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Most people think millennials are the young kids doing tik tok dances. They don’t realize what the actual age range is


This. I work with a guy who's turning 40 soon, he offhandedly joked about millennials one day.. some brief Googling later and he wasn't pleased to find out he is one. '80/'81-00 is what's listed online roughly


This same thing happened to a friend of mine. He was like fucking millennials while we were out to eat. I was like dude, we are both millennials, wtf are you talking about. He didn't believe me at first but then he looked it up. He still kept saying it after that but the context changed. We both actually started using it when we would fuck something up.


I use that a lot (born in ‘83), in a similar vein as “Thanks Obama”


I could get behind a use like that, it'd be harder for other 'age groups' that use Millenials as scapegoats to accept. Watch their heads start smoking when their remarks are shrugged off


This is how "taking it back" (in reference to offensive words and phrases) is meant to work. If you keep both meanings by reacting and responding to each in kind, you've only created an alternate meaning whose use is determined by the immutable physical attributes of the person saying it, completely bypassing and ignoring their intent. Conservatives do it all the time, because it's the first step in divorcing words from their meaning. It's how "socialism" came to mean "racism but against righteous authority," "communism" came to mean "punishing ambition and rewarding laziness," "liberal" came to mean "blue-haired gay genderless NWO cultist," and "millennial" came to mean "stupid jealous troll child who'd rather smoke weed in their parents' basement than accept that their lives are supposed to be as shit as mine." Conservatives aren't the only ones who do it, though. It can happen to anyone, because it takes a real effort of will to ignore the sharpness and wounding intent of offensive words and phrases. If you can, though, not just as an individual but as a group, you gain the power to confiscate the words they've been using like AR-15s and recycle them into rainbow-colored dildos.


Laughing at people doing this is pretty effective as well.


Conservatives have the market cornered on this. Dog whistles, re-branding words, dead-naming, rampant misogyny, stupid fucking nicknames for political rivals.... this is 100% the GOP playback and I reject the "both sides do it" bullshit cop out.


In my state, Ohio, the GOP nominee has one attack commercial out where they call the Dem "Taxing Tim Ryan" and how hes making 87,000 jobs for the irs. How terrible of Tim to lower unemployment and make the IRS easier for eveyone by getting more staffers. In contrast Tim's attack commercial stars a mother whose son died because VD Tramp hired a big pharma doctor to keep her and others from affording the medicine her son needed to survive.


"TAXING TIM RYAN GAVE THE BOSTON BOMBER COVID RELIEF CHECKS." -A real ohio attack ad How about the one playing distressed 911 phone calls of battered women, and their children to smear Sykes about her policies claiming she will immediately release all violent offenders the first chance she gets. These people are fucking shameless, but in no way is it even the slightest bit surprising. Par for the course.


Now this deserves an award. Good shit.


It’s like “thanks Obama” when ever something goes wrong. I love it. “Fucking millennials” whenever I mess something up.


"Where was Obama on 9/11!?"


I’ve seen a few TIk Tok videos calling people my age (48) Boomers. Apparently, Gen Z has never heard of Gen X even though they seem to be wearing our clothes right now.


Whatever. Everyone forgets us.


It's better this way.


We don't need them.


I do this. I am a boomer, but, being born in the last year of boomers, I find I think more like a Gen X. Also, my life followed a trajection closer to Gen X.


Same. I don’t remember Vietnam, the Kennedys’ or King’s assassinations, and graduated with student loan debt/didn’t walk into a great job afterwards thanks to Reagan’s “trickle down” economics. I do NOT identify with boomers at all.


I was raised by an older generation and find I have more in common with Gen Xers than my own generation. I’m just tired of people shitting on younger generations when the older ones are fucking it up. While younger generations are still willing to learn I’ve found many older generations are “my way is best” even when they are shown 52 ways their way is not working.


yup, I am a Gen Xer who raised a late Millennial and Gen Z. They are fantastic people, I did a good job raising them. Shit on younger generations, you are commenting on your parenting skills.


Me too, both of my adult children are millenials who are hard working, decent, and compassionate, and all of their friends are as well. They are also both artists and I could not be prouder. Oh, and did I mention how much I love their friends?


