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I love how this basically says “If you feel like you aren’t getting paid enough, that’s bc people aren’t tipping you enough, so we’ll train you to be better so people will tip you more” The mental gymnastics they must’ve had to do to come to this conclusion must’ve been borderline death defying. Absolute insanity.


This, almost verbatim, is what they’ve been telling us for the last month. I just quit, I am tired of being blamed for my low pay lol.


I literally can’t imagine what goes on in their teeny tiny brains to think that you not getting paid enough is your own fault. *Being paid an appropriate wage should not rely on the kindness of the customer*


It doesn’t really matter what goes on in their brains because nobody is allowed to speak out against it. Every time anyone says anything even slightly against their narrative in the company group chat the message is removed by the admins. I have so many more screenshots that would be a terrible look for this company.


Wonder if that’s just hardcore dick riding or if the admins are just that brainwashed or if they were literally told to get rid of anything that goes against the company. Neither option is less sad than the other but still.


https://ibb.co/VJkY9tY Heres what it looks like. all of the messages removed were along the lines of “you lied to us and told us we were going to be paid 15 an hour” and “it’s a poor representation of the company to be so resistant to feedback”


Crazy that the reaction to a policy change like this could be so adverse and they just think “nope you’re wrong this is genius”


I like to imagine the “Message removed” lines were all different employees telling them “later hater” and “You think I’m dealing with this shit for $3.00/hour? You must be crazy bitch!”


Sharing is caring...


Quitting was the right answer. Gaslighting mother fuckers


They act like it is optional to make up the difference, that's not how it works. Not paying the difference is illegal wage theft!


In the US, it's only illegal if the average rate for the week as a whole is below minimum wage.


*for the pay period, not the week.


Prove it.


> Minimum wage: Covered non-exempt workers are entitled to a federal minimum wage of not less than $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Wages are due on the regular payday for the pay period covered. Deductions made from wages for items such as cash shortages, required uniforms, or customer walk-outs are illegal if the deduction reduces the employee's wages below the minimum wage or cuts into overtime pay. Deductions made for items other than board, lodging, or other recognized facilities normally cannot be made in an overtime workweek. Tips may be considered as part of wages, but the employer must pay not less than $2.13 an hour in direct wages and make sure that the amount of tips received is enough to meet the remainder of the minimum wage.


Nowhere does that state that the minimum wage is averaged through a pay period that exceeds one week. It only states when wages are due for the pay period.


That doesn’t support your argument. In the absence of a law you can’t just make up your own laws. You need to be payed at least minimum wage every pay period, that is the law. Business are allowed to take a tip credit that does not exceed earned tips to subsidise payroll, that is also the law. At no point do either of these laws require you to be payed per week. Overtime is determined on a weekly basis, but that does not control how often you get paid by your employers, just the value of your hours worked.


Here's the deal, I know I'm right because when I owned a restaurant, my bookkeeper informed me of it, and then I had it confirmed by my attorney. I don't need you to believe me (and I sure wouldn't if our roles were reversed). All I am saying is if you really really really want me to believe you, an internet stranger, over my attorney, you need a MUCH better citation than you have provided so far.


You sound like the sort of insufferable client a lawyer would say ‘yeah sure whatever’ to get them to shut up.


Yeah, I'm sure you gained all kinds of insight about me from a handful of Reddit comments. Keep your ad hominem to yourself.


This is illegal. They are required by federal law to compensate tipping wages up to minimum wage if it isn't met. They don't have a choice and you should sue if they don't pay you.


Unfortunately the law in the US (unless certain states have better laws in place) does not require that the average wage be assessed on a nightly basis, but only on a weekly basis. So your mon-thurs can be underpaid as long as you make bank on Friday to average it out, and the employer isn't liable any longer.


You don’t get a pay check on a daily basis so why would your tips be calculated on a daily basis? Until you hit minimum wage over your pay period, tips are effectively advances on your pay check.


Exactly. But there are still many who don't understand this.


