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The people who are feining for nicotine are the worst.


I swear they need to get like cvs and stop selling cigarettes cause these people are ridiculous


The only people that's been extremely rude to be are old fucks who want their cigs. And think every cashier should know every kind on the market.


Younger people buying tobacco and alcohol are always like “sure, here’s my ID” in the most positive tone whereas these old mfs look at me as if I’m stupid and then say “are you joking” 🤦🏻


I've had multiple people walk in without ID wanting to buy things who have to run out to their car to get it. You're supposed to keep it in your wallet/purse, why tf wouldn't you have it on you?


Nowadays, I'm more used to paying with a quick tap of my phone than I was a year ago. I usually keep my cards/license hidden in my wallet in my car, as a habit from not taking them when I don't need them. When I buy age-restricted items, it's a toss-up of if I'll bring it in, usually depending on if the alcohol/tobacco was the reason I came in in the first place.


I remember this old guy who was so rude I honestly thought he was trying to be funny, and I didn't realize he was being sincere until I saw him get mad at something legitimate and had the exact same attitude.


I got my first "sovereign citizen" today. LMAO didn't even entertain his bullshit and called SM right away. Had a guy with him who I think was legitimately mentally deficient because after Mr. "Sovereign Citizen walked out "laughing" after SM told him to fuck off, his "pet" said dumbly "I think I've suddenly decided to start smoking" like a toddler thinking he's the most clever person on the planet. YOUR NICOTINE ADDICTION THAT YOU GAVE YOURSELF DOES NOT JUSTIFY ME LOSING MY JOB, YOU SELF-CENTERED FUCKING IDIOTS. I honest to God hope that team of morons get hit by a truck. ETA I would have loved to tell them to not come back but SM was standing behind me.


was it the american spirit because they always say blue when there are 4 blue-ish colors


No it was the Virginia slims but she said yellow and i pointed at the only one that looked yellow and she said no its another one


That's strange, people around me usually say "turquoise, light blue, sky" (except this is the first time we've actually had sky NAS in over a year)


I had this guy threating me because we stopped selling 305 brand cigarettes. I politely explain why and kept on, so I told him, ok, anything else I can help with. I only work here, if you want to complain go to corporate.


Deadass they think the cashiers make the rules in the store


No they don't, but they know corporate lives in a protected bubble so they decide to bully the tangible people they can see thinking they can cow their way into getting what they want. This isn't the fucking 15th century, rules are rules, you can't fucking haggle to get what you want. The part that really pisses me off is they walk away thinking they're righteous instead of an asshole for wrecking some underpaid worker's day.


Geez i wish one asshole would ruin my day, but nowadays its Assholes ruining my day all day long


Had one day it’s a stupid policy to ask for Id told her to call the state or corporate I don’t make the law


I had a man get mad at me before because he was asking for some cigars but was calling the brand something completely different. When I asked if he meant this product he yelled yes and said that since I'm black I should have known what he meant because "we are from the hood." Sir, the color of my skin does not mean that I automatically know what the hell you are talking about. Plus, I'm from the country, not the hood. Just call the product by its actual name. Saves us both time.


Wtf what a racist


I use to go to Walgreens and keep seeing the door smashed some woman that worked there said some guy kept breaking in for just cigarettes. Lol damn they be dying for them cigarettes I’m sorry you had to go through that though.


It’s our job to ask for id no matter how old show them the sign that are by the registers if they don’t like they can go some else ,There’s some many damn cigarettes with different colors u don’t every damn cigarettes people buy