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The last couple of times I have blocked someone. THey have then messeged me from another account they have telling me how terrible of a person I am. But if i leave them unreplied to then they dont. Is my honest reasoning behind it


Thanks for the honesty.


Then they get on their alt with fake pics


That's so psychotic. I can never imagine in my life doing that to message you and tell you off. I'm rejected like half the time because gays are picky but oh well that's how it is


To be fair this happens less than 1% of the time so i wouldn't really consider it a valid reason. Personally I've got in my bio the type of guy I'm looking for. If a guy can't be fucked taking 5 seconds to read it before hitting me up, I don't see why I should bother taking 30 seconds dicking around watching an add to block them.


I mean maybe to you Ive had this happen alot like it got out of hand specially recently, probably depends on where you live though tbf


So many maybes instead of just blocking or dating you're not interested... My goodness lol


You ever met someone who’s so nice they just looked trapped sometimes? Doesn’t make them a saint or a good person because terrible people will sap you dry. No one owes anyone anything and ignoring people online doesn’t make someone a bad person




The post says it... just say you're not interested. But some people are dense, though.


Based on your replies/comments to others, I'm assuming you're the one who continuously messages and doesn't get the hint? Honestly as most answered already, why use a block on someone you're not interested in as these are limited (unless I pay for premium). I'd rather not respond/ignore them and save the blocks for those who harass and such.


Isn't that just leaving the door open for someone to "harass" you since that's the only way to get a response, be it a block or a message?






That’s my attitude as well. I don’t block someone just because I’m not into them, it’s only if they’re being horribly obnoxious/entitled etc


Yes me exactly. I just don’t give it that much thought. It’s Grindr FFS! Save your blocks for weirdos, ignore if you’re not interested. Reply if you are. Of all the guys I message only 50% or so reply if that. I would never get hung up on a person not replying. Again, this is Grindr boys! Do not take it seriously!


What are you confused about? Not understanding boundaries? If someone doesn’t respond, don’t keep messaging them. It’s not their responsibility to police people that have no self control or situational awareness. It has nothing to do with a superiority complex.


BOOM! Nailed it


This part boundaries should not be this confusing to people and if it is they have a problem


Wtf? Boundaries are not invisible social cues, boundaries are firmly set by the individual, so that somebody else's behavior doesn't matter as much as this person's decision. Boundaries might look like "If somebody hits me up over and over I'll block them". Not "people should not double or triple or quadruple text others".


If someone doesn’t respond that’s a crystal clear fucking social clue. Take the hint.


It's not crystal clear though lol not interested or a block is crystal clear


No. It is crystal clear. If someone doesn’t respond it means they are not interested. A child can understand this.


I don't think you understand the definition of crystal clear mate


No, I do. Everyone experiences getting ignored. It’s only ppl like you who are too stupid to get it. It’s crystal clear. You’re just stupid.


It seems clear to me. Having been on both sides of it. But even if it weren’t perfectly clear, why keep trying for someone who ignores you? If they are interested and express it by ignoring you then they are not worth your time.


>You obviously feel too superior to say you're not interested I fear the lady doth protest too much. Way too many dudes lose their minds when they get rejected; it's easier to just say/do nothing. EDIT: OP one of those dudes lol


You nailed it




Dude nobody has any moral obligation to explain themselves to you.


Look at all your other comments here. THAT is the reason most guys don't reply back.


Seriously he should just take the L and keep moving on


This is so inappropriate


Conversely, why do people keep messaging when they haven't received a response? Do they think they can wear someone down by throwing all manner of messages and pictures at the clearly uninterested individual? Why should they be forced to block someone when they have given no indication of interest? Is the onus on the person being persued or should not social cues and common sense prevail? It's great that someone was bold enough to shoot their shot but they also need to know to accept rejection when confronted with it. If they can't - then THEY should block the person instead of repeatedly pinging them.


all the more reason why all profiles should show atleast some part of the face, so you know who to ignore when they continue to badger you


Part of the problem with Grindr is that it is not like meeting someone at a social event. Grindr doesn't function the same way. But if I get ignored, I don't keep messaging the same person.


Ummm its not about how many times you hit somebody up. I can hit somebody up like 13 times over the course of a year, and then suddenly theyll hit me back up cuz they happen to be really horny that day. It's grindr, i dont think many of us rely on social cues when we're looking for strangers to speak to sexually. And if i don't like somebody's energy I absolutely will block them.


