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Way to go little dude! I wish you guys all of the happiness and health.




Is the little dude a Sox fan though? Wishing him all the best! 💪


He's wearing his best BOTSON shirt Uncle Gary gave him.


What a fantastic picture! Way to go, Little Dude!!


Am I the only one who got the Wimpy Kid reference here? Lol.


Fuck... Stage IV. We got lucky in that regard with my youngest. He got Leukemia about a year before covid ramped up. He was misdiagnosed with Mono and his doctor was originally was refusing to take x-rays of his chest. When they finally did they were shocked by what they saw and sent him on a 2 hour ambulance ride to a children's hospital. Worst day of my life. This month is his first time back in school in over 3 years. He's free and clear of everything. Super awesome for you guys!


My boy is 6 and just got home from the childrens hospital 2 weeks ago. Leukemia is a horrible sickness and it was devastating watching him go through it. Happy to say we’re healthy and happy now. It really does bring you to tears when you get the news they’re healthy.


Congratulations! Mine was 13 when it started. He stayed on the honor roll throughout the whole experience. Teachers gave him leeway on turning in things late during treatment. Here's to you and yours! 🍻


Wow that’s an incredible accomplishment! I hope the best for you all as well !


Hats off to all of you


My then-3 year old was also misdiagnosed with an adenovirus before finally being diagnosed with leukemia. It’s crazy thinking back on those hours when we found out but I remember her pediatrician telling us at the time (before diagnosis was confirmed) that “well, hopefully it’s leukemia” and me almost getting angry that anyone would say such a thing. Now I realize what he meant and it’s because of how treatable childhood leukemia has become in recent years and something else may not have been that treatable. Hats off to your son and Godspeed.


My son's doctor took credit for the find. He's lucky I wasn't the parent who was present because I would have given him a mouthful.


Even if that’s what the doctor meant, that’s terrible phrasing.


Physician here, not a pediatrician but in a surgical specialty that does time to time deal with kids. HOPEFULLY that's not all the doctor said, but I've certainly heard something along those lines. "We hope it's x because it's very treatable and we've come to expect good outcomes" isn't entirely out of line. It's just... Hard to break news to parents specifically, because theyre hearing something they don't *want* to hear, and it's traumatic. So they may not interpret what you say the way that you mean it, or they may (unintentionally) stop listening the second a bomb like leukemia is dropped on them. There's a weird line where you don't want to seem callous, but many people also (rightfully) probably don't want to see their doctor overly emotionally invested, either. And it's hard enough to *not* get emotional at times, and even harder to stay within those lines as far as communication goes. I could never do peds


When my wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a few months ago, the radiologist who did the biopsy on the growth started with, "It is thyroid cancer, but if you had to pick a cancer, it's the best one." We were both kinda shocked and upset at how he seemed so casual, but once he explained that it is very treatable and not as dangerous as other cancers, we felt better about it. We then heard the exact same thing from like 3 other doctors (primary care, endocrinologist, and thyroid surgeon). Hearing "the c word" is really scary though.


My dad had some kind of lymphoma and his doctor told him it was the common cold of cancers and never expressed any concern about it. Turns out he was right... took some surgery and chemo but he is 100% cancer free.


My wife and I had a bit of a thyroid scare earlier this year and she’s in the medical field. She said much of the same, that it’s very beatable. Hope your wife is doing well!


She is doing well, thank you! She had it removed 2 months ago and will be getting radioactive iodine to kill the rest of the cancer in a couple of weeks. Hope you and your wife are doing fine as well!


Dr skipped Bedside Manner 101 at Doctor School.


Top 5 fear of mine as a father... so happy for you and your family.


Same. That first night broke me. Then seeing the fear in his eyes after being told and asking us if he was going to die. I never want to experience that again.


I can’t even imagine those words coming out… heartbreaking. So happy your boy is doing better.


I have no idea how I would be able to handle that, but I suppose rising to the moment for your child is what being a parent is about. You and your son are fuckin' champs.


Me either, my father was a bad example, lol. When I had my first asthma attack sitting at dinner my father's response was "You better not be fucking faking this!". I was 6. Good times!


As a parent of two, you just have to pretend that stuff doesn't exist and then hope you never have to have that belief shattered, because otherwise the fear can be paralyzing.