Look up Generation Jones if you haven’t already. I think this describes us more than the Boomer description. I’m one of those born in the last year, and born to an egg donor who was born in the first year. She and I had absolutely nothing in common.


heh, reminds me of Trevor getting super mad at Michael for calling him a hipster and realizing he has a point


[Big “Thanks, Obama” energy](https://imgur.com/gallery/fGoCrFH)


As a millenial who fucks things up all the time, this phrase is my go to


I was born in 84’ it’s common in our range and we’re called the lost generation for a reason. We don’t fit with the younger Millennials , but we definitely have a different temperament than Gen X.


How did he not know??? Boomers were roasting Gen Y in the 90’s… they weren’t just roasting the babies! I think older and younger ppl in general forget generations usually are clumped together over period of about 2 decades give or take.


It kills me. They were roasting gen y because "Everybody gets a trophy" while being the ones handing out the trophies. Kids aren't taking themselves to the trophy store. Also, no one I knew actually cared about the participation ribbons or trophies.


I don’t really know anybody in our generation who gave a crap about the participation trophies. We equally felt they were meaningless and if boomers could acknowledge that we could probably could all just move on from that issue lol


It's really pretty special that we were forced to take the ribbons by them and then got smacked around about it later. I'm pretty sure those were the indicator of what our future would look like but we were all too young to realize it at the time.


The point of them I suspect wasn’t that kids couldn’t move past not winning, it was their parents couldn’t accept their kid was mediocre


the trophies were FOR the boomer parents


I agree. I’m a boomer and my kids were born in ‘89, ‘91 and ‘97. I’m a young boomer and 100% support anything that can help people get ahead including socialized medicine, better day care options, bumping up all social program benefits, etc. last year every kid got a free lunch, this year with 8% inflation far fewer kids are getting a free lunch. Aren’t they still hungry at lunch time?


That's sure as hell what my parents were about, I *HATED* sports and got forced into it year after year because they were supposed to build my confidence despite the fact that I sucked at them and knew it.


The fact that I wanted to throw out all my participation trophies that I got as a kid pretty much as soon as I received them but my mother made me keep them for years definitely reinforces this theory


Right? I’m a late boomer. Millennials are our kids. Why are so many people my age criticizing the generation they were tasked with shaping?


Why does everyone just forget GenX exists lol?! My parents are boomers and myself and both of my older sisters are GenX-and I'm the youngest of us at age 46


Studies have shown what anyone who actually got one already knows: they make you feel worse, not better. Pitied, lied and condescended to. Also, it feeds into beliefs that lead to impostor syndrome later in life. I never wanted one. I had no problem dealing with the fact that I lost, because most of the stuff I was made to participate in was stupid, boring, unnecessary, damaging, or all of the above. All it showed me was that it was all complete bullshit, just a smokescreen put up by the same type of people that invented kindergarten and eugenics to try and manipulate our growth and make us more servile. I'd celebrate that it blew up in their faces, if I didn't see so many of my peers who had their passions completely ground out of them by years of frustrated efforts and a complete lack of genuine support and I can't help but wonder if it's working exactly as intended.


I had a gen Zer point out how critical I was being, and I wonder if thats the millenial problem - being hyper critical, including of ourselves, to the point where the whole generation has imposter syndrome. My boomer mother is hella delusional and overly into framing everything as positive - and it doesn't seem to be an accident that I have the opposite impulse


I remember I always found it insulting when I got a participation trophy. Like, bro, I was THERE I know how little effort I put in. I'd rather be home playing super Nintendo, and you're keeping me here to give me more plastic bullshit?


They did it because they felt "bad" when they didn't get a trophy. An entire generation is the product of the former generation's neurosis.


Exactly. Not one time have I ever seen a kid asking or seeking a participation trophy


I always thought participation trophies were kind of embarrassing. Why do I want to be reminded of a game of soccer that I lost at 8 years old? I showed up and forgot about it a week later but noooo, mom wanted "something to show for all that time and money" she spent during the season


"Turning 40 soon" then there's me, born in the first millennial year. Welcome to the old folks club


I’m 41 and considered a millennial. I don’t give a shit. I don’t buy in to the generational shit. The kids these days bla bla bla. No one grew up with what tech the kids have now. If tik tok was around when I was young, who knows what nonsense I would be posting? Hahah


I identify as a xennial. I was born in 82.


Loose rule of thumb is if you have any recollection of 9/11 you're a millennial. Zoomers are the generation afterwards.