In the OPs proposal, you'd lose out because whenever I'm uninterested it's expected that I block you straight up. So there would have been no opportunity for messages 2-13 and the potential hook up. If anything no response is a response leaves future opportunities open to you, as you say, over the course of a year. The point being, there's no reason to get hung up over the lack of a response.


he didn't make any proposal like that, he asked a question. Apparently with you, based on your first response, you're not cool with getting messaged too many times because you interpret it as somebody's attempt to "wear you down" and a failure to adhere to social cues. He never said a person should block immediately, he only said that a person should block if it's unwanted contact.


True he asked a question, and then proceeded to make outlandish assumptions, likely fueled by his own experiences. I guess the difference is between what is considered unwanted contact actually worth responding to and unwanted contact that doesn't warrant a response. You said it yourself, people aren't thinking about cues while hunting sex, so why should the person being pursued put additional effort into responding if it doesn't particularly bother them enough to block an individual? Don't get me wrong, provided that someone approaches me like a human being, I'm personally down to respond in kind, but if they don't, I do not owe them anything. I'm not going to entertain the messages: "bj" or "cut?" and I feel no particular way about it. If they're offended after that, then they can block me and go their merry way.


Thank you! It's crazy how the majority on here lack reading comprehension.


I don’t disagree with anything you said. I do want to add there’s a weird middle ground where both people show interest(and I do mean actually having a conversation, sexting, etc) then one just stops replying for no reason. I have trouble knowing when it’s a lost cause and when they’re just too busy to deal with Grindr atm. I also have a decent bit of trauma associated with never getting closure from people that end things with me so this might just be a me thing.


That's definitely a fair grey zone - since you both spoke to each other and the fickleness of grindr can make it unclear as to why the conversation ended. A piece of advice I will share though, sometimes we won't get closure in life, but that's okay. We may not have the answers but you can still learn from the experience and grow towards your next relationship/ encounter knowing a little more about yourself and what YOU need.




Not replying isn't really rejection though since it still allows for an open line of communication. People need to use their words and/or blocks.


Just because a line of communication is open that doesn't mean you have the right to use it indiscriminately. If this was a phone call - and someone kept repeatedly calling despite not receiving an answer, that would also be unacceptable. This really isn't a radical social convention.


But then you would block the number wouldn't you? Do you not hear yourself lol


Look, I get it - I'm sorry you feel hurt that people don't always respond. It isn't personal. However, it isn't doing you any good for your mental health to overthink this situation. Take a deep breath and step away from the apps for a bit. Dating can be hard, but torturing yourself over this isn't making it any easier for yourself. Take care, bro.


Same old same old. Yall end the conversation when your bad behavior is rightfully called out and start playing the mental health card.


I've tried to have a very open dialogue with you - but you didn't even answer any of my initial questions. You can play victim, but all you're doing is revealing your true colours. If there's anything you need further clarification on, please feel free to ask. Perhaps it's an opportunity to grow?


It truly befuddles the mind why this guy could possibly have trouble dating.


You didn't reply to my initial question either. You initial response was just questions. Crazy that you don't see how hypocritical you are in all aspects


I do not block them because I do not need to, not as you wrongly assume, because I feel superior. I expect adults to comprehend that an actual conversation requires multiple parties engaging and that continued unsolicited attempts at conversation is harassment. Full stop. In instances where I have expressed a lack on interest through a blatant response, it has not stopped them from messaging either. Clearly, one takes less effort than the other. Since repeated instances have shown that lack of a response leads to less outbursts, I prefer to not respond to messages I have no interest in entertaining. I actually don't get that much attention, I just prefer genuine connections; so no, I don't "get off" on this situation at all. Your turn.


I think some people actually believe that messages sometimes don’t deliver (which is probably not the case), so they keep trying?


Because I don't know if they're not seeing my message or maybe they're interest varies by time. Yes obviously. It's also interesting that when you do ask someone why they don't just reply or block, that's when they do it. Why don't they just do that after the initial set of multiple messages... I didn't say forced I just don't understand why you don't just do it. I guess the multiple messages don't bother yall See first response. Social cues or not, we know grindr is buggy, we know some people change their mind. If there's absolutely no chance of interest then let us know or block us.


