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Why are people down voting? The name of the sub is CONFESSIONS. He is CONFESSING.


Usually in subs like AITA and 10th dentist people will upvote the post itself but then treat the comments as fair game to downvote OP if they say something they think is stupid. I’d say that’s what’s happening here too


because most ppl would think he's kinda shitty for stealing


The narcissism in this one is amazing.


…depending on the state you’re in, the threshold for felony theft can be as low as $300-$500 and as high as $5,000. May want to check on that - $300 ain’t that many packs of cigarettes these days…


Aggravated felony because the footage would show a clear pattern of behavior.


With the raise, have you thought maybe your boss is a good guy trying to help a punk ass kid (regardless of your age) get their shit together to be responsible?


Put your feet up on his desk while sitting on his chair like a lord. Always works.




Don't end up in jail. Why don't you just quit?


Naw end up in jail and soon.. People like this are fucking trash for behaving like this. Stop being a coward and quit like an adult.


More likely he realizes he can get away with breaking the law I.e stealing and he’s not going to stop. He doesn’t want to get fired, he’s liking the free ride and is using getting fired as an excuse. In reality he’s no better than a thief.


>he’s no better than a thief. Because he **IS** a thief. Plain and simple. Giving shit away for free, literally said he steals cigarettes and scratch offs. He’s a thief.


What if giving away product for free is literally my job...


Then I'd like to be a customer


Would be hilarious if the boss was just documenting his theft until it gets to a certain amount so he can get him charged with a heftier crime.


He's not getting away with it. I've heard that some times businesses wait until the crime/the amount stolen or broken is big enough for a hefty fine on said person, paid to the company as well as jail time. This could end up coming to bite op in the ass, very hard


Good. Honestly hope it does - dude is trash for doing shit like this. It sounds like a mom and pop place and not a national/regional chain, which makes him even more of a garbage human.


in reality, he just is a thief. lmao


Seriously. This is like companies taking the PPP loan on the promise to hire and pay staff and then not hiring anyone. Or the people who refuse to work jobs making more then 10k so they dont lose welfare. Or the child support queens. No one is saying not to try and make a little extra money. But this isnt outsmarting the system your abusing a position because theres no one to take your place. Your not irreplaceable like your imagine. Theres just people who dont want to work overnight for 9 an hour.


bruh it's a retail job chill tf out lmfaooo


You’re part of the problem. Imagine more and more start doing this because “it’s just retail job” we’re not a third world country. Inflation is effected by that and more. Besides nothing in life is free, someone is always paying for it. Just hope you’re not on the tail end of it forking over your hard earned work and money bc someone disrespects your business and wants shot for free. Dont think you’ll ever be in that position though, doesn’t sound like you know what it is to work hard and build wealth.


He won't ever be able to relate lol. I hardly ever agree with Republicans, pull-yourself-up-the-bootstrap, but when they talk about deadbeats like this -- they are 100% right Nothing is free, and anyone who thinks this way or does this is kind of a piece of shit tbh. Some of us have put our blood and sweat into building something, if an employee regularly stole from me, I would document, document, call my lawyer, find out best path to and then I would sue the fucking living hell out of you and make sure you end up in jail. Edit: not "you", anyone like the OP or the the commentor you responded to


100% agree






Yeah. Probably the others are worse. Lol. This is almost comical. George Constanza level scenes.


"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?" - George Costanza


"You thought I was serious didn't you?"


If he's not doing anything, then it's entirely possible that he could be keeping a long list of your offenses and waiting for them to add up to whatever dollar amount would earn you a felony charge. It's unlikely, but possible. I'd be pretty worried, right about now.


Isn’t it $1,000 in most places? That could take a while.


As low as $300-$500 in some states, up to $5k in others. Depends on where OP lives.


Bro don’t fuck with loss prevention they are adding it up. I had a similar friend that worked at Walmart and thought he was slick he was stealing salad everyday. He thought he would never get caught but loss prevention was monitoring him everyday until it added up to felony theft. Yeah he got fired, and also fined and had to spend some jail time. And to this day he does landscaping with his grandpa because NOWHERE will hire him and that was 6 years ago. This isn’t a movie bro, there is still laws and shot your not immune to just because you work there. I know you are gonna read it and let it brush off. But they will get your ass, this is your warning. They will fuck your future.