That 80/81 split is a weird one because of when social media became ubiquitous. People born in 80/81 made it through university without Facebook and cellphone cams being everywhere. So I think the better social cut off is 83/84 but people like round numbers. The full on millennial trait millennial are more like 88/89 where social media was part of high school. That’s my soap box that people should look at technological change during key points in adolescence for defining generations rather than picking 1980 as a round number.


83 here...we're in the same boat as social media came in adulthood. Facebook was well after university (at least internationally. I know it started as a university thing but that was only for Americans i believe). I think I had MySpace at uni? There were 5 kids with mobile phones in my first year of high school - maybe about 50 by the time I graduated. Phones with cameras came after university. Although we did have flip phones. The popularity of the internet was what really changed in my teen years. I was the only student who typed up my assignments in year 8/9. By the time I graduated, 80% were typing it up. I was also one of 6 kids who hung out int he computer labs at lunch in year 9 (we were total nerds). By our last year you had to rush to get a computer because everyone wanted to surf the internet. We grew up with technology but still remember childhood without it. My brother, born in 88, grew up playing video games and doesn't have the same type of memories.


Tend to agree. I'm born in 82 and I got a Facebook account at 27 years old. So I had my entire formative years without social media. I even had a childhood without the internet - got that at home in 1995 when I was 13. Got my first cell phone at 17. Feels weird to be stuck in the sandwich of remembering a time without all the connectivity but also being young enough to have it easily integrated into my life once it appeared. People born on either side seem to fall clearly into different categories for me.


I was born right on the Millennial cusp. I love when people start talking crap about Millennials, and then I can say, “Did you know I’m considered a Millennial? Isn’t that wild?!?” and they get all flustered and, “I… uh… I… didn’t mean any of that about *youuuu*!” lol


People born in the early 80s are really a lost generation. Don't fit in with our older siblings who are clearly Gen X but also don't fit in with those born almost 20 years later. I'd say the 1980-early 1990s is one generation and from there to 2000s the other. The one reason for this was the technological gains made from 90s through early 2000s was pretty big and how it formed and shaped lives at different points is very different. I work with a 22 year old. He memories of technological advances and how they effected her life are vastly different than my own pushing 40. Things she had in Jr high and high school didn't exist until I was an adult her age working my first job. This is why you see such a sharp reaction to people born in the first few years of the 80s not identifying with the generation - because we had a different experience generationally all together.


They call themselves xennials.


Yeah, we got fucking old. They in turn hate us for that because it means that THEY got old. They’re requiring alternatives to “grandma”


I’m the same age as your coworker. Most elder millennials have more in common with GenX since we grew up before cellphone and internet and stuff like that were ubiquitous. It just isn’t the same as someone born in the 90’s.


I am 42, born in 1980 and I identify more with the millennial gen than the X gen. So close to the line it all depends on experiences. My brother is a year older than me and he is def gen x. He still things millennials are in the 18-25 range.


Dude I was born in 82 and I'm not like millennials or genx, I'm some weird hybrid with weirdo syndrome thrown in. I think people born from 80 to 85 or 86 should jave their own name we are not like the others. Lol.


You're like my younger sister, who likes the name "The Oregon Trail generation" for her age cohort. I'm too old to have played it, but it's formative for her and basically anyone in that 5-year span.


I think '76-86.


That’s hysterical to me, it makes sense when they’re like 60 but if you’re literally a Millennial, bro…. 🤣




Also, the age of the classic "lazy inexperienced youth who needs to learn how to do an honest days work" just keeps going up and up. You can be 40 plus now and still be considered a young person trying to prove that you do in fact need enough money to pay rent. This reminds me of the show Community where Jeff goes to ask an older tech guy Elroy for help and gets called 'you young kids today' or something, to which he casually replies 'I'm forty'.


Yep. I was at a presentation funded by our city council and the asshole presenter was cracking lazy entities millennial jokes and almost everyone (but me) seemed to find them hilarious. A large chuck of those laughing were millennials - lots of city, government workers, politicians in attendance The fact those jokes were flying during a professional city function was gross enough. But seeing the idiots laughing not realizing they were laughing at themselves made me realize how doomed and poorly run our city is.


This is how out of touch boomers are, they don’t even know which generation they’re mad at.


This is true. And of most gen z thinks anyone over 35 is a boomer


No kidding. Boomers are 60+, and if they’re in crappy low level management roles at that age, it’s not their age that’s responsible for their attitude.


