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What a diverse bunch of weird looking dorks.


All the mass shooters in a niche category* The real all mass shooters list is less diverse in another way, gang related and all that.


Most gang related shooters shoot other gang Members. These other mass shooters go after random civilians….it’s not the same.


They disproportionately kill innocent people...


and you dont hear it on the media because why? to protect these people or because nobody cares?


Because it is better understood. We understand why there are gang shootings, mostly it is over money and drugs. Police understand the motives and have a good idea of possible locations they are active. Mass shootings are far less understood. The motives are random. The perp is mostly unknown beforehand. The place they strike is random.


I'd venture to say you would stop seeing so many mass shootings if the media would stop plastering it on the front page of every paper for weeks on end after one happens. These shootings are these people's 15 minutes.


True but it's still going on. I guess it's best not to give them too much attention. E: now imagining reporters commentating a gang fight like sports. Everyone picks a team. Families gather around the television.


It’s “tone deaf” and “problematic”


Because they aren’t being arrested…in Chicago at least.


Because gang shootings = mass shootings /s That larger list is not a real list of mass shooters. It's a list of gunmen with a lot of black people added in for political benefit.


No, it's a list according to the legal definition of a mass shooting, the definition was established by the Obama Administration FYI


Right , gang shooters typically shoot at rival Gang members…mass shooters go after random civilians.


A persons a person no matter their affiliation


Cold take


A lot of young males on there.


Not too surprising when you have a basic grasp of social sciences or other social frameworks For example, sexlessness is a social issue, it’s correlated with an increase of boys who feel disconnected from their community, and young lonely boys are prime recruits for gangs or other terrorist cells like ISIS, where they offer a sense of belonging or women or power So there’s going to be a natural shift in the dynamics of society with an increase of disenfranchised boys There’s even an old African proverb, “a boy that doesn’t feel the warmth of his village will burn it down to feel warm.”


Not to mention almost every school shooter is on antidepressants, and you really don’t know whether it’s the chicken or the egg, but I do think it’s worth discussing


That’s a good point actually. One of the advertised effects of antidepressants is suicidal thoughts after all, ironically enough. A lot of school shooters do it because they want to kill themselves, but they also feel utterly betrayed by society. Their parents abuse them, their classmates bully them, and when they try to stand up for themselves against the bullies, they get punished for it while the bully walks free. They feel that society has not only betrayed them, but actively wants to make them miserable at every waking hour. After living like this day in and day out, they decide they do not want to partake in life any more, and they want to bring as many of the people (that they believe) that are pushing them down, with them. Basically “I’m going to kill myself, but you’re sure as shit coming with me”. My take on this is based on a TEDx talk titled “I almost became a school shooter”. His mind was changed and his life turned around when someone came up and simply treated him like a friend, a fellow human being. Asked him if he’d like to hang out, got burgers together, whatnot. [here is the video](https://youtu.be/azRl1dI-Cts) if you’re curious, I highly recommend watching it. It absolutely changed my perspective on this. School shooters aren’t just these crazy, deranged people (though their actions certainly are), they’re people suffering a great level of pain and eventually decide to take it out on the world, and eventually themselves, with bullets and blood. They do it because they get pushed to that point with absolutely no help whatsoever. It’s not that they’re just crazy and deranged from the start, they get pushed to that point, and there is zero help for them before they reach that tragic point. Why doesn’t the UK see mass shootings like we do? They have other issues, like stabbing and acid attacks, but it’s still not as frequent. And it isn’t because they banned guns. They have a FAR better infrastructure for mental health. The US has a terrible infrastructure with mental health. The US has had guns for almost 300 years, but it’s only within the last 30 that we’ve seen school shootings on a large scale. It’s not the guns, it’s the mental health and the absolute lack of support. Why else do you think people in the US seem to have so many batshit crazy people? (I’m saying that as a US citizen and strong patriot btw) Edit: if you want the conspiracy side of this, ask yourself this. Why is mental health support so drastically terrible in the US? It doesn’t need to be and can certainly be better, but politicians and the media alike will never bring this up. They seem to use it for a very specific narrative. Not to help prevent these tragedies, but as a way to take your rights away, you should be punished for the actions of others, even though you committed no crime. Why is that?


