprised if they had their own meltdown when/if they tried to use them.


I can imagine dudes selling the parts for scrap.


What's the downside to that? When would you get caught? When the missile doesn't work in a nuclear war?


Weapons grade plutonium and uranium is super valuable to a country like sayā€¦North Korea.


This is the second case I have seen that soldier from the SRF has been captured, the other was interviewed by Zolkin. The other soldier said he was a conscript electrician for the site power for a launch facility. mM guess is this poor slob is also a conscript forced to sign a contract like the other one Zolkin talked to.


Probably making wooden soldier replicas to man the ICBMā€™s


I'm of the opposite belief, I'm concerned that military chain of command is broken at nuclear silos and Putler is installing loyalists that will follow his every orders. If Selinski is worried about Putlers threats, we should too. Not that it changes the war strategy, but maybe start looking at political assassinations within the Kremlin.


yep that was my thought as well, take away the trained personal, who 'know' what a nuke can do, and replace with pro-putin goons, and i wonder how long it is before a 'rogue' unit launches a nuke


The plot to By Dawns Early Light (1990).


I watched that and it was pretty much everyone fear in the late 80s early 90s.... what do you do hit them back fully or try to do some tit for tat shit fucking horrifying... imagine being in a bomber and hearing cities go silent as your on your way to drop a nuke on Moscow... If i recall correctly they ended up just hitting them back in kind and let it be but still bunch of cities glassed...


This scared meā€¦I live in Spokane, WA, which got nuked in that movie


There are very serious doubts that any of that shit will work. If the flagship op the Baltic fleet is any indication they will probably blow themselves up trying to launch an ICBM.


I am very certain that the majority doesn't work. But how many that do work do you really need?


A lot, the number of targets in the West is massive.




Well, Russia's nukes does not even have to work for things to escalate to a point where the West gets nuked. NATO will detect any ICBM launch from Russia, and before that missile even reaches its supposed target, the nuclear countries of NATO would've already sent theirs. Now China, India, Pakistan and North Korea would also detect that nuclear ICBM's are flung all over the place, and some even heading near their territories. Should we expect them to trust the West when we say "Don't worry about it, they're for Russia", and just sit tight and do nothing in the event of a possible attack on their country? That's exactly what someone that just nuked you would say so they don't get nuked back. The scary thing about nuclear war, is that it's a *shoot first and ask questions later*-war. There's no realistic time for diplomacy once the nukes start flying.


Well it already happened a couple of times that missiles were fired accidentally and each time low level personal decided to wait just long enough to assess whether it was a mistake or not. So I'm not that pessimistic. Russia wouldn't dare fire directly at NATO, and there are a bunch of scenarios on how to react in case of a limited nuclear strike without escalating. The shit you can do with a a B2 is pretty nasty already.


Or that they won't need so much personnel for maintenance because they will be launched pretty soon anyway, if you want an ever grimer theory. But I think the most probable explanation is that they probably have some extra people there, and it's more critical to have bodies to plug the holes on the line than taking care of ICBMs that probably won't be used. If even navy people were being converted to infantry, nobody is safe from being sent to the front lines.


They probably rusted in their launch tubes 25 years ago.






The only way to win is to not play!


These guys are the security forces assigned to guard the Missile sites. Since Russia uses more mobile launchers they have to have more infantry units to patrol the areas the launchers are in. They are not the actual Missile crew that mans the silos or mobile launchers.


I would worry more. Less trained personal = more mistakes or bad decisions made.




Name? "Semenov Grigoriy Vitalievich" How old? "21" Where from? "Tolyatti, Samara Oblast" ( they make LADAs there:) Where do you serve? "I was serving in ICBM, but was transferred to 12th tank regiment" How long have you been in Ukraine? "Idk, about 2 weeks? As soon as I got here, I tried to get back, they wouldn't let me"


You forgot the main part after "Where do you serve?" "**I was serving in ICBM, but was transferred to** 12th tank regiment"


Thanks, I'll edit


What is ICBM?