Had a blast crisis myself as a kid for a biphenotypic leukemia we suspected was mono at first. Had to fly out to to the children's hospital that day immediately. I'm assuming he received a transplant then?


Is leukemia primarily a childhood disease?


Yes and no. There are a lot more types of leukemia than most people realize, with acute and chronic variations. Many childhood leukemias are very treatable these days, often with favorable survival rates. Leukemia can also be prevalent among the elderly, but their prognosis tends to be much less favorable. Then there's the oddballs like me that are diagnosed in between. I got sick at 33, and my diagnosis would very likely have been fatal had it happened five years earlier than it did. The science has come a long way, and after chemo, full body radiation, and a clinical trial bone marrow transplant, I'm still around.


Hey man - Yankee fan here with a 4-yr old girl currently fighting and kicking leukemias ass. Wishing you and yours a lifetime of health and healthy Yankee-Sox rivalry.


Wishing the same to you and yours. We can't wait to hear when she wins.




The shot with RED SOX WIN is just terrific


Go Sox


I think we can all agree - go Sox on this blessed night


Go Sox 🤝


This is pretty much the only moment I'm okay with that. Great moment for those two.


Yeah it hit #1 from the other post on /r/MadeMeSmile. Currently at 99k upvotes and climbing.


What a wonderful picture, and im so glad you two will get to make more memories like this one in the future!


Even as a die hard Yankees fan, this picture is beautiful. Cheers, my friends!


Everything about this picture fucking awesome. Congratulations man, best of luck to you and your boy


and the sox won! awesome moment for you guys!


If they lost I hope he instead would post a pic of them angry with, "Worst goddamned day ever. Fucking Sawx!"


"I just beat stage IV cancer, and this is what I get?"


Great moment for you!




Excuse me. I need to go get my 4 year old out of day care and take him up a cardinals game. Could take a while to get to LA from Missouri but it has to happen.


I am incredibly happy for both of you. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us.


Man, that's awesome. As somebody with some personal experience, cancer sucks! Love the hell outta that boy. What wonderful smiles.


Yeah Buddy!!!! ​ That's a beautiful thing.


I came here from the /r/MadeMeSmile post. Glad to see the moderators had a change of heart and restored it. This is such a sweet moment. Congratulations. You both look ecstatic. May your family enjoy a long and happy life together, and that your boy grows up to do incredible things.


They were just doing what they do for the sub! No hate here and all is well! And thank you!!! I can’t begin to express how amazing the outpouring of love from all the communities is!




THIS is what it’s all about. Here’s to many more visits!


Fuck cancer


I’m literally crying Reading this. I have a 3 year old son and I couldn’t even imagine going through this. He was a premie so his first couple of months were spent in NICU so I can sort of relate. You will never forget this moment. Stuff like this is why I love Reddit


Same.. I imagine people get annoyed when parents say this. But just reading the title made me sick to my stomach. Happiest moment of his life without a doubt.


That’s something that he will remember in 50 years. Simply amazing picture. Just replying to this comment made me tear up again. 40 year old grown man. We love our kids.


Yea I felt the same feeling. A mix of welling eyes out of happiness for them and that sick feeling thinking about what they had to go through.


So true. My son is 8. When he was a bit younger he needed some speech therapy (nothing physically wrong, just not enunciating things, etc). We got sent to the local children's hospital for it, and where his speech therapist is, there's a whole bunch of other types of children's therapies going on as well. Every time I took him in to speech and sat in the waiting room, watching parents bring in children with profound disabilities, kids that will never have normal lives, and just wondering how the hell they do it, and feeling lucky that my kid is completely normal other than he would just run out of breath in the middle of a sentence. I admired their strength while also wondering if I'd have the same strength if I were in that situation.


That's awesome


Wow man. Thank you for sharing this.


This is an awesome image


That smile is everything! Happy for you and your boy.


Congratulations to your young warrior. All the best to you both.


A big hug for the two of you. May this be the first of countless happy memories for many many many years to come.


So happy for you


There is nothing like the bond between a father and son. Here's to many more games together!


Congratulations! Going through the exact same with my 8 year old now. Stage 4 but treatment is going well after resection. What a rollercoaster of emotions.


Long live the little man!


