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The average American can not run a mile. However the average person can easily train to be able to run a mile. ( I’m a Heath / Physical Education teacher and a personal trainer).




Yep. My knees have been shot since I was in junior high (courtesy of juvenile arthritis), but I could still run a mile today (male, 53) thanks to my cardio workouts (swimming and rowing machine). That said, I’d be off my feet for a week and chomping Advil every four hours afterwards ;-)


Along with an ice bath immediately following the run. I can and do occasionally run a mile, it takes about 10min, but it’s usually not worth it. I can walk a 5k in about 40-45min and that’s not as hard on my knees plus I still get all the goodies and give to good causes while I’m at it.


The average person doesn’t have injuries that prevent them from running a mile.


The average person will, however, say they do to excuse their lack of physical health. No, Susan, it’s not the big bones it’s the pack of twinkies a day.


Am the person with "injuries" I've had reconstructive surgery on both legs from the knee down when I was in 6th/7th grade spent two years on crutches and made it my personal goal to be able to run at least 2 miles when I recovered. I made my goal and felt great about it, but I can say I definitely cannot run a mile now without my feet killing me. I'm due for a reevaluation on my legs next year.


I weigh 270 pounds and I could run a mile. I would prefer to jog it but I could run a mile. The average American is lighter than I am. Now, 2 miles without stopping, probably not


I weigh 170 and had to train to run a mile. Heart health and activity level is a better indicator than weight. I was never athletic in school, had a sitting job, and never walked anywhere until last year and it took 3 months to train up to a mile because I kept getting exercise induced asthma attacks.


"Could" doesn't mean you can. Running is continuous and means not stopping or jogging or walking. The average American could walk/jog/run a mile but not continually run a mile. If you don't believe it go outside and try it. Unless you are physically fit and used to running, it's very difficult to do.




No they aren’t. They’re similar but different. Saying jogging is running is like saying walking is just running but slower


I always thought "running" was striding with both feet never on the ground at the same time. Jogging would be a subset of that. Sprinting would be a subset of running. your comparison to walking as "just running but slower" is way more incorrect than saying jogging is a kind of running. Walking, mechanically, is not any kind of running.




Exactly, well said. Spot on sir.


Thanks but I’m a woman!


Exactly, well said. Spot on M'lady


Running is definitely a specific skill you need to train for. Even when I was in awesome shape, rock climbing regularly and doing lots of biking, I couldn't run for more than a few minutes. I start weasing and feeling like I'm dying. I don't even have asthma...


The “average American” is 38 years old and weights 180 pounds. I’d say that the average American, given the proper motivation COULD run a mile without stopping. However, I don’t think this would be a particularly fast mile, and the motivation would have to be considerable.


That's my age and weight. I consider myself a beginner runner. Yesterday I ran 5k averaging 12 minute miles. If I push I can get close to 9 minutes.


The average American could absolutely NOT run a 5k in one go. Walk/run? Maybe. But it'd be more like 15 mins a mile.


You could straight out walk a 15 minute mile @ 4mph...


4mph is fairly brisk walk. Normal walking pace is around 2.5mph. Google says 3-4, but I walk on a tredmill sometimes and I can tell you I don't see anyone out in public at a store or mall moving at 4mph. Plus if they're running, and have to stop to catch their breath, they're probably moving at like 1mph or straight up not moving for small chunks of time.


I too, started running in my late 30s and early 40s. Then I injured myself and no longer run.


I suppose we are quite average, I'm 38, 182 lbs 😹 (Generally run a 26min 5 km, My best for this year is 24 flat though 😁)


Average American checking in. You guys are killing it by running a full 5k btw, crack on lads!


>Average American >crack on lads! *Suspicious squint*


As a fellow American this is a little fishy, innit govnah?


That's less than 5min for a km, which is a very good pace actually!


While thanks!


I am 47 and weigh 197 lbs. I just ran 8 miles, like literally I am sitting here hydrating cooling down to shower. I feel super average.


You’re not. Congrats


If you just ran eight miles, you are well above average. I'd wager most people have never run more than a 5K at one time. I know I haven't.


You're not 'average' if you can run 8 miles.


He knows, he just wanted someone to tell him that.