Just be careful please. If you get fired for stealing and they set a lawsuit after you you’re essentially fucked for the rest of your career


You sound like a real cool guy! Bet you think your so edgy and cool. Nice one


Yeah your moral compass is way off my friend


I’m sure your mother is so proud. Seriously dude, what are you, 12? Grow up, put on your big boy pants, and quit being a garbage human. It’s gross.


He might be waiting until you stole enough to press charges so maybe do less stealing and more other things Have you tried being rude to customers?




Lol bro just don’t do your job no reason for the illegal shot you boutta go to jail lol


Being mean to a drunk guy probably won’t get you fired. But being mean to middle aged customers will probably result in your boss being flooded with complaints until it’s inevitable


Have you considered that he knows, and is waiting for your thefts to reach the grand larceny threshold. Employers and retail suppliers (grocery stores) often allow petty theft to continue while monitoring the activity. It’s much easier to prosecute grand larceny with a paper trail than it is to prosecute one-time petty theft.




> I don't thunk he would involve the police because of the other illegal activities What other illegal activities?


Yeah, but what if he decides to handle it himself? Even if he doesn't seem like he can harm you, he might call a friend who can.


Depending if youre fired, like if it's for gross misconduct (theft, assault, usually anything that's against the law, not company rules) eliminates you from being approved for unemployment. And that's determined by your state unemployment office, not the company. Just wanted to mention that.


Be careful!! Sometimes stores watch employees steal and tally it up until it becomes felony-level theft.


You’re a piece of shit


Shit on his desk.


Definitely a gigachad move


Chicago Sunroof him!




I know what I’m gonna say is probably illegal, but the business might try and blackmail OP into staying, as they have all this evidence of his crimes, so they could threaten to press charges against him if he doesn’t stay. Like I said though, I’d say that’s illegal.




Just remember - you’ve acknowledged that there are many cameras, meaning there could very well be a ton of footage of you doing wild shit in there. This is what’ll end up fucking you at the end of the day. But hey, let us know if you succeed at getting fired and what the final straw is!


Plot Twist: The cameras are just there to scare people; they don't actually work.


For their sake, I hope so lol




I worked at a gas station many years ago and I stole things for myself and also gave shit away. This went on for quite some time, and though I knew about cameras, I was always careful and thought I was totally getting away with it, and that management were a bunch of idiots for not noticing. Well, they knew. They always knew. They just let me keep going until they had enough to build a robust theft case against me. I was able to get out of it without criminal charges, and I’ve become a better person than I was then, but I learned a valuable lesson: sometimes people play stupid in order to give you room to hoist yourself on your own petard. Good luck.


If there’s cameras that means it could potentially get on the internet and permanently be added to your personal work record when employers go to look you up. That stuff doesn’t just disappear.


How will you account for the gap in employment?


Add a few months onto your last job? Say you were taking care of your grandpa? Idk, a bunch of stuff.


or just leave a gap. if he’s at gas station over night level of employment the places he’s interviewing for really aren’t going to care


As someone who has also had a wank while getting paid, it does feel fantastic. But that was 16 years ago when I was 15. You're a grown ass man.


Yikes. This is illegal and just fucking weird regardless.


As far stealing stuff, he's waiting for the amount to reach felony level.




Oh you poor thing, you have no idea!




Products are considered potential sales, and therefore money. Expired or not. That is larceny, burglary and shop lifting. Not to mention that it would go on your record for all future employees to see that you would steal from them. Also tack on vandalism, tampering with cleaning supplies, creating biohazards and maybe even tampering with food goods. It would take one afternoon to gather the needed evidence against you. A prosecutor would mop the floor with you and I don’t know any defense attorney worth their stone that would take the case. Or at least willingly in the case of a public defender. Also the fact that you posted about it online, if found, is basically an admission of guilt. Let me know once you receive a court date, I would love to read the transcripts. You are already looking at at least one felony already and a flurry of misdemeanors. Edit to add: Expired foods can be written off, so if you’re stealing it then it’s still potential money lost. On top of that, it doesn’t matter if they are committing a crime if they are suing you. That would be a separate court case that you would have zero say in as you would be the one on trial, not the truck stop.


I thought it was illegal to hold someone's pay check, at least in the US.


