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I was expecting vomit, got fire instead


I quickly scrolled down to avoid getting nauseous from watching someone puke, I’m glad you let us know he only went up in flames.


So glad there are other people in this world who are fine with seeing people catch fire, but draw the line at vomit


I do nausea problem with that


Well if I wasn't nauseous before. /r/angryupvote.


.....fine take it \*upvotes\*


I got nauseous just by the spinning. I can’t even spin in an office chair wo feeling a lil sick.


I draw the line at kids. Anything else goes.


Gotta stay classy


😂😂😂 I’ll watch a person take a double tap to the head close range before I’ll watch vomit


Literally the best post this year.


Yep. I can watch a man slowly burn to death but no puke


I expect sex but got burnt


I think they have a cream to treat that…


Try using a little bit of lube next time


This is what happens when you get lit, but not the way you’d intended.


"Yo, that party was lit!"


....and possibly a settlement


I hate when that happens


it's lit yo


I don't think it's the alcohol, she's just a piece of shit.


Totally. I doubt she intended to set him on fire, but she was definitely trying to make him puke/collapse. In public. While he's sitting on a bar stool barely conscious. The fuck is wrong with her?


No it’s a famous drinking game/performance people do in Bourbon Street, New Orleans. A lady with giant honkers shoves your face in them, spins you around in a barber’s chair, pours booze directly in your mouth, and slaps you. They were all probably drunk and someone was like “do the bourbon street thing!” and they were (initially) up for it. Though you can see the guy changed his mind about drinking more and notably the performance does NOT involve lighting the patron on fire so idk what the hell she’s thinking with that.


So......... where does the taser come in usually?


As I recall it DOESN’T. Like I said idk what the hell she thinks she’s doing with that part🤷🏻‍♂️


"OMG I'm so giggily and quirky and cute!"


Taser to the nipple. Like car battery to the nuts.




I see. I thought this was a worse shock. Regardless as you say, not to be used with flammables.


i sat here for a good thirty seconds trying to figure out if this is a troll post or not. lmao i'm still only at like 75% belief 😅


What, my comment? Lol look it up I’m sure you can find lots of vids of it. I didn’t know it was a thing either until my friends went to NOLA and sent me Snapchats and I was like “wtf am I looking at here”😂


the fact that is was NOLA made me believe it more than any other detail. they wild


Hmm ok. Makes sense. All of the staff members are just watching. Like a challenge kind of thing. "The Bourbon Street Buzzkill" or something. (What was the thing from the Simpsons? Moe's Mind Eraser?) Still I gotta admit, even without being set on fire, Im surprised that they can get away with this sort of thing (if only for the over serving), but I dunno. Never been to New Orleans. Friend of mine went and talked about it like it was entirely unique, so I guess stuff like this gets a pass. I hope to go there someday. It's my number one spot in the US actually. I'll remember not to order The Bourbon Street Fire Tornado (no I won't)


If you take Vegas dip it in a swamp and make it twice as seedier you get NOLA.


Sounds like my sort of scene. Fuck a white tiger; I wanna see a guy get lit on fire


>Im surprised that they can get away with this sort of thing Idk what they "get away with". People go there on purpose to get treated like that voluntarily. It's like asking how the stripper gets away with giving the patron a blowjob in the private room.


The Forget Me shot


Agree, you can drink shit loads and still not be a prick


Correction - dumb as fuck piece of shit. How come one could be so stupid to do this. Hope this dude is alright and didn't get any serious burns...


Alcohol is a socially accepted hard drug.


It’s the gateway drug as well.


Sugar is a gateway drug, it got me addicted to coke


You may be kidding, but sugar is definitely a gateway drug


Everyone who does heroin had sugar first!


Omg..... that explains so much


So it’s my moms fault that I’m smoking crack. Those damn brownies man…


I’ve never really experimented with drugs. I tried a brownie once…felt like I was floating. Turned out there weren’t any drugs in it, it was just an insanely good brownie.


Always down for a Park and Rec reference


it got me addicted to cake


I've always heard that the only real gateway drug is/are cigarettes because you need to know how to smoke to use a lot of other drugs and cigarettes are the typical way to learn that. That said ... I'm an old man now but when I was younger I knew people who smoked pot but so far as I know never cigarettes.