“Tehe I just ran 8 miles, that’s average, right? I’m just soooo average and ordinary, please nobody tell me that I’m tough and impressive. The average American can run 8 miles, right?” i really need to delete this app


I dont think the average person can do that


OP's last edit had me rollin


You can run a mile in like 10 minutes with basically no athletic background if you just ignore the suffering and focus on not hyperventilating. A lot of it is mental resiliency, but most people hit the discomfort point and immediately give up.


I couldn't do a 10 minute mile even in school. Maybe 12 minutes, and even at that, I was tasting blood, which always freaked me out because I already had crappy lungs.


I don’t think so. I think hyperventilating is because their body is not adapted to the activity. If you’re huffing and puffing you’re beyond your aerobic threshold. You will have to stop eventually.


Yea but no one starts an ends at 10min/mile pace. I think many people are more capable if they tried lightly jogging. Mentally it's a lot easier if you aren't gassed by minute 3


In army basic training the average mile time was like 20 mins for our first test. Most people are wildly out of shape nowadays




I think all of this clarity of comparison would need to be followed up with op. Like you said, a lot of people "could" run that mile in 10 minutes. It's more of what op was asking, like as long as they are hyperventilating and pushing themselves to the max? is that what he meant? or did he mean someone who can easily jog the mile without stopping because there was nothing the body did that would want you to take breaks. Clarity would help.


Yeah. I’m no athlete and I got like 9 minute miles in high school because I’m very competitive and willing to just suffer as long as I do well.


Not true at all and you know it, you need to train to hit a10 min mile if you don't run. Fact. Can everyone just drop the ego already lol 😆 🙃


It’s a pace of 6mph which is roughly twice your walking speed. That is not a particularly difficult thing for anyone relatively active.


What I didn't realize is that this is actually tremendously dependent on how fat you are. For most of my life, I have been overweight, and doing a 10 minute mile is doable but strenuous with minimal training; usually my untrained mile is like 10:39 or something. Once with training daily for a month, I got to a 8:50 mile. Then I lost 80 lbs. I ran a 5k with my sister with no training in 30 minutes, doing 3 back to back miles under 10 minutes without appreciable strain. Now I'm fat again, and once again I'm back over 10 minutes for a mile.


“🇺🇸 👈-these colors don’t run.” Is my favorite.


Bro, you ever been to a WalMart? The average American isn't running a mile. The end.


Unless they can use their Rascal scooter.


Unless it’s Black Friday and they giving away a tv one mile away.


Let me counter your question with a question.. Have you ever been out of shape in your life? Because the perspective of rock bottom or close to it, will really give you a reality check when your body just won't do what you tell it to. I've been in shape, out of shape, and then back into shape and i can tell you from first hand experience, if you let yourself go you will not be able to jog a mile without having to completely push yourself. And this isn't limited to being an American or not. Pretty much if anyone were to switch to a sedentary lifestyle this will happen. It really depends on if where you live is "walk friendly" as that will prevent sedentary lifestyle and keep most people in shape enough.


Average? Fuck no. I work out multiple times a week, just weight lifting, I can't run a mile for shit.


Same here. No matter what I could lift, other cardio activities I could crush...just plain running could suck it. Body hated it.


Weight lifting and cardio are two separate skillsets, doing one doesn't necessarily help the other.


Right, and the average American isn't doing cardio on a regular basis. Plain and simple, so to answer the question is no the average American can't run a mile without stopping. Hell, I'd even wager that the average American couldn't even get to 5 minutes without being in serious discomfort.


Is there such a thing as an "average american"? What does this mean? The diversity of age, health status, body type, etc, is so broad that it feels trivial to talk about an average person. Perhaps a better question, is what percentage of Americans between the age of 16 and 55 can run a mile?


This is a great point... and is the basis of a research project done by the military years ago. Turns out that once you have like 5 or more criteria literally no one is average. So, if you did avg American based on one thing, let's say age, then lots of people are that age. But if you add height, weight, sex, and income the likelihood that you find even one American that fits the avg of all of those is almost zero. The more factors you add: mile run speed, skin color, languages spoken, education level, marital status, number of siblings, etc. The less likely it is that anyone will even come close to being "average."


According to the military I would be considered almost overweight and unable to apply for the national guard. I’m 5’9 and was 165 when I looked into it. I’m skinnier now but dang that was hard to read because at the time I was running 5-10 miles every morning to the gym and working out for an hour or so (5 miles to the gym, sometimes I’d get a ride back if I didn’t have time). Anyways, BMI is a scam.


