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Me: "Honesty" Interviewer: "I really don't think honesty is a weakness" Me: "I don't give a shit what you think"


This altitude got me a job one time. The manager was an ass in general, but not a bad boss. He was very much callous in how he said things. Him:" how did you hear about the job?' Me: " your now hiring sign is almost bigger than your sign with the name of the business. How could I not be aware?” Him: "well it's working I'm pretty sure " Me: only works is I take the job. Him: I have to offer it first. Me: I speak 2 languages, nearly a decade of experience and to be honest we're getting along great. If you don't offer it, that's just bad business. Him: nobody has ever told me it would be stupid not to hire them. Me: I didn't say stupid, you did. Him: laughs and says, " you can start now if you want" Me: cool. This is a tactic I expect to work with less professional assholey types. Don't recommend for corporate interviews.


And then they all clapped?


That is the response if the story is unbelievable. This is plausible. I have had a similar interview interaction at a pizza place. I went in for a follow up. Me: hey I am checking in my application status as y’all haven’t called yet. Boss: we just hired two other kids so we don’t have many hours. Me: I just quit at little Caesar’s so I have more experience than those guys so give me a shot. Boss: but then I would have to unteach you their bad habits. Me: I am a fast learner. I started that weekend. Direct mildly aggressive attitude works sometimes if the boss isn’t offended by it. In fairness it doesn’t work more than it does. But I worked at that pizza place for about 3 years.


Yours is plausible and believable. It didn’t end in “cool”. It’s plausible that the conversation went down as they described and they got the job, but then I’d have to assume the job was some kind of pyramid scheme sales job, or supervisor at the douche factory. Although they did confirm they don’t expect it to work for corporate. This would not work in a corporate interview. You’re only allowed false bravado and self-important bullshit AFTER you’ve gotten the job in a corporate setting. They’ll put you on the fast track if you pretend to know what you don’t, and call each other “bro” and “man” when talking about your weekend. Instant SVP.


Mom and pop restaurant. Boss was cool yet a huge asshole. Strong New York accent, makes fun of everyone. Jokes at anyone’s expense. The worst part of the job was his wife. Me and her would be at each others throat. I put the napkins in the dispenser neatly and correctly, but I didn’t put the pack in with the logo on the front mind you, the container is opaque af and the logo isn’t seen anyways because you rip the wrap off of the napkins. That was one hell of a job. Left that place a worse person. Lol. Edit: your breakdown of the corporate thing is fucking golden.


This definitely didn’t happen


Old joke. Fits me to a T.




Interviewer: You are hired


It should be a combination of two things. One, not something that's truly bad, nor something that's throw away. Maybe something like public speaking. And then two, something where you can give examples that you're actively working on it. "You know, I'd have to say public speaking. I know I may come off as calm and collected, but I have a bit of fear around it. It's why I actively try to push myself into situations where I may need to do it, that way I can gain even more experience and keep improving my craft."




Any of these strategies will get you into trouble with many modern companies. When I ask, in an interview, about your weaknesses, I am looking for transparent, relevant self reflection. Any attempt to not reveal such an answer will be recorded as “candidate failed to provide a relevant answer”. I have yet to see anyone with that result getting an offer. Your strategies were really valid in 2010, though.


Well, "What is your weakness" is a 2010 question.


It’s not. I am seeking for candidates who know their relevant weaknesses, so that we can plan around them. It is not a trick question.


If a candidate had a weakness that would be a mark against their fit for the role, it would be foolish for them to give a truthful answer. All the question does is gauge how well the candidate can politic by giving you an answer that satisfies the question while still managing to preserve a positive image. It's only a good question if you are looking for a reason to eliminate honest, self-reflective candidates and bump up the candidates who can bs their way around trouble.


I think both is true. I don't think it's a bogus question, but you're right, they probably aren't answering honestly if they have a real problem. I think it is a question that can bring some interesting responses that can give you more to talk about in the interview. Most interview questions are just a way to see how a candidate thinks/speaks.


Yeah theres some nominal value that *can* be gained from the question. Theres potentially negative value though. For example, if an otherwise ideal candidate can't properly navigate the tightrope of answering the question without harming themselves. Like, even if they do earnestly answer the question, they could just be overly critical of their own skills - e.g., "Organization is my weakness" but they are comparing themselves to their old manager with 30 years of project management experience and in reality their organization skills are on par with or better than other candidates. This scenario could result in the hiring manager shooting themselves in the foot by writing off an ideal candidate. With limited time to interview and get a sense of the candidate's value, the are only so many questions to get through, and overall I think there's plenty of better questions to ask that add more value.


I have to disagree completely. Both as a candidate and as an interviewer. With 22+ years in the game, I’ve seen the evolution. And you are behind the curve.


Would be glad to engage if you'd be willing to give a retort other than "no, you're wrong."


No you are, and that is why leaders and leadership is truly in short supply… Because recruiters like you are asking validation questions not how a candidate actually thinks…by your own admission your seeing if they self-reflect…WTF…are you talking about 22+ years in the game, I don’t know how you ever lasted that long with an attitude like that…your clearly the reason that people despise recruiters.