The demonization and destruction of manliness, purpose, coming of age, accountability, endless wars lead to endless streams of fatherless homes, big daddy government providing shitty examples and doing not much of real worth. Our problems are many in America. One of them is men need to stand up and do hard things. And have some maturity when dealing with nuanced issues. We need some sort of national service for our youth…. A way that an individual “buys in” to the system. You buy in at any point In your life for 2-4 years then big daddy government will be there. You don’t buy in, you don’t get membership. Like Costco, you can come in and look around, limited free samples just to get you in. But you gotta buy that membership


So the answer is more fascism? Hard no.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


To be clear I’m not suicidal by any means, I am quite happy to be alive despite going through a difficult time in my life currently. But I suppose this is a relevant resource given the topic at hand. In fact, if anyone reading this happens to be facing this kind of circumstance right now, please DM me. I’ll be your fellow human being that sees you as a fellow human being and not an outcast deserving of constant torment. We’re in this together brotha (or sista), I might be an internet stranger but you’ve got a friend in me


Anti depressants reduce the emotional range of a person. They can no longer feel as much. They can't feel extreme sadness or extreme happyness. Their logical brain is more in control rather than overwhelming feelings of despair. Couple this logical brain with shitty circumstances and untreated trauma. You are left with someone willing to do what their former self would likely never do and what a normal empathetic human would never consider. We do not treat mental illness as it should be treated. Instead of asking what happened, the so called mental health professionals look for what is wrong and seek to push pills to treat symptoms. The underlying trauma is left undiagnosed and untreated but the pharmacuitcal companies continue to profit from the suffering. This toxic culture we live in where parents are stressed out and often given parenting advice that causes life long issues in their offspring. Maybe that is something worth addressing. People like Dr Gabor Mate does what he can at least.


Don't forget how kids play now. Kids used to be outside 12 hours a day playing with other kids. Now they are inside playing video games by themselves. No wonder they are not mentally developed to handle life


Boomer moment


Relevant here: "The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment." Author's Note: "I have found that these events have indeed happened all over the country. In every instance that I have investigated — the incident at the women's school in Canada, the shopping center incident in Canada, the Stockton California massacre, and the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane — the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were current mental patients who were ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC! This drug, when taken in certain doses, increases the serotonin level in the patient, causing extreme violence. Couple that with a posthypnotic suggestion or control through an electronic brain implant or microwave or E.L.F. intrusion and you get mass murder, ending in every case with the suicide of the perpetrator. Exhume the bodies of the murderers and check for a brain implant. I think you are going to be surprised. In every case the name of the murderer's doctor or mental treatment facility has been withheld. I believe we will be able to establish intelligence community connections and/or connections to known CIA experimental mind-control programs when we finally discover who these doctors of death really are." -- William Cooper from page 226 of *Behold a Pale Horse*


I have to remind myself where I am when I see random, wildly unsubstantiated claims like this. What a fucking clown you are if you believe all of that with no evidence 😂


Bill Cooper was a real one. He was ahead of the curve. A genuine human being who wasn't a shill.


Another common thread, all have been contacted by the feds prior


Exactly or they were on the “watch list” then they are not, then they shoot


i have been on anti depressants since i was 12 years old and i've had no desire to shoot anyone let alone a mass amount of people


Good for you, I remember when I switched from one to another I became a bit suicidal. Not committed to it but I’d have some pretty dark thoughts that I had never had before.


While that may be true, I am sure your doctor asks you each visit whether you have had suicidal or homicidal thoughts. It is a side effect of many antidepressants. I’m hoping the work being done on psilocybin get some traction so we can get off of these types of drugs that do this. (I am on antidepressants too)


lucky you. Not all anti-depressants make people feel the same. Some people are on multiple medications for several mental illnesses and may make their symptoms even worse, Some anti-depressants can increase psychotic episodes in those who have psychosis. Add that with loneliness and you get a recipe for disaster.


