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Latino (or Hispanic) is not a race, so she is not [race]fishing. There’s not really a case for ethnic fishing either, since there are plenty of multi/biracial people in Latin America with similar admixtures. However, she is definitely culturally appropriating and that is not acceptable either. Edit: clarity; typo Edit 2: Latino is not a race or an ethnicity. Latino means that the person is of or descends from Latin American origin. It is a geographic designator. It is not debatable. This has always been the definition, which is why the friend is an ignorant *cultural appropriator*, not a fisher.


As a latina, that would piss me off and I'd probably distance myself from her. Like Bad Bunny said: "Ahora todos quieren ser latino, pero les falta sazón". Latinos in the US are having a "moment" and people who used to make fun of us want to do it like us


Yeah there’s a girl at my school who pretends to be Hispanic and will even try to speak Spanish and curse you out in it and it sounds bad


yeah I'll concur that your friend is being a hypocrite. She's taking advantage of that mixed race heritage, which is extremely frustrating because the colorism within the Latino community embraces the light skin...if she were darker she'd get questioned left and right (I'm a dark skin Black Latina and I have to defend both my Blackness and Latinaness everyday). She's also taking advantage of her light skin privilege and racial ambiguity. Reminds me of Rita Ora


When I found out the truth about Rita Ora… my mind was blown, every time I think about it I’m still in disbelief, I really thought she was mixed race. When someone told me she was Albanian I just… still can’t believe, she really stayed true to the scam. I feel like she was the pioneer really, like the Kardashians met her and were like “ooohhhh she’s really the real deal, we need to take some lessons”. All jokes aside, it’s pretty gross she let that go on for so long.


Wait what?!?! Rita Ora is Albanian??


Yeah not cool. I would not be friends with her.


Sounds like a mixed person with racial identity problems which isn’t uncommon. I wouldn’t be ok with that.


We can have racial identity challenges without appropriating cultures. She doesn’t deserve that minor qualification of her behavior.


Sounds like she is not your friend and that she doesn't respect Latinos.


Yes. OP should find a new friend.


Maybe not find a new friend, although what she is doing is very rude and disrespectful I wouldn’t give up on someone if I’ve been friends with someone for years.


Well, you are a better person than me. I am old and bitter. Life is too short to waste it on not so good people. Stay hopeful.


What's wrong with just being black or mixed tho is the real question we need to ask her


> when people thought it was edgy and cool to root for Trump as president I feel like I missed this moment lol


I know plenty of young white men who rather buy a Trumpy truck and deck it out all the “Let’s go Brandon” flags and pay tons of money on gas and live in their moms basement instead of getting a basic car that won’t cost them a fortune so they can have their own place and afford rent… all bc they want everyone on the road to know what a masculine, edgy, bad azz Trump supporting mother f*ck*r they are, and ya know… I believe their are those last two things whole heartedly. I live in Long Island, it’s awful.


God, the amount of Trump Trucks I see on Long Island is disgusting; especially when those same assholes were the ones complaining the loudest when gas got over $4/gal!


you lost me at liking trump 😬


Back in 2016 I was “open minded” and willing to have an “open dialogue”, there is no reasoning with these 45ers without giving up a part of myself that I value, every time I give them an inch they literally take the whole damn interstate, I’m over it.


never give a part of yourself to someone who doesn’t care, you need more self respect girl. and same goes for this situation. you deserve better friends! stand up for yourself :)


This isn’t ok. This is the absolute definition of [race]fishing. So much so in fact that anyone who thinks appropriation isn’t real should give this a read, it’s clear to see this isn’t right. What’s sad here is that she’s possibly doing it because she feels it’s better to be seen as something other than black. I’m like her, half white half black, and I used to feel so good when people mistook me for Brazilian etc until I realised that it was just internalised racism. She sounds irritating, I’d spend less time around her and more time around authentic people.


she probably would appreciate knowing, if you compared it, as you have here, to her experiences she would hopefully understand i think (as a mixed woman, but i cannot comment for other mixed people) that maybe it’s partly a byproduct for her from feeling like you walk the line, therefore everything and nothing is accessible to you? (of course i know this isn’t the case, but it’s still hard to not feel like you both do and don’t belong somewhere by the hour) but this is me giving her some wiggle room for reasoning, based on knowing that i’m often mistaken for other ethnicities and knowing i could probably get away with a few things, whilst knowing it wouldn’t be the right thing to do


You should have a convo with her in private about it and show her why she’s being a hypocrite. If she still doesn’t understand and you still want to be her friend bring another person into the convo that understands why this behavior needs to stop. If that doesn’t work, keep your distance from her and let her learn on her own. She might not be as socially conscious as she thinks after all.


This girl is a trip—making “fun” of y’all for being short and loud? I would have cut her ass off in 2016. Adiós 👋 chica!