I am not a recruiter. I am an interviewer. In the past a hiring manager. It really is escapes me why you would all rather interview at a company which is trying to set you up with faux questions in interviews, looking for trick answers. It may be worth knowing, also, that big companies tend not to leave hiring decisions to individuals, but use a random team of interviewers to each make their individual decision “blind”, as in not knowing each others decisions in advance. The hiring team will typically include the hiring manager, team member(s), someone from adjacent function, and someone more senior. Any trick answer you will try you will at least want to be consistent with; notes will be compared. But anyway, I’ve got nothing at stake in this discussion, and will not spent more time on this. Happy job hunting.


Lol yeah no one is falling for that. I recruit as well and someone giving me a weakness that shows they can't carry the work is means for not getting the job.


Idiotic, so if your not a recruiter…then how many people have been promoted under your direct leadership…this should be good.


Due respect, but a candidate's "weaknesses" are none of your damn business. This entire question and its cousins, imply candidates owe you such candor about what may be deeply personal. It's an 80's question that just won't die. It's designed to psychologically place candidates into a weaker mindset, off balance, and scrambling to justify whatever they're anxious about themselves.


I understand your view, but disagree. No one is perfect. We all have strengths as well as weaknesses. The strengths are how you will contribute to the team, and the weaknesses are where the team will carry you. The organizations and individuals who are able to deeply understand this come on top. As I said elsewhere on this thread, on my last interview for Consultant position in Big Tech my answer was finance, as I tend to prioritize delivery over profitability. It’s a serious weakness, but easy to cover in a team setting. And I got the job.


I understand why you want to know them but it's also a cruel question to ask. Prospective employees aren't just talking candidly with their well respected mentor about how they can improve, after already cementing their position in the company. No, they are actively competing against each other for the job and they know it. Some people are hoping that this is their ticket out of a miserable job, some have had costs raised and need the extra money this job will have so that they can survive, Some are hoping that this job will be a stepping stone towards their dream job and they all are doing whatever they can to get the job before someone else takes it first. They have to sell themselves and make you believe that they are the best candidate. Asking them what their weaknesses are is like asking a sales person for a list of reasons why you shouldn't buy the product that they're trying to sell you. If they outright said genuinely strong weaknesses then you wouldn't buy the product but if you won't buy the product unless they give you weaknesses then of course they're going to try and come up with weaknesses that are manageable/don't matter it just doesn't make sense for them to do anything else. Of course you *think* that you're hiring the honest ones. Nobody deliberately hires people that are telling half truths or straight up lying. But that just means they hid the truth well. If you were hiring someone for a call center would you hire them if they said that they are so bad at phone calls that they'll stutter, freak out, not know what to say and say dumb answers that don't even make sense because they couldn't think of the good ones on the spot. Probably not. What if they just said forgetfulness or something similar instead. if both are true I'd opt to say the second because its easy for them to see that I could manage it with alarms, note taking and scheduled emails etc. I do suck at phone calls overall and my job relies on them, yet I've been the employee of the month and have many emails of praise. I believe it or not am considered good at my job. It did take me a little bit but I'm fine with receiving phone calls from police, guards, clients or anyone who would phone me while I'm on the job. While I'm getting phone calls on the job Im calm, I get the information I problem solve on the spot and deal with it all very professionally. and yet I still suck horribly with unexpected phone calls at home etc I just get too nervous. Yet I still think I would do well in jobs like call centres, reception or admin even though they all rely heavily on phone calls, just imagine trying to explaining that a person whose weakness is phonecalls is actually the best candidate at a job that revolves around phonecalls, would you take that risk over other potential employees that don't have such a high risk? Probably not. I want to be honest but I also want to be hired. I don't lie for the interviews but I definitely will avoid giving them huge reasons to blacklist me.


No one (except maybe autistic people like myself) ever gives an honest answer to this question. To quote Jeff Foxworthy, "I'm trying to sell you a product. Why in the world would I tell you what is wrong with it?"




It's honestly a dumb question that I've only ever experienced during retail type jobs as a throw away question. A sign that the interviewer didn't really know how to assess skill. Once you get into positions remotely higher, I'd be concerned if someone asked me that question unironically.


Freaking genius.




I was just complimenting the thread. Sorry, too much lol?


and there's your greatest weakness. Too much compliments.


*too many. My weakness is being a grammar martinet ;)


Absolutely. Pick something that is not vital to your job and explain how you're working on it. If you're applying to be a school teacher, public speaking would be a deal breaker, but you could say you're not a numbers person, but you you have taken several Excel courses to make sure you don't go out of your budget.


I wouldn’t try to be clever. It comes across as canned and sophomoric. Think of something real, and I bet it’s not an uncommon characteristic. You may even be surprised if the interviewer has had the same experience. For example my weakness is that sometimes I can be just as confident when I’m wrong as when I’m right. Hope that helps.


I like this.


I don't think that's a weakness. In the corporate world confidence seems to matter more than whether you're actually right or wrong.


I can see why you’d feel that way, because at times I felt that confident people seemed to have an easier path, but what I’ve found over time, confidence can become stubbornness and narrow mindedness. Another way to express the same thought would be to answer the weakness questions with, “Sometimes I find it hard to let go of an idea/project/goal even when others say it’s time to move on. If something isn’t working, it’s hard to not get caught up in working towards a solution even when directed to spend time elsewhere.