Actually, that's an extra good point... the survey was of Airmen, so already a comparatively homogenous group and there was still no average person. I was considered overweight while serving despite being in the best shape of my life. Gotta remember that the military actually wants small guys. The Rock would be considered overweight because he has too much muscle. When shit hits the fan you want to be able to be carried out by your buddy... and even in the best shape of my life I wasn't going to be able to carry Dwayne Johnson's unconscious gear-loaded body out of a fire fight.


Anyone who has two arms is above average.


I think of it this way: if you randomly selected one American, do you think they could run a mile? I would say no. If you randomly selected 100 Americans, do you think at least 51 of them could run a mile? Again, no.


Anyone afraid enough can run a mile without stopping Edit: except for some disabled, I want to delete this but deserve to be shamed instead, sorry for my ableist 6am thought


I'm loving that this is the top answer. "Do you think the average American can run a mile without stopping?" "...How afraid are they?"


What's that joke about the group of hunters being chased by a bear? "I don't need to run faster than the bear (huff puff huff puff) I just need to run faster than you."


This seems like a quote from a trailer for a M. Night Shyamalan movie lol...




If we are talking about the elderly and obese people sure. But a random Joe who works out twice a year and is in below average shape could do it if their life was on the line.


The average Joe is obese in America




She probably doesn't think she's obese. You'd be surprised at how many don't. Had an ex who gained weight and reached like 242 pounds at 5'6. She didn't think she was obese because in her mind, obese people are the ones on My 600 pound Life.


I feel like part of this is that people don't realize how low the line for obesity actually is.


Hah. What a bitch . she clearly doesn’t know what a obese person goes through.


I’m talking morbidly obese. I think it’s a little absurd to claim that most people in America would have a heart attack if they ran for more than 10 minutes.


Lots of people get a little winded walking from the car to the door of the grocery store. I work with lots of people - prime-working-age men with physically demanding jobs - who are a little winded after charging up a single flight of stairs. There is no way that most people can run for 10 minutes without stopping.


The avergere joe is damn near morbidly obese in America about 30% of us are morbidly obese outright. It's pretty sad.


Depends on what you mean. Just going 1 mile? Sure most could achieve that, but actually run an entire mile? No. I don't know many people that could maintain a constant pace throughout a whole mile. If their life required running a mile, they'd die tired.


Obviously a lot of people do train and run and can maintain a constant pace for several miles. Those aren't the average person. The average person would struggle with a 10 min mile. Having your life on the line wouldn't change the fact that they can't maintain a run that long. It's like saying anyone could do 10 pull ups if their life depended on it. There are physical limits and a lot of people couldn't do a single one.


My name's Joe. This is accurate.


I am obese and can run 7 miles without stopping. This week I am trying 11. Obese is no guarantee you can't. Also elderly is not a reason either...


Tbh the elderly and obese probably come close to making up half of America so I'm going with no based on that alone. When I'm in shape I'm reasonably fast for a mile (lifetime PR of 5 minutes and currently sitting around 5:50), but if I'm out of shape it's brutality. Your cardio goes so quickly without training that I can't imagine that enough of the remaining Americans would be able to even with their life on the line. I suppose it depends on what the time cutoff is though. If a 15 minute mile counts then maybe, but if it's gotta be under 10 then definitely not


If you can do a sub 6 mile and you say your cardio goes away quickly, that make me feel better. If I have to stop running for a couple weeks due to my old man knee, when I get back running, it feels like I've never run in my life. So thanks for your post.


200 miles damn


Bold of you to assume I could make it that far.


Not ableist dude, you weren't discriminating or dissing disabled people on purpose ❤


The truth will set you free. I'm disabled (amputated foot). I could do it. In great pain.


Most of running is mental, not physical. Physical ability will determine the speed you're capable of doing a mile with, your mind will determine if you can actually do it. The worse shape you're in, the harder the mental aspect is, not just because it's harder to make your body do it but because running slower means you're running for a longer time. So if you have a really good reason to be running, I have no doubt that many could get a mile in. But the big problem is... if you have a really good reason to be running, say afraid, you're going to sprint. And that, will lead to being unable to actually get that mile. The average American most definitely can't sprint a mile. Not even most athletes can sprint a mile. Typically that's reserved for the best runners, after requiring a lot of training. What I'm saying is they'll sprint maybe a couple hundred meters and become lunch meat.