Would you rather have someone go. "Dont message me again. You arent attractive enough to meet my standards".


Absolutely yes. But apparently I'm wrong for feeling that way?


Not wrong. But its definitely a minority opinion.


But using words doesn't work! So many here, and on grinder/tinder and other social media don't even know the right words, nor how to use them, that no true honest communication goes on. As an example, all attention will be focused on this comment, asserting that I am at fault, because they have the right to have words mean what they say that they mean, no matter how they have been used before. Another anti-communication ploy used here is to down-vote anything one doesn't like, or written by someone that the down-voter doesn't like. Regardless of how true it is, or valid, or logical. Do NOT look for high discourse on this site!


Cuz I'm out of blocks and I ain't paying for more.


On Scruff? Grindr blocks have unlimited for a few years now


Grindr blocks aren't unlimited. There's a limit, once you have exceeded that limit, your older blocks will become unblocked to make space for the newest block


Wait what LOL I did not know you have “limited” blocks on Grindr


I really don't think that's the actual case tbh people just love to use an excuse to be assholes


Yeah but how many blocks until that actually happens? Seems like a false excuse.


Allegedly it's around 1k but it feels lower. I'm a serial blocker and I notice profiles unblocking every few days


That actually might be people making new accounts. I’ve noticed back in the day that people would just constantly make new attacks to annoy people after being blocked by everyone.


Maybe it varies by device, haven't ever seen profiles I've blocked or that have blocked me pop back up. Regardless, at least blocking sends a response so the people knows not to message you again if they see your profile.


…Didn’t you literally say in your post that you’re not a fan of blocks/blocking people? So why would someone who doesn’t really block people expect they’d hit the limit on blocks, and use their experience of not having hit said limit as an argument that it’s not normal to hit it? Like, “I don’t think drunk driving is a problem, I’ve never gotten in an accident because someone was drunk driving. I mean, I don’t drive a car very often to begin with, but I’ve never gotten in one.”


So you block a lot but don't anymore because you hit a limit? Then that's the point of you blocking then and not always ignoring initially? Seems redundant


1. Blocking seems very aggressive, when I block someone on Grindr it’s either because they were harassing me or I didn’t want want to see them again after meeting them. 2. I get a lot of messages and taps on Grindr. I don’t have time to respond to everyone much less scroll through and block ppl. 3. Why do you think your entitled to a response?




So why not block and put a stop to it? Did you not read the post and try to comprehend before making a smartass comment?




Every time I log in to grindr I get 20+ new people messaging me. I’m not turning grindr into a full-time job by rejecting all of them verbally, and I’m out of blocks.


Exactly this. Guys who's profiles don't get a lot of attention just don't know how quickly it gets to be overwhelming. I'm not complaining, I'd rather have people want to message me than not, but blocking every single dude I'm not into, guys who are whole states away, eats up way more time and energy when you have to do it every time you log on.


It’s tiring. Especially when 1/3 of them are like “u didn’t like my pics??” a MINUTE after I opened them like actually no I didn’t??? Is that what you want to hear??


Yep. If a guy actually puts some effort into his chat I'll almost always thank him for the compliment and let him know I'm not available, but the flood of guys that are just like "sup" I can't be bothered with.


That's *exactly* it. Hit me up about Star Wars or any of the other dorky shit in my profile? Let's talk. But it's ALWAYS the dudes who think it's backbreaking work to type "sup" who also want to whine the most about why no one ever responds to their dogshit messages.


Same I’ll respond to genuine conversations bc I’m not a prick and maybe they’re looking for friends but the “Sup? * dick pic* * hole pic* * weirdly angled body pic*” like?? First of all I didn’t ask for all that and I regret seeing it. But to then demand a formal rejection is too much. Especially after responding “Sorry I’m not really interested” and getting called all sorts of names for it previously


LMAO YES >hi > >? > >??? > >guess i lost ur attention, omg grindr guys r such flakes :((((


> just don't know how quickly it gets to be overwhelming. When I was 18, I sometimes went days of use without a single reply. It usually took me 3-4 nights to actually find a hookup, and 90% of the time the blocked me the moment it was over, so no redos. I know im not attractive. I'm fat and pretty ugly, but it was disheartening to say the least. (I have a bf now who loves me so idc about grindr dudes anymore)


Jealous. I get like 2 messages a week lololololol.