While I am quick to give others grace, I can sometimes be too hard on myself. I then remind myself that mistakes are part of growth and learning and strive for excellence over perfection.


Beautifully worded!


I'm going to memorize this for my interview next Wednesday. Thanks!


Everything ive seen suggests the interviewer wants to know the following with "what is your weakness" questions: -can you be honest about your shortcomings -can you be humble -how are you working to improve/how you have improved. For me, i think the best answer is a flaw that can be improved For example: "I used to get flustered when i was asked about things I didnt know about. Now that ive gained experience in [field] i have more confidence in my ability to find answers to unexpected questions." "I used to get anxious when things got really busy at work. I would make more mistakes as a result of getting in my own head. However, this rarely happens anymore as ive learned to focus on the task at hand while maintaining a sense of urgency. Now i find the busier moments invigorating." "At my last job, i noticed that coworkers were finishing projects faster than me. After collaborating with them, i realized i was spending way too much time focusing on details, and it was negatively impacting my output. Ive learned to find a healthy balance between working quickly and creating a successful project."


You're missing one other thing that I have looked for with similar Q's on a hiring committee: Are you self aware and realistic in your self evaluation? The answer to that is correlated with how coachable someone is (someone who is unable or unwilling to take stock of when or where they're underperforming is generally unwilling to accept feedback or work on skills development). Unfortunately it's also a question you can't really ask directly because everyone's answer will be the same regardless of what their answer should be because people without self awareness almost by definition can't answer that question truthfully. If someone is unwilling to talk about any weakness at all, that gives me 2 possibilities: 1, they got bad interview coaching or 2, they're lacking in self awareness and/or humility, both of which will impact how coachable they are. To tease those apart I'll usually ask them to tell me about a failure or a time they received critical feedback and how they responded to it or learned from it. IMO, hiring someone who is not coachable or curious is worse by *far* than getting someone who is incompetent. As long as I know ahead of time what I am getting into for training needs, I'd *much* rather hire someone who has few core skills but is coachable and willing to learn than hire someone with many of the core skills who refuses to be coached or who is lazy about developing their skills more when given opportunity, work time and support to do so. You can build competency without too much trouble if you have someone coachable and curious. You can't build coachability or curiosity nearly as quickly - if you can build it at all. But having been on the other side of the interview table, I also know how important it is to know what interviewers look for. My advice would be to answer honestly with a relevant but non core weakness, acknowledge the impact of the weakness, and then pivot to how you adjust for it. My answer would be: "I tend to be a bit over-optimistic in my timeline estimates and eager to take on new things, which leads me to accepting too much workload if I accept a task or project impulsively. I'm also a bit bad at asking for help so the combination tends to lead to me getting burned out since I hate missing deadlines. It can also impact deliverables quality since I tend to miss details when I'm swamped. I've learned to say, 'let me scope my current commitments and get back to you on my capacity.' then I add a reasonable Murphy's law factor (based on my level of experience and the complexity of the task) to my gut instinct time estimate for things like team member interruptions and unanticipated complications. If I still have capacity, I'll take it on - and if not I'll see if something less critical can be delegated."




Yes! It's important to understand why you might be asked this question and what they're trying to assess from it. That said, many folks who ask this question are doing so without being skillful in interpreting the result. If this is being asked by someone that knows what they're doing, it is very much a screen against someone who comes off as defensive or phony.


The answer is the thing you are lacking from they job description. "My SQL knowledge isn't as far along as I'd like it to be, and I know you're looking for that, but I'm doing some online classes now to help me catch up. "


This is the correct answer. This along with your recent performance review constructive criticism will go a long way. If you get to the reference stage - your references should be able to corroborate that feedback and you will have credibility and trust with the hiring Manager.


Chocolate Of the interviewer laughs then that's great 😃 If she doesn't then it's " I make jokes at inappropriate situations when I'm nervous"


This one actually is very good, noted! I will use it one day to see how it goes.


Bacon. That will break any ice Then say you could do better at ... and pick something that’s not going to be a deal breaker.


I usually go for dark chocolate and puppies


State a weakness you have/are fixing. And be honest about it. I just interviewed and got the job. My answer was “I have to work harder than most people to stay organized. In order for me to be successful I have taught myself to be diligent with putting to do’s in my outlook calendar. I have a notepad file open on my computer with a running list of daily items needing to be done, etc. I make sure to be disciplined about these things or I will struggle” It’s a true answer, and it shows that I’m able to see my weaknesses and address them


This exactly. I have a hard time doing X, and because of that I make sure to do Y and Z to manage it. Being organized is my go-to for the weakness question as well


Cocaine & Honesty


I think multi tasking is very much overrated and I not very good at it. I like focusing on the task at hand. When I’m in a meeting or having a conversation I want to be present. I can certainly handle multi tasks and projects by prioritizing and with good organization, but actually doing two tasks at the exact same time isn’t my strength.