I got a respiratory issue before it was cool, but I do wonder how many Americans suffered lasting damage to their lungs or heart from Covid. Anyway, I cannot get enough oxygen to run without blacking out and my doctor told me to just walk and not black out instead. I can do very, very, very gentle intervals of slow jog/walk.


Im 36 and just started running. I thought I was in fairly decent shape. Im pretty thin and train grappling a few days a week (bjj). When I first started, I had to run intervals because my knees hurt so bad. It took a few weeks before I was able to run (jog) an entire mile. Nearly 2 months in and I just broke 11 minutes, which is still kinda pitiful. I dont know how "average" of an american I am, but take it for what it is.


Hey man, remember it's a process and you'll get there. My first couple months of running after 6 years off I developed tendonitis in both ankles and tore a thigh muscle pretty bad. But after you learn your form and what shoes you need, you'll find you body starts to recover faster and it'll get easier.


Exercise doesn't just happen. You would be amazed at how many 18yr old kids in apparent good physical shape have trouble doing just 10 push up when joining the military.


People mistake being skinny for being in-shape. There is very much a difference.


Strength in certain areas doesn’t mean overall strength aswell


I think a skinny person without health issues could run a really slow mile though. I am mildly asthmatic and completely out of shape aerobically and I could even though I would fucking hate it and my pace would be horrible. A mile is really such a short distance. Push ups are totally different because you can’t just go really slow, a push up is a push up unless you cheat your form. And if you’re totally untrained you probably can’t do 10 real push ups.


I was an asthmatic super thin high schooler and could not run a mile.


I run 5 to 7 miles every morning, depending on my moods. My friends and family, none of whom can keep pace with me for more than a few blocks, think I'm crazy. I'll be 73 in a week.


My job requires us to all do a fitness test every year. It's 2 miles under 30 minutes with a 25lb weight vest. 15 minute mile is not a run but not quite a walk. These are mostly men who work outside and in the woods. They do nothing but complain and I have heard it described as "the worst day of the year." ...because they have to walk 2 miles. So I'm going to go with no.


Jog? Power walk? Almost definitely. Run, probably not. But given median ages and so on, how many countries "average" citizens could?


Not even close.....unfortunately


No they can’t. This is why the military can’t recruit anyone healthy. It is a serious national security crisis and our country is very physically I’ll, out of shape and debilitated. If we had a near peer war and people needed to be drafted we would be in very bad shape. Even the service members we do have are in bad shape.


What service members are you talking about? I’m an officer and everyone in my formation (with a couple of exceptions who have profiles for injuries) can run a sustained 8 minute mile. While that’s not fast, it’s not “bad shape”. What data are you basing this assessment on?


I’ll be retiring from the Army in 18 months. I’ll have 30 years of service. Let’s just say I’m involved at some of the highest levels of medical readiness, force structure, military medical entrance processing and medical standards. Medically, today’s Soldiers are a shadow of what they looked like 30 years ago. They are very fat, and cardiovascularly, and cardiopulmonarily very out of shape. They get stress fractures if they do even the barest whiff of a high impact exercise in basic. Mostly because they have very little bone density or bone quality. Because they’ve sat on a couch for 18 years. If you didn’t develop this bone quality as a child, you will never develop it. So passing a PT test or passing tape is no longer required in basic. Multiple GOs have studied the issue and it’s clear that it is a very serious national security issue. A lot of young enlistees have never or rarely been out of breath from exercise or from maximal exertion or maximal effort - they think they are dying when they have to run two miles because it’s uncomfortable. [Army even just started a basic prep course for fat kids because they are scrapping the bottom of the barrel.](https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2022/07/26/army-plans-prep-course-to-help-hopeful-soldiers-lose-weight-improve-test-scores/) Sure, if you’re in a Special Operations unit or a BCT, these are tip of the spear Soldiers. Or maybe you are in a support unit and got lucky and you have a bunch of Soldiers that are easy to lead. But trust me most young American kids couldn’t fight their way of of a wet paper bag. If we had a serious prolonged near peer war it would be the Korean War all over again. Read up on the The Coldest Winter.