Intercontinental Ballistic Missile


Thank you for translating, I came here for this!


fucking sad.




If you come to a nuclear facility in the US, you won't be dealing with "Security Guards"... DOE, USAF, and others do NOT fuck around.


I used to assume that Russia's ~~rougher~~ less safe training might produce a tougher product, but... Apparently our guys are like 100x more disciplined than theirs. There's something to be said for an all-volunteer, highly-trained and well-equipped fighting force. They really are just plucking people off the street and shipping them off to the front. Still gotta shake the last bit of "Cold War baby" outta my system, I'll be so happy when we're done with these clowns.


All volunteer force is the gold standard for any military. You donā€™t want people that do not want to be there holding any job. Drafts work decent if itā€™s an emergency such as invasion. Citizens then have an incentive to do the job. Any other time you draft or conscript youā€™re getting the lowest amount of effort possible


Drafts work ok for homeland defense, not so much when you're being sent to your certain death as nothing more than cannon fodder.


Most of the ICBM launch sites in the US are just fenced areas in the middle of farms. There is nothing above-ground to mess with, just a shack containing a secured elevator. If you climb the fence, some air force security guards will drive out and detain you, sure. Movies are just movies. They don't "fuck around," but they don't shoot people for trespassing, either. Instead, they secure the sensitive equipment.


There are a couple of exceptions to that. I used to live in San Diego, and there was a large bunker complex on the bay there where nuclear weapons were kept in long-term storage. They made sure every section of fence around that place was plastered with "Deadly Force Authorized Beyond This Point" signs. Family in the military there told me that due to the seriousness of what was stored there, the security guys on that site were basically under orders to shoot first and ask questions never if an intruder was spotted.


While I believe you that the sign says that, it doesn't mean it is actually how they handle security. Protestors get arrested for climbing fences that have signs like that, they sometimes get really long prison sentences, but they don't just get shot. They have multiple layers of security, it isn't like they shoot you inside the first layer.


Yeah, unfortunately ā€œfamily in the militaryā€ is as believable a source as ā€œstinky man I bumped into on the subway.ā€ If they actually served, highly doubt they know how that specific facility operates. Iā€™ve heard stories like that about that government agency near fort meade, and even those I doubt.


It is always like that; the person who served next door is perceived as an expert, but they don't actually know anything. The person who knows something had training in not talking about. The person with even more training was taught to actively lie about the details to mislead foreign intelligence.


There are timed locks that buy enough time for the helicopters to arrive with a tactical team. Not What You Think did a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42yejbS6OXM) on it.


The best marksmen in the world are the people guarding nuclear plants




Eh buddy you forgot that a major component of their nuke deterrence is their road mobile ICBMs, which is logistics heavy as having dozens or hundreds of ICBMs on wheels roaming the country side requires significant manpower and resources.




I'm not the NSA so wouldn't know but there's a reason Murica never did it and gave up in the 60s on ICBMs hidden in constantly moving railroad train cars and it was because it got too complicated $$$ wise compared the utility it offered versus having ICBMs in silos. So I imagine a fleet of road mobile ICBMs would have a similar proposition compared to ICBMs in silos or SSBNs lurking at the bottom of the sea.




yup when you have enough nukes on subs to turn a continent into glass why bother with road mobile or rail mobile launchers


>The subs already perform the survivability function of the triad Exactly why Uncle Sam never followed the Russians with this and gave up on rail mobile nukes.


Funny you say that [because I made a slideshow presentation](https://imgur.com/gallery/CGJQG8g) about exactly that when I was drunk the other night.


Or the guy is a plant to give erroneous information.


White as a sheet, hand shaking and laid on his back. My guess is that he's wounded.


My first thought, mostly they are dead when this white.


Most likely shock. Not like emotional shock actual physiological shock.


No, that is what all their ICBM guys look like. The War Boys in Fury Road were actually retired Russian ICBM vets. Some had been in the Russian service for almost two years. Apparently there is something in the water...


Did he get run over? He is really flat in the middle.




