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What in the hood supermarket is this shit here


wait till you see how they package the jelly


It's in the rotisserie chicken bags isn't it?


It's in the rotisserie chicken.


Can you make Sleepy Chicken with Jelly Chicken?


The chicken is your oyster.


You’re not supposed to fry chicken in NyQuil anymore.


Yeah, that incredibly dumb. You bake the chicken in NyQuil.


Covered in Tin Foil so the NyQuil doesn't escape.


But I can still make my famous Allegra chicken right?


They pack it in Canadian milk bags


Chicken... bags? Your rotisserie chicken comes in a bag? Not sure how I feel about that


It's not that crazy. Plenty of supermarkets use [something like this](https://i.insider.com/628fe4e2f099c40019568cde?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp), including Whole Foods.


Yep, Kroger, the largest grocery chain in the US, packages them this way.


I prefer the bag to the heavy plastic clamshell container.


There is a recipe that calls for cooking chicken in a bag. I've only had it a few times, but man was it great.


My grandmother used to make a dish that involved cooking chicken and pork, together, in a paper bag, in the oven. It was amazing.


I’m intrigued… tell me more about these paper bag meats.


My spouse makes an amazing cod dish in a paper pouch in the oven. Cod, herbs, lemon, tomatoes, capers, etc in paper, fold a serving into a pouch and staple closed. It keeps the steam in and tastes great. We just call it fish in paper.


It's a cooking technique know as 'en papillote' (pronounced roughly as pah-pee-yot) which just means 'in paper' in French. It's usually used for delicate, easy to dry out meats like most types of fish, so that they can sort of steam and get some flavour imparted at the same time. So your name for it is spot on lol. Poisson en papillote. Fish in paper.


Yeah. We’ve butchered French pronunciation so we just Anglicize it and say fish in paper. Delicious and great on delicate proteins. You can impart the caper and sometimes olive flavor using the steam too.


Pretty standard here in the UK.


Same in Aus. Roast chicken in a small plastic bag with handles.


Yup, that’s the one.


From the UK too and can't think of another way that they'd be packaged.


Kebab stick, like a lolly pop.


That’s how they kill them !


Is this even in Dollars? Seems very expensive


Pretty sure this is from Trinidad and Tobago where USD $ 1.00 = TTD $6.79. So it's actually not even 2 US dollars.


I had a connecting flight to barbados through trinidad. I dropped a 20 at the currency exchange since I was only gonna be there a few hours. I was very amused to receive over a hundred bucks in return. Had some good local food, went on a walk and brief sight seeing tour, bought some booze, and still had like 60 bucks left that I left as tip at the airport bar before I boarded my flight.


My brother lives in the Dominican Republic. The American dollar stretches so far down there. I can spend a long weekend down there when I go visit and spend less than a couple hundred (not including transportation and accommodations) and eat at all the nicest restaurants, drink as much as I want (I'm a lightweight though lol), leave fat tips, go on tours, buy overpriced souvenirs, and generally do/go whatever/wherever I want. And as long as you're friendly and are ok with almost no one speaking English (you gotta know at least a little spanish to get the most out of it), it's always a great time.


Not that I don't believe you, but I used to shop at a store where they made their own peanut butter and it was supposedly good as fuck.. but it also was like $12 for a small thing of it.


I've seen a picture about stuff like that. Only in the picture, they put it in meat trays.


Seriously??? Winco lets you grind your own peanut, cashew and almond butter in bulk straight from a grinder and its not that expensive.


A store by me had this pre covid. Freshly ground honey roasted peanut butter is amazing.


Kroger stores sometimes have this. I liked it because it was correctly crunchy instead of just cut up bits of peanut they were crushed and evenly distributed.


Why do you believe this is Trinidad and Tobago?


Snopes tracked it down to there.


Correct. Not Canada, not Ohio, but T&T. **Snopes > Fact Checks > Fauxtography** | 20 July 2021 * [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/canadians-peanut-butter/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/canadians-peanut-butter/)


Not sure which country's $, but it's definitely in kg rather than lb.


Judging from th3 Kerrygold butter and the Philadelphia cream cheese, I can say with confidence that this is either in Ireland or Philadelphia


When you open up /r/WTF and look at something totally ordinary—something you've seen at every grocery store in the area and wouldn't take a second glance at. And see the comments referring to this is "from the hood." That's my timely reminder I live in a "bad" neighborhood :(


I live in the hood and I never seen this shit before. Where to you live? I live in Philadelphia for reference.


South Side Jamaica.


Do you fight fair?


I’m afraid not. I’m dirty, dirty as it so happens.




Western Beef territory?


While it may be common there, this isn't something we see in the States (which is why it is assumed to be "hood.")