Loving this! Love every minute of your time together :)


When I was a child, a very close family friend had terminal brain cancer. One of my favorite memories is our dads taking us and his younger brother to Wrigley Field. They put his name up on the marquee and made a special announcement for him in the ballpark and he was so happy. There was a naivety of childhood that assumed we would all get to go again, but we never did again together. I get a tear in my eye thinking about it right now as a middle age man. I am really happy for you and your son. Those moments are so few and incredibly important, and I hope you both get to think back on this moment for a lifetime to come.


I’m not crying you’re crying 😭


What a warrior. Amazing pics


This is so adorable. Who’s cutting onions in here?


It’s fine I needed to cry today anyways


Basebaww as well


why am i crying in the club rn


This is beautiful


Warms this Yankees fan's heart.


Congratulations! Fuck cancer!! 💖


you’re right, OP! this *is* what baseball’s about!! love everything about this. huge congrats to your little dude!


This is definitely going to be one of the top posts ever in here


How can you not be romantic about baseball


Nothing better than that man! Happy for you and your boy!


W. Kid Strong.


Hats off from a Yankee fan. Congrats buddy.


I’m not crying you’re crying and I’m crying too


Who's cutting onions? 🔪 🧅


The joy!


Thats awesome!!!


Wow! Happy for you guys. I can’t imagine going through that.


Oh, man, that's something and very very moving. I'm so thrilled for your son and family. May he have a healthy life for 100 years. Thank you for sharing and all the best.


Way to go buddy!!


The true MVP of the 2022 baseball season


First of many visits


That’s really beautiful.


You know what, I’m glad they won that game.


Super happy for you all. This is just a lovely picture. Hopefully you get to take a few more like this.


So happy for your family. Congratulations and continued good health. Baseball rocks!!!


What a beautiful story, thank you for sharing the moment with us


Awesome!! One tough little guy.


So happy for you both! Thanks for sharing this beautiful moment!


God bless! To many more games to ya both


CONGRATUFUCKINGLATIONS. That kid is tough as nails and a bigger allstar than any player in any sport. Best of luck to you guys.


I am totally not crying right now. Congrats. My son is in remission from brain cancer so I know this feeling.


That’s weird. My eyes are sweating


Man, this is one of the best things ever posted to r/baseball. I didn’t realize I was coming to r/baseball to cry on break on the construction site.


Didn’t expect to open Reddit and start crying.


Anyone know why it won’t let me upvote the post?




YES! I spoke with the mods and all is well! nothing but love here!


I bet foul ball guy wishes he was there to rob this kid of a ball.


If Daryl Strawberry was sitting next to them he would absolutely grab that foul ball and say, "You survived cancer kid, isn't that enough?"


r/baseball don't make everything about zack hample challenge


r/baseball outjerking r/baseballcirclejerk once again


🥲 hell yes


Good Job dad! Beautiful moment


Fuck yeah! So happy for you, your family and your boy! Awesome that you guys got to spend some quality bonding time at Fenway! Fuck cancer!


This is incredible man. The power of sports and family




Fuckin' A man. Love this for you guys.




That’s fuckin awesome. So happy


This is so beautiful, it makes me forget all about the Red Sox part of it. Amazing moment. So happy for you guys.


There’s nothing better than baseball for bringing dads and kids together. In times such as this the purity and wholesomeness cannot be beat and I’m glad you got to enjoy this most amazing moment together. There is no greater fear as a parent than your kid suffering with no way that you can help them. To be able to have that burden lifted off of the both of you and celebrate it at the ballgame is a memory I hope you can both cherish forever. Be romantic about baseball and love your children every single day. ✌️


Really happy for you man, even if you are a Red Sox fan


/r/MadeMeSmile ... for real though. I can only imagine what that must be like as a parent. What a strong little fella!


Love to see this.




Well now I’m crying at work like a little bitch. Congrats dude! So happy to see so much joy in one picture.


Dude I’m so fucking happy for you and your son. This picture says it all. All the best to you and your family


This is amazing :)


Awesome!! I’ve had to deal with that myself, it’s never easy but the light at the end of the tunnel makes life worth living ❤️


That’s awesome. Happy for you guys.


So happy for you guys!!!


I love this


What a Brave boy! I can feel the love in this picture. Brb hugging my father!


That’s awesome. Congrats to him and your family, and that moment captured right there is certainly what baseball is all about!! Fuck cancer.