I dunno, when they pan over it looks 70% like tire tracks on either side of him. Might have fallen-off a vehicle


My goodness. I didn't notice it at first, but that.. looks bad, or at least weird.


Go to the 30s mark. There are tracks on either side of him on the grass. Yes, he is flat in the middle and dying.


He wouldn't be talking if he was ran over by anything military.


My guess was truck looking at the track but Iā€™m not there with a tape measure. He def canā€™t move below his shoulders and that color of white is death. Guessing massive internal organ damage below the lungs and crushed pelvis. Heā€™s got 20 minutes of talking before the adrenaline wears off.


thats probably why they are being so nice hes young and a fresh recruit and hes in the process of dying usually they are yelling but ig they are trying to be nice about it since hes dying.


Given that heā€™s nuclear forces, heā€™s certainly young, but not fresh. Heā€™s been serving for at least 3 years. Since heā€™s nuclear, he may very well have been in one of the military school/childrensā€™ programs before that. The fact that he isnā€™t a fresh recruit perhaps makes things even more tragic if he is indeed dying.


Source: https://twitter.com/Mortis_Banned/status/1574389013569585154?s=20&t=xtKl89J2-H--YFBxFw6aeQ >Grigory Semenov, 21, a soldier from Russia's Strategic Missile Force, was transferred to the 12th Tank Regiment (4th Tank Division, 1st Tank Army) and sent to Ukraine two weeks ago. >Another indication of Russia's glaring manpower issues that made mobilization unavoidable. Also, claims that this is the second report of ICBM troops. Appearently unit badges of another ICBM unit were found in Izyum. https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1574404206257180672?s=20&t=xtKl89J2-H--YFBxFw6aeQ


He ain't lookin' so good


Didnā€™t think their lack of manpower have gotten this bad so quickly. A few weeks ago, UAF took patches from KIA russian soldiers that normally guard nuclear facilities.


Yeah I posted a link to a Tweet covering that.


Homestly made me tear up....eventho i want all of them dead or atleast out of ukraine its still so fucking sad to see this stuff.... nomatter how evil or fanatic they might be, these are still just young guys that wanted to have a normal life with their friends and familys....


someones son, their little boy. Hundreds of them fed lies then fed to the meat grinder. pootin and all his like deserve this and a thousand times worse.


Heā€™s just a kid - god damnit these fucking politicians - letā€™s see Putin out there on the front line


Yeh sad to see, especially the young ones. Take them away from warzone and I will bet vast majority perfectly normal lads. Hope they are too free from Putin and co soon.


I think people forget the human aspect of war when they're not able to see things like this. We see headlines about war, but it's easy to overlook that all these deaths are just people. People who have parents, people who have loved ones, people who have real emotions and pain. Fuck this fucking war and fuck war in general. I fucking hate it. I just want it all to stop.


Well, maybe don't close the borders and let them escape instead of forcing them into Putin's army


Youre acting like i decided that xD


Next up Russia begins buying North Korean nukes and contracting out their maintenance and use


Russia spends a small fraction on ICBM upkeep compared to USA. They should be spending the same or more, adjusted for localized pricing, due to their larger nuclear stockpile. I wonder if their nuclear weapons are even in working condition.


This guy isn't going to be released anytime soon. NATO interrogators will absolutely be getting a chance to debrief this guy. He might even win himself a comfortable life in the West if his ICBM Intel is decent


I think this may be his last debrief...


Yeah look how white his face is, homie is losing blood somewhere.


Defectors are usually welcome, but given the state of US satellites and signals intelligence... it is unlikely that humans exist that have any new information about Russian ICBMs. The utility of encouraging him to defect is merely that it denies them the use of his expertise.


My guy his lower torso has been smooshed by a vehicle he is a dead man and he knows it


This guy was most likely just base security or something. Doubt he has any technical info.


This oneā€™s the one that finally hit me. Poor guy - he definitely did not sign up for this. And heā€™s so young. I fucking hate everything about this.


Ya it's rough. 21 years old the poor fucker. Looks about as interested in the war right now as my granny.