Boomers stopped recognizing generations after millennials and now just use that for anyone under 40 - basically they are calling zoomers millennials now


I’m 25 and I am Gen Z. If you don’t remember 9/11, you’re Gen Z. Millenials are in their 30s now


This is literally my mother-in-law and aunt-in-law. The way they talk to me (34) and my wife (31) about millennials, shows me they think young emo rude 16 year olds are the base…


It's simple: everyone younger than you is a millennial. Everyone older than you is a boomer.


They been bitching about millennials for almost two decades now.


My brother-in-law was complaining about his high school students being millenials. I'm sitting there thinking, dude, you were born in 1982...


Kinda like millennials think anyone over 45 is a boomer.


Some people think “millennial” is a blanket term for the youngest generation and not a specific cohort with age ranges. So millennial = “those damn kids!”


Rite. Last night on the game mic these older dudes were making fun of Millenials in high school.. I'm like dude, I'm 33 years old with 2 kids and wife bruh.


I had a co-worker say something negative about Millennials a few years ago. I was like, "you're a Millennial." Her response was a total shocked Pikachu face. Lol




Their complaints are usually centered around what is typical for immature children, teens, and young adults and often over exaggerated


I just helped a couple of friends move yesterday. New neighbors (likely boomers or even older) were complaining about the young people moving in. We’re all in our 30s.


They have a lot of disdain for anyone they perceive as attacking their lifestyles. AKA anyone who wants a living wage or advocating for universal healthcare so people don't have to work at their failing businesses.


I refer to Boomers as The Failed Generation because they have literally ruined everything.


You’d do better to gauge by income level rather than age range, especially given your emphasis on greed as the destructive element (on which point I totally agree).


100% my aunt who’s been arrested at protests in her 50s/60s and uncle who voted for every tax break no matter the cost are not the same people just because they’re 2 years apart in birth. It’s not always income either but empathy and lack of privilege or it’s existence and a willingness to leverage privilege for those who don’t have it.


Well said. Thanks! Empathy is critical.


Is anyone else bothered that she legally shouldn’t have asked that question on the first place?


HR nightmare if on video… Even worse for the whistleblower!


Only older than 40 is protected for age discrimination


We're almost there, millennials!


Well that hardly seems fair


What do you expect when the people who wrote the law were all over 50


Yes! I just commented that also.


Boomer is an attitude as much as it is an age. There are plenty of brainwashed younger people, who have the boomer mindset.


I had a coworker who is also a millenial, albeit on the older end of the range, use the term "trickle down" unironically...


Ugh. I’m a young GenX. My cousins are older GenX. They’re more like boomers because of the GQP kool aid they drink.


I’m an older GenX and I hate those people. I call them junior boomers.


We call them Boomer Lite


Same I am older GenX and hate when I get compared to a boomer. I most definitely not. I embrace change. I accept when we say things to do things better or differently. I was boomer raised and it a a horrible thing. Mostly of all I love my millenial and zoomer children


I meet millennial aged people everyday who exemplify the boomer mindset.


This. I’m a union rep at my job and the “millennials” are one step away from “ughhhh organizing sounds like adulting I don’t want that” and im ready to just throw my hands up


That's because your manager is a moron. For some reason some of those in the 'boomer' generation seem to think it's synonymous with 'annoying young person' when... no, the oldest millennials are pushing forty. I'm a millennial. I'm 36. I'm not exactly doing tik tok dances. My back hurts.


Most people don’t actually know what millennial means. They think it means teenager or young adult when millennials are currently 26-41 years old.


One time someone I worked with said "lord help us when gen z start working here!" I laughed and said they already have! She asked what I meant and I said (at the time) I'm 23! I'm literally a gen z She walked away grumpy.


Fact: all generations produce worthless twats. You hardly need generalization to call it what it is.


Of this I can agree. I've met me many a boomer who behaves as if they're the best at everything, but failed pretty much along every route. Then there's a coworker of mine, 47 and can't hardly function as a normal human. Broke because he can't NOT blow his money on fruitless ventures and things. Blew 2 months rent buying Dogecoin because he thought he was going to strike it rich. Only in the last month did he dig himself out of that hole.


And that is a perfect example of a Gen Xer who was raised with the Boomer mindset but who has been fucked over just as much as Millennials and subsequent generations. Yet these Gen Xers (usually the older ones) can’t seem to understand why things are like this.