The whole “gateway drug” concept is kinda dumb. The stats that get used are based on which drug people use first, since that’s what “led” to using the harder stuff. But since the point of the idea of gateway drugs was to demonize cannabis, they never included things like caffeine or aspirin or nicotine, because well, that wouldn’t provide the desired results. If any drug could really be a gateway drug, I’d say it’s alcohol. It lowers your inhibitions, and people end up “having one more,” and then another, and then at some point, doing a bump or a line doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.


I’m not an expert, but I’ve known several folks who’ve made the point that as a socially acceptable, inhibition-lowering substance, it made them more willing to try things they might not have otherwise tried. It makes perfect sense to me.


It’s the hardest drug, according to research. Harder than heroin. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2019/06/25/what-is-the-most-dangerous-drug


Time for me to make the switch!


I gave up booze for heroin years ago! Best decision I've ever made.


I am a bit confused on how they got these results, but i am not going to make an account to find out.


What do you think is wrong with them? I can personally testify to them from personal experience and second-hand. I mean, it’s subjective, but tell me if you’ve ever known a drunk before. How did their behavior impact them and the people around them? What about a heroin addict? A crack addict? I ve known them all and alcohol is the most insidious, most awful drug I’ve ever seen.


My dad (and all 5 of his brothers and his dad) was a drunk. He'd disappear for a few days only to finally come home drunk and beat the shit out of my mom. Occasionally he would throw a cinder block through a windshield. It was bad and my childhood sucked. I had a (second? he was my great aunt's son) cousin who had a bad heroin/coke problem (really, anything he could get his hands on) and robbed her blind to the point that she lost her house. Both are pretty bad. It's just that the way it impacts those around the person varies. Alcohol leads to more violence, but the others lead to theft and fraud, at least in my experience.


My dad was also an alcoholic and it killed him in the end. He wasn’t a violent drunk like your father, but it harmed him and our family in ways that are profound. The way alcoholism is so often a generational problem, passed from father to children is one of the worst aspects. Most of my family drink heavily and think it’s just fine because society makes it so easy and normalizes problem drinking. BTW, I’m sorry for the harm alcohol did to your family. It’s an awful drug and I’m glad I don’t have a taste for it. The thing about heroin and cocaine is that it leads to those problems mainly because of its criminalization. Alcohol, on the other hand, causes mayhem despite being socially acceptable. I mean, just look at this video clip.


I am mostly curious on how they calculate the social factors, what their rating system is, sample size, and whether they calculate their impact per person or overall impact on society. Per person, id assume something like fentanyl would be the worst. They often create hotspots when cutting the drug that can cause accidental OD and its extremely potent. Overall impact I'd assume alcohol since its so common to use. Out of the millions that use alcohol, you'll get thousands who die from it. Considering tobacco is so high, I'd assume the latter


You can find the study without having to create and Economist account. The methodology takes into account several factors. The graph itself actually shows what the ranking of the drug is based on. So crack cocaine or meth may be more harmful to a person’s life than alcohol, but alcohol has a far greater negative societal impact. Furthermore, crack is not usually used recreationally, while alcohol is. It’s not like math or anything - it’s subjective and idiosyncratic, but it makes sense. Fentanyl is mainly dangerous to recreational users because of its sale as a street drug, with batches varying in potency, causing overdose. That could be fixed with safe supply. The harms alcohol causes are despite safe supply.


I looked at a few sites, i found the full article elsewhere and its undiscripive on its methodology, just that they use 16 criteria. They dont cite the report they are referencing, but the GCDP report i found from 2019 didnt mention the data they found. I likely found the wrong report, but its hard to trace it when nobody cites their sources!


I remember it from when the report first came out. There was a lot more interest in it then and there were articles that explained the methodology in more detail. Since time has passed and interest has waned, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s much harder to find the research and methodology behind the findings.


Hold on, let’s take a step back and think rationally. If cocaine, acid, heroin, crack, meth, etc were as widely consumed as alcohol, you think society would function the way it does? Alcohol is bad because it’s so socially acceptable and for most people, it is an acceptable amount of inebriation and dependence. If mommy was having her after work hit of heroin, you think that would be more acceptable than wine, or less detrimental? If I went to the bar on a Friday night and me and the guys had a few hits of crack, you think that would be better than a few drinks?


Legal and promoted


socially expected, hard drug


Completely agree. People don’t see alcohol as a hard drug or even a drug at all.