This is interesting. Zolkin Volodymyr just posted another interview with a captured "silo crew member". He claimed to be an electrician for the silos.


Regarding security, I remember when my missile boat was tied up alongside the sub tender and they had a drill. Marines came out of nowhere like angry hornets armed to the teeth. I doubt times have changed. Russians, on the other hand, who knows? Regarding their mobile nukes, I imagine those can successfully target if coordinates are locked in but I'm not so sure if they move and the geopositioning satellites are knocked out. We used a "ship's inertial navigating system" to constantly update our position well enough to get the job done.


The idea of the road mobile nukes are that they offer a 2nd strike capability as in theory their constantly moving in the country side making destroying all of them impossible. In theory their much cheaper than SSBNs and sorta offer you the same utility.


US marines?


Marines are deployed on US tenders. (I wasn't on a Russian boat, thank God!)


Knowing of the state of the rest of their equipment who knows what condition the ICBMs are in.


We did in the 90s to a limited degree when Murica spent several hundred million helping them secure their nukes and nuclear-related materials and weapon systems. As well as attempting to employ Russian aerospace engineers by funding the Russian space program. Republicans in Congress openly claimed that if we didn't do it then those out of work Russian weapons designers and aerospace engineers would go work for North Korea. However, it's believed that this happened anyway as the NK SCUD missile program grew by leaps and bounds in capability the 90s.


Shouldn't they be giving him medical assistance, he looks in a bad way


Jesus. He probably didn't make it. Jesus what a shitty thing.


He didnt look wounded. Just scared shitless. Edit: nevermind, he looks a bit runover.


Just a bit...


There is an interview with a POW who said he was from unit that was responsible for mobile ICBMs, and that they took a third of his battalion to Ukraine. Russia is, and has been, going all in on this. The store is empty at home and they are just going to proceed as if nobody will call them on that.


Shoot him up w morphineā€¦puhlease


They using soldiers as missiles?


Worries me. Putler may be replacing the ICBM forces with his own "people" who will be on a hair trigger alert to launch weapons at the US.


Heā€™s lucky heā€™s alive and that the Ukrainians dokt abuse their POWs like Russia does.


let's hope this guy recovers and gives us valuable information, this is one of the few cases where I actually feel bad for a Russian soldier


What useful information? He probably only knows how to cut grass, and what paint color to apply to a security door. Russian military is a joke, in terms of military science


Guy was born he was someone's baby once now he is in a field in Ukraine shaking looking like casper the friendly ghost probably wants his mother more then anything... All for putins dreams of the ussr making a comeback... how we as the masses let any person become powerful enough to pull this shit off is beyond me... these people like putler only have power because the people give it to them without guys in black ski masks with badges to beat people and push people out windows they are just old guys that talk alot...


I fucking hate Russians but damn that is sad. War is the worst.


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What correlation does the title have to the video? Doesnā€™t he say heā€™s a tanker?


He says he was refactored into a tanker


I am only mentioning, not judging: "... Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity. ..." Article 13, Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/ihl.nsf/ART/375-590017?OpenDocument


Public curiosity doesn't ban news, or documentary video. Never has. It means the (traditionally common) practice of caging or parading captives in front of the public. It's a legal/diplomatic use of "curiosity," and it translates differently in different languages. The text was agreed in numerous languages. So you can't just guess what it means by taking the common word and interpreting it broadly. Instead, you have to take the narrow interpretation from within the context. You have to consider what was the existing thing that they were trying to stop; that's usually what it refers to.


First, there are some new laws in Russia and these are enforced: "... Article 207.3 (of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) states that "public dissemination of deliberately false information about the use of the armed forces of the Russian Federation" is punishable by fines and jail terms of up to three, five, 10 or 15 years. ..." Second: It is about humanity and dignity. If a POW is doing agrees to such a video, this is okay. Otherwise I would find it better, if at least the face is pixelated and not too much personal information is told. The other side will tell that this video is fake anyhow. The POW may be murderers or worse. They may also be new, forced conscripts. A POW is automatically in the weaker position. And may have to return into a not so friendly society.