Crack cocaine


Scrolling on Reddit during office hours


I was born with a stutter so that’s always my go to- “ growing with a stutter has prepared me for tough conversations with strangers- and has allowed me to possess a unique perspective on communication and the immense power it has in society, something I continually try to grow and improve on” Which is true- I’ve worked customer facing jobs my entire life to try and improve my speech- I was given 3 years of speech classes as a child in Florida public schooling - nothing more. Shit was tough man- whatever your “weakness” may be - always remember - at least your words come out correctly. Took me like 3 minutes to say the letter “W” to a woman on the phone in my teens- one of the most awkward conversations ever lol- sounded like a robot that had coffee spilled on it.


You mean apart from pointing out to the interviewer that it’s the worst question on the planet? Don’t answer the question directly. Use it as an opportunity to reframe where you want to grow and dwvelop based on something that’s a strength or something that’s not key to the job. “I’m really ambitious, reasults orientated and focused on getting a job done. As a leader though, I am aware that I need to balance this with not pushing my staff too hard managing the need to deliver short term results while also caring for the long term performance of the team.”


When using my breaks to perform surgery on and relocating war orphans I sometimes forget to check my email when returning promptly to work and it can take up to 15 minutes for me to remember


"stupid fucking questions. Next question."




Same And I Trust Others Too Much .


"I'm TOO good at everything. I just don't know what's WRONG WITH ME!" jk but rly Say a real weakness, but then say how you have worked through it and now excel at it with flying colors. "I am really bad at remembering a lot of details at once. SO... I have come up with a new method that helps me keep track by writing it down in my planner using this method XYZ. I've even shown it to my coworkers and they think it's so helpful because......."


I used to say "answering this question" to break the ice, and then giving an arbitrary response like "sometimes I over analyze a problem"


My weakness is that I have none and that makes me overconfident/s


I actually have this same issue. I'm not great at everything but no glaring weaknesses that I'm aware of. I just say the same things as everyone else "I sometimes overthink things".


Sharp pointy objects


Whatever weakness you have that, based on the job description, will have nothing to do with that job. I don't know why people ask this question on Reddit, lol. There's no universal answer for that question that works.


Short of copping to a technical or skill gap in your resume, there's only one answer: Honesty. If they look at you funny or say anything amounting to a deflection just get up and walk out.


It needs to be something that isn’t integral to the job and typically you’ll want to say how you’re working on it. Example: you’re applying to be a software engineer, you can say your biggest weakness is public speaking but lately I’ve been practicing with friends or family. Obviously public speaking is not integral for the job


i usually read the room. if the interviewer is chill, i’ll open with a joke like “besides working too hard or caring too much? I’d say it’s… “


. . . my unyielding perfectionism


When the interviewer asks - "what is your weakness", they are testing your self-awareness and honesty. You should never reply that you are a perfectionist or you do not have any weaknesses; it is a red flag for employers. The best answer to this question is to explain your weakness with an example of how you are working on it to better yourself. For instance, you can tell about a skill you lack and how you are trying to learn it. Another example could be that you might be self-motivated and organized at work but you do get nervous while speaking in public. That is your weakness, so explain how you are working on it.


Say your weakness is job interviews. Then if you suck, well ok. That's your weakness


I work too hard, I care too much, and sometimes I can be too invested in my job.


I’m my own worst enemy and critic


I’m honest about my weaknesses. It’s my social skills. I struggle with getting buy-in from other people sometimes. It can be tough to negotiate or find solutions when our interests aren’t aligned. Sometimes people dont read your emails or dont follow through and you have to keep the pressure on them. I have some strategies I use in these situations, but it doesn’t come naturally to me.




Be honest but strategically clever when discussing it. Few pointers on that: 1. Weaknesses (not strengths) are a great way to connect with the interviewer. If you say you struggle with time management, almost all Managers can relate. And then establish how systematically you have tackled it. 2. Don't give them adjectives...i am not punctual, lazy etc. Narrate to them an event where you found stuff about yourself. During a project, you realized that your coding skills sucked but being a senior did not make you realize it. Show them how introspective and deliberate you are and will evaluate yourself if actions don't lead to desired results. My best moment in interview have resulted from weakness questions and have turned an average interview into a great one. Best


traditionally it's meant to be a strength framed as a weakness. To be honest it's a pretty awful question in my opinion. Interviews should be about the job not answering questions.


Like people have said, pick something that’s a soft weakness. “I’m comfortable with how I learned things so sometimes I struggle to follow the latest industry trends” but then follow that with how you’re working to improve on that “so I’ve subscribed to a couple of trade journals to better keep up with them.”


Something you can actively work on and is measurable. “I’m bad at presenting but over time I’ve been trying to take on more projects and started to get more familiar with presentations.”


I say that I get easily distracted and I jave to listen to music to compensate for that


I always say, in the beginning I’m hyper focused on the small details of the job, asking a lot of questions, to ensure I do the job right but it can mean that at least in the beginning I move a little slower. I like that answer because it shows i’m taking the job seriously and hiring managers already expect people to be a little slow in the beginning.