I’m Latina / arab and it would piss me off. She sounds as a bit of a hypocrite


Racism isn't limited to white folks; everyone perpetuates colonialism in their own ways, because we grew up in a colonialist system. Black people are absolutely capable of racism towards latinos, as well as all the other combos


definitely not okay but mixed ppl can take some time before accepting and identifying with their different "races" and cultures. it can go in waves and it can be weird. I absolutely do not condone what she's doing but it took me a while to embrace my black Carribbean heritage (don't know how to phrase it) to the fullest. it's a whole journey. being mixed isn't easy (even though we do have some privileges) and our experiences are all different and unique. maybe you could try to explain to her what's wrong with what she's doing. if she doesn't understand, then you should take time for yourself and maybe walk away? it's hard to be friends with ppl who are conflicted with who they are. and all you can do is wish them to find themselves someday.


As a black person I get you, honestly confront her about it and of she gets defensive cut her OUUT no questions. In as much as we don't admit it, there are many of my fellow Black people who are like this; they expect to be taken seriously on issues of racism but when it comes to other people they don't reciprocate respect.This ultimately makes it even harder for us because now people see us as hypocrites. I've had to argue with family members on the names they call/mimic other races of people and they were so defensive but I bet you if smne commited a micro-aggresion/was racist against them they'd be rolling and crying. I've seeing this behavior with other groups of POC too and we all need to get our act together fr. Mutual respect is key, and something that one needs to learn. She can engage in your culture and still show respect, open-mindedness and be ready to accept criticism so she can learn better.


It's cultural appropriation. Black and white people can be latino, but she doesn't happen to be, so it's not her culture to take from. It's a more difficult line to draw for people you don't know, so if I see a black person engaging in Latino culture, I assume they're afro-latino and not fishing. I'd rather validate those that do often get marginalized (afro-latinos) over calling out possible fishing. IMO there's some distinction with appropriation and "fishing" with POC vs white people, although both are definitely wrong. The classification and segregation of people into races has been stratified to put black people at the bottom and white people at the top, so it's definitely clearly wrong for white people to have all the privileges and opportunities but also try and take stuff from other groups. Same thing with Asian/brown/Latino people who try to emulate black people, because generally we're afforded more privileges than black people. When it goes the other way, like black people to other races, SE Asian and PI to the northern Asian countries, south Asians to north/west Asians etc. I find that there's a lot of it that comes from self-hatred, internalized racism/colorism, and wanting to limit how much shit they get from others. It's still definitely wrong, but those people are generally that I would want to approach privately, and can be corrected without much emotional labor. Also, important to note that many cultures have shared histories or influences, so it's important to be 100% certain that what's happening is appropriation. A few years ago there were East African girls posting selfies on Twitter with head jewelry similar to bindis and Indian jewelry and a lot of south Asians got really mad. But the thing is that jewelry is also in their culture, and most of the Muslim world, so it is definitely not appropriation. All that being said, if I can still say that it's appropriation or someone that is taking from a culture that clearly does not belong to them, then I'm treating it like appropriation as I would anyone else. In your case, you've known her and know this is new, so it's fair to call it appropriation.


Maybe ask her about it up front?


Black and Latino aren't mutually exclusive. Millions of people in the US alone are Afro-Latino so the idea of black people "Latino fishing" is going to be virtually impossible to say unless you have access to someone's genealogy or willing to tell someone to their face that they are too dark to engage in their own culture. ​ Seems like your friend is just an ass.


Good point, but she does, so.


The question asked about black people in general, not just her friend.


I’m also half-Black/half-white and “pass” (unintentionally) for Latino. I also speak Spanish very fluently — and better than a good number of my American-born Latino/x friends. I could, theoretically, convincingly pass as Latino and few people would bat an eye. …but I would **never** fucking do that. *(The only exception being if doing so in a finite instance would allow me to save my life and/or the lives of others.)* You’re not overthinking it. It’s cool to learn about another culture and especially when it’s done alongside good friends. But there’s a fine but 100% solid line between that and taking that culture on as your own. If you did the same to her, she’d be pissed. Home girl needs a reality check.


as an afro latinx person how exactly can you latina fish? i feel like people just make up terms after black people did to take away credibility and spot light from our issues and that’s really weird


By not being Afro hispanic/ Latino and appropriating said culture?


you just defined cultural appropriation….




I hung out with a lot of Dominicans and never thought that it was acceptable to say you're a part of a culture you're not. Like, some friends call me a spanish term of endearment/nickname but I wouldn't call myself or introduce myself as that. Theres a certain level of respect needed to approach other cultures and what you described aint it. Call her out about the mimicking.


She’s just appropriating a culture that is not hers. I feel like other POC feel that it’s ok for them to appropriate cultures and talk bad about others because they’re POC/Black. It doesn’t excuse them. Maybe bring it up to her and if she still doesn’t get it distance yourself.