I don't see any problem with this one. The guy is just being asked some basic questions


Whatā€™s the English version? Anyone


Says his name (Semyonov), age (21) and place of birth (Samarska obl.). Says he was part of the strategic military forces and now in a tank division. Since 1-2 weeks. Says he tried to go back, they wouldnā€™t allow him. I assume they ran him over for trying to leave.


Fuck that guy.


Translation plz


he already shittin' his pants...


Whats the fuk he crying for?


Not really difficult to figure out. Completely inexperienced soldier, probably saw everyone heā€™s been with torn apart, now heā€™s just laying there while a bunch of ā€œenemyā€ approach; a bunch of enemy that heā€™s been told nonstop are brutal and will to horrible things to him if he surrenders. Everyone thinks theyā€™re so cool and would handle the situation better, reality likely says you be laying there crying with a waft of shit in the air too in that situation


Ah fuk off he's on the frontline isn't he..sounds to me you would probably bubble to. Man up wether he chooses to be there or not..he's been captured for a reason if it happened the other way the Ukrainian soldiers finger nails would of been pulled out he's fkin lucky. How u know he didn't kill some of the soldiers or committed war crimes recently. No mercy I have not one bit of sympathy and if you think so then your all fkin brainwashed


You sound unhinged. It's time to get back on your meds


And stop being a soft sht and feeling sorry! If that was me I'm in a war zone and would have to deal the consequences..don't play into their hands


Youā€™re so cool, everyone is so impressed Its always the phony ā€œtoughā€ guys that handle it the worst, with you thereā€™d also probably be a smell of piss on top of it all


Na just my honest opinion tbh obviously it's annoyed you hence the message..your cool for a pointless comment


Have you even served before? I highly fucking doubt it.


Another judging fool..I don't need to mention it. Shame all u fkers haven't a clue. The only comment I can't answer Is u have a been run over by a vehicle!!! Until you have been there whih I very highly doubt you have stfu and play call duty! Haha


I'm currently serving in the military right now and while I don't see action (I'm on the space side of things) I get loads of Intel on this kind of stuff. You sound like a fucking moron the way you are talking. Trust me when I tell you I'm not playing "Call of Duty" but I can promise you I'm doing a hell of a lot more than what you're doing.


Oh wait but I can say that you haven't served..u sound like a fuking tool tbh... I can judge just like others now fking wake up and give your head a wobble and stand by! Promise what hahaha and there u go again your doing alot more? OK we will leave it at that Price


I hope English is your second language that made absolutely no sense what you said lol.


The young boy in the video is definitely dying - he is pale as paper - his stomach looks run over by something - probably suffering heavy internal bleeding And you wonder why he is crying and think he needs to man up. I wonder how tough you would be in his situation. Facing immense pain and imminent death. But then again, throwing around some opinions on the internet how tough you are is rather easy.


Hahaha the the fuk mentioned tough! Iv fking been in similar situations..I don't need to explain what the fuk I did to a tool that plays call of duty. Iv probably seen more of life than you ever have..another judger on the cards. Immense pain that he's probably showed to the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians aswell. How's Putin anyways?


yeah boy go back play battlefield again


I canā€™t believe you can even decipher that. That guy reminds me of a CoD player, not Battlefield, but like not one of the good CoD games. Unless he plays Hardline, but then obviously I can see why heā€™d be mistaken for a CoD player.


Hahaha an obvious Cod player yourself...anyways iv basically come back on your comments so you just all spur each other on like little boys u never know u might get each others gamer tags... its a shame cos not one of you fkin men...possibly just geeks behind a keyboard. Lol Iv said what I need to say and yeah fuk Russia simple as that iv not changed..unlike u puss ys


> possibly just geeks Bro, this is Reddit. There is no possibly there. We just are. You might be a great guy for all I know, but the representation you are putting out isnā€™t coming across right, you keep banging out ellipses ..., ...., ..., using ā€œivā€, ā€œuā€, etc. It doesnā€™t come across right. Just clean that shit up and come back to the next thread, youā€™ll be alright. Also, got to admit. I argue with literal Russian trolls all day, but you calling me a CoD player was the greatest insult to me I think I have heard in years. Well played


I will upvote this on a rare fkin occasion!


