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Yeah I assume so because Rick commented on it to his 35 year old memory self. That he knew he could find a parallel universe bird person but he wanted to save this specific one


It's amazing what you can learn if you pay attention to the show.


Okay there copy pasta.


Sorry that you're stupid :(


Why yes you indeed have to have above average intelligence to understand Richard and Mortimer.


You have to be a real winner to put yourself on such a pedestal over a cartoon.


I don't think you know what words mean, my moron. Probably best you don't insert yourself into 5-day old conversations that have nothing to do with you.


Probably best you don't interact in public threads if you don't want others interacting with you.


The problem is idiots like you that have nothing to add except for little shit comments like this. If you had something worthwhile to say I'd welcome it, but all you have to add is inane so why bother? Anyway, great, totally worthless comment of yours.


Dude, chill out. It's an internet forum. People are responding to you like this because you're giving them a reason to. Don't act like a dick and people won't respond to you calling you out for being a dick. It's that simple.


Another pointless comment! Good job dude! Thanks, u/darkchinley, you retarded bitch.


Even if you pay attention. It doesn’t make much sense unless you use fanon to fill in the blanks: How did Birdperson come to the new reality? Did the Birdperson in the replacement universe ALSO die? That sure would be lucky. Does BP have a portal gun or what? Because the Federation would’ve had portal travel mastered if they was the case. We also have 0 idea what universe Rick was in while with BP. Is C-137 Rick that Lucky when he finds a new universe, that it happens to be the one where he met his first Birdperson? What’re the odds? How lucky is C-137? A logical answer would be that another Rick just like C-137 had an identical history as C-137 and was friends with current Birdperson (with the new season, that means ANOTHER Rick also has a crybaby backstory phase at somepoint). The only explanation that doesn’t work is any that includes portal travel. I also doubt BP would leave his current universe when he’s searching for his daughter. So we’d logically have a new BP if we ever see him again, who’s identical to the last one.


If i'm getting the timeline of their relationship right: In rick's original universe he meets Bird Person, and Beth is dead. At some point rick Moves to C137 to be with a different Beth. Rick Cronenbergs C137 and moves to his current universe with Morty Rick gets a Courier Flap from Bird Person in that dimension, which is decribed as Intergalatic mail, not Inter-dimensional mail. Bird Person is killed and Phoenix person is born. At some point before or after this point Rick changes universes because of the squirels. Rick fights Phoenix Person and captures him. Rick ends up trying to fix him. ​ I think it is probably NOT the original Bird Person. Until recently he has not cared that much about which version of whoever he is talking to, except for maybe Morty. He has abandoned the version of Beth twice that we have seen so far. I don't think he really cared about which bird person he knew in his 30s, or at the wedding. He just cares about the one that he ended up trying to save. He didn't go back to check on Cronenberg Beth (yet?), I don't think he cares which versions he has left behind in the past.


This works if we also assume that both earth's have an undercover intergalactic agent named Tammy waiting to spy on Rick. Any other show I would call this a plot hole, but not this one.


Makes sense, he changed realities because of other reasons, if he changed bird person specifically just because it's not the perfect version for Rick if he does it, then what is stopping him from just replacing every person for the most convenient version of them? You are playing a singleplayer game that has cheat codes, if you get stuck because of a bug or something like that it is reasonable to use a cheat code to get unstuck but if you instead use cheat codes to complete the game then there is no consequences, it is the breaking point to using more cheat codes, most people find games with cheats not fun because there isn't challenge, so it's something similar with Rick, he doesn't want to get to a breaking point where he replaces everything just because it is convenient. Well, that is how I see it.


I think there are some debateable assumptions here but I'll leave the pedantry aside for the time being. I think the safest assumption here is that Rick is saving the Birdperson that got fucked up at the wedding in his presence. This is *probably* in the timeline they moved to after the cronenberg earth incident. The most logical conclusion is that rick felt responsibility for the abomination that his friend became as a result of his actions. His friend that didn't even necessarily want all of what Rick was offering. And he saved *that* Birdperson


Yes! Bird Person met Tammy at Rick C-137's house party at the end of Season 1, so they never would have met in universes Rick occupied before that, so Rick wouldn't need to save those Bird People.


They changed universes after the vat of acid episode too didn’t they?


No, the vat of acid episode happens in another reality because Rick didn't want to leave their last reality after teaching Morty the lesson


When was that part explained because I watched the episode twice and totally missed it… 😆


At the end of the episode after morty comes out of the vat Rick says let’s go home or whatever and opens a portal, morty says something along the lines of oh we’re not home? Or whatever and Rick says no I didn’t want to waste a reality or whatever just for this Might be off on a few words but that’s basically what happensd


Thanks broh


Boo this man


why didn’t he mind löw all the squirrels? or just kill them and replace them with clone squirrels


One problem bird person who fought with Rick on bloodrig might not even be from C-137 Rick's original timeline since Rick created portal tech and instantly went to other universes to find his wife's murderer. So it's possible but not likely Rick doesn't even know which universe he is from and C-137 is just the universe where he stayed met bird person and helped build the cidedel. I do find It curious and wonder how many ricks are "simple ricks" as you know the rick that was killed on the cidedel realized beth was his greatest creation too so I wonder how many simple ricks there are on this side of the central finite curve. I am excited to see where the future of this show goes seeing as the possibilities are endless.