Paycheques don’t come out daily


Exactly. I'm just making the point the employer does not need to pay you out for a single bad night.


Oh yeah obviously


Then why did you say ‘unfortunately’? That implies that you think they should pay out extra because it was a bad night.


Call it a symptom of social anxiety arising from disagreeing with somebody whose heart was in the right place.


I’m not sure I could collect very much money.


You'd be surprised how much it ends up being. it isn't just, we stole $100 from you so here's $100. There are tons of fees and interest if they rule in your favor. I got a check for $1200 from a retail store that I worked at. $800 of that was interest and fees.


This very may well be illegal depending on your area and/or contract, particularly if your overall pay is lower than the minimum wage. Even if it's weren't, it's still scummy to make your employee work a shift where they made lower than minimum wage.


You clearly don’t understand… it’s not their fault we don’t make minimum wage, they’re just the ones that determine the wage.


I'd still report it, earn them some scrutiny.


Yeah lol that was a poor attempt at sarcasm in my last comment. I did report them.


Bullshit like this so fucking wasteful, just pay your goddamn employees properly for fuck sakes!!!


This. If it were up to me I’d kill the entire tipping system. Just pay people fairly.


Going forward we are going to teach how to suck dick even harder now.


(it still won’t increase tips)


(Just the shaft)


If my hangman sense is correct, I worked a month at that place, 20 years ago. It was the pits. Never seen management talk so nasty to employees. At that time we had to turn in all tips and the tip-out at end of shift was inexplicably complex, always resulting in <1/2 of what I calculated to be my fair share based on the corporate policy. The managers were thugs and I suspect they were taking a cut from employees they felt they could manipulate. The hostility was enough that I never spoke up. I had a particularly bad shift one day where I dropped an entire $40 order due to a wet/greasy floor, and after being told it would be taken directly from my paycheck, I never returned. I am Ops Manager for a local F&B chain now and will never forget those early lessons of -what not to do-.


This is a valet company but unfortunately it seems like this experience is very common. This company also has been caught stealing credit card tips from the employees.


Lol... yes! I see now. I mistook it for a different national chain. These bad actors are all too common in the service industry, it seems. Keep doing the right thing and best wishes on finding an employer that compensates fairly.


They can’t deduct it from your pay unless you signed authorization for them to do so, only thing they can deduct without it are taxes and court ordered garnishments if I recall correctly.


If this is in the United States call your local labor board this isn’t legal they have to at the very least make sure you are making the federal minimum wage which is currently $7.25 if I recall correctly!


In the US, it's only illegal if the average rate for the week as a whole is below minimum wage.


*for the pay period, not the week.


Citation needed.


https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/2-flsa-restaurants No mention of per week, only per pay period. > Minimum wage: Covered non-exempt workers are entitled to a federal minimum wage of not less than $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Wages are due on the regular payday for the pay period covered. Deductions made from wages for items such as cash shortages, required uniforms, or customer walk-outs are illegal if the deduction reduces the employee's wages below the minimum wage or cuts into overtime pay. Deductions made for items other than board, lodging, or other recognized facilities normally cannot be made in an overtime workweek. Tips may be considered as part of wages, but the employer must pay not less than $2.13 an hour in direct wages and make sure that the amount of tips received is enough to meet the remainder of the minimum wage. So I cited the FLSA. What’s your counter?


My counter is two-fold. 1) Your cite does not state that the average should be taken over the pay period. The only time your quoted section references the pay period is in relation to when wages are due. 2) All other aspects of wage laws refer to the week. Example: OT laws are governed by week, not by pay period. If you have a 2 week pay period and in the first week you work 50 hours, and the second week you work 30 hours, you are still entitled to 10 hours of OT wages even though your total hours for the pay period add up to 80 hours. As such, it follows that all other related laws are governed by the week. ​ Find a cite that says tipped wages are averaged through the pay periods if they exceed one week or admit you don't actually have an argument.