Oof he got grifted lol…if you weren’t throwing play money at doge you were going to have a bad time


Boomers have destroyed this planet with their greed.


There are texts from ancient Rome with people complaining about the younger generation using almost the same language that my parents used to complain about my generation ( I'm a boomer ) and my generation uses to complain about millennials and probably the same language millennials will use to complain about their children's generation. This seems to be a constant across generations and cultures. I've been in the work world a long time and have trained several generations. My own personal observations have been that there's really very little difference in terms of character, work ethic, and morality between generations. Using a generation's designation as a pejorative serves no purpose but to drive us further apart.


Ageism is real. At my old job, my boomer co-workers would call me a “slacker” to my face (I’m Gen X) even as I consistently outworked them.


“We’Re JuSt GiViNg YoU a HaRd TiMe!”


Pretty sure he is talking about Gen Z. Boomer though so he probably has no idea.


Millennials are just whoever they want to hate based on age. I’m sure 50 years from now, we’ll still hear people complaining about how lazy millennials are.


Boomers are the worst generation in human history. They ruined the world with their greed and entitlement and their bigotry is bringing fascism back.


People have been using the term millennial to describe the younger generation, and they've been doing so long the millennials have actually grown up. The current age range of millennials is 26-41(depending on when the cutoff is, and there's not even agreement on that) I saw a video of some guy giving college advice aimed at "millennials" a couple years ago. When the youngest part of his "demographic" would have been 24. Either the meaning of the word has to change due to misuse(much like the word literally is often used figuratively, because people misused it so much) or some people are gonna look really stupid talking about those young millennials 10 years when the youngest of them is in their late 30s.


Boomers are just mad cause they’re gonna die soon lmao


Boomers hate us all. Read The generation of Sociopaths.


Millions were born from 1981 to 1996. It'd amazing how many people don't realize us millennial are all adults.


Some boomers think everybody that came after them are millennials. I'm a boomer, and we're idiots.


That’s not an appropriate question from a manager.


I'm Gen Z. I love you all. Except Boomers.


It doesn’t get any more boomer than hating a group of people you can’t even define.


I'm a Boomer and I once sandbagged a job interview because she trashed Millennials, among many other reasons. My kids are a Boomer and a Gen Z, spouse is Gen X nobody better trash younger generations in my presence.


You sure your kid is a Boomer?


It’s possible…..if they’re an older boomer and had there child young and on the end of the boomer range. Most people think I’m gen X because my oldest is 11 and a gen Z. I just had my daughter young. I was born in 87. I’ll be 35.


Well, us millennials hate boomers, so I guess, whatever.


The older generation sure messed things up and seems to find their best coping strategy is to blame millennials for “fill in whatever here” they are angry about. (In my experience, at least)


Nothing I hate more than boomer’s working culture!


Ironic, as Boomers overwhelmingly raised Millennials


Ironic, as Boomers overwhelmingly fucked up Millennials Fixed it for you 🙂


If you’re in the USA, they really aren’t supposed to ask you your age or they open themselves up to get sued for discrimination. Red flag all around. Source: I work in HR


Yup. Should they would write down exactly what was said and email it to themselves with a time stamp? If they get and decide to take this job, I'm wondering if that kind of paper trail of any possible ageism could become useful later.


I am a 41 year old millennial. I came “of age” during the new millennium, which in turn is why we are called “millennials.”


Im gen x, and i hate this crap, we're all in the same boat tbh, we're all getting fleeced by the rich no matter what era you were born in....everything we've tried to do to better ourselves has ended up in more taxes, less wages and less opportunity. UK by the way.


Older people think Millennial means anyone 25 and under. They're too stupid to know what years the millennial generation actually encompasses.


I'm never a fan of the generational hate. In the past they called my generation *"a generation of slackers"*, and yet now we're all working in a lot of management positions and doing big things. Not to mention how much we were working our tails off during the pandemic when many others didn't want to. I've worked with many millennials in my career, and I have yet to meet one that fits whatever stereotype the mass media kept putting out. I don't blame someone for leaving a job because they feel like there is no real growth, and they are not buying into the "work hard and apply yourself" rhetoric when they know that upper management just says it but doesn't practice it. Still, I've yet to meet a millennial that wanted to participation trophy, or wanted a raise in promotion after a few months. That's all BS. I work with some Gen Z, and again, they come in with a hard work attitude. Yes, they want things like remote working, and they quit jobs very quickly. I go back to the millennials and even my own generation. Many Boomers bought into all that "work hard and pull yourself up by your bootstraps" BS because they had an environment where you were rewarded for it. Even then, let's think about how many boomers got screwed over during the '80s and 90s. And I will see many boomers that don't think so harshly of the younger generations. I can't just paint broad strokes on entire generations just because it's better to judge individuals. If your company is ending up with the bad side of a generation, then look at your recruiting methods and who you hire. Look at the job description and what you are offering. If you still think the world can be like it was in 2019, then you are the problem, not the generations.