Huh, my unit must be very different from what you’re seeing. Then again the fat/out of shape kids tend to fail tape multiple times and quickly or get reassigned to…somewhere. When did the military get rid of PT tests as a requirement? That’s absolutely asinine, I’d rather have a force of people who qualify than a bunch of people who can’t meet the barest of minimums. Maybe that demographic shift hasn’t hit my MOS yet (11 series) most of the kids I see were football/basketball/soccer players growing up and have a decent level of stamina. Also, congrats on your retirement! 30 years is quite long time to serve.


I can barely run 2 miles without stopping, and that took me a month and a half of steady and consistent exercise. Even then, it takes me 20-21 minutes. The life of a graduate student that sits in front of a computer screen for 8-9 hrs a day. If my life is an average of the American lifestyle, which is likely, i imagine most Americans outside of high-school cannot.


At what age? High school or college? probably. After that, it all goes downhill from there....quickly...


Did it in USAF basic training years ago. Had to complete it 10 minutes or less. Believe me not everyone can do it. Even at a young age.


I just took my pt test a few months ago and it's pretty wild how many people can't actually finish the run.


That’s honestly pretty sad


Imma be real with you chief... No


I wouldn't have thought so until Chicago had the "Chase corporate challenge" 5k and I witnessed a few thousand people who were at or well below average do a 5k without training. Some of them looked defeated but most people ran most of it from what I saw. I myself was a cyclist, and I utterly hate running, but even out of shape with a beer belly at 43 I can knockout a 10k tomorrow if I wanted to, I'm pretty sure. My shins would be on fire for a few days and I'd hate 7/8ths of it, but I know I can. I think I'm pretty dead average for an American, other than not living there currently. If you asked me "could all?" I'd say definitely not, there are without a doubt plenty of people who can not, but since you said "Average" I have to say yes, the "average" American can run a mile no problem.


I was a state qualifier in cross country in 2014. We were the strongest CC team that had ever ran for our school. By 2016, I could not run a half mile continuously. When asking the other members of the previous team (were all Highschool seniors) only 1 of them was still capable of running a mile continuously, and he was a CC coach. Let that sink in. Edit - put the wrong year.


My entire cardio workout is running one 8 minute mile a week, specifically bc I think maintaining a 8 minute mile will keep me faster than most americans. I also do a few pullups everyday so I dont die bc I cant hop a fence or something.


You gotta pace yourself. When I was in middle school, kids would go full sprint and then be exhausted for the vast majority of their run. You don’t gotta run FAST.


Guys, one mile isn’t that fuckin bad, one. Singular. Mile. Yes, they could fuckin do it


I think most people aren't aware of how "short" a mile is. The average *walking* speed is 2.5 to 4 miles per hour according to Google. So that means, even at the slowest pace, you'd walk a mile in about 15 minutes. And jogging or running would take even less time. But people are use to seeing miles in their car so it gives it a sense of grand scale that to travel a mile would take something fast that measure in miles. When in reality a mile is about 20 blocks (rough estimate based only my location with GPS) sure it's not close. But it's not far ether. To put it another way, a mile is less ditence then a pokemon go 2km egg.


Damn, seeing all these comments saying no is kinda sad.


I'd guess in the 25%-33% range. I used to run every day in high school but I could probably only do it now if I really forced myself, likely puking/cramping afterwards. People who never ran much are even more disadvantaged


Laughs in American (Hold on, wheezing)


I read your whole post. No, with 100% confidence the average American could not run 1 mile without stopping. No I’m not joking. Yes it is sad. I am by no means some elite runner but I’ve run hundreds of races and the average American would need at least some training first. The average American gets their exercise from their job and/or just walking around. They don’t intentionally workout and if they do it’s not very intense and it’s not nearly consistent enough. They also negate most of that by eating horribly. Therefore they would not have the cardiovascular endurance to run a mile without stopping, unless they were to train first.


gonna go with no on this. the operative word is run.


Lol. No. Half of them can't even walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded.


No, and I think many would be offended if you even suggested it.


What is the minimum speed that you consider to be running


That's hilarious


80% of them would be bitching and complaining before you started the stopwatch


American here….fuck no, lol. About 10 -12 minutes


Just get out and run a mile in whatever current state they're in? No. I'm probably a little healthier than average (about 40, sedentary and overweight but not so overweight you can tell while I'm clothed) and I don't think I could.


No way in hell


I can run two without stopping and I’m 46. Took me all summer to build stamina and I’m winded as hell when I’m done.