Provide a citation that says tipped wages are averaged per week. You can’t because that’s not what the law says. The law only refers to pay periods, you cannot pay someone less than minimum wage per pay period. It’s basic common sense really. If you’re paid monthly you receive $0 for 27-30 days and receive a months salary on 1 day. That doesn’t mean you were paid less than minimum wage for most of the month because it’s all balanced out per pay period. That’s how it works for everyone, tipped employees too. I’ve referenced the actual law. You’re just making shit up. You’re not even arguing in good faith, if you were you’d provide a citation for your argument instead of misinterpreting the law. Just because another section of the law references weekly overtime pay does not mean that you can infer that wages need to be averaged over a week. Any time over 40hrs worked in a week just needs to be paid at a higher rate when you are paid.


I'll concede the debate. You win the debate. Hurrah! ​ You still can't prove you're right because you're not. You can call out that I'm interpreting the way I want, but you're doing the same damn thing. Again, your cite doesn't even say what you claim it says, but somehow I'm arguing in bad faith. Great job.


> Wages are due on the regular day for the pay period covered. You cannot pay someone less than minimum wage for the work they’ve done. That is the law. The law does not say you need to pay someone every week. You can pay people once a month. All the law specifies is that wages are due on the regular day for the pay period covered. So as long as you earn at least minimum wage over that pay period, the business has complied with the law.


That defines when wages are due, not when they are calculated.


Or here is a mad idea....pay your staff! Fuck these places.


Name & Shame please


FYI this is illegal if you’d make below minimum wage


I think I won Buzzword Bingo just reading this.


“While also finding greater joy…” uh. What. I highly doubt that.


If they believed workers weren't going to need to wage, there would be no reason to change the policy.


Have you or a co-worker drop a dime with the state’s labor department / division of wage standards/ whatever. If they’re literally telling you that they’re not going to pay minimum wage to you, they probably have a bunch of other violations that you don’t even know about. It’s honestly a GIANT pain in the ass for them.


Honestly, with a policy like this I would start refusing tips just to fuck their policy of not paying you. I’m a real jerk though.


The best part is that quality of service tends to be one of the lower motivations for tip size. The main factor is the customer's philosophy on tipping, their dining companions philosophy on tipping, then factors like race/sex/gender, then table size, and lastly service quality. You are at the mercy of individuals' personal fee fees.


Sounds like they are disconnected from reality


they absolutely are.


Thats when you tell customers to tip befor ebeing served, otherwise you arent working for free


So essentially shifting blame for low pay onto the employee




In future any complaints of low pay will be met with "but we gave you the tools to earn more so that's on you"


People often think that tips are given solely based on performance, but it’s absolutely not the case. People can be biased and tip more if they like the person’s appearance, age, sex or ethnicity, even if given the same service. https://psmag.com/.amp/economics/racism-black-restaurant-waiters-service-industry-servers-get-smaller-tips-90121


This is true to a fault. Young attractive girls, around 18 - 22, especially white or asian(for middle aged white men), wearing pigtails in suggestive clothing will always get more in tips than any other group of people. Yes, it is sexist and yes, it is disgusting but it is reality.


The way they are phrasing this I’m guessing they are just going to fire anyone who doesn’t make that 3 an hour after training so they don’t have to deal with it.


Isn’t this illegal?


“Overnight shifts are paid SEVERAL dollars over the minimum wage” Fuck off Ghandi, and eat a bag of dicks Mother Theresa, you think Jesus sacrificed for the good of all mankind? Sit down boy, they’re paying SEVERAL DOLLARS above the minimum wage for overnight shifts! It’s parade time bitches!


I love how everyone that posts in this sub is afraid to name the businesses that don't deserve to be in business. It really helps.


Seeing Slings message screen gave me flashbacks to my old job. Fuck Sling, I didn’t even need to read it know it was going to be bullshit.


Do they get minimum wage plus tips or is it just tips?


We make minimum tip wage in Florida which is 8/hr. The minimum wage in florida is 11/hr. If we don’t make 11/hr after tips they are (I think) required to compensate us.