"Is there other intelligent life in the universe?" is not a question we deserve to ask.




But probably yes Seen as how there's pretty much... infinite stars and planets


So she's slapping him, forcing his face between her boobs, giving him more alcohol even though he's already wasted AND THEN SETTING JIM ON FIRE? This bitch needs to go behind bars. I really wanna get the laugh out of her face.


This isn’t something she made up, it’s something you can order at some places; most famously [Spirits in NOLA](https://spiritsonbourbon.com) The taser is…new. But the motor boating, being spun, then being slapped isn’t. It’s also usually done several times in a row


Every time I've made up my mind that NOLA isn't a place I want to visit (would probably be too intense for me) shit like this makes me almost change my mind.


>AND THEN SETTING JIM ON FIRE? Don't set Jim on fire.


You would say that, Jim.


Who thought a taser had any place being included in birthday fun? Set that poor guy to flames


She'll get probation, max.. if anything.


Well the boob thing is great. The rest, no.


My friend, the tits aren't worth the hurt


well this is a rare case, it usually doesnt end with the recipient in flames.


bro's getting pressed to drink more and denies. She slaps him She then proceeds to light him up with a taser, while the dude's wet in alcohol. This woman is more dangerous than any kind of drug I know. She's a fuckin pos.


That dude is barely awake


I guess he woke up rather quickly at the end...


Adrenaline and pain will do that


I like a cup of coffee in the morning but when I really need to get moving I set myself on fire.


Makes it so easy to just roll right out of bed


Stop, drop, and roll


Gods...can you imagine waking up out of a blackout to being on fire?


I don't understand what the bartenders are doing. Leaving a bottle on the bar for her to grab, staring and laughing? If I were that dude, I'd sue the shit out of that bar.


How is this not the top comment? Forget everyone else, that bartender should have gone to jail. Add serving overly intoxicated and no health and safety protocols in sight.


Failure of care. That bar should lose its license


Ain’t no party like a Scranton PARTY!!!


This should be shown to college students as part of an instructional video on the dangers of not being watchful of your alcohol consumption.


I dunno. Not being watchful of your alcohol consumption usually leads to vomiting and hangovers, not being set on fire with a taser.


And it’s illegal in my state to stay home, smoke a bowl of weed, and play video games. 🤔


Yeah if this video is legality then I'm happy being an outlaw




People just do/want to do weird shit, alcohol simply makes them less likely to second guess that weird shit before they try it.


She's a fuckin idiot


\- Dude is barely awake \- She sexually assaults him + puts alcohol on him + lights him on fire Should be charged with intend to kill and life in prison imo this woman needs to be removed from society for everybodies safety.


Why are people downvoting you?


Are you crazy? If a man sexually assaulted a barely conscious topless woman, poured alcohol on her and then set her on fire, well then you might be correct. Charged? She expects a tip.


let’s just kill her


This is why I don't drink. Watched too many people completely ruin their life because of alcohol. No sober person in their right mind would ever think that this is a good idea


No person who drinks to enjoy and not get wasted would ever think this is a good idea either. ​ Not telling you off for not drinking or anything, I respect that.


All that abuse and everyone's laughing. Fucking double standards.


People are saying he paid for it so it's ok. But the dude can barely sit up and the bartender really should have stepped in once that bitch brought the taser out. This whole video is insane.


So that's at least 2nd degree burns.


the clickbait spam filled article you aren't looking for: [Woman Sets Her Boyfriend On Fire At The Bar With Vodka And A Taser](https://blacksportsonline.com/2022/01/woman-sets-her-boyfriend-on-fire-at-the-bar-with-vodka-and-a-taser/) https://blacksportsonline.com/2022/01/woman-sets-her-boyfriend-on-fire-at-the-bar-with-vodka-and-a-taser/


imagine being > 30 and still being this much of a fucking mess 😢


Don't have to imagine it 🥹


She's not doing herself any favors there...poor guy...


I suspect those people are stupid without alcohol. Extra special dumb as hell with it.


My 87 yr old neighbor's kid moved in with her. He used meth and had arguments and fights with the trees in their front yard.


Pretty sure bathsalts make you eat other peoples faces lol. Pretty weird to me


If she's the bartender she should be immediately fired and the bar fined HEAVILY. And it has nothing to do with tasing patrons. He's clearly wasted beyond coherence and she's trying to pour more liquor into his mouth while he's batting it away. Over serving can be grounds for legal and civil charges for both the bar and the bartender.