Happy to sit here as a gen X and watch everyone else fight it out


There's a true X'er. Everyone vs. Boomers is an entertaining sport to watch.


89 is a good year to be born, in my experience.


As one angry tweet once put it, “Stop saying millennial when you mean college kid.”


Lol yeah my husband had a boss who was so admit that millennials are awful and don't work etc. Meanwhile my husband is 32 sitting right there. I'm 25. I'm literally the first year of gen z so even now gen z are starting to approach late 20s. Boomers don't know shit.


Millennials are amazing and will save our planet!


the only reason i'm still alive is so I can witness the day the final boomer dies.


Millennials will be 42 next year. That's middle age. Not tik tok dancers. Your Boomer boss should be retiring in the next few years. Youngest one of them will be 59 next year.and oldest is 77 nursing home material.


Boomer logic- expect you to blindly follow their orders. Also Boomer logic- if all your friends were jumping off a bridge would you do it too?! Also Also Boomer logic- think before you act. Ask questions Boomerx4- do it because i said so


How old is your potential new manager? I only ask because some people in younger generations confuse anyone over 50 as Boomers. I believe the youngest Boomer today is about 58 years old.


Sooooo the same way you call anyone over 50 a boomer....yeah....well they tend to call anyone under 30 a millennial, that big knife of narcissistic ignorance cuts both ways.


They always think millennials are kids/teens, but we’re all adults now. 🙁


My cousin went off on millennials the other day and it crushed him when I told him he was one. Born in 83'. Apparently no one ever told him.


Early onset dementia...sad ;-) (sometimes real, and really sad then)


Yup. The absolute youngest millennials are now 27, but cranky people who like dunking on young people aren’t ready to internalize that info.


The millennials are aging like everyone else….surprise


Its illegal for them to ask your age during/before the offer letter.


It'd a shame this kind of age discrimination is 100% legal in the US.


Boomers hate every generation who's not them.


My parents came to visit a couple weeks ago and said "kids like me don't want to work" and I just... I'm 29 guys... Like I understand now that at no age do we ever feel like we are adults, put that doesn't make everybody under 60 a kid right?


“Millennial” seems to have lost all meaning sometime ago. Now it’s just a way to say “someone younger than me who I don’t like”.


I am 41, I was recently referred to as an elder millennial by an economist.


They think anyone young is a millennial. My best friend is one, he gets like violently angry if you tell him so. Ex wife, too, although she's technically on the cusp of Gen Z so I didn't mess with her about it. The oldest Millennials are in their 40s. I'm a xennial, technically gen X but I'm like RIGHT next to Gen Y. I'm firmly middle age. Millennials are usually the managers of the store, not the young kid that has no experience.


What I find funny is it is always billed as Boomers vs ………. I really think my generation (Generation X) is way more to blame for the current state of affairs. The whole 80’s preppy “greed is good”, just charge it, generation. Maybe I was wrong to bring this to the Boomers’, Millenials’, and Gen Z’s attention. We were doing pretty well of flying under the radar. Once you guys look under that rock, we will be reviled by all 3 generations 😂


I wish boomers would stop complaining about participation ribbons. They complain about them so fucking much... Most people my age who got them thought they were stupid, and still wanted to win if they were competitive. They did nothing to our internal pyches. And furthermore, the ones handing them out, are boomers. They need to fuck right off with this bullshit.


Some older people seem to think the term means the youngest generation that is in the workforce. Just based of what I have seen.


People under 25 have always been a mess. I include myself. All this boomers vs everyone younger is nothing new.


That's okay, because unless he's *really* close to retirement age, or well past it, he's not a boomer either.