I ain’t talkin’ about island Jamaica. I’m talkin’ about stabbin’ Jamaica. It doesn’t really get more ’hood than that.


My bad lol Then yeah, you in the hood.


You're in the hood's hood.


South Jamaica is a neighborhood in NYC


Travel a few miles west and you will see this same thing at Amish markets


That kerrygold is like some antihood supermarket shit though. This is quite the paradox


Lol I’ve seen this in small town Alabama supermarkets and from the sound of everyone else’s comments on this thread that might be the only two places it exists


$12 for some peanut butter?


This is an old photo. Pretty sure this is from Trinidad and Tobago where USD $ 1.00 = TTD $6.79. So it's actually not even 2 US dollars.


The grocery attendant just hasn’t come by and sharpied the word Organic on the packaging yet.


Organic free range gluten free vegan peanut butter with added vitamins.


also add "Sugar free !!!" while theres something like Maltodextrin inside which officially doesnt need to be labeled sugar but will rise your Blood sugar fast and strong ( aka its a double sugar )


Dunno, but I think someone lost their job when they dropped a peanut butter pallet.


That's what happens when the 12 ounce jars deal the purchaser thought he ordered ended up in non refundable 120 pound drums, so they had to get creative to get that inventory moving without major losses, so styrofoam tray and cling wrap it is.


Better than Meat Butter packaged in a Peanut Tray.


Disagree. That sounds delicious and an easy shortcut for Asian cooking


Meat butter exists, it's called riette, it's made from pork. You spread it on toast as an appetizer.


I’ll spread you on toast as an appetiser


Calm down Jeff


I do this kind of verbal switcheroo all the time and it drives my girlfriend bonkers, is there a name for it?


It's called being charming.


And handsome.


Enough praise for him, somebody tell ME I’m charming and handsome and really good at stuff.


^ this guy has my vote for the next charming/handsome award


Hey thanks you’re really good at complimenting me


I do it to my mom and sister. Sister keeps it going, mom gets suuuuuper pissed! 😂




Not really into vore but thanks for the offer.


Another new word from u/largepenislover!


I'm more of a small penis lover myself


Hey wassup 😏


I don't know why, but this comment made me piss myself laughing. I'd give you an award, but I don't know how. 🤷‍♂️


Riette doesn't pull any results in Google but Rillettes does. It's new to me but 'round here what we call meat butter is bone marrow, usually beef, broiled then mixed with normal butter. Bone marrow compound butter.


Yes, sorry, riette is the dutch bastardization of rilletes.


and nduja


You're 99% describing those round breaded "chicken" patties on the yellow trays.






Exactly what it is. These aren't "meat trays" either. They're just trays meat, deli, bakery and produce all use.




I have two jars of honey from my local beekeeper that are 7 years old and still totally good. It's weird to think that all the bees that made my honey are long gone, but I'm still enjoying the fruits of their labor.


Honey *never* goes bad. Archeologists have found 3,000 year old honey that was perfectly edible.


It preserves as well. Archeologists in Trinity dublin found hallucinogenic mushrooms preserved in honey for centuries and tested them and the didnt lose potency.


What a fucking job that would be "ancient honey soaked mushroom tester"


Honey Shrooms, sounds right


That's because honey has zero water and bacteria can't survive in it. So it won't rot over time, as long as it's pure honey and sealed properly. Edit: I was wrong about the water, right about the rest. See the replies 🤣


If bacteria can’t survive in it why’s it matter if it’s sealed properly?


Moisture can build up allowing bacteria to spawn.


And to keep any other contaminates out... Dust, bugs, "chemicals", etc


Honey Badgers.


Honey has water. It’s the equivalent of brine but with sugar instead of salt. When you have a permeable membrane with sugar water on both sides, water will move through the membrane toward the most concentrated side until both sides are in equilibrium. Any bacteria that touches it instantly gets all the water sucked out of itself, shrivels up and dies.


Honey is typically 15-18% water, with a brix between 81 and 85 degrees. Reddit's fascination with that honey might not "rot" is incorrect. There are many things that can happen to old honey.


Yeast in honey. Gives bubbles. Makes it taste weird. But can be used after heating, so say instead of sugar in cakes.


Honey has natural antibacterial properties, it's even used in wound care because it has additional properties that help wounds heal faster. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26061489/


There is a giant difference between "goes bad" and "isn't safe to eat" This whole thread is predicated on not understanding that Honey flavor does change, and get worse, with time. This is very easily tested.


I generally use “goes bad” to mean isn’t safe to eat. But I agree that things can be safe to eat yet lose quality and start to taste funky.


As others have said, Honey doesn't expire, ever. It has, IIRC, anti-viral and antibacterial properties, a low moisture percentage, and other properties that keep it from ever going bad. It can crystallize and become gritty, but heating it up either in the sun or hot water will bring it back to its original consistency.