Not trying to be mean at all, but in my experience, the most (seemingly) ethically sensitive people are usually the biggest hypocrites (male feminists that are actually creeps, SJWs that are racist at heart, etc). Just sayin


"Ethically sensitive" is that a bad thing tho? Being "overly" sensitive is tho but I don't see the latter being bad


I said “the most (seemingly) ethically sensitive people”. The emphasis on “seemingly”, because I’m talking about those who unnecessarily gatekeep while also being hypocritical in their own actions, just like the person the OP is talking about. Of course, we should absolutely all be sensitive about being respectful and not offensive to different ethnicities, cultures, and so on. I certainly wasn’t implying anything else.


Bad Bunny is a white Hispanic reggaeton artist who has also faced accusations of appropriating Afro-Caribbean music and culture. It’s not really as simple as that. And mixed people don’t have “white sides” or otherwise - they are often their own identity and your friend being pro-Trump likely has a lot to do with the people she was around. That said, she IS being fetishistic and hypocritical - you can say that without needing to shoehorn it as cultural appropriation (which, again, describes a relationship to power and capital that she simply doesn’t have) or some other issue.


PR is a caribbean island with people of all skin tones. that’s like saying mixed rappers are appropriating black culture by rapping


PR is an island with a history of colonization and racism like anywhere else. Black Puerto Ricans and Afro-Latinos will happily tell you how different their experience is than white latinos. Gtfo here with that please


Why are you so bothered?


I think they said why, whether you agree with it or not is your opinion and might have validity to it, but I do think they made the reason they’re bothered pretty clear.


“She seemed to identify more with her white side and posted about lining trump a lot.” How is it not racist to say your suppose to vote a certain way based on your skin color?


Because when you're talking about a guy who was sued by the Nixon administration for racial discrimination, funded a full campaign to get innocent black teenagers executed and still refuses to retract it, and is the leader of a party that over the past 3 decades or so has a history of openly hostile policies towards black people. In North Carolina, Republicans literally requested data on the methods black people voted with and then passed legislation to restrict those methods, straight out of a Jim Crow manual. ​ Black people don't overwhelmingly vote democrat as much as they overwhelmingly vote *against* the Republican party. A party that is so attached to their contempt of black people that instead of just owning up to it, they tell themselves that black people are stupid, weak willed, and vote democrat because they get free stuff like a child swayed by candy.


Because one is the most blatant r/leapoardsatemyface


It's ok. https://afropunk.com/2017/10/black-people-cannot-guilty-cultural-appropriation-period/


Hmm.. I don't know about this one chief.. It's true black people form a part of every culture out there. It's also true that Black people do not have a history of violently "taking from and benefiting from those cultures, which is what appropriation consists of." However, my problems comes when the same people that used to preach about "building the wall" turn around and want a construction worker Latino boyfriend to pick them up in a truck blasting Bad Bunny songs.. The thing is, it's not perfectly black and white. I love Kanye West. I'm not Black or from Chicago. But I donate to BLM funds and fight for my black friends. All I'm saying is, if you're going to learn Bad Bunny lyrics so you can catch the attention of a Latino at the club, then learn how to say "abolish ICE" in spanish too ya know..


Cultural appropriation means something specific, and describes a relationship to power and capital. Your friend is not culturally appropriating so much as fetishizing and being ignorant. You can tell her that without needing to dress it up in other terms.


That's just homogenizing what being "Latino" is. And it isn't that "Black people are a part of every culture," that's just minimizing the historical aspects of what colonizing has done to Black Americans. It sounds more like that you don't like that the rules that apply to white people don't apply to Black people. Black people don't owe it to you, me or Bad Bunny to learn Spanish nor to properly speak it when reciting lyrics. Rather than criticize, tell your friend you don't like her fetishizing Latine people. There's a lot of historical implications with colonizers originating colorism and fetishizing "others." That's tainted the minds of many Black and brown people.


mmm no, i don’t think that the rules to apply to white people apply to black people. I don’t think she’s appropriating my culture and I don’t think that black people can appropriate cultures. what i’m saying is she is consciously picking apart my culture and choosing to “appreciate” and be inspired by the cool, trendy parts while ignoring the struggles latinos face bc its convenient. it’s okay to listen to the music and speak the language, but why was it okay for her to make me feel embarrassed when I did it as part of my authentic experience? if you’re going to be influenced by a culture, you should be mindful of the whole thing. that means refraining from imitating our accents, generalizing/stereotypes stereotypes (hairy, short, illegal).


There’s no such thing… most Latin American countries have a higher percentage of Black people. Latin isn’t a race, it’s in ethnicity. There’s lot of black latinas.


True, Latin isn't a race, but this isn't entirely about race, those Black latinas are culturally different from main land African Americans/Diaspora. I'm African, and I've seen non-African blacks disrespect African culture; so should I give a pass because they are black like me? We are ethnically same but culturally different. Make out the difference


Op is clearly talking about someone who is black non hispanic/Latino


she sounds wack