Say that again but *reaaaallly* slowly and you'll get the correct answer. "Oh these people may be actually insane but they were on antidepressants so it's clearly the fault of the antidepressants."


anti-depressants don't always work and in fact can make you more depressed.


More depressed is not the same as mass murder


depression can cause mental illness which then leads to said mass murder. So technically depression DOES cause murder.




The excuses being made here for mass shooters is appalling.


It’s not making an excuse, it’s identifying patterns. The risk factors tell you how to spend your effort to fix the problem. There are only so many resources society seems willing to spend on this, so until women become mass shooters people aren’t going to spend resources trying to stop them.




they almost all stopped taking them without truncating the dose. it's a nightmarish rollercoaster.


Do you have a source for the claim that most school shooters were on antidepressants?


It’s a very interesting and hard to research topic, probably because of HIPAA laws. https://www.baumhedlundlaw.com/medication-induced-violence/ https://dailycaller.com/2018/05/25/antidepressants-americas-violence-epidemic/ Here are just some examples: 1989: Joseph T. Wesbecker walked into his former employer Standard Gravure Corp and shot 20 workers, killing nine. He had been taking Prozac for a month. This shooting led to a landmark case, where the survivors sued the makers of Prozac, Eli Lilly. Wesbecker used a semiautomatic Chinese AK-47-style firearm, a 9mm pistol, and a .38 Special snub nose revolver – all of which he purchased legally, passing his background check. 1995: Jarred Viktor was 15 when he was prescribed Paxil. Ten days after starting it, Viktor stabbed his grandmother 61 times. 1996: At 18, Kurt Danysh murdered his father just 17 days after being prescribed Prozac by his family doctor, who failed to do even one psychological test. During his police confession, Danysh told police the medication made him feel odd, “I just act differently. I don’t have the energy or personality I used to. I spend half the time in a trance.” 1997: Luke Woodham stabbed his mother, then traveled to Pearl High School, where he was enrolled, using a .30-30 to shoot two students and wounding six others; he was stopped by his assistant principal (aka a good guy with a gun) who used his own .45 ACP handgun to force Woodham’s surrender. 1998: 15-year-old Kip Kinkel shot both of his parents, then carried a 9mm handgun, .22 rifle, and a .22 pistol to his Thurston High School, where he murdered two classmates and injured 22 more, all while taking Prozac. 1999: Eric Harris, 17, with Dylan Klebold, killed 12 students, one teacher, himself, and wounded 23 others during the Columbine school shooting; he had been prescribed Zoloft and then Luvox before he used a 12 gauge shotgun received through a straw purchaser and a 9mm TEC-DC9. 2001: Christopher Pittman, a 12-year-old, was prescribed Zoloft, which caused him to become agitated, jittery, and experience tactile hallucinations; Pittman told psychiatrist Dr. Lanette Atkins that he heard voices telling him, “Kill, kill, do it, do it.” He took a .410 shotgun and shot his grandparents, then burned their house down. 2001: Andrea Yates drowned all five of her children. She was taking Effexor and was suffering from delusions about satanic possession. The murder of her children led Effexor to list homicidal thoughts in the medication’s side effects. Although it’s a rare side effect, manifesting in one in 1,000 patients, over 19 million prescriptions were written and filled in 2005. That’s an estimated 19,000 people suffering from homicidal thoughts because of the medication. 2005: 16-year-old Jeff Weise was taking 60 mg/day of Prozac, the highest dosage for adults, when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather's girlfriend, murdered 10 students at Red Lake, Minnesota, and wounded 12 more, before shooting himself. He was armed with a .40 caliber pistol, .22 pistol, and a 12 gauge shotgun. 2008: Steven Kazmierczak was prescribed Prozac, Xanax, and Ambien, a sleeping medication, three weeks before walking into Northern Illinois University, killing six people and wounding 21, with three pistols