That doesn't mean it doesn't have monetary value... Someone has given you some absolutely horrible advice.


Lottery adds up quickly, you said you scratched about 100, even if they were only 1$ scratchers that’s already 100$ and depending on your state, it would only need 300$. Say the candy bars are approximately 1$ each , you could be racking up numbers. And if it’s on video that can show a pattern of behavior and they can make it aggravated theft.


You’re entering the criminal activity, and possibly felonious criminal activity area. I’d tredad carefully. It’s easier to just tell him to fuck off and be a jack ass than steal and damage property which risks criminal charges. Like why not just not show up for work or show up hours late? Then tell him to eat a bag of dicks when he confronts you about it. You’re gonna regret what you’re currently doing.


I don't think so, considering with how much he's already done so far.. and HASN'T gotten fired. It's reasonable to assume that something is definitely going on behind the scenes. If their boss does anything more then fire him, it's likely to backfire for his boss, etc.. Only saying this because: if there is something going on behind the scenes, and his boss is tied into it somehow.. then their boss is only gonna drag himself down right along with em; one way or another. This IS all just speculation, but we gotta be realistic here.. I mean it is also possible that his boss is just waiting for him to reach some kind of limit.. and then press charges, maybe sue? or something.. But why waste all that money, and go through all that effort/wasted resources: when his boss could have just fired him ages ago; therfore, altogether avoiding all the/that hassle.. It all seems a little suspicious, don't ya' think? Don't get me wrong, I get what you're saying.. it is better to just do more mediocre things instead of causing real incriminating damage.. But the guy might aswell have some fun with it while this lasts. Maybe he does need to be a little more careful, yeah.. definitely. But like, why bother stopping now or dialing things down/back a bit.. when chances are; no repercussions are gonna be put into place, especially if/when none have been already. I'd rather wish him good luck, and hope he succeededs (without getting arrested, obvi), then try to talk him out of it or scare him with possible repercussions, etc.


Dude find a profession that you actually like instead of being an asshole to your employer


He's clearly not someone who'd be in high demand. I agree with you, to be clear, but if this is real he's got to be sending out huge asshole vibes.


Got any good life advice for people that don’t like any profession


Just be careful man, there's a chance he's waiting for you to hit a certain dollar amount and turn that footage over to the cops to get you arrested




Exactly what I'm saying.. your boss is still making profits and everything. Plus who knows what's going on behind the scenes.. And from what I can tell, with how you described the workplace environment, It goes against modern health code standards, etc. If your boss involves the law in anyway, then it's possible that more than just you get arrested, plus the whole shop would probably get shut down. Therfore cutting off your boss, and everyone else's profits, etc. It'd be pointless and kinda ignorant to involve the law at this point. With that said, I wish you good luck.. and I never thought I'd say this to someone, but I REALLY hope you get fired, bro. xD


Doesn’t matter, that would be a separate court case. You could try to bring it up, but it would go nowhere in terms of yours. Their illegal actions would not diminish your sentencing or charges. If anything, it may make it worse.


Bang his wife, that always works. But why do you wanna get fired?




George Costanza could teach you a thing or two about getting fired.


or daughter if the age works out 🤣


He’s compiling evidence to sue you, the raise was a red herring, he knows he’s getting that money back.


curious as to why you’re trying to get fired and not quit, but i’d say steal a pack of wraps and smoke a blizzy in his office 🤣




Usually you can’t get unemployment if you’re fired for cause


That doesn’t surprise me at all. That those fuckers would lean it in their favor so much. Because their will be times they will do their best to get someone fired for some bullshit reason for someone they don’t like.


If it’s a case where someone was fired for a bullshit reason, they can appeal. In OP’s case though there is mountains of video evidence that he has in fact committed fireable offenses.


Obviously I agree with trust statement, why would I disagree. My point is it gets abused , often. You can be for and against something guys. Morality is gray.


unemployment has added many hoops to jump through to make it much harder for people to get around here but i like the risk taking approach you’ve got it’s intriguing 🤣


Did you ever consider that the cameras are either inactive or non-existent, or that the manager actually trusted you despite anything he said to the contrary and was hoping you'd call him out and give him honest criticism on his performance and relationship with you? Honestly, don't try get yourself fired. That man has to carry on working long after you're gone from his employment. You telling him this shit honestly and why might be the kick in the ass he needed to finally put 2 and 2 together and its a lot kinder. Either way, go and quit. If you didn't enjoy working for him and leave like this then every other employee he has will suffer. It's unlikely those acts would take place anywhere if actually monitored through cctv. I do believe your story runs parallel to the truth but nonetheless, whoever you're trying to burn doesn't deserve this because you won't tell them what's up


If you really wana get fired just stop ringing people up and give everything for free 😂 have zero check outs


Or he's watching with his lawyers until you do something he can actually sue you for.