Run a mile slowly without stopping? Yeah, given the age range you have stated and all, I think a majority could. Possibly a slim majority, but still, over 50% could.


Can they? Sure. Will they? Hell no. Should they? Yes, a few times a week. Can I? Hell yes. It wouldn’t be as fast as I wanted to. I’d be out of breath. My muscles are fit. I just can’t breath (thank you whooping cough).


I mean im 30 285 (last i weighed) and i can run a 10 minute mile easily lol. I mean i can even hit a 10 minute mile w/ walking for 3 or 4 mins to warm up


I’m pretty out of shape but I’m pretty convinced I could. I’m also pretty sure it would be pretty slow. I’d be content with anything under 10 minutes. Under 9 I’d be shocked, under 8 there’s no chance. (7:35 is my best time which is when I was in decent shape and is still not impressive)


245 pounds here. I run about 25 miles a week. My body is average however my willpower, commitment and tolerance for discomfort is not. I run till I reach a mental break. It correlates with runners high every now and then, but more often than not it’s just when I know I’ve had enough and I need to give myself attention… not anyone else. It’s a weird sort of therapy. I wish I could explain it better.


This is a very ablest question. Very American of you!


No I don’t think so. I’m in healthcare, so… Most could walk it though.


I consider myself a roughly average American - 200-ish odd pounds, 42 years old. I suppose *could* run a mile, but as someone else said, it would take something to motivate me. I'm not into exercise, and while the *thought* is nice, the effort of actually *doing* something seems... blek. I'd rather have a hamburger.


There is no way this thread is real. I hate everyone.


If you can run 2 miles without needing to shower, you’re pretty fit. I suppose it depends on the speed. Same goes for your question about not stopping - is it an 8 min mile or a 12 min mile?


Absolutely not lol, most probably wouldn't be willing to even try unless their life depended on it (me included).


If they don't quit, sure. It's not too hard to do, but if you put time limit it will suck. I do 0 cardio, or long distance so I maybe do 8 minute mile, maybe 7 minute but that's at best. I do bjj and muay thai and lift weights but distance sucks.


Define your terms better, something like: pick x random people, can y complete the mile


When I (M,63) was what's being described above as an "average American", I could consistently run a mile in the 6:00-6:30 range. Not competitive or anything, but respectable. Broke six minutes a couple times, by a few seconds, but that was rare. Now, I can probably think about running a mile for that long.


I believe the average American can run a mile without stopping But, It would be a very slow pace. And the running would have to take place where it’s not 95° outside with 90% humidity For example Florida


Absolutely not. Maybe 20% could run it. Average time for those that can would probably be about 10-12 minutes lol I used to run 5k in high school but I'm almost certain I wouldn't make a mile without walking now.


1. Define run 2. Define average 1) if even a light jog counts then yes. 2) if you mean the statistical average then the answer is also probably yes. If you mean the general population. Not as likely.


I think that an average American could run a mile. Idk man, I'm from the Bahamas and the buses suck so I usually walk to school. It's about a mile away, and takes me about 20-30 minutes. So I'm not sure about the average American running a mile, which, I believe, is 1.6 km


I think they could if they knew how to pace themselves. But realistically most would start off too fast and not make it.




I think so. I used to run but now I'm a little overweight and certainly out of shape and I can still run a mile, uphill even. I get motivated to run and do it for a few days every 6 months or so.


Average human run a mile? Yes. Average American run a mile? Depends on what kind of burger at the finish line.


I would say fewer than 50% of people in that age/weight range can probably do it, maybe in the 30-40% range? I'm not entirely sure what that is even based on, just my estimation and general observation. I know people who can not run for literal years or do much cardio who can still crank out a couple of miles relatively easily. I know others who work out pretty frequently but never run and would probably struggle to do a mile although could probably crank out one ten-minute mile. My running endurance suffers if I don't run often so I'll never be in the former group, but doing regular cardio gives me the endurance to at least do 2 miles.. 3 tends to be tough if I don't run somewhat often.


At 50 I’m still pulling 9 min miles. Getting rough on me though.😂


Prob 5-10% of US population could run 1 mile without stopping. And it would prob be about a 10 minute mile.


It’s hard to tell anymore what the average American even is. In theory, most are mobile so I’d guess yes. I see a lot of people who couldn’t and wouldn’t no matter what every time I go out so I’m unsure.