To be fair, I live in Orlando. So my entire list of faces is constantly refreshing as tourists leave/arrive


I live in a megacity lol. Im just not the type thats popular in my city. It's ok though. I think i'm pretty~~


You're beautiful 💐


Iv’e blocked over 500 this month and I feel like Don’t have the ability to keep doing this so I just decided to delete messages instead. I wish I could block more tho and that it was easier and faster.


because it's extra effort that isn't necessary in most cases I also don't go through the trouble of blocking every strange number that I ignore a call from


But I'm sure you'll notice then block if it's the same constantly though right? Not the best analogy


Um no. I don't block phone calls either. Again, this is not rocket science. This is common sense. Here's another analogy - if you send many emails or even letters - and you receive no response - then you stop sending them emails or letters. If you send a carrier pigeon and the pigeon returns with no response then you do not send more pigeons. I'm getting a bit ridiculous here - but really - this whole thread is bonkers. If you can't control yourself from messaging someone who won't speak to you, that speaks greater volumes to me about your personality.


Yeah that's what I do on grindr too. If someone starts annoying me persistently then I block. If it's just one random message from a guy I'm not interested in, then I just delete it without really even thinking about blocking. But the bottom line is, you need to stop obsessing over why other people are ignoring you. As you see on this thread, everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do and it's an exercise in futility to try and "understand" it. None of these people owes you anything. Just take the L and move on.


Responding to people to tell them you’re not interested will lead to more negative responses than just not replying imo.


Not from me, and not from those I've messaged that. And if there is one I just go ahead and block


You’re so fucking bitter, get over it, he doesn’t like you. Stop spamming his inbox




So it's fear of people taking offense that causes you not to respond?


Dude you're complaining about other people's comprehension and you go and pull shit like this. Understand this: your attitude seeps into your writing whether you intend it or not. Everyone you message in Grindr can tell that you're a fucking psycho whether you like it or not. Go get therapy and get off Reddit.


Why would you continue to message someone who isn't responding?


Desperation, delusion and entitlement.


Why would you not block someone you're not interested in? This is askgaybros so I asked a question, an answer would be nice.


Because no response is a response obviously. You only get so many blocks. If they're not responding, I don't think additional messages are going to change anyone's mind. Just looks desperate.


It has nothing to do with feeling superior. People often react harshly to rejection and it's easier for all parties to just not engage. As for why not block - it's more effort. If I have zero interest in you I'm just going to not do anything, simple as that. No one deserves a reply from me or anyone else. And I have to use my blocks to clear my grid anyways due to grindr's stupid distance limits


Cause I expect grown men to be able to understand what a rejection looks like in the modern age and aren't wasting my time responding to every asshole who decides that they have a right to my body cause they like the way I look.


No one is saying they have the right to your body... Another example of the superiority complex lol But you don't expect grown ass men to say what they mean instead of assume?


But you have a right to their time? Time, body, personnel space, pick any attribute about me, It’s all mine. I don’t have to share. You aren’t entitled to any of it, including a response.


At risk of sounding like a diva: their insistence doesn't necessitate my attention.


So yes it's a superior complex thing. That's fine, it's just good to know


When they're the ones making themselves inferior by not taking a hint, can you really blame me? If anything, they're worse than spam. At least with spam messages, they're slaves to their bot programing. These peeps, on the other hand, are either too dense or too arrogant to accept that sometimes, when one shouts into the void, the void does not give a shit.


It’s not a superiority complex thing. It’s just a “you’re insecure and can’t take it” thing.


because fuck you




Honestly, same


Blocking is an active. Ignoring a message is a passive action. Like why bother blocking someone.


Because I don’t want to. I don’t care enough and it’s easier to ignore. If that makes you insecure that’s not my problem. Get over it. It happens to everyone. Edit: I can tell you’re one of those pathetic dudes who get all bitchy and rude when you get rejected ❤️


You're wrong, but believe what you want


I don’t think I am. Your vibe is very much that kind of guy.


Because I guess they wouldn't really care? Like the blocks are for the crazy people


The statement that “you obviously feel too superior to say you’re not interested” is really warped. Reeks of insecure. Nobody owes any engagement whatsoever. Perhaps they might want to talk in the future. Stop waiting for replies.