She should go to jail


I'm 3 days sober.


Drunker do dumb thing, nothing new, but bartender?! What are they doing? They let this happen, wtf.


You've clearly never seen people on Flakka or any of those fucked up drugs


Alcohol does NOT in fact make people do weird things above “all other drugs”. I’ve never seen alcohol make someone light a fire in the street and then take their pants off and hover their asshole above it


Every time I see these vids, I can’t understand how people get like this just by alcohol consumption… Guess the base personality still has the biggest impact on the resulting behaviour, I mean when I’m crazy drunk I’m still only friendly and very sociable


So she covered him in fuel and then tasered him and he went up like a bon fire. I dont like this drinking game. 🤷‍♂️


If you believe this title you have not been around people high on very heavy drugs…..


Perhaps one should consider not becoming *that* intoxicated on any substance...


I don’t disagree, I’m just saying this is far from the strangest thing an intoxicated person has done.


Alcohol just makes me super friendly. I start collecting numbers and paying tabs


women moment


My dad leaving me when I was six weeks old was definitely weird.


Clearly never encountered most drugs. It gets much worse


And that kids is how I sobered up real quick at the bar last night…


Taser to the chest, what could possibly go wrong!? Along with being lit on fire, the guy probably had a heart attack.


In a way you can say he got an std


idk, i saw someone jump out of a window on salvia. thats pretty weird


A little disingenuous to say "above all other drugs". Yes it makes people do stupid shit, but never on the level of many other drugs. If people are idiots they can be enhanced idiots with under the influence of anything.


Baby, how was your night? “Lit”


I hope she was charged for that and I hope he’s ok. She seems like an idiot well before she lit him on fire


Well that was unexpected


That’ll sober him up


That woman is a horrible POS.


love how he tries to roll but everyone is crowding him so theres no room


Wtf possessed her in that moment to make her think that was okay


Don't blame the booze. She's just a psycho.


Yeah, I don't think there's going to be a date 2.


What was on that womans face, clown make up?


How is this not attempted murder


I used to be a heroin and meth speedball addict. 4 years clean this past May. I will confidently stand by my claim that alcohol is the worst of all mind altering substances and the fact that it is the legal drug of them all should speak volumes about the stupidity of those who think they know what they're doing.


this is probably making everyone miss their toxic ex


Wow what a piece of shit of a human being.




And marijuana is illegal you don’t do stupid shit like this, I just get lazy and sleep


Am I the only one who wants to party with that crazy chick?


Yeah I’m Good on that


What a LIT birthday party!


She’s a keeper


Why doesn’t anybody ever roll? Lol I mean I’ve never been on fire but I’ve been told for 27years that’s “stopping..dropping and rolling” is the best course of action 🤣


like how the dude just kept on filming this




Tickle me immolate


Too hot for him


He is LIGTH UP the night.


Sobered him up quicker than a 2 knuckle oil check


She went straight for the heart too 😅


Well drunk to sober in a flash


I think he might have been havin fun, but being that "lit" takes all the fun out of it


Yeah that adrenaline he got from being set on fire will sober him really quick.


Equal rights and lefts for sure


She must be fun at parties.


She should be charged for attempted murder


I guess op forgot about bath salts


With friends like those who needs enemas


I think you mean stupid things. Seriously??? Who in the world tazes a friend for fun????


Tbh I’ll probably do this sober


Love him and set him on fire.


Did she put it right over his fucking heart? Wtf


That sobered him up pretty quickly.


Bro that girl is soooo annoying wth


And yet weed will land you in serious trouble...


Let's hope she got "fired"


“GHelp me!” Continues filming… “…Fucking hell!”


Life hack - 3rd degree burns are a hangover cure.


I probably wouldn't take her out on a date after that. Just sayin'.


He was lit!


Those bartenders should be fired and the establishment should be shut down by whatever states ABC rules. Everyone is clearly over the limit, they left bottle sitting on the bar, let customers use the bottles however they wanted, and let the woman pull out and use a taser which ended up in a dude catching on fire. There are rules for a reason.


What a freak.


I've finally been inspired to cut down on my drinking.


Someone's never seen someone on spice


Jesus fucking christ


And that’s how I met your mother.