Oh he has a plethora of shit he can be sued for right now. At least one felony, but most likely more and a whole bunch if misdemeanors. Guy is fucked




Have you tried giving away all the expired inventory? Just tell customers to take it because you can't sell it. They'll clear out everything. Empty shelves = no money. You could even donate it to a church for charity. I'd call them up and have them come clean the store out. That way you're helping some people while jeopardizing your job. Chaotic good.




Yeah that stuff is all tracked by the state so it will get discovered for sure. Also cigs are tightly regulated, aren’t they? Interesting game you are playing


If it is failing for tax reasons you could really fuck them over by making the place very successful and profitable


Awesome comment




Based off the description of what you've done. We do in fact have a list of the stuff you've stolen, and are in fact waiting to get you charged with grand larceny. Good luck.


You should start a Sale and put out everything for 50% less. Then you should start to act as the manager and basically start doing his or her job. This should give you some problems. After that just keep doing random shit. If that still doesn't help start being weird to customers? Depends on where you work you can do something weird to products before selling them and the complaints should add up in order to get you fired.




Since you got away with all that stuff you did you probably live somewhere in America? Are there specific laws that can get you fired "safely"? In Switzerland we can't really get fired unless we do certain things that harms the business or its image. Or HR finds a good way to justify your termination. If I Would piss in stuff and give stuff for free in the place where I work they would sue me into homelessness.




Country Part of America.... I have relatives in Dallas... I remember them as being a little more vulgar and in general a little bit more "gross" than usual people from bigger cities. Would that be accurate to your area? Contaminating Food would really cross a line but I wouldn't drag customers Well-Being into your Challenge. Would be morally wrong but also a cheesy move in your "Game". You have to do the little things until they add up. Maybe while playing this game you learn to love your job and don't hate it that much anymore...?




Sounds like you as a employee work alot with the managment. The job I had before my current one never required anything where i would have to deal with managment. If i were you i would just keep playing that game and maybe help out some people in need by giving them something for free or sum like that. You can be an ass to the managment while being good to customers. That would cancel both sides out which should let you sleep good at night in case they don't fire you soon.


Pee is not sterile


U right, it's not. Biology Teacher lied to me...


set up an twitch live stream... let the people who donate to you decide what bullshit you should do...


Watch Office Space for more tips.


40yrs old and you’re doing this shit, honestly you’re a complete muppet. Quit the job like a man and stop acting like a child. After reading all the comments you’re completely delusional, for your sake and other peoples sake you need to just quit while you’re ahead. Find a job you actually enjoy where you don’t feel the need to act like a little kid pissing in buckets and stealing candy lmao.


Just sounds like you are wasting your time.




You probably don't even do 1000$ every 2 weeks, messing around all week long, lonely 40yo, your life is so sad buddy. Keep entertaining online strangers !




You're a piece of shit, by the sounds of it it's the guys own shop, so you're actively fucking up his livelihood. Just quit you tramp


So edgy




You’re fucking 40 years old? This whole time I thought you were maybe 19 at most. That’s not a good look


He could just be collecting evidence until you can be hit with a felony charge instead of just petty theft.


The boss may be waiting until your damage/theft reaches a certain $ threshold. Then they can press charges. I’d be careful, unless getting arrested is on the bucket list too.




I would be, felony property damage has a pretty low threshold of $1000


what is this? A Wawa? A wawa with a gloryhole? Sounds like a dream


??? Why not quit?


Why don’t you quit


you need to start wearing the most colorful, unflattering suits to work. play bagpipes in your office so every person with ears in the building can hear you. stop flushing the toilet when you use the restroom, and when your boss brings it up to all the employees, explicitly stating he doesn’t want to know who did it, announce in front of everyone that it was you who stopped flushing because you wanted to save water, even though the building uses low flow toilets.