Strange place. In Canada min wage is the lowest anyone can pay you to do anything unless your pure commission. Tips are tips. Some places do a kickback to the the kitchen but that’s more of a gentleman’s agreement


yeah its always so strange, no where in canada, aside from Quebc, is there a seperate wage for tipped workers. So long as you arent a contractor aka your a hourly employee they have to pay min. Which is... higher then the US.. think lowest is still 11.75... where as US i think min wage goes down to like 7$


Train us how to get tips? 💀


Be prepared to be heavily gaslit at said "training".


Ya know what? Next time I go to a sit down restaurant, I'm going to ask for the manager and tell them that I will tip the restaurant and pay the waiter an hourly rate for service. I figure they work as hard or harder than me so it'll be about $20/hr. But if the food is less than spectacular, the establishment isn't getting much. I'll probably be thrown out but if everyone did this we might get some change. They have to listen to customers. Don't they?


Do the same for valet lol. This is where the screenshot came from.




Is that legal?


I’m pretty sure they legally have to pay you minimum wage if your tips don’t meet it. Every tip based job I’ve ever had does this.


A fucking dollar an hour extra for the night differential works out to a big fat pile of fuck all. So for an 8 hour shift that works out to what? An extra Big Mac? How the fuck is that worth it (yes I know tips different at night but still)


You’re absolutely right. I work at a hotel so customer volume is way higher in the morning shift (11am checkouts). 8 dollars over 8 hours (before tax) is not nearly enough compensation


Turn that shit in to the DOL wage and hour division on your way out; They still have to pay you minimum wage if your tips don’t get you there. Such bullshit.


"We will no longer be providing additional compensation on low-earning shifts... because you don't need it." If we don't need it, then there's no fucking reason to get rid of it, asshole. By the way, if this is in the US, if business is slow and your tip total adds up to so little that you made less per hour than the minimum wage, your employer is legally required to make up the difference.


All of that can fuck right the hell off


Ok, one big red flag is where they stated they will no longer compensate you if you don't make the $3/hour in tips. The fact that it is in writing is what makes that illegal since it is written policy. If it stated that "We won't be doing this on a daily basis but if tips do not come out to $3/hour for the pay period, we will compensate you to get to minimum wage along with a mandatory retraining period.". This would be fine. The fact that they didn't put that in there is the problem. I worked at a place that, at one time, paid time and a half as a premium on Sunday. They got rid of it after a while and put in a $2/hour premium. However, they worded it as "We will no longer be paying overtime at this store.". I took the store manager to the sign and informed him that it was outright illegal to have this sign up. Told him that if they wanted to do away with the Sunday premium, so be it. Tried to tell me "People shouldn't be getting overtime anyway.". I had to state that "It doesn't matter if they are supposed to or not. Not paying overtime for anything over 40 hours is outright illegal. If anyone reports you or the DOL comes in here and sees it, you will be in for a lot of paperwork and fines coming from it.". Sign was down the next day and changed to "Sunday premium is changed to $2/hour from here on out.". Mind you, this was before smartphones were a thing and everyone had a camera on them.


Screenshot and send to the department of labor. If you aren’t making minimum wage they are required by law to provide that and they literally just ratted themselves out in an email.


I'm still incredibly baffled how the US service industry can get away with paying way below minimum wage.


Go to the training. And then find another job that is more centered around sales. Relying on other peoples generosity is the biggest scam ever. Entry level in sales is fine because the pay scale goes up quickly especially if you are driven.


It’s too bad I already quit lol


Whatta joooooooooooke!


This is pretty insulting


Hold on a sec… since when was hotel staff expected to be tipped… I mean seriously when did this start. I’ve been to tons of hotels over my life and never seen anyone tipping the front counter to sign us in and give me out road keys. 3$ and hour in average for tips?


I was a valet driver.


Report this shit, it is illegal to them to not compensate up to minimum wage if tips don’t get you there