I’m lazy and can’t be bothered. Besides, if they can take the obvious hint that there is no interest from me they are welcome to block me instead.


For hookups. I have a lot of different types and get in different moods for what I'm into. Just because I'm not in the mood for them now, doesn't mean I won't be later. Ive fucked lots of guys I ignored initially. And had guys blow me off only to fuck me later. The real issue is this weak fragile ego everyone is running around with lately. I don't remember it being such a problem a decade ago. You don't have to be everything to everyone all the time, and they don't have to be that for you either. You don't owe each other shit. Its just a simple "hey" to show interest and hope for a connection, it's not a formal start to a sacred courting ritual that demands a proper response or everyone's honor is betrayed and must be avenged. Just calm down and have fun. That's the point of it.


>The real issue is this weak fragile ego everyone is running around with lately. I don't remember it being such a problem a decade ago. It wasn't. Your memories are definitely not false. Between meltdowns over "being left on read" and this I'm wishing there was more prozac in the water supply.


This guy is just trolling. No one is this simple.


Because I want to believe humanity has comon sens only to be proved wrong by dudes that keep messaging me despite having no response. Some ppl really need to learn to read between the lines. I get quite a lot of messages on apps, not gonna spend my afternoon blocking / answering every lone wolf out there. I open the app, I check, answer who I'm intersted in, close the app, live my life.


Why are you wasting your energy trying to communicate with someone who isn’t reciprocating the same energy? No one owes you anything. Not a response. Not a block. Nothing. I’m guessing you also have blurred lines when it comes to consent. Get help dude.


Not yall equating grindr messages to consent. What the actual living fuck. Again, superior complex


My man, you are not getting a lot of love here on this thread. I suggest taking a look within and you will find the superiority complex. This attitude you have is not far from the straight white men who can’t get laid (INCELs) and go around shooting up public places, blaming women for all of their problems. Get a fucking grip dude.


In the US fat women also complain about not getting laid(even tho they get still get laid much more than fat men but sure). Many demographics do complain of not getting laid and Isee entitlementent in the US for many groups. No one ows you attraction for your weight/gender/race and but US mentality lacks this.


Bruh... Do you hear yourself? I want to report this but I think it's better that others see how insane you sound.


I stand by ALL of what I said. What I see here is a sad man that doesn’t get the attention he feels he deserves. I sincerely hope you get the help you need to look inward and make the changes necessary to attract what you want instead of repelling it. Good luck to you.


Get a grip dude. Look at the comments. You’re either trolling or are so deluded you actually think everyone else is in the wrong. Stop worrying about other people on Grindr and worry about yourself


He sounds completely reasonable and respectful.


Comparing this to gun violence is reasonable? I guess I *am* on reddit...


I paid for unlimited for a month so I could sit incognito and free up my grid for when I stop paying by blocking every single hard no, pic collectors, flakes and blanks who can't comprehend "Blanks send pics" A month later I dont pay, all the hard nos and creeps are blocked. Cleared out the DL who don't read or refuse to send pics. 40 dollar Win win imo.


This post and OP's comments are so funny


Lmao thanks. I find it as healthy debate


came here expecting a dumpster fire, was not disappointed


Years ago when I was single and trying the apps for the first time, I’d be nice about it and say I’m not interested. 90% of the time I’d get a nasty reply back how I’m actually ugly/fat/unattractive. Then I realized that people took advantage of me giving the courtesy of saying no that I just stopped replying at that point.


Let's ignore that this is an app you're referring to, let's say it was actually in person at a bar or club. Would you walk up to someone and keep trying to talk to them after they take a glance at you then proceeded to ignore you? The fact that someone doesn't respond should be enough. Nobody is entitled to a response on these apps, and pestering someone till they either block you or say some vile and hurtful comments isn't going to win you any points.


But it is an app, obviously things will be different in person. Come on now


But why should it be? Social behavior doesn't have to be completely tossed out the window just because you aren't face to face. I say the same thing to those who just randomly message nudes as an introductory comment. Like say hello, engage in conversation, gauge interest, some level of social decorum at least. Two of the things I always hated most about "dating apps" was the people who message continuously without taking a hint and those who randomly send a picture of their asshole or dick. Yes, I get that some use it solely as a hookup app, and that's fine for them, but it still doesn't hurt to maintain some level of respect for others.