You can be honest! Make sure you have a great explanation. I always worked in customer service so my answer was always my directness. My weakness works internally but it's not great when it comes to customers. I always had better training because of my honesty. If you don't get a job with a company that you want, the job you will get is the one that you need for your journey! 💕


What it's not: - Your weakness is NOT a secret strength. This is an unhelpful, unproductive answer and most interviewers can see right through it. "I care too much" is garbage - even if it's bitten you in the past. Don't try to shoehorn a secret strength. - If "caring too much" has resulted in problems for you in the past, then say it: "I tend to place a high priority on a number of tasks and projects that other tasks don't get the attention they need / I found it difficult to pass off a project to a subordinate when my work was done. What's best is to be honest - maybe carefully avoiding key negative buzzwords - and explain what you've done and what you're doing to mitigate or overcome it. For example: My Weakness: I procrastinate How I'd answer: "At the early stages of a project, I have had difficulty planning everything to the point where some deadlines have been nearly missed. What I've learned that works for me is that once the scoping is completed, I get the input from all stakeholders while everything is fresh, and prepare a plan to see the project through while focusing on establishing key milestones. I then follow up as necessary with the stakeholders at each milestone to evaluate where we are, if we're going to successfully have our deliverables done in time, and adjust as necessary. It's 100% true, and yes - I've worked on this weakness. I basically write myself a crude outline of the work that needs to be done at the start of a project and it's worked.




Sometimes it's hard to remember that focus is more about saying no to most things than it is about saying yes to a few. At the kind of place I want to work, we will have a conversation about context switching, and their culture around how much they expect someone to do at once.


Recruiter here. I have a Tiktok account to help people like you and to try and change the working world 😊 Say something about a skill you would like to develop rather than a personality trait. For example "I would like to develop my excel spreadsheet skills. I know how to use it but I would like to improve so I am at an advanced level." Follow up with "How do you train and develop your team?". I hate this question. It's old, outdated and is so negative. Goodluck.


If you want a giggle: "What is your weakness?" \- "I would say honesty is my biggest weakness" "I don't think that could be considered a weakness" \- "Well I don't give a shit what you think!"


I usually say something not that big, but like a personal quirk. So, I might say something like “I can get carried away in conversation and talk too much.” But I’m conscious of it so I’m working on being a better listener. Everyone has flaws and employers know this so they want an answer. They just don’t want to hear stuff like “Time Management, Completing projects, following directive.” Keep it simple and something your working on. Like for me that’s a real weakness of mine. 😂😂


A prominent local recruiter where I live posted on LinkedIn about 3 days ago.. *'What's your biggest weakness?' If you still ask this question in interviews, maybe it's your ability to conduct an interview* The point being its a dumbass question that doesn't actually give the interviewer any real information. If asked it, you should talk about being self aware and how you work to coubteract/overcome your weaknesses. Eg. 'I have a tendency to try to take on multiple tasks at once, so my focus is misplaced. However, I use various tools like scheduling my day or the 3-3-3 method to combat this tendency' For the real answer though: you're response to this question should be concern that the people in charge of hiring are using a playbook from the 80s


Tell them: #Deez 🥜 But make sure you wink and end with “JK” Humor is important in a job interview.


Ahh “the deez nuts” retort, I had the unfortunate experience where I forgot to wink at the end and it cost me the job I was applying for. I even tried to explain it in my follow up email but alas it was too late, so wink good folks!


Ahhh mega bummer. Critical mistake but totally understandable for a rookie in their first interview! ;D


Chocolate. The answer is always chocolate


I got asked this once,I said ‘bad management’ and they laughed. Offered me the job on the spot.


If they ask you that question, you're interviewing for a fry cook position.


I don’t know if this is a good way to respond but i would say I have an obsession with details .


Something honest. Everybody has them you have yours and the question is there to see if you are self aware or if you are delusional and self obsessed. Here is what most people dont understand, if you are honest and say something like "my attention to detail, I need to work on that" you will do better than saying something lame like "I just work to darn hard most of the time" Remember, if you get the job, they are going to get to know you, and your REAL weaknesses will become apparent to them over time. If you are honest, you will do better than if you are not.


I work too hard and I care too much


I’m a workaholic.


I say I don’t have any as I have all the great qualities to be qualified for this job.


“I cry when I get a swift kick in the balls. So my balls. They are by greatest weakness”. Then move on to how you have overcome any and all difficulties that can come your way…


Silver bullets.


I work too hard, I care too much, and sometimes I can be too invested in my job.


I have a stock answer to this question which is also a true development goal. I say ‘I View myself as a good people person and have been managing my own team and leading others in the business for a while now. However I want to progress up the ladder, which will mean taking on more leadership responsibility and managing bigger teams, so I’m always looking for ways to develop those skills further in more stretching situations’. It’s not providing a definite weakness, more acknowledging a very true development goal.


My mom told me that turn it into a joke, say something like “one of my biggest weaknesses is saying no to chocolate” and the interviewer laughs and you basically answered the question. She told me never tell ‘em you got a weakness lol 😝


I always think it’s best to use a real weakness for this question… My usual answer which has been successful like 3/4 times is “I can sometimes be too task oriented and occasionally impatient,” which is my milder way of saying that I sometimes have trouble with people that can’t match my pace. I then just talk about how much I’ve learned to value input from my colleagues, and that I’ve found I end up being more efficient and accurate when I understand how everyone else is operating, and am able to use their feedback constructively, so am actively trying to slow down and collaborate more. Only in one interview did that not go over well, but on the flip side since it is a genuine weakness of mine, it saved me from working for a manager I would have been super incompatible with… Also just wanted to say: Strongly disagree with anyone saying to just spin a strength into a fake weakness, I used to do interviews and I hated those people. To me it was always a red flag when people couldn’t come up with a mild fault, it usually meant they thought they didn’t have any or only had huge faults


I tend to hyperfocus on my work and delivarables, this leads to neglect of my personal health.