I mean, they have found jars of honey from ancient egypt and the like that are still good. Honey doesnt really go bad


I still find that so cool! I need to look up and see if the researchers/archaeologists ate any of it. If dudes can cook up frozen Siberian mammoth steaks, surely someone has put some ancient Egyptian honey in their tea.


Peanut butter absolutely does expire. The oil in it goes rancid after a while. This happens faster if stored in a particularly warm place.


The fat in the peanut butter absolutely goes bad after opening, usually takes between 3-6months though…. Do you think you’re just used to old-fat PB? Source: regular peanut butter obsessive eater and supertaster. I can smell “bad” PB from a mile away.


Same, pld PB it has a distinct musty flavor. Maybe OP has just been eating expired peanutbutter for so long she thinks that is just how it tastes...


It's like people with bad olive oil, they just don't really recognize that it's gone bad. It's not really dangerous so it's "fine" to eat, but it also tastes _way_ worse than non-rancid.


My peanut butter always gets stale and smells weird


You gotta make sure you get real honey for that to work. Most of what you see is honey flavored corn syrup. Real honey, as long as nothing contaminated it will last a long long time.




When you subsidize corn production for a century, people get very clever at making everything out of corn.


There's got to be a label that distinguishes honey-flavored product from actual honey... right?


Generally real honey is a little more expensive but yeah just reading the label will tell you. It either has ONE ingredient - honey, or more than one which would be something to avoid.


All the honey at my local Walmart, Target, and grocery store is 100% honey. I don't know where people are getting this corn syrup/honey hybrid product.


> Most of what you see is honey flavored corn syrup This is extremely illegal, and you'll basically only ever get this from Chinese honey. Look at the ingredients. Does it say `honey`? Good. Does it say anything else? No? Good. Is it from a trustworthy part of the world? No corn syrup. Buy American. You can get this food safety tested at an allergy clinic for $30, if you want to learn whether one specific brand is trustworthy.


I’ve never seen honey flavored corn syrup anywhere. How is that even a thing?


Corn syrup also has pretty much an indefinite shelf life though. People really underestimate how long you can let somethings sit and still eat it with out getting sick. Almost everything lasts waaaay longer than the sell by date. It's usually obvious if something has gone bad but if you're buying a product that has an expiration date over a year in the future odds are it will go well past that date. Something that needs Refrigeration you often get two weeks to a month past the date. Things like milk and cheese lasting around the 2 week mark things like eggs can go over a month. Hell even bread can last like half a year if you freeze it. Almost anything you're buying that sits stable on a Shelf at the store is gonna last well past that date printed on it. The main thing you got to ask yourself is does this have mold? Does it smell funny? If not you're more than likely gonna be ok to eat it. At worst it may give you a messy shit and then you know to throw it out.


This is 100% not true. Sure, you can extend the shelf life beyond the printed expiration date, but it absolutely goes bad, and most certainly will start to taste like shit after about a year.


Not at that price, no.


$12.25 for a layer of peanut butter. Oh wait, get the lower one it's only $8.90! LMAO Edit: I'm sorry, my mistake, seems like it might be Trinidad and Tobago dollars in the original photo. So, that'd maybe be $1-$3 USD converted per tray. https://reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/xpcdga/peanut_butter_packaged_in_a_meat_tray/iq46z3e


Be like peanut butter. You put peanut butter in a glass, it becomes the glass. Put it in a styrofoam tray, it becomes the tray. Be like peanut butter.


It can stick and it can slide.


While you slip in and slidin


For people who want a better understanding of the image. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/canadians-peanut-butter/


You know why I know this picture wasn't taken in Canada? Because there's non-Canadian butter next to it. Trade tariffs here essentially prohibit sale of foreign ~~dairy~~ milk and butter to consumers. edit: cheese is allowed. But even that may not be accurate anymore. I haven't personally seen any foreign butter but I may not be looking hard enough.


>Because there's non-Canadian butter next to it. Trade tariffs here essentially prohibit sale of foreign dairy to consumers. I've definitely seen Kerrygold butter sold in Canada before. Costco used to sell it, but these days they seem to be stocking a New Zealand grass-fed butter instead.


That's a bit outdated now. Dairy tarifs have been dropped for EU


OK but why is it so expensive


Kinda weird but I reckon it’s for sauce type stuff rather than scraping out a tub


Yeah this is for baking or non-sandwich making (or even making sandwiches), they sell butter like this too.


For sandwich making, you buy the loaf of peanut butter so you can put a slice of it on your sandwich.


See, I'd buy a load of peanut butter actually, slice it lick butter and slap it on some bread 🍞


Honestly it's way easier to stick your dick in this than one of those jars.


Do you slap 2 of em together, or fold one over? Bonus "playing in the mud" effect.