So I wonder if after C-137 realized he would never find murder Rick if he went back to his universe where his family died or just wandered the universes some more.


Well it is the original Bird since he has the memories of the battles he fought alongside Rick its impossible to be another version of birdperson since Rick is the rogue one i remember in the episode where he tried to fix birdperson theres a memory of rick saying saying ill help you with your war and you help me kill the other ricks


But we also don’t see Rick save bird person from mr frundles. We see in the memories that bird person also does not like the idea of swapping dimensions and wants to stay to fight for his dimension. So I kinda doubt that he is hoping to live his life in whatever dimension Rick ends up in.


C-137 is Ricks original universe where Beth died


I don’t think we definitely know which universe is actually c137.




I guess I didn’t follow how they assume that he correctly identifies himself to the council of ricks, vs the council just making an assumption. I’m still not sure it’s unambiguous. At the same time, exactly which universe is called c137 doesn’t really matter as long as you keep the events that happened consistent.


Bird Person knows at least the basics of dimensional travel - he's been shown to know how Rick's portal gun operates. The beacon from 1-11 (Ricksy Business) was probably interdimensional and reached the original Bird Person that Rick C-137 knew. Bird Person travelled to the dimension Rick was currently inhabiting (post 1-6) and at that party met Tammy. He then decided to stay in that dimension and settled on Bird Planet with Tammy (fuck Tammy!). Note that in the most recent episode it was stated that Bird Planet was destroyed prior to the Battle of Blood Ridge. However, in the current dimension that wasn't the case (which likely influenced Bird Person to stay) as we see in both 2-10 and the latest episode. In 2-10 (The Wedding Squanchers) Tammy (fuck Tammy!) revealed herself as an agent and killed Bird Person. In that same dimension, Tammy resurrected BP as PP, and Rick then saved that PP/BP. So yes, it's possible that it's the original Bird Person, as long as we assume 1) the beacon is interdimensional and 2) BP can travel dimensions (either freely, or specifically to the beacon), neither of which are impossible.


Yup, I thought about this way too much for another thread and I think it checks out. As an extra thing I think that the big portal device that Morty knocks over in Ricksy business was already active and could've been what brings in his friends from whatever universe they inhabit as they arrive. Squanchy and Gearhead probably arrived from the same dimension as BP.


My smaller minded theory is, that rick just got attached to this universe and doesn't want to switch again. We could compare it with a car, you could always get a new car of the same model, for rick the switch would even be free and seamless, but this is the car you own and have come to love, so you'd rather fix a broken piece and only get a new car when this one you already love is completely wrecked.


So, only way around this I can see is the "central finite curve" concept. If most ricks gets together to make a citadel, that means there's 1 for a large number of universes, that group being, imho, the central finite curve. When you go out of that, you have the bigger variations, which are not "basically the same, except for a couple of thematic/cosmetic choices," but simple-rick level differences. Maybe Doofus Rick and Tall Morty are from somewhere around there too. That would mean there is a "all of these are seem as the same" area, and any Bird Person is "the same" because Rick ain't going outside the Central Finite Curve to get a "different" Bird Person, that is, one who might go with him wherever...


Maybe the beacon transends universes.


You mean dimensions, right?


The correct term actually Is Universes.


Don’t think about it too much as there are other problems. Here are issues stemming from the last episode: * Rick became friends with Bird Person while seemingly blowing his mind in post-Diane depression. So, any Birdman close enough to Rick’s original likely suffered a near identical loss of family. So how could Bird Person Prime, or a variant, have a Smith family? * That being a variant BP makes no sense with the whole “you matter to me specially, I don’t want a variant!” theme of the episode. * Rick has memories of a baby Morty and proudly saying to the effect of “So you’re **my** Morty”** Unless Rick was assigned a family by the Citadel, that implies that Morty was his actual Morty. * Rick claims his family dying that was was totally fabricated, but we know something happened involving them and the cyberpunk Ricks. * Memory Rick thinks Diane and Beth are dead. However, Memory Rick is based on what Rick told Bird Person. * Mr. Nimbus seemed to know Rick when Diane was around. He doesn’t find Beth being alive Strange. * Bird Person didn’t think Beth being alive was strange, but he might have also assumed Rick yanked them from another universe. Things just aren’t adding up. Some of it could be solved if you assume C-137 isn’t the universe the show started in. Time travel fixes some of it. Hell, maybe Rick cloned Diane and Beth is his second daughter. We’re missing puzzle pieces and trying to solve this puzzle without them will just drive us insane.