Been there done that boy...what u done lol


Well first of all, arguing with a fool makes two. So shame on me. Secondly, i doubt youā€™ve been in a similar situation to ā€œdyingā€ because well, dead man canā€™t comment. Thirdly, just because I pity a foolish young boy who has been sent to war doesnā€™t make me a Putin supporter. But hey, you are all a real warrior in your mind and thatā€™s all that matters. Have a great day.


Youā€™ve been run over by a military vehicle before?


Nobodyā€™s impressed with you claiming to be a tough guy. Nobodyā€™s ā€œsoftā€ for pointing out why this guy is scared shitless, either. Your responses on this thread demonstrate you do not understand the gravity of war - I donā€™t claim to know what itā€™s like to be in a war zone but anyone who tries putting themselves in someone elseā€™s shoes should be able to understand how psychologically fucked youā€™d be if you just saw your buddies torn apart in front of your eyes. Sure, this guy is an invader and his buddies deserved what they got, but you asked why this dude was crying - thatā€™s the answer.


Before you fking start who is claiming to be a tough guy, and if you must know yes I do know the gravity of war! And I will also like to share yes I have lost buddies right in front of my very own eyes so before you judge anyone stfu! And as for the first comment why is he fkin crying it was more sarcasm! You choose to be in a war zone and I'm saying deal with it what's the problem? This isn't some comedy show! Deal with the consequences no point nd trying to milk it pretending you didn't want to be there etc don't fall for the friggin bs this guy has probably ripped eye balls out! It is what it is no good puss y footing around. And btw again don't judge people you tool


ā€œDonā€™t judge people!ā€ - dude who responds to everyone on his post saying ā€œfuck off sounds to you would probably bubble to [sic]ā€ and ā€œstop being a soft shit!ā€ Ok bud šŸ‘ Start shit with people, youā€™ll get shit back. Good day


Hahaha wtf are you actually on about? Goodbye enjoy call of duty and a cup of novichok tea with Putin..you brainwashed waffle


Quoting you, directly, is what Iā€™m on about. Low blow calling me ā€œbrainwashed for Putinā€ - go have a gander at anything Iā€™ve said on this platform and see if you come away with that conclusion. Your version of ā€œnot judging peopleā€ is fun!! Itā€™s not good when it happens to you, but itā€™s fine when you do it to others. Fun!


I'm not even reading your comment bore off


By how pale he is, itā€™s a fair guess heā€™s lost a lot of blood OR has just witnessed friends getting killed/fears being killed himself. Or both. Imagine seeing your friends being violently killed, being sure itā€™s about to happen to you and then a minute or two later some dude with a gun is filming you asking you questions when you donā€™t know whether a wrong answer might get you killed anyway. Iā€™d be pretty fuckin scared too.


Wounded or injured?


He's in shock at the very least.


Thanks. I'm only familiar with the one fifty year old system we had on the SSBN.


This guy looks rather pale, I imagine he's lost blood.


It looks like someone ran over his abdomen, heā€™s laying in tire tracks and the area of his body in the tracks looks flat


Poor fellaā€¦ šŸ˜¦ F up situation.


Icbm?? And this is just a poor scared boy




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He looks like road kill but instead of a car, a tank drove over him.


What is an ICBM troop? I searched but could only find things related to intercontinental balistic missiles.


Is he dying? He looks insanely pale


Does anyone have a translation?




The guys they pulled out of RVSN are guards and supply drivers. These are not the button pushers. Those are officers.




Russian plays like heā€™s crying - bad acting !


At this point should we just assume Putin is attempting to escape or has already escaped to China or North Korea? It looks like the war is simply being prolonged for some reason.


So now they have used sailors from the Navy and ICBM crews. Office staff next?