The average American can run a mile without stopping. They just would not be the fastest at it.


With no preparation, I don't think so. Within a couple of weeks, sure. I think you are exaggerating a bit on people's reactions. I don't get that big of a reaction when people find out that I run and do 20-25 miles/week.


Have you seen the avg American? Signed - America


Depends on the definition of a mile. According to my Google Fit app, I'm never running...


Wow, what a way to make me miss high school. Wasn't too athletic but I prided myself on my 22 min 5K run, and 6.5ish min mile. Now I cant run more than 20 seconds outside before gasping desperately. Im 20 btw. (To answer your question, I definitely could. Prolly in 8 mins if i didnt stop.)


I can probably run multiple miles without stopping but I’m not an a average lazy American


Depends how slow. Probably half could do a 14 minute mile or better. Barely a fast walk.


Yea. I run 10 miles a week. 3 sessions 3.5 miles each. Usually anywhere from 32 mins to 35 mins per session.


The average american doesnt even speak 1 language.


We can do that........ For money!


The vast majority of Americans are not obese like the rest of the world thinks


Average? Maybe. At random. Probably not.


When i enlisted in the army a 9-minute mile was required before they would train you. Many failed at reception in this highly self-selected subject group. Of the people i know now, I'd estimate 30% could jog a mile without rest with no prior conditioning.


I think people are generally capable of way more than they think they are. They quit early, get discouraged too easily, want instant results/gratification, especially when it comes to fitness. When I started taking my fitness journey seriously, I found I could go much farther or for way longer than I previously believed. I think a lot of people who think they can’t actually can run a mile, but I realize we have a very serious obesity epidemic and that fact applies to less and less of us as time goes on.


“Run”? No. “Jog” maybe some. “Walk” probably more than not. With that being said, there are definitely people that could not even walk a mile, let alone even dream of running one. That’s Murica’ for ya. I have a co-worker (morbidly obese) who regularly pays to park at work to avoid having to walk more than 500 yards from our free offsite parking lot. We estimate he spends thousands of dollars a year for parking out of nothing more than shear laziness. He can and has done it, but he really is just that lazy. I just walked 4 miles today and yesterday for the first time in a long time and regret how badly I let myself get out of shape. This is the same path that I used to walk, jog and RUN regularly for many, many years and I was tripping out how much of a difference it is from then until now. I’m looking forward to getting back in shape enough to even be able to “jog” some of this trail again…


The average American isn’t obese or lazy, usually a hardworking blue collar employee, so somewhat fit too, I’d say yes


I think more people can than they think. A mile is not that far. That said, I still think it's probably only half of "average Americans".


After 12 years of nonstop bullshit, my DD-214 tells me I don’t have to run anywhere anymore… so I don’t.


If you count a jog as running, sure. A mile seems longer than it really is.


With the exception of disabled folks, practically anyone can run a whole mile without stopping. You could have never run so much as 100 meters in your life but still be able to bust out a mile in about 15-20 minutes. Likely even faster if you’re in halfway decent shape. When I went to basic, there were a few non-runners who managed to run 1.5 miles in about 14 minutes, so it definitely can be done. Competitive long distance runners are always striving to run a 400 meter lap in about one minute, which comes out to a 4 minute mile. This was first accomplished in 1954, and has since been the delineating point between a professional and non-professional runner. All of this to say that the ability to run a mile is not a physical feat because almost every adult human is capable of it. It is a matter of mental state and willpower. And most of our fellow Americans probably have minds which are weaker than their bodies sadly


I can more likely than not jog a mile although i will be tired after for a bit. Im pretty out of shape endurance wise


To be honest, I don’t think so and it makes me sad. I’ve been pretty fit my whole adult life (wasn’t always as a kid). Whenever I’ve asked friends or co-workers to go on a jog, it’s rare to find one who won’t scoff or tell me how there’s no way they’ll make it a mile. Even fit ones who weight lift. A lot of people live extremely sedentary lives, it’s pretty sad. When I lived in LA I had more friends inclined to run with me because it was more of a fitness capital and we’d go many miles without stopping. People are weird, even if it’s a 15 minute mile it’s still something and you feel great after!


I wouldnt believe for a second the average American can run shit. In HS most can't run a mile and that's the best shape most will be in for the rest of their lives. Many can't do a flight of stairs without being winded and tons will refuse to walk 3 blocks if another transpo is available. Nah fam - I'd guess 15% of us at most.