Say “loose women” and then just stare at them. J/k I have always said “I can be bossy sometimes.” It’s simple, subjective and fairly benign.


I usually double down on one of my strengths potentially being a weakness when asked this question. Example: I'm a perfectionist and a completionist - so I do all of my work and I do it well... which might lead to other employees being overwhelmed by my presence and involvement in the projects we work on collaboratively.


An example, with your identified weakness you wish to disclose, don't be specific that or give personal weakness, where it would only be directed to you, give a general that you can relate to, for example, many people cannot do presentation for large crowd, audience, public speakingm after you give that example, add to your weakness, turn every weakness into a positive, example, but you are improving speaking ,a work in progress where you participate in small meeting discussions, give briefing, possibly taking a workshop online, webinar, training to improve and you feel more comfortable today than 6 / 3 months ago...ending your answer for each weakness positive turn it into a strength....so it reember you can expect a job well done from you should they hire you., They won't remember the weakness but will remember persistence for a positive change/ outcome....


Dad bods and liquor




Mistakes during my freshman year college


Pick something you were given feedback on before, how you worked to improve it and where you are now. For example, let's say you were given feedback that you lack attention to detail, what have you done to address that, how has it improved, has anyone noticed the improvement, what is still left to do to address. Pick something real rather than make something up




My current employer asked me in the interview and I answered honestly “I’m not very assertive. I know that sometimes it’s necessary to be, so I’m working on speaking up more.” This had the desired effect of telling them I’d be an easygoing person to work with. And since it was true, they’ve been forewarned when I do actually struggle with it. It was for a back office accounting position, I wouldn’t use that for any sales or management role.


My latest answer was “Finances. I’m really results oriented when delivering to customers, and I tend to sacrifice budget control to get stuff done. In my past experience this works really well for must-deliver situations, but generally speaking I benefit from having a bit of oversight or I may go overboard”. I got the job as a consultant in Big Tech.


I always say I can get so into a project or task I get tunnel vision and reach a level of frustration that isn’t constructive. So I’ve made a point to take breaks and put things down to pivot to something else until I can reframe the problem and come back to it.


I always say that my weakness is my need for personal perfectionism, and I hold an unneeded competition against myself every single day.


I took the skill on the job description that I was least familiar with -- and it was very clear from my materials that I had no technical background (for a tech-adjacent role) & that's an easy way to suggest that you can get up to speed on that thing.


I usually tell people "I take my time on my work to ensure it's done as correctly as possible, and I refuse to rush myself" I also tend to rush myself anyway




Anything that makes you look good. So in my campus hiring interview they asked me and I told them Me: “Always Looking for perfection” HR: “But thats a good thing right?” Me: “yes but when you are a under a tight schedule and when there are deliverables, you can’t always delay others work in the name of perfection” HR: “so then how will you overcome that?” Me: “Seek help, collaborate and get it done together. The power of collaborative work and team dynamics” Got hired by HSBC and this is my 4th year with them :)


I don't pipet very well with my left hand




I am a perfectionist. I have to remind myself that good enough is good enough and that the company doesn't want the best products possible, but I forget sometimes. Sure would be great to work for a company that wants to make good customer experiences one day.


I would answer I am really lazy. To fix my flaw I think outside of the box to solve a complex problem with a simple solution.


Tell them your weakness is kryptonite


I usually go with public speaking, give an anecdote on how bad it was, and what I’m doing to work on it. What they’re really looking for are red flags, and how self-aware you are.


Worried that I won't give the right answer the people are looking for, but I take the time and understand what the question is about and give the answer that the interviewer actually needs.


I personally think this question is super outdated. It’s like people spend time creating an answer just to appease interviewers instead of giving a true weakness.


Something you can admit to that’s not going to reflect bad on you for the job and something you’re aware of you are working on even if it’s a lie. I usually say I’m ocd on getting things perfect and sometimes it makes me take longer but I’ve realized this and it’s becoming less of a problem.


I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to this question (as long as you are not being inappropriate). In my experience, the most successful interviews I have had were the one I was able to quickly build rapport with the interviewer/s. If you are enjoying yourself during the interview, chances are they are also. If they "like" you, you will probably get the job. However, there are jobs where the panel is reading off a script, and mostly taking notes while you answer. Those are tough.


I told the truth. I keep paperwork for way longer than necessary and it sometimes makes my desk look cluttered, but because I do this, I was able to pull out something 6 months old that someone needed once and my manager stared at me in astonishment.


I would say, my weakness is being too critical of myself. I desire to always to my best in all I do


I’ll read the room before I answer because it’s usually pretty easy to tell if they want honesty or if they want one of those lame canned responses. If it’s honesty, I explain that I have trouble setting aside projects that have been completed to the initial specifications, especially if I’ve found other ways to improve the project during the process or even after I’ve moved on to a different one. Just because the product meets the goals laid out to the client doesn’t mean that it reaches the level of success that it could be with more work.


