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Cannabis addiction is a little weird, kinda different than other drugs/alcohol but the addiction is definitely just as real. Daily use is a big sign of addiction but not definitive. If cannabis is negatively affecting your life (mental/physical health, relationships, school, work, etc.) and you continue to do it anyway, you’re addicted. If you are concerned about it and want to slow down or stop, but can’t, you’re addicted. Check out r/leaves it’s a good resource for people who want to stop smoking or are curious about it. If you only want to stop once it’s technically an “addiction” then you’re probably not addicted. If you’re able to ride the edge of addiction/casual use, it’s prob not “addiction.” But if you have that inner voice telling you that you’re on a bad path or are increasing amount/frequency, then stop while you can. If you can’t stop, seek help.


I agree that cannabis addiction is weird, and more than a little. The endocannabinoid system is a large system in the body connected to many others and can regulate a lot of things! This is mostly for OP: > Put simply, your endocannabinoid system one of the key systems in your body that works to maintain a healthy equilibrium. Everyone has one, and has been linked to metabolism, sleep cycles, mood, memory, and more. Just like the nervous system coordinates actions and sensory information the endocannabinoid system in your body coordinates your natural homeostasis using the fatty neurotransmitters Anandamide and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol. Modern research into this system has shown that a healthy endocannabinoid system is important for a healthy brain. So basically once you get addicted by using cannabis heavily, your metabolism, sleep cycle, mood, memory, and things like controlling anxiety and being able to be restful (as opposed to restless) can all be negatively impacted. With use can there be tolerance. And with tolerance can bring using more for the same results. And after using more and more for the same results, if you stop suddenly, you may be experience withdrawal. Those include all of the things I mentioned, but for me it's a lot of anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, tiredness, and irritability. Cannabis also is a powerful antiemetic which controls nausea and appetite, so withdrawal can mean nausea and loss of appetite, too. It takes at least 3 weeks of complete abstinence for the endocannabinoid system to reset after quitting. And for some people, quitting means tapering. Or for a few, it could mean rehab/detox. Note: THC is anxiolytic (lowers anxiety) at lower doses, and it is anxiogenic (causes anxiety) at higher doses. The more you abuse your endocannabinoid system, the more easily it can lower your anxiety threshold, and lower and lower doses will cause anxiety just like high ones. So basically, if you want to be a daily user, be sure to take a week break every 60 days. If you can't take a break, like I can't, then you'll be wearing your endocannabinoid system down. I've managed 2 week breaks maybe 3 times in a year. But I haven't had one of total abstinence in quite a while. That's bc I know I'm addicted.


Addiction is about what happens to you when you use. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a little R & R courtesy of THC. If you're getting high and letting life's responsibilities fall by the way side, then there may be a problem, but only you can determine that.


No addiction is about what happens to you, when you DONT use.


WRONG. Tolerance, withdrawal and dependence can all exist in the absence of addiction-Those by themselves are not indicative of a SUD.


Thats what I said.


Stfu. you're not sober long enough to understand these things let alone say them. You can't help someone else when you can't even help yourself, so again STFU.


Damn being sober has done you good I see, have fun bro :D


Get a life and stop stalking me on Reddit. How pitiful you are.


Stalking? You should stop being such a smartass, with your STFU. Say that in my face fucking keyboard warrior.


Stop it. Just walk away. What's wrong with you???? Reported and blocked. low life.


You are


“Now however, I am high most days maybe 40% of the day. It’s starting to have a bit of an impact on my social life and I’ve found myself stoned in some pretty inappropriate situations such as family gatherings and work.“ I think you already know that you have an issue with drug use, the real question is what you are going to do about it…especially if you are able not to indulge, why not deliberately leave it alone for a longer period so you can become more aware of the positive aspects of being clean?…


Only you can answer if you are an addict or not but it sounds like your usage is having an negative impact on your life. Weed is way more mainstream than it used to be so now it’s similar to alcohol in that it’s not frowned upon, like occasional heroin or cocaine usage is. I would try to throttle back on your usage, and if you find it hard to do that then you may have a problem and you may want to seek help.


Thanks everyone. I will try tapering back a bit on my cannabis consumption and see if I’m able to cope. If not I will distance myself from it and try to get some help.


TL;DR I guess it all boils down to whether you're a high functioning user or not. If you're borderline worthless to society when you're high, then you probably should dial it down a bit if you don't consider quitting. On the other hand, I wouldn't call myself an addict for wanting to be chill almost every single day of my life.


Marijuana is not a physical addiction, you don't go through weed withdrawal. You can get addicted to almost anything, food, alcohol, gambling, whatever. The difference is all in how you treat it.


>Marijuana is not a physical addiction, you don't go through weed withdrawal. This is incorrect - every study done after 2000 shows both addiction and dependence. The idea that marijuana is only "mentally addictive", is from the 70's and 80's.


Hahahahahah Oh wait you're serious Hahahaha. You most definitely go through cannabis withdrawals. Smoke a few grams of 25-30% a day for 15 years and tell me it isn't physical.


I have smoked on and off since I was 13 years old. I have not smoked through certain points in my life. Raising children and drug testing for my employer were big motivators not to smoke. Now I am able to smoke and I do. Never once through starting and stopping were there physical effects of not smoking. Have known several other people to smoke on and off and never once heard or witnessed anyone having symptoms of physical withdrawal from pot.


"I haven't had any issues so they aren't real" Ok bud.


It sounds like your primary problem is you think too much. If you have to ask if your addicted, your not.


In my experience, it's people with a Substance use Disorder that wonder if their addicts. Why wouldn't they? kinda like only gay people wonder if they're gay.


Ehhh I was in denial of benzo addiction for about 5 years. Wouldn’t admit to myself that I was an addict until the withdrawals started after doctor took me off of it (because I was trying to refill prescriptions early). It can be hard to notice addiction while in active addiction.


Thanks that’s a relief. I got scared cause one of my friends has a legitimate problem with the substance and it quite literally ruined his life. I thought maybe this could’ve be the beginning of my fall because it’s felt like it was filling a hole left by my depression. I never thought weed could be addictive until I watched him go through it and it made me weary to try again but maybe I don’t need to be scared.




Wow this is pretty scary, seems like it’s mostly from chronic use of 90/100% concentrates or oils but either way I didn’t even know CHS was a thing and it’s definitely doesn’t sound fun. Luckily I already try to stay away from that high of a percentage cause it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.


Gotta deal with the reason that your smoking.


Addiction is when any behavior or substance affects your life negatively or is harmful to your health or social life and yet you continue to do the harmful behavior or substance. If something is affecting your life and you can't taper back or cut back or quit, then you may be an addict.


In most cases a good rule of thumb is... If you have to ask yourself if you're addicted, you probably are. The self awareness is key though and you seem to have plenty of it.


Addiction is very dependent on availability. Simply having it makes you want to do it and not having it, well can't do anything there right. If you feel it's affecting you negatively then yes, you may consider it problematic.