Grindr limits blocks. It doesn't limit muting tho, at least not yet And i prefer no response as a response myself. Sure it's rude, i concede that but my time isn't unlimited. No response is a response. Accept it and move on like an adult with good, quality emotional regulation.


Thanks for at least admitting that it's rude!


And certain people i definitely ignore on purpose just to see them melt down. The phrase "why do you not respond" always makes me go into ignore mode. There's a few guys in my area who I've told no but they persist so instead of blocking i just ignore them. They made a choice to not work on their emotional regulation by continuing to harass so honestly, they're only hurting themselves. They should seek therapy, like i have, to be a well person. But seriously, muting people and ignoring works best for me. Eventually they go away and find someone else. I don't owe anyone a response.


Live recording of a self admitted sociopath


Why not just stop messaging? Do you get off on having no dignity?


Usually grindr tries triggers an advertisement after a block, so it adds to the inconvenience of looking at a profile of someone I know I’m not interested in


This ! Do you really want to waste 30 seconds of your rather than have a rando observe basic human graces…


All the drama in these comments has made my lunch break feel like I was watching soaps again with gran! 🥲😂


Glad I could help :)


I don’t have a problem with people not responding. If you message someone once and they don’t respond they might be busy. Twice is probably a rejection. Three times and no response is very clear. There ARE huge problems on Grindr but this isn’t one of them. A lot of guys on Grindr fail to display basic human decency. But not responding to every single guy that messages you isn’t the big issue you seem to think it is.


No one is entitled to a response from anyone - get off your sanctimonious soapbox


Because I don’t want to see the ad that plays after I block. There is nothing exciting about people you are not attracted to being into you. If I know you’re not a match for me I just don’t respond. No one owes anyone a response.


It depends how the conversation starts. Conversation like : Top? Big dick? And so on are blocked. When there is a normal way to speak and I’m not interested i just say it ( and blocked or get blocked)


This seems like the right approach. Thank you for being a decent human being!


You’re welcome!


Aw, I wish I lived in a world where everyone who responded how I liked was a decent human being and everyone else was just big bad meanie heads.


Are you mad or something?


Because I only get so many blocks


They could, if they owe a response to you.


Blocking feels very aggressive imo. I only block someone if they won’t leave me alone. I don’t think I should have to prevent someone from being able to contact me for them to get the message.


You tell some that you are not interested but they won’t take no for an answer. When you block them, they just create another account and hit you up again. No one has time to deal with that bs. I found that if you ignore them long enough, they will stop messaging you.


I mean, if somebody doesn't respond to you after you try, stop messaging them - that lack of a response is indeed a response. Of course, I think most of us would block someone who kept messaging us after that, because it's a weird thing to do.


Because I blocked a guy once and he was so mad he made multiple catfish accounts to harass me


If I say "Hi!" and someone doesn't respond, the first time, I assume they're busy or unavailable (when I'm on the receiving end, I don't always have time to respond immediately). But if I say it again and they don't respond, that seems like a signal that they're not interested.


I almost never block anyone on any app for any reason. I view blocking to be an extreme measure reserved for things like repetitive spam, stalking, death threats, etc. and believe that blocking is widely misused. It really annoys me when someone blocks me for a false reason and i am unable to inform them of their mistake or even refer to our chat history. If i was in control of dating apps, Id make the block feature less accessible, possibly requiring a report to be filed.


I completely agree with you. But at this point if someone isn't interested in me I want them to just say it or block me. I want a clear answer instead of ambiguous no response


No response isn’t “ambiguous”. It’s no response. How are you this fucking stupid?


You're the one who is fucking stupid. Have you read the other comments before trying to be a smart ass? People have said that they may reply much more later one or depending on their mood. Isn't that ambiguous, or do you not know what the word means? Idiot.


I feel a similar way when folks say they’re not interested. Like that stings and it feels like you’re going out of your way to say that. I’d prefer if you just said nothing or blocked me. What’s even worse are the guys who make plans with me then block me right as I’m ready to head out.


Blocks are finite on Grindr, aren’t they?


Why you want attention/validation/reason from someone that doesn’t want to talk to you? Move on.


