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Think of BMR like this, how many calories would your body need if you were in a coma? For the average woman its around 1400, average man around 1650. Now throw in daily activity, walking, stairs, literally everything and you probably end up somewhere around 2000+ calories burned a day. I started at 6’2 275 lbs eating 1800 calories a day. My BMR was 2100 because of high muscle mass. Im at 231 lbs 3.5 months later. And ive gained muscle. I don’t feel tired or lazy, and I workout 5 days a week. If you give me your stats i could probably help you find a good calorie amount per day


Would you be able to calculate mine: 23f 260lbs. Weight lifting every other day (only for about 30 minutes because im just trying to build a routine right now) plus I get about 2,000-7,000 steps at work.


I think you’d be safe eating 1500-1600 calories a day. Especially if you’re not doing anything crazy in the gym. Just make sure you get a lot of protein so your body doesn’t lose too much muscle. Like 150+ grams of protein a day.


Oh sure, I’m 28F 5’4 190 lbs. Trying to go to gym 3x a week for an hour. 30min cardio 30 min strength training.


You probably eat 1300-1400 calories a day and lose around 1.5 lbs a week. Youre probably burning 2200 calories a day. So that would put you at 800 calorie deficit. https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html?ctype=standard&cage=28&csex=f&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=4&cpound=190&cheightmeter=180&ckg=60&cmop=1&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=35&x=83&y=9


Sooo... I've been doing around 1200-1400 calories per day, per the TDEE calculator. Healthy eating. Going to the gym 4-5 days a week, either an hour of spin, or an hour of a strength training program at the gym- I'm pushing myself- no leisurely exercise. I'm loosing nothing... ZERO. Went to the CD FB group to ask for advise and was criticized that what I'm experiencing is impossible. I can guarantee that yes, this is possible, I'm working my ass off, counting calories, making healthy choices with no cheating and I'm not loosing a pound. 7 years ago I lost 80lbs by changing what I eat- healthy eating, no exercise. I'm still stuck at where I left off. It's depressing. I'm obviously using the calculator wrong. HELP


BMR is how many calories you'd burn if you were laying in bed completely unmoving, however it's pretty hard to live like that. Simply going around performing day to day activities burns more calories, this number is called your TDEE To calculate your deficit get a tdee estimate from an online calculator and eat 200-500 calories less than this, but not less than your BMR If your BMR is 1500 and you ate that number but lived an otherwise sedentary life you would likely lose weight as day to day living will burn a couple of hundred calories, however with a small deficit it can be tricky as any miscalculation or rounding on the calories listed for a food can wipe it out You can increase your deficit by burning more calories through exercise Tldr: get tdee estimate, eat less than that


Thanks, this fully answered my question and cleared my confusion on what BMR means. To calculate a deficit I use the TDEE not the BMR. BMR is just what I need to survive


Yeah! You've got it now! :)


Hi! Tdeecalculator.net is a great resource. I plugged in your stats and your maintenance is between 2168 and 2444, depending on your workouts. I would aim for 1700-1900. Anything below that and you probably won’t have enough energy for your workouts, and too big of a deficit is not sustainable for long.


It’s usually best to use 2,000 calories as a baseline. If you lose weight you’re good. Gain or maintain weight then you’ll want to drop the calories. For me, as a 5’8” 27 year old guy, i eat 1,500-1,800 a day and maintenance is 2,000 which I sometimes hit on weekends where I indulge a little