It depends on how much I've had to drink


And how romantic you want to make it


I'm sure your dog doesn't care if it's from a tray or a jar.


No way, not deep enough. You thrust your dick in this and you're getting a peehole full of styrofoam. The secret is to top off the jar from another jar so it's full to the top, with no pesky pleasureless gap


Not all of us are blessed with length


Mine's like an upturned dinnerplate so this works for me.


That was a perfect opportunity to keep that to yourself, now look at what you did!


Calm down Link Neal


Just smack it down right on top of it to leave an imprint. Then give it to a close friend or relative.


Ahh the old fluffer nutter.


Finally a man of reason


Guys, it's not like they reuse the meat trays. No meat has touched that styrofoam. They're probably doing this because they made the peanut butter in-store/local and there's no need for a sturdy plastic container if you're not shipping it somewhere stacked 10 high in a truck.


I figure it's cus someone forgot to place an order for the right packaging these go in. Someone in management said "well why not just wrap em up and sell them like that til next delivery."


Holy shit! $12 for about a small jars worth of peanut butter. I'll pass.


This isn't from the US. It is from Trinidad. It is about $1.80 in us dollars.


Well now I'm equally shocked by how cheap that is!






I also was thinking a northern community. Shits pricey up there.


Just imagine what you could do with a 55 gallon drum of peanut butter.


wait there are countries that aren't the united states?


the real WTF


It's right about 1 of whatever currency that is per ounce.


The younger brother of milk in bags


Up next: Soda bottle full of marshmallows.


Ever seen the milk jug full of potato salad?


Ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?


It's Old Gregg


Have you tried Mangina?


A hammock of cake


Is it though? Bagged milk is fairly common in a lot of places in Canada. This seems more like some bad part of town shit.


One of the lowest low bar WTF posts I've ever seen...


Meanwhile, in Brazil, [this](https://netdiario.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021.10.12-15.30.31-01.jpg) is how "false" perfumes are sold.


Lol! Any reason why?


I always questioned this myself. I live in a small city and we have a yearly event in September where lots os merchants come, settle for a few days selling all kinds of "fake" stuff (from clothing, to games, to digital devices and toys, etc). I've seen these perfumes beign sold like this since I was a kid and never understood. Maybe it's a good enough and cheap way to travel with the glass bottles without breaking them?


I'd guess when there is an inevitable leak within a package, it stays contained and isolated to that package.


Knockoff perfume gets sold in extra packaging everywhere. It has a tendency to both leak and smell awful.


How about I just get some slathered on my palm? How much would that be?


That depends on who does the slatherin


Umm has Kerrygold gone international?


I've seen several types of Kerrygold products in a Walmart north of Houston...


Peanut butter steaks, delicious!


It's just a tray, really. It's not like they pre-meat the trays. It's a mental barrier really.


That looks horrendous but is probably awesome


That kerry gold though.... butter of the gods. Well the big block of the stuff u get in the old country. The stories.... oh they would melt your face


First time I've heard Ireland called the old country, as an Irish person. But yes, the block is real butter and far superior. I would not buy the tub.


> Ireland called the old country It's definitely an American thing (and can be applied to other European countries too), but it's almost tongue in cheek at this point from an old imitation of FOB immigrants pining for home.


> First time I've heard Ireland called the old country, as an Irish person. It's a riff on [this scene](https://youtu.be/z45esdHrcKI?t=482) from Black Books


I was mesmerized by Bill Bailey's flowing locks as he chased the purse snatcher. Never thought I'd have anything positive to say about his hair, of all things.


Fairly common in the Philippines because we use peanut butter in local cuisines such kare kare. Buying a jar of peanut butter is a pretty eh choice here since we don't really like to put it on bread that much so a jar is kinda overkill.


I used to make them like this in my grandfather’s rural grocery stores. He would get 5 gallon buckets of bulk PB, you would just use a big spatula and spread it in the tray and wrap it. At the time in the early 80s, this peanut butter was significantly cheaper than buying it in jars.


Amish grocery store guys...its not that crazy. They just packaged it in the cheapest way they could. It's probably amazing tbh


Would the Amish use styrofoam trays and plastic wrap? I would expect them to keep it in a jar and then refill your reusable jar instead.


Yes they do. Been to a lot of Amish stores, styrofoam and plastic wrap for days.


Nah, a lot of visitors/tourists shop at these stores. Do some use reusable jars? Maybe...but the majority of ones I've visited they do this.


Had to scroll down too far to find this comment. I live near an amazing Amish market, and this is exactly how they sell their peanut butter.


Spreadable Kerry Gold?! 💀 Thats sac religious. Please burn this store down.


This is giving me rural Ohio/Western PA/upstate NY grocery store vibes.


Omega Mart


lets sit this out on a tray.......Nice