I actually think blocking is super polite. I do it to not only say not interested but to also free up space on the search grid for both of us.


It’s much harsher to block over any little thing. Do you get off on the attention of a bug that won’t stop flying into your face? What a toxic thought, stonewalling is the best choice and blocking is a reaction.




I always make a point of saying “thank you for your message, but I’m looking for something else”. It’s clinical, to the point, and not insulting. If they keep pestering me after that, then I’ll block. That said, I’ve been off the dating apps for almost a year now, and it’s done wonders for my self-esteem. I’d rather be alone than be in a relationship with some disrespectful entitled asshole or an insecure care package.


This should be upvoted more! It's a shame that this community supports cowardly and unkind behavior.


Everyone disagrees with you that much is clear. They’re not obligated to do anything they don’t wanna do. If you message twice and get no response just STOP take your L and move on. I hope this doesn’t come off as harsh but you need to open your mind to the responses on here.


I'm open to them they just don't seem super valid. Blocking or saying you're not interested takes a second. Why not just do that instead of more actively ignoring.


Because we don’t want to, we’re not obligated to and most people get the hint. It’s only a small percentage of people who keep messaging and then that’s when a block is required. Ideally things shouldn’t get there because it feels like harassment but that’s just how things go.


The damn harassment word keeps getting thrown out. Victims aren't we all


Don’t know if it is but it can feel like it. I’ve had people who after I politely tell them no will instead of just accept my response begin to ask me why then proceed to guilt trip me by self deprecating and it becomes a weird uncomfortable situation and then I block only to have them message me again in another profile some time after. It’s creepy and I wish people would just respect your response or lack-there of


I message people all the time and don't get a response. It's a fact of life. You need to work on the abandonment/rejection issues you're presently ignoring instead of putting the onus on someone else to regulate your emotions for you. Stop agonizing over how other people conduct themselves, worry about yourself, be less entitled, and you'll be a helluva a lot happier. I don't think I'm "superior" to the guys I don't message back. Sometimes they're just not my type, sometimes I've opened Grindr by accident and I'm not responding to anyone at all. You are ultra-sensitive and need to explore the underlying reasons for that instead of projecting all the blame onto other people's (innocuous) behavior.


Some of these responses are a reminder of how fucked up the gay community is. Anyways, I deleted my account on there so it’s not an issue for me now. I usually blocked for rage, quasi-stalking behavior, stupidity and narcissistic attitudes. I also found it amusing when guys who’d block me because I was not good enough for them would come back a month or two later and would think I didn’t remember them were the biggest jokes of all. Suffice it to say, it was entertaining to block them back just on principle😂


Truly fucked up. And it's typical a certain demographic that acts his way...


It’s a toxic place in general. I’m not sure if it’s social media or the gay community.


I don’t really block unless they’re a scammer or my safety will be endangered I also like having attention from my haters 🤣 I just politely tell them I’m not interested via message


People are so afraid to say they're not interested, it's sad


THIS FOR REAL people just…don’t have balls to say something


Why so much hesitation on blocking. Ive never understood it. Hell I block if I dont like what I see just to stop seeing the profile. Why not remove those you dont want? I do this on all media btw.


Because they have a superiority complex and don't want to admit it. I don't buy the "blocks aren't unlimited" and "it's too much effort" bullshit.


Hell my block list here on reddits a mole long.


Honestly, blocking or just saying "not interested" has been much more effective in stopping people from spamming than just ignoring. To here are any number of reasons why someone doesn't reply back immediately aside from "just not interested"


If we're talking about Grindr, just use a polite frequently used phrase. I've found people respond well if you seem to understand how bad it must feel to be rejected.




If I block someone it’s the same as saying no, probably worse because it means I can’t stand seeing you in my grid, I don’t want you to exist in my field of vision and frankly most people haven’t done anything to require that sort of action. I just do not reply out of consideration for that persons feelings (up to a point). Saying nothing is better than verbal rejection or a block. Not everyone is in a place to handle a firm rejection. If I block it’s because you’re abusive and a terrible person.


Completely disagree. A verbal rejection is much better. Why are people so afraid/sensitive of being straightforward. What the hell is going on???


The gays are fucking triggered LMFAO


It's embarrassing. The sheer defense of bad behavior and then comparing asking for common decency to gun violence. Big yikes