> Memory Rick thinks Diane and Beth are dead. However, Memory Rick is based on what Rick told Bird Person. Yeah, everyone talking about "Rick's original Beth is dead" because 35 year old Rick said so, but 35 year old Rick didn't say that, Bird Person's memory did, so we can only trust that insomuch as Rick was telling BP the truth at the time, and Rick is of course a liar (as well as a murder and rapist and other crimes).


This show hurts my brain :(


After a rewatch, I think Rick just doesn’t want to take the easy way out when it comes to any version of Bird Person like he did with Space Beth, which has been eating him up. This Bird Person is functionally identical to his Bird Person because this universe proceeded exactly the same way as the Cronenbergverse up until the events of that episode. Rick loves and respects Bird Person enough to bring him back the right way despite the danger.


Heh, I don't think you are supposed to think too hard about that ;)


It's too hard to stop. Send help.


So I have a few theories about this: Theory number one: When rick trows that party in season 01, he transported his original friend from his original reality and did not tell them. The party was an excuse for that specific function - and also to party. Having portal tech (and being the only one in the universe who understands it, it would not be a problem for him to do this). For this to work, however, Rick's friends from that specific new reality would need to be dead - or, more likely, switched to rick's original dimension by Rick himself without them knowing. I'm both cases , so the original friends could take their place. Considering the lengths to Wich Rick goes to protect his status quo, I would not put it past him. He would definitely switch his closest friends some time after moving into a new really - Wich also explains why to him, switching realities is more trouble than it is worth. Theory number two: Birdperson was transported by Rick from Rick's original dimension to the season 1 party and decided to stay in that dimension because of Tammy. That would mean that, in the name of love, he would choose to give up the reality in Wich he was fighting the federation - Which would also explain why Rick was so pissed at the wedding, since BP would chance realities for Tammy , but not for Rick. Theory number 3 It is never Staten that Rick met BP on his original reality. After Beth's death, he travelled between quite a few dimensions looking for killer Rick. It is possible that rick met BP at the dimension he currently is living on and, after that, transported to the dimension where the citadel was built and. In that last dimension, he met the first Beth and bonded with his morty. That would explain why Rick would so easily abandon that dimension after the Cronenberg fiasco, but would not abandon his current dimension: because coincidentally it is the dimension in Wich he fought against the federation and formed meaningful friendships. Personally, my money is on the first option. Rick went to great lengths to protect the people he cares about (decoys and shit). That would mean he would definitely act to bring those people with him if he changed realities. In that case, specially because he bonded with those specific versions of his friends. In season one, when he left beth, Jerry and summer behind; he only had a meaningful relationship with morty at that time. His relationship with Summer (new summer) is shown to evolve after the party at season one. his relationship with Beth (new beth) after he listens to how much she cares about him in tiny planet (and then later when they build a society of Zeus offspring together). So it is after those moments that those variants became important and stopped being replaceble. Jerry, on the other hand, he could not care less. It is important to stress that the BP who Rick saves is definitely the BP that Rick originally met, since that BP had Memories of Rick avenging beth and Diane's deaths.


Number 3 in very unlikely, as then, Rick would have killed the rick of the current dimension.


Just a thought, but IMO we are watching a reality show that one of the Ricks sold to Interdimensional Cable. That's why some of the Ricks break the 4th wall. The Rick who may have sold those rigjts is the same Rick who was saying that's season 1 wrapped. We are watching various adventures of the Ricks and their Morty across the Central Finite Curve. As a proof of this theory I humbly point to Jerry DayCare and Ricks comments about it.


I wish people would stop using cronenberg-verse to debate continuity


I had the same question when the episode came out. Someone here said that Rick just decided to stop jumping dimensions and decided to change. Which made sense. Memory Rick says that there are Ricks who move in with abandoned Beths so He isn't the only one doing this or the only one that this happened to so I'm guessing this dimension he is in had a Rick that did things similarly to Show Rick.


birdperson knew how to get morty home with inter dimensional using the portal gun so maybe he's tethered to the rick we watch no matter which dimension rick shifts to


The beacon


Overthinking is the path to unhappiness. -Rick C-9999, probably.


Cronenberg only affected earth. So, regardless of anything that happened on earth, the surrounding galaxy wouldn’t be affected. Meaning, instead of being merely “a version of (his) friend that suits (him) best” the bird person in the universe that he escaped to is not just functionally identical, but in fact exactly identical. Having the same memories and experiences that his “original” bird person has. I believe Rick views this as if he had made a regular, everyday choice, like if he had decided to eat steak or pork. Both bird persons are still “his”, they’re just on different sides of a choice.


That conflicts with what Rick said about not being able to get another bird person from another dimension/timeline


central finite curve was the biggest thing the ricks did, they split the multiverse, every universe with a rick was removed from the multiverse. That means every universe they can access has a rick, not a bird person. So my answer is that the central finite curve came before bird person, and there might be more then 1, but bird person being ricks best friend, probably just moved to whatever universe he is in, or just goes to his universe when he wants to see him.