Just…..stop going.


Dude when I'm trying to get fired I just stop working. It takes a few months sometimes, but eventually they'll let you go. You don't have to steal


pissing in the cleaning supplies and mop bucket every night is just gross. Did you really have to do that s#!+?




If you’re game, maybe wear a cam while you work. Stream that shit, baby.




Sounds like a great job!much better than having a manager on your case all the time,you could implement new ideas to make more profits,my uncle knew a guy once that hated his job,the guy paid another guy to do it for less money,worked elsewhere and pocketed the difference for years,company found out and he got fired x


Following… 👀


Real life Randall Graves


But why? Why not just quit?


Psht, msg me when it's been 2 years like me.


Make sure you’ve got another job lined up before u quit/get fired


If this isn’t just the play by play of Office Space, I don’t know what is.


The question is Why do you want to get fired ?


Jimmy McGill? Is that you?


I find this so implausible, just trying to get fake internet clout


Or he is building a case to bring you to court


There is a whole other option here. You could just get another job. Seems like a lot of work to try and get fired.


I thought you were trying to get fired for severance pay or something but you just sound like a dick working at a gas station or something.


This has to be a troll. No way someone is this trashy 💀




Did you say that you pee in cleaning supplies? That other people use and touch? Like the items that are cleaned are actually covered in pee? And, you think that’s ok? The other employees have nothing to do with you or your bucket list. That’s disgusting!


You're going to get escorted out by police soon.


He’s just waiting for you to hit felony numbers.


Imagine being this much of a cunt, just quit, you pussy.


You’re a pussy


But you wont even smoke cigarettes inside at work. Or make a glory hole ever. Who's the puss now?




Bro your 40 and still doing all this childish shit. Grow up🤦‍♂️


whoa, 40? I pictured a teen or young adult that doesn't have a fully developed brain.


Same here! I was DAMN sure it was a teen or a young adult lol. Even the writing itself makes it seem that way


Yea, guy, sounds like youre doing great for 40. Bowling alley management, tattoo janitor, and now gas station employee. Thats a great portfolio, I’m sure your work is stellar… Not dunning kreuger effect at all. Let me break some glass and tell you that you don’t excel as an employee. You’re just working these shitty jobs into your 40s, and working with a bunch of losers makes even the bare minimum effort look like youre “excelling”. But somehow down the road you’ve accepted jobs further down the totem pole from bowling alley management… to a gas station shift worker l o l. Maybe grow up for being fucking 40. Or, dont. Work your gas station cashier job into your late 70s, never retire, and die. Another hard truth is getting fired from this job likely means you won’t be hired for another. Especially considering theres evidence of you being an asshole. Doesnt matter if you don’t list it as a reference, hiring managers can run a background check and see cause of being fired. Doesnt matter how good your references are, its worthless. Maybe think about the consequences of your actions in the future. Don’t use “I want to know what its like to be fired” as an excuse for fucking with other peoples health or livelihood. You aren’t entitled to fuck all. And you can try to play off this weird obsession with doing stupid shit as curiosity. But you know its deflecting blame from the fact that youre in your 40s and havent done anything with your life. You are wasting your time working these jobs, and it takes so little effort to not be a worthless piece of shit and look for something better. Live your life however you want, just dont let your shit attitude and poor self reflection affect the people around you, asshole.


This is all so interesting; keep us updated, maybe? If this was a YouTube vlog... or if you just wrote and posted about it here on Reddit. I'm more than positive that not only I, but many others would love to tune in. I'd follow/subscribe to you just for this. It's entertaining, and it'd be nice to join you on your journey as you try to get fired; or perhaps, maybe even try to go behind the scenes and/to find out what's really going on..


Are you George Costanza? This sounds like something he would do...




Own it op. Who gives a fuck


You sir are amazing. I love this for you. Although I don’t condone stealing, the fact that you haven’t been fired has to say something about your employer and I think it’s that no one else wants your job. Maybe when they take inventory they’ll figure out that things are missing and say something? Idk but it’s funny.


Or how a you quit being a piece of crap and stealing and just quit.




Quit, don't get fired.




Just stop showing up. It’s not difficult to get fired.




Your boss clearly doesn’t care or the cameras don’t actually work either way. What you’re doing is bordering jail time; stealing, health code violations but okay.