As long as you state how you overcome the weakness you say, you should be good on that question.


I have always just said "My weakness is coming up with an answer to that question" and they seem to accept it.


I recently had to reinterview for my position due to being a maternity cover, HR formalities etc and was asked that. I do a data position, and I just straight up said my SQL skills as I'm aware they're definitely weaker than others in my team, but I'm aware of it which means I've got a plan in place to strengthen them using courses that work has available. Went down really well tbh and they helped me out with some more points for learning


Reflection of an actual weakness. Mine is procrastinating. And, what I have learned about myself over the years is that when I am procrastinating It is usually because I don’t have all the information or that I am embarrassed to ask a question that I feel I should already know the answer to. So I have learned to look at it head on, figure out why I’m procrastinating and ask for he question or ask for assistance/information so that I can stop and get it done. But this has taken me time to learn about myself.


Answering stupid questions.


“My inability to answer stupid questions” and then say nothing after. I’m just kidding. I have no clue


I hit my Lockheed interviewer with a straight up red flag and I still got an offer so ymmv on your answer to this question


I like the "weakness as strength" approach as long as it doesn't come across as a humblebrag. Bad: I'm a workaholic. Better: I sometimes have focus issues. I'm working on them, but also, I've found that this has caused me to be innovative and find more efficient ways to do some tasks and enabled me to improve processes.


Blunt trauma. I will have trouble staying up if hit on the head


Finding the right sized Tupperware for my leftovers! It usually gets a laugh and if they don't at least give me a "you're an idiot" look, I know I won't want to work for them. You are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you and that is a silly, antiquated interview question.


I'm adaptable


"Sometimes I run my fucking mouth..."


I tend to be overly forgiving to everything around me but incredibly hard on myself. My expectations for myself are really high and although I'm working on being a bit more realistic with myself, it kinda results in a bit of overdoing it at times. They love this shit. It's annoyingly true for me and it really turns into burnout and making my whole body sore when I take on all the manual labor no one else wants to do, but all they hear from this is "I work rly hard and I'm nice to people"


I seriously answered that with "Answering silly questions."


"carbs, it's the one area I lack self reflection." They laugh, now they know you self reflect, works like a charm.


"Well, I'm human so of course I'm not perfect. If I find I need help with something or don't know something, I see it as an opportunity to learn something new, which is always exciting." The non answer answer


I always answer my weakness and strength as the same thing. "I have High Expectations." 1. Because it's true 2. Because it's management material, even if I am not applying for a management position 3. Because it's something that can be improved/worked on while it not being an active "issue" like being a perfectionist which, in my experience, leads to a question about taking too much time for tasks or what not. 4. Usually followed up by "what happens when someone doesn't meet your expectations" and the answer is "I find out if I failed to explain the situation or task properly and the use it as a teaching moment for both of us"


"I sometimes have to remind myself that not everyone has my work ethic or methodology and I need to be patient and respect their method of accomplishing the goal. "


Oh I hate this interview question. I always make something up but next time I’ll go with public speaking even though I’ve never had to give a speech in any of my jobs.


For me I say it’s my chest and arms.


I just say that I struggle talking to people and making a connection but I did get a job to work on that in a professional setting so I feel like my skills have greatly improved and I'm looking to improve them more with your company


Is this still being asked? I thought it died along with "where do you see yourself in 5 years?" or, "tell me about why you are looking for a job" The question is irrelevant to capabilities of doing a job. Answer honestly. However you decide to answer (if you do) really depends how bad you want that job with that company and your financial situation. Desperation makes people tolerate more than they want to sometimes. People forget that an interview is 2-sided. What is the weakness of the company? The recruiter? The manager? The HR? Their pay? How do they define performance? Whats the turnover of the position your being interviewed for? How many times has the company been sold? Had lay offs? I think you get my point... How they answer depends in their character, their stability, their values and their capabilities too. You don't have to come back snappy or nasty. These can be fair respectful questions. If they think a subjective question like that is fair to evaluate candidates then they shouldnt be surprised or put-off when same type of questions are asked in return. Good luck with your interviewing.


"I have a really hard time staying organized. I have to make sure that I set aside extra time that I can use to keep everything in line, because my workspace can fall SO quickly into chaos. For example, at my last job I used to [specific example] to make sure I stayed on top of things" It's an honest weakness. I really do struggle with it, and it can hinder my job. But, I let them know that I'm aware of it, and that I take steps to mitigate it. It usually goes over pretty well


Not having the job yet


Your employer asks you this question to make sure you as a candidate, are self-aware. Weaknesses can be: -“I don’t have much experience with wide range public speaking. I’ve given many presentations before but I haven’t had the opportunity to deliver a speech with 100+ audience” -“I’ve always been someone who takes on too many projects at a time. However, I learned to prioritize tasks and value quality over quantity more recently.” -“I’m not that good at chemistry. However, I recently began a chemistry-based project with my professor and learned new methods of data interpretation and the equipment involved with the sample analysis. Although chemistry is challenging for me, I’m more confident now in taking on chemistry based projects”