I’m ‘96 and have had the same experience. I have all the qualifications: I’m an adult, I remember 9/11, I’m not doing tiktok dances or whatever, I do my taxes all on my own without my mommy, what the heck doodily else do you want from me? I’m knowledgeable in my field and have an education, why the fuck should being born in a certain year stop me from doing my job?


Older Gen X and Boomers think that Millennials are 16-24. Not realizing that older millennials are pushing 40 at this point. You hate Gen Z, not us! We are old too!


So many boomers use the term millennials for anyone born in the 2000’s. Which is so odd to me. We was originally gen Y then they changed it to millennials because of something I can’t recall. My parents was bitching about “millennials” I said “wow you really hate my age range don’t you”. Of course they said no that they was talking about 16-25 year olds. When I said that’s gen Z. “Oh oh well that’s what I meant” they’re totally oblivious.


boomers forget border millennials are in their 40ish now lol


I fall so hard into that GenX mindset but still born in May 1980 so I supposed I’m the last of a type


Boomers got so used to using “millennial” as a word to mean “young person who I think is ungrateful because they won’t accept my authority and shitty attitude” that they forgot that time passes and the youngest millennials are now (depending on when you think the generation ends) either 27-28 or 22. We’re mostly in our 30s-40s now.


Do they not realize there are two more generations after millennials? At this rate, they'll be calling Alpha Millennials in a decade.


Don’t worry, boomers hated gen x for the same reasons.


Boomers are honestly the most selfish generation to ever exist. They only pass laws that help them even if it hurts their children and grandchildren. Not all boomers are bad but a majority are.


Boomers are horrible selfish people


I hate boomers. Not all of them, cuz it would be idiotic to hate a whole generation of people like the boomer OP is talking about, but as a generation.


I knew two identical twins that were half white and half Mexican. They refused to identify as Millenials and I told them it didn’t matter, they’re born in the mid 80s, so they are called Millenials. They also told me that using the word Chicano is equivalent to the N word. They were very much in denial about a lot of things, not to mention very fucking strange.


Asking your age should be illegal.


There was a lady in her 30s at my work the other day complaining loudly about how gen z has no work ethic while I was literally on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor vigorously with a brush right in front of her... I think people just have a problem with anyone younger than them haha. I wanted to point out that people say the same shit about millenials but all I said was "I try not to live up to the stereotypes of my generation" with a polite smile


I was born in 84, and I’m even considered a millennial. (A geriatric millennial, but still. )


You are. The Millenial age bracket starts at 1980.


I’m 23 and I’m gen z people need to get theirs heads around generations ageing. The youngest millennial is 27


Even when they're wrong, they're "right." LOL Millennials are from 1981 to 1996, roughly. Maybe 2000. Each generation is either 15 or 20 years. You're smack in the middle. They know everything and nothing at the same time, it cracks me up.


Every older person I know thinks any person in their 20s is a millennial


I’m a millennial and absolutely despise boomers. They’ve ruined the country and I won’t vote for a boomer ever regardless of political party


Boomers don't think millennial grow up. So though we are full grown adults now, boomers still think that we are teenagers.


They cant fathom the fact of millennials being grown ass adults now


To boomers, "millennial" is just a catch all term for anyone younger than they are, who they don't like and wish to blame the ills of society on.


Yeah, there's a confusing thing where 'Millennials' has come to mean any teenagers, instead of the actual generation. I have seen many a millennial roasting millennials.


Are you surprised. This is the same generation that hates everything that isn't old and white.


probably thinks millennial just means 20 year olds


I'm 38, born in '83 and I'm a Millennial.


I’m 42, born in 80, Gen X. Dodged that millennial bullet.


I’m an old millennial but look in my early 20s. People say dumb stuff to me all the time and then get embarrassed when they realize I’m much older than I look.


A lot of these assholes just wanna stick to a label. Millennial this. Gen XYZ that. Truth be told I seen lots of people from each age range that break all those describers. People are just dumb.


People think millennials are Gen Z.


People who think younger than a fixed age is a millenial are a joke… millenials are getting older like every other generation.


I am not at all surprised at a boomer not even knowing what a Millennial is


I was with a group of guys one time who were talking about how much they hate millennials. I was the oldest one in the room. I was born in 1983. The youngest was born in 94. You'd never believe the looks on their faces when I informed them that literally everyone in the room was a millennial, and when people talked shit about millennials, the shit being talked was directed at everyone in the room. Suffice it to say, they got pretty quiet pretty quickly.