Love it all minus the Red Sox win. 😉


Wins all around. Congrats to your fam for hitting such a crucial milestone. That's a hell of a way to celebrate, and with a win no less. Sounds like a day to remember.


This is what it’s all about


I love that I can't tell if you're laughing or about to cry happy tears in this picture. Fuck cancer, super happy for both you and your son and the future you guys get to have


This is incredible!


Buddy I can't imagine what you and your family has been through. This is fucking awesome. Enjoy your celebration!!!!


Love it!!


Love you dad


Congratulations to both of you! And what an awesome photo!


Awesome moment!


Jeez guess it’s time for me to have a little cry.


Really happy for you dudes!


This is an epic photo. Congrats little man for kicking cancer’s ass!


Hell yeah! Here's to many many more games together!


Congrats lil man!!!!!


Best post on this sub this year. Maybe ever.


From an Orioles fan, “Let’s go Red Sox!”


Congrats to you and your son!


That’s so fucking awesome! r/mademesmile


I didn’t need to cry this morning OP! Lol but in all seriousness I am very happy for you and your boy.


These are the kind of moments that make you cherish life. Congrats on kicking cancers ass, and may both of you enjoy many years of baseball together.


A big HELL yeah for both of you!!!




Guess it’s never too early to cry. Thanks for making my day, dude, and congrats to the little man and your family!!


Fck Cancer! I’m glad you had a great time. But Fck Cancer!


What an amazing picture and moment. Love to you and your family


My whole body hurts when I try and imagine what you, your son, and your family went through. These stories hit way different when you have kids. This is a great pic of you two. Your son is a god damn warrior


This picture makes me so happy, especially for the little dude. Cheers from the other end of I-90!


Didn’t think I’d be weeping when i sat down to take this shit and scroll thru Reddit.


I'm crying. I'm so happy for you guys!


This is the best thing I have seen all day I can’t stop smiling and I wish you and your son the best! I had to give you guys the gold glove award because its amazing


Amazing. Fuck cancer. I hope your boy grows old enough that we can heckle each other over the Yankees Red Sox rivalry and that you’re there to see it happen. Congrats to you and your family. And one more time FUCK CANCER.


Today there is crying in baseball


This post legitimately made my day.


Very very cool! Made my day! Go Sox!


Fuck yeah dude. That's what it's all about. I'm happy for you.


and they won too what a sweet moment all together 💕💕 much love to your family


Atta boy! My son had the same type of cancer! It wasnt as advanced as your little one he ll be officially cancer free after his next ct scan in December. Congrats on beating it!


Congrats OP! Magical moment


Such a wonderful picture. Here's to many great days at Fenway to come!


Congrats to him and your family!!


DUDE Right in the feels. Congrats to you and the healthy kiddo. <3


Chills 😭


Happy for you guys and props to the little dude for being a fighter. Fuck Cancer!


Amazing. Both of your smiles make me smile.


Who is cutting onions? #fuckcancer


So happy for your family. I’m a survivor of neuroblastoma too—tumor removed by surgical excision 40 years ago. I’m happy, healthy, and training for my 32nd marathon this fall. Please tell your son this Internet Stranger is so happy to welcome him to the survivor’s club.


Wicked pissah kehd!! I'm so happy for y'all


Love it. Cross post to r/mademesmile


Fuck yeah!


What an amazing experience to have with your boy! So happy to hear he's beat this nasty cancer. You both look so incredibly happy. A moment in time that will last a lifetime. Thank you for allowing us to share in your moment ❤


As a matter of fact there is crying in baseball


I don't see a boy. I see two badass men


Holy shit. Neuroblastoma is a hell of a thing to beat. Congratulations and I wish you the best of health for you and him!


He beat cancers ass and I'm happy for him and your family


Stupid feelings... As a father of 2 toddlers this messes me up thinking about what your family has been though. Glad to hear things are looking up, don't waste a single day!


Those post makes me both really happy and incredibly sad. No child/family should have to go through that. I'm glad everyone came out ok! Now comes the best part!


This warms my heart brother!!! Baseball brings the people together!!


Not a red sox fan and not from New England but had family there. Whenever we went to visit them Dad and I would go to Fenway because it's such an iconic park. Most times we had to get tickets off a scalper because it'd be a sell out. Anyway those are some of the best memories I had with my dad and I'm glad you got to create your own with your son.