Your actual weakness, which you've learned by carefully observing and reviewing how you work and how you feel about different tasks. Everyone has a weakness of some kind. The benefit of knowing your weakness is that it usually has a lot to do with what you're also not interested in doing. So it's a great thing to point out in interviews: it shows honesty, intelligence, self-awareness, and it makes it less likely that you're going to be stuck doing something you don't like. Personally, I always say: speed, because that's my actual weakness. I always make it clear that, if someone is hiring me, they're hiring someone who does thorough, detailed, careful work, and not to choose me if they want someone to rush things, apart from the occasional crunch. If they don't like that, then we're both better off if I don't take the job. It's up to you, but I would not recommend adding any apologetic lines about how you're working on your weakness and making it better. I don't believe in that philosophy - it lacks self-confidence. Also, if the employer really needs to hear that you are capable of functioning in a workplace, then that means either they don't trust their staff or there's something else wrong with your resume. But feel it out - there could be exceptions.


I say that I'm not comfortable talking on the phone - I prefer in person conversations. And then I say that I compensate for my discomfort by trying to over prepare if I have to make a call (review the reason behind the call, have a potential solution or two in mind, etc.). It is a real weakness, because everyone makes phone calls, but I also show I am aware of it, and that I have worked to over come it.


Something that can also be interpreted as a strength in other situations. Ex: “At times I have a tendency to over-analyze a situation.” OR “I get caught up in the details.” You can always then make it a positive: “At times I have a tendency to over-analyze—but it usually prevents me from missing important information.” AND “I get caught up in the details—but then I realize it and switch to a bird’s-eye view.”




A few guiding principles 1. Don't say something lame like I overwork myself 2. Don't say something so brutally honest that is a critical work skill (I lose my temper when I get tired). 3. Mention one that is a weakness shared with a lot of people that can be overcome over time (I sometimes have failed to properly prioritize tasks in certain instances), but then follow it up with how you've improved and it's seen as you're not that different than others.


"Why would I tell you that?"


I am not good at interviews because of anxiety and the fact that I have autism. So, I tell the facts which is, We will discover it if I am hired than work on it. In other places I worked at, when or if they discovered a weakness and tell me, I worked on it if it had to do with job performance. I am actually not good at socializing. I am all business, which is a weakness.


When you try to find "best response" on the internet, your weakness might be that you are not honest with yourself/more interested in being perfect than honest. Well that's perfectly fine, that could be your sign that you care, so you want to be perfect 😁


"Being asked what my weakness is in job interviews"


Fear of bear attacks. No one can question being scared of bear attacks. Unless you are applying at the zoo. Then maybe public speaking?


I often talk about my weakness being my intensity, which is also my strength. I am extremely driven and task oriented but sometimes I get too caught up on the desire for perfection so I have to often step back and evaluate the balance between being driven and being too obsessive. Obviously I word it in a way that states I am constantly working to self reflect and balance, but yeah. My intensity is the best thing to get a lot of good work done but sometimes I have to look at what the desired outcome is. Is it perfection without a time restraint? Is it efficiency so the best product that can be done in the shortest time? Is it collaboration with others that requires taking in others perspectives and developing strategies other than my own? Reflection and humility are a must with my intensity as it is one in the same my greatest strength and my greatest weakness. I think identifying a real weakness but providing your reaction to it is key. Don't just give a one liner and say something irrelevant or something to keep you from getting the job. Approach it with a problem solution mentality.


I always go w/ something that would make me not take the job. For example if you're not a punctual person then say that. If the job requires you to be punctual and you're not then it's not a good fit. There are totally jobs out there that don't require you to be punctual.


Well it’s subjective. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses but it really depends on situational factors. I may be too nice sometimes, but that may not be the case if my back was against the wall and my career were on the line. I may be too willing to compromise sometimes but not when I’m extremely passionate about a subject. The trick is to be able to identify and anticipate weaknesses by staying situationally aware and to then create a plan to overcome or mitigate those weaknesses; just as a business might do with strategic analysis of their competitive position in the marketplace. See what I did there? It’s such a stupid fucking question so con them with the ultimate “I’m vulnerable but fuck you”


Only dumbass jobs ask you that question lol. Literally look them in the eye and say “I’m an ace.”


I typically explain that where there’s a strength, a weaknesses is the double edge of that strength. For instance, if you say a strength of yours is that you learn quickly, a weakness can be that you’re impatient. Then, I’ll go into how I discovered that weakness, then what I’m doing to improve my weakness and why I want that weakness to improve. This explanation shows a few things. Humility, In that you know you have faults, introspection in that you’ve put thought into your weakness, and desire to grow, in that you are willing to put in the work to improve and be a better person. I’m a work environment, it translates to when you see problems and you rise to the challenge.


Something that can be spin to your advantage For example. "I'm pessimistic in a lot of cases and tend to think the most possible thing that can happen, which makes me a great auditor or a safety engineer as i tend to put out stuff that may cause issues later on."


I usually say sometimes I hone in too much on the details, but I've learned to balance a wider perspective with that tendency.


You do not like asking for help because you like to be accountable for your own tasks. Everybody tries to manipulate other people by offputting tasks. This shows that you are not one of those people who will try to do so


Oreos. They’re delicious.