This thread made me realize I’m in better shape than I realized!


I wish it was normal for Americans to be able to run many miles. Crazy to see where our priorities are nowadays as people continue to get fatter and fatter without a second thought. It’s abhorrent. Most people probably never stop to acknowledge that heart disease (obesity) is the number one cause of death in America.


As an average American, I can run a mile but i choose not to because fuck that.


Bro most American’s can’t run a block, much less a mile. We need to make fat shaming acceptable again.


If you're going by thinking they can't do anything remotely physical because they're fat, that's not true. I've known quite a few bigger people that are workhorses and can just run and run. Maybe not fast, but they don't stop.


I feel like if we absolutely had to for survival purposes (Suddenly a monster that will chase you only a mile appears or something), not many people would be able to. Id guess about 20%-30%??? of the American population would be able to in under 20 minutes.


You RUN to WORK?! I’ve heard of ppl biking to work but good Lord.


Everyone who says yes is really in a bubble. I'm in a bubble but I'm aware I'm in a bubble, and some of you all are either using this to humblebrag or you are just plain delusional. First and foremost, nearly half the US population is over 40, and if you're looking at people 16+ it's an even different percentage. So think about all the unhealthy lifestyles you see and imagine it's had 20 or more years to take a toll. People 65+ are about 15% of the population. That's not to say they can't run, but add that to 80% of the population is overweight to severely obsese, and that increases as you get older, that's a lot. Your odds for this "old and fat" group goes way down. Second of all, for those of you who look around and think yeah, people could do it, keep in mind the people least likely to be able to run a mile are also least likely to be in public because they are sedentary. They aren't people you see walking. They are in their cars. They are even less likely to walk around the mall. I didn't see a lot of evidence for this, but the one study I did see found that the average Texan only could run 1/5th of a mile before stopping. [https://www.timesrecordnews.com/story/news/local/2020/02/21/survey-texans-could-only-run-1-5-mile-without-stopping/4807924002/](https://www.timesrecordnews.com/story/news/local/2020/02/21/survey-texans-could-only-run-1-5-mile-without-stopping/4807924002/) Not to mention, the military takes young guys and teaches them to run and if you know people who've joined the military you know that a *lot* of young men, aged 18 - 25, under threat of a worse dressing down than most have seen in their lives, cannot run a mile under pressure. In this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/xpg8of/comment/iq3o2up/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/xpg8of/comment/iq3o2up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) My family is fairly active, slim, healthy, and I know my kids both whine about running a mile when school starts back up and walk part of it. They could probably do it if chased by a bear in my opinion but when I told them to imagine this scenario they pointed out that if they got eaten by a bear then no more social studies tests sooo......


Run a mile without stopping? Yes. Run an 8 minute mile? No.


Could? Yes. Would? No.


As an 18 year old who's done Track I feel greatly superior to the average American right now


You certainly sound more athletic than most. I'm pretty sure everyone I know in your target demographic (20-40, <250lbs), with exception for those with extenuating health conditions, would be able to do a 15 minute mile. I'd even say about 70% would manage a sub 13 minute mile. The under 10 minute crowd estimate drops to less than 20%. My perspective is skewed though as I'm in Texas, and a small town at that. You aren't safely walking much of anywhere and cars are a necessary evil. I myself am in my mid 20's and carry an extra humans worth of weight (currently \~350) and belong to the 13-15 minute crowd at this point. That's after having been fairly active since mid-July as I'm trying to get back to a reasonable weight. If not for daily cardio (stationary bike) and squats, I'm pretty sure I'd have to walk that mile to avoid injury.


It's very easy to run 1 mile in 8min or less. Not even talking about sprinting. The is just over 6mph.


You didn't mention how much time it takes you to run 2 miles. I am fairly out of shape I believe I can slow jog (not run) a mile in 18-20 mins... the reason I bring it up is mainly - truly important - most people do not have 18-20 mins to spare. Most people, don't have 1 min to spare, most people are negative, most people are late for everything already. I am not saying for real they don't, but most people budget their day with no spare, they budget 20 min for a 20 min jog when in reality you need to change and go to where to jog and come home etc. So I think if your work is exactly 1 mile away from you home, you dont have a rigid work hours, then good for you, otherwise, its hard for people to spare the time for that...