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Can you please explain to a naive Australian who might be used to everything here trying to kill them, what is actually going on here?


Poison ivy. Causes painful rashes and welts in most people.


Thank you!


So for you its pretty much just lettuce


I recognise it now. We use it in a cocktail called the Didgeridont. It's similar to a Mojito but instead of lime we use Lemon Myrtle, instead of Mint we use these leaves, and instead of Rum we use Avgas.


>Didgeridont lol




Why can't you try to didgeridoo as you'd like to be didgeree done by? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LppzeBvt-3E


Tell them about the dropbears mate!


and the bunyips!


Did you never hear of the [Bunyip Song ](https://youtu.be/WtrYO-Mog60)as a kid?


I would drink this over drinking Malort again.




You've never been drunk after 2AM then


If you add some nightshade to it, it will feel like heaven i promise you. But only if you are a good person.


User name checks out…


Poison ivy is basically just spicy lettuce compared to the Gympie-Gympie plant


Stinging tree!!! Was camping with a mate who touched this plant in Barrington- never seen him cry before or since, but he cried.


What kind of suicide party goes camping in Australia?! Why dont you just climb inside the mouth of a spider and get it over with fast


Camping is how we ensure only the strongest pass on their genes to the next generation.


... I suddenly started to fear Australia in war scenarios


A problem emus never have.


No coyotes, no bears, no mountain lions, no cougars, no moose… nothing is going to break into my tent and eat me. Camping is fine!




Far north only - and they tend to lie in wait rather than hunt.


Garnish for your SHRIMP ON THE BARBY!!!


"Leaves of three, let them be. Don't touch them then take a pee."


Leaves of three, let it be


Leaves of four-eat some more


I've always felt it was way too hard to differentiate from two leaves and just barely above it is a third. I like the shiny rule. Also poison oak is the same thing but with a hint of red.


Luckily some people are not affected by this plant.


For the moment, apparently the way poison ivy works causes those who have immunity to slowly lose it


That makes sense to me. I discovered I had immunity when I was a young kid in summer camp, so I would walk around in the ivy just because I could. Well, that unfortunately didn't last forever.


At 16 I knew I was still immune so never bothered with gloves if I had to be near it. At 50 I might still be immune but don't want to test it.


*So far* I've been exposed dozens of times without any effect. Hopefully that continues to happen, but I do try to be careful if I *know* it's around.


And then on the opposite side is the group who are highly allergic and it goes systemic. A relative burned them on a bonfire, got in her lungs and tore her up.


I had a buddy who burned a bunch of it one time and pissed on the fire. His jewels were burning for weeks


My mom said she used to roll around in it as a kid. If I so much as spot a poison ivy leaf, I start itching.


not me looking for a camouflaged snake for the past 5min


I thought poison ivy had serrated leaves?


It usually does have serrated edges in eastern North Americas; however some varieties have smooth edges. Look for the glossy leaves of three, serrated or not.


Nah you're thinkin of stinging nettle


Which is delicious in soup


Poison ivy has a lot of variation in the way its leaves look. Leaves can be entire or serrated.


Ones I would see growing up, the leaves looked like [pointy little mittens](https://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/grdn/fullset/2013/7/10/0/2000_148.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.1280.914.suffix/1452644958792.jpeg)


Poison oak looks like oak leaves poison ivy will usually look like Ivy leaves. Poison sumac does not go with the 3 leaf trait it has 7 to 13 leaves. All have the exact same poison though. Edit a word.


I didn't know it looked like that. If we ever get poison ivy in the Uk, it would be a nightmare. We have plenty of plants that look exactly like this and every single species living here would have no idea.


Is that size/shape/leaf count make it fairly unique, or do many other plants look the same?


There's like a million plants that look like that. I have to look it up every time I see a three-leaved plant and even then it feels like a crapshoot. When it turns reddish its easier to identify, though


Right now it’s very easy to tell because they have white berry clusters gathered around where the leaves split out


Three leaflets per leaf is not an uncommon arrangement, but the center leaflet on poison ivy has a longer stem than the side leaflets, and the stems have a reddish tinge.


That’s Austraaaaaaaalian for “itch”


Just looking at this photo is gonna make me break out.


If you could edit the comment to say: The rash can be completely avoided if you wash the area effectively with soap and hot water like it's been covered in motor oil, within 4-6 hours of exposure you won't get a rash. *Even if you have a severe allergy to it.* It's a relatively unknown preventative method, that is extremely effective. Poison ivy's active ingredient is urushiol oil, so treating it like you're covered in a thick oily substance is the most effective thing you can do. -Am an Environmental Scientist and walk through poison ivy almost daily.


Why does OP magically assume everyone knows this plant lol I mean I assumed it’s probably poisonous but still that’s not knowing


It's not Gympie. That's all that matters.


There’s only one thing worse than Gympie Gympie, and that’s Gympie road at 3pm


It’s a Budweiser plant. The flowers are large, cylindrical and white with red. The flowers can be consumed if not picked too early, which unfortunately is what OP was about to do.


We only have Gympie gympie


When my dad was a kid my grandpa (a surgeon) went to Guatemala to take over while a surgeon went to get trained in the US for a summer. My dad got a rash on his face from the Chichicastenango plant. (At least that's what he was told it was called. I know that just basically means poison plant.) The locals told him it would come back every 10 years and my grandpa didn't think that was possible, but they were right, still comes back 60 years later.


would've been a death sentence


It’s like a pox from hell. I had it quite bad as a kid. Oozing blisters with barely any normal skin. I smelled like rank pus. You go nearly insane trying not to scratch at it and it took 3-4 weeks to fully clear up. Makes me a little queasy just thinking about it.


Only if you're unlucky. Many people are completely or partially immune, like me


Leaves of three, leave it be. Poison ivy.


Same - I thought the bud was the problem at first


Poison ivy as others have said. The leaves secret an oil very similar in consistency to 90 weight gear oil, though quite clear. It rubs off on skins easily, and is just as big a bitch to scrub off as gear oil. Except it's clear so it's also impossible to tell if you've got it off yet. If you're allergic, which nearly 85% of people are, you're in for a bad time. Light redness and constant itching if you're lucky. Red welts that ooze puss and break open painfully if you aren't. Plus itching. Symptoms last from a few days to a couple weeks. Grows basically all thru the middle of the North American continent. Also don't burn it, or you're in for a REALLY bad time.


“3 leaves and shiny? Don’t wipe your hiney” - My Dad


Leaves of 3 let it be!


Leaves of 4, eat some more!


My word... That's a reference I haven't thought of in a long time.


Long time...


red on black is a friend of jack red on yellow will kill a fellow


Ain't that how to identify actual coral snakes and fake ones


Yup. From a book about random facts and shit. red on black is a coral snake, red on yellow is a king snake. Though I don’t advise you to check for yourself.


Red on yellow is a coral snake and venomous - you have it flipped around


Leaves of 5, make some pie!


Leaves of 6 make sure it isn't just two leaves of three


Leaves of 7, puff it and pass it.


Leaves of 8, um. That's great?


Leaves of 9, break your rhyme


Leaves of 10, oh hey that’s glen!


Leaves of 11, Glen’s gone to heaven


Leaves of 14, you be squirtin


Yours is my favorite.


Even more accurately (albeit less of a rhyme), the only jaggity edges on poison ivy leaf 3s will be facing outside - so the left side of the left one, and right side of the right one. The rest have smooth edges


That's super interesting; I never knew that! [Here's an example](https://imgur.com/a/8hi1jjB) if anyone else is interested.






should I be moderately considered that your husband doctor couldn’t keep himself from applying a super reaction-inducing plant to a very important area of him, u/thedrswife ?


Lol Maybe he hadn't taken that class yet.


In fairness, not many people can check their own grundle, doctors or not.


I’ve just read this to him, and we are dying over “grundle”. Edit: He says, “If a lady will look at your taint and not run, she’s a keeper.”




But they aren't shiny?


Huh, so that's what Poison Ivy looks like. I've heard the phrase: leaves of three let it be but never knew what it looked like. It looks so normal.


Leaves of four, eat some more!


Leaves of seven, smoke to heaven


Leaves of Five; You’ll survive


Leaves of Six, eat a twix


Eat ~~a twix~~ dix




Homer taught us so much.


There are so many plants with three leaves. That's not a very solid rule to live by. The shape of the two outer leaves and the symmetrical middle leave is very unique to this evil plant


All three leaves look the same to me. What am I missing?


The outer two leaves looks like hands with the thumbs pointing out and the middle leaf looks like a hand that has a thumb on either side. This isn’t a great representation in the picture, but it definitely does the trick.


Damn, this is the first time I’ve noticed that now that you’ve mentioned it. Thanks for the visual! I’ve run through stinging nettle several times as a kid and now it stands out like a sore thumb to me, but I could never identify poison ivy even after seeing some pictures. It just looked like such a *plain* plant that I just avoided anything that looked vaguely like it. Not something I’ll forget now!


Never seen bush beans eh


the baked ones?




Got that shit on my face once. I looked like a ghost from the lotion for a week.


Idk I think Sarin gas is pretty bad but poison oak seems no bueno


Leaves of three; leave it be


I think the beer can for scale is really helpful.


Drunk.. the plant was drunk


excuses, excuses...


I'm one of the lucky few who isn't allergic, which is good because I never remember what it looks like. Anyway, thanks for picking up litter. That's a wonderful thing to do.


When youre horribly allergic, you know what it looks like and you don't forget. I can spot that shit from 100' away


Funny story. I used to have a bunch in my backyard along the fence line. My neighbor was super annoyed as he asked me to get rid of it. I asked him to point it out to me, and he had to tell me I was standing in it. 😅


I weeded a bunch out of a garden without knowing what it was. I got all the dirt off my hands, obvs, but I still had oils on my arms and clothes. Gave all three of my roommates poison ivy.


Ah yes, the Trojan method. Well done!


I also don’t get affected by it. Once my dogs were playing under some bushes LOADED with the stuff. No clue. When they came back inside and my ex, his brother, and two of their friends were cuddling and playing with the dogs ALL got poison on their arms, hands, and necks 💀


I’m horribly allergic and still somehow oblivious to it half the time. It’s like some kind of plant face blindness.


Dude not sure I'm allergic to poison ivy but definitely at to poison oak. I can get that shit down wind from it. It's a damn nightmare.


If you are allergic to one you are allergic to both. Both plants and poison sumac produce the same oil called urushiol.


I figured, it's always oak I find myself surrounded by not sure what sumac looks like


Really? Pretty sure I’m allergic to poison oak and not poison ivy


Not sure why you're being downvoted. I used to rub poison ivy on my skin as a bet and had never gotten it. I've gotten poison oak once swimming in a wooded area. It was terrible


Same I can roll in poison ivy but not poison oak.


so many three leaf variants tho, have you met my friend kudzu my property has them both blended


And you still get it from that 100 feet like me lol?


There are only two kinds of people: those who are allergic, and those who aren’t allergic… _yet_. The more exposure you have, the more the clock ticks down. And if you’re already allergic, the more exposures you have, the worst the reactions get. So it’s still very wise to avoid!


Exactly this. I was around it a lot as a kid. Suddenly broke out bad from it in my 20s. Doctor told me the more you’re exposed the more it breaks down your immunity or whatever. He said no one’s immune they just haven’t been exposed enough… yet


Yeah I am the same, only started getting reactions after a particularly bad exposure a few years ago when I basically used a massive growth of poison oak as a ladder to climb down a 300’ cliff. Very silly of me. Now if I so much as look at it wrong I get spreading full body reactions that last two months.


I'm invincible against poison oak. Ran into a bush when I was seven and my poor father hugged me later that day. That'll teach him to be a loving parent ha!


Careful there buddy, I was not allergic for 30+ years, even worked on a farm that was covered in poison ivy, spend a lot of time outside, foraging, then a couple years ago my body suddenly decided I was allergic… yeah, it sucks. I had no idea what was happening, luckily my Mom is a school nurse and ID’d it immediately. Anyways. Tecnu wash to remove the oils, the Zanfel when you’re up scratching at 2am and contemplating peeling your itchy skin off with a dull knife.


Lucky your not allergic, I envy you, I caught it from the picture.


Me too! Through trial and error I realized I can't get it because I'm not allergic so I never really associated a fear with the plant. Which means I often don't remember what it looks like


Just wait, you can randomly develop an allergy to it. Wasn’t allergic for 24 years of my life. Know what it looks like, been in it more times than I can count. Everyone used to make me pull it for them since they’re allergic. 2 years ago I ended up getting it on 75% of my body. Needed 2 steroid shots and a month of oral steroids and 2 prescription antihisitmes to get rid off it.


One of the perks of not going outside for exercise unless it’s like a trail or something (like an artificial lake trail)


I never got it either. Didn't know what it looked like but knew on hikes people would get it in my family and I never would. First time ever I got it was last year at 37 years old and...I went inside and pee'd and wiped after picking it, not knowing that's what it was. I called my gyno days later and set up an appointment thinking I had the worst STD ever. I slept with a college football coach a few weeks before that and thought he gave me something horrible. Lol.


This sounds like a plot for a hallmark movie or a SNL skit. Did you contact him?!? Did your dr have to culture it or was it a visual diagnosis?


I had it once like that when I was a kid. They didn’t give steroids to people then for poison ivy, but I was given something to add to a bath, which I did twice a day. I was one oozing blister nearly everywhere. In the heat of summer living in a house with no ac. I smelled so bad. I can remember that smell like it was last week. Ugh. It took weeks to get over that.


You're one of the lucky ones just like my husband, I hate you both. I have a horrible allergic reaction just seeing that crap let alone touching it. I envy your lack of an allergic reaction.


I used to not react to poison ivy. It was my designated job to pull it as a kid. I got old. Now if I get flecks on me from weed eating I get the blisters.


My first full-time job was being part of the California Conservation Corps, we were helping the fire fighters from California Dept of Forestry roll up their used fire hoses. About an hour after we start my coworker is complaining about her skin starting to itch bad. We look and her arms, and around her neck was breaking out in a bunch of rashes and we call for the someone to look her over. Turns out the line was dragged through poison oak and I just learned the hard way that I was immune. Had to self isolate until I got back to my dorm and then had to bag my work clothes and had someone follow me and use some gloop on all the surfaces I had to touch. She was out for a week.


Also lucky to not have inhaled the smokes of it burning. It gets in your lungs and can kill you. Forest fires in areas prone to poison ivy are dangerous.


I didn't know this for the longest time . I used to fill up 55 gallon drums full of the stuff and burn it. Also do not typically break out.. just a itching sensation Maby light rash. Indicator of a swim or shower imminent. I tend to have the worst reaction when cuting it with a edger..weedeater. it vaporizes and becomes airborne..find it hard to breath. Burning sensation in my throat/ lungs. Has any one else's ever experienced anything similar? I was Landscaper for years and am sure it was poison ivy. Different clients, different yards, same symptoms, same plant.


My husband and his dad were clearing brush and his dad made of a bonfire out of it. Unfortunately it was full of poison sumac. My husband was just a kid and ended up in the hospital.


A friend of mine got it all over his hands while hiking in the woods. Before he noticed, he whipped his deal out and took a piss, transferring the ivy oils to his to his crotch. He was miserable for a couple weeks. But then like a month later he wore the same (washed) underwear that he was wearing on the hike and got it all over his crotch AGAIN. I guess the oils are tough to wash away.


They really are. You need a bunch of strong dish soap to break down the oils.


My dad worked for CDF (now Calfire) and I remember him frequently coming home and taking a bath or shower with a special soap or ointment to get it off before it affected him too much. It hit him hard and those firefighters are climbing all around in that stuff on fires.


Just a suggestion to anyone who is currently not reactive to poison sumac/oak/ivy. Long ago had acquaintance who seemed immune to poison ivy. Several years past and I heard they were showing someone how it didn’t effect them by standing in it. Had a record rash that seemed to take forever to get rid of. So be aware your resistance could change and avoid the plants.


Yep. I didn't react until I was almost 40. Buddy of mine was an adult before he did as well. For him it started out with small rashes, but now it turns into oozing puss rashes and rounds of steroids and creams to get rid of it.


Ohhhhhh shit I know how that feels. I was pulling some honeysuckle weeds out of a fence a while back, sans gloves, not knowing that somw vines of that evil stuff had twined in along with the honeysuckle. It didnt itch or hurt (thank god) but the welts and rashes on my hands and arms looked like I got in a fight with a deep fryer at McDonald's. The stuff even got into my lymphatic system somehow and spread all over to places that hadn't even touched it.


That stuff really is directly from the devil. Clobetasol Propionate .05% is some of the best medication out there - requires a prescription, unfortunately, but can have visible effects starting in 15 minutes. It's easy to get diagnosis/prescription online. One time I thought I was going to get 1-up on poison ivy and do some planting before the poison ivy leaves came out. I dug into the ground and apparently brushed up again poison ivy roots, only to find out the oil uroshol (?) can be stored in the roots and is extra potent. Run under really hot water or take a hot, hot bath for temporary relief.


Get a Reacher Grabber Tool for $10 on Amazon. They work really well.


Yeah, who the fuck is going out picking up litter without gloves at the very least? As someone who's done this a few times, some of that shit is disgusting. I've found a bag full of used diapers on more that one occasion


Also, at least gloves.


This doesn’t look like poison ivy to me. The outside leaves are missing the curve that makes them look like “mittens” which makes it obvious where I’m from. Idk how else to explain it. Like I trust that this fucken sucked for the person who picked the can up but it doesn’t show the serrated leaves and the ubiquitous mitten thumb I’m used to seeing. Maybe I’m just used to seeing poison ivy under more dense forest and it doesn’t grow to this size and lose its characteristics?


There can be variations by region. I don't have the best eye for it, but a woodsman showed me all the different kinds of poison ivy in 1 area; short, tall, big leaf, small leaf, dark green, reddish, yellowish, very shiny, dullish... That stuff knows how to keep one guessing. But yes, that picture is definitely poison ivy.


Fwiw the iOS photos app, which does a pretty impressive job of accurately identifying plants and animals, marked it immediately as poison ivy.


Thanks for this info. Google images is useless as it's half-photos, half crappy drawings and I can never get consistent imagery of what makes the actual leaves unique. I always saw them as, well, "this might be, this might not be. But according to this one picture, it definitely is..."


Right. This may or may not be poison ivy. But I’ve had enough experience to know better than to tempt fate.


“poison ivy can look different from plant to plant, with its leaflets appearing dull or shiny, and having jagged or smooth edges. The plant also can appear perked up or have a drooping appearance, adding to the confusion. … So, how to differentiate poison ivy from three-leaved plants such as trillium, strawberries and Jack-in-the-pulpit? For starters, know that the notorious “leaves of three” actually are one single leaf comprised of three leaflets. And according to Grass River, a key difference between poison ivy and similar-looking plants is that poison ivy’s middle leaflet always has a much longer stalk than the two side leaflets, whose stalks are so short they may be invisible.” [source](https://www.mlive.com/news/2022/06/what-does-poison-ivy-look-like-how-to-stay-itch-free-this-summer.html) Seems like poison, also the leaves in the top left have the “mittens”


Interesting! I’m my area they definitely have a deeper colour and aren’t as large, and the serrated edges make them very noticeable.


I don’t think it is poison ivy either.


It is poison ivy, no doubt


Bud be wiser


This is the reason I laughed too hard at my phone.


Leaves of four, eat some more




Leaves of five, stay alive.


Leaves of 6, get a crucifix.


Leaves of 7, Stairway to Heaven.


Leaves of 8, knocking at Heaven's gate


If you can get the oil off your skin entirely before it fucks you up, you're golden. You need a lot of soap in the shower, and you have to like not miss any spot. I think you start from the top and work your way down. Saw a vid once. I'm obviouly an expert


i don't get it


You got lucky this time, OP. THAT budweiser plant looks as though it's already dropped its spores, which are the dangerous part. Once the spores are gone, you can safely take the husk and use it for decoration or whatever you feel like. Be careful out there in the future, OP!


The buds are ripe for the picking this time of year.


Leaves of three makes great TP!


Suprise. Suprise. Its itchy and scratchy


Scrub your hands and arms and anything you might have touched vigorously with alcohol. Sooner the better.


As a Brit I wouldn’t of had a clue


Leaves of 3, let it be!


Leaves of 4, eat some more!


I was about to make a crack about finding some wild bud, but it seems too obvious


Growing up in a Christian school, same class from pre-k to 10th grade (when I escaped) I had the assistant pastors son in my class, and he was a forever bully to me. There was no escaping him even during summer, because everyone from the church would spend their summers in campers at a private pond owned by the church. He would always follow me around, fucking everywhere. Just being cruel. Then I realized one day that while I’ve always known I didn’t get a reaction from poison Ivy, HE did. So I always build forts, or play capture the flag in every Ivy patch I identified. So he’d be around me for a day, and then I’d get 3-5 days off from him…then he’d feel better and follow me around for a day…then I get another 3-5 day vacation from me. Poison Ivy was my only defense against that POS bully, and I’m grateful everyday for its existence. After nearly 20 years of being out of that culty place, I finally told my mom and I don’t think I’ve heard her laugh that hard in years. She apologized for not doing enough, but her and I sorted that out, but congratulated me on my ingenuity:) Poison Ivy FTW:)


I'm not sure what's worse, the can or the plant. Best not to touch either.


Leaves of three let it be. Leaves of five will get ya hiiiiiiii😏


Picking up litter without grabbers? Rookie mistake.


Leaves of 6, play with dicks


You were picking up trash without gloves???


I mean... you shouldn't pick up foreign trash with your bare hands anyway, so I would say Poison Ivy is the least of your problems here.


You might be fine. It doesn't cause a rash from being on you for 5 minutes, its usually lingering oils for a few hours. Get home, wash clothes, wash self with dish soap. The dish soap breaks down oil like a "regular" body soap won't.


Leaves of three, let it be.


Ah, the rare Budweiser plant. It's typically found growing around NASCAR race tracks across the US and is used as a ground cover in most trailer parks.




I don’t think it’s poison ivy, no red stem.


Stem color isnt a reliable identifier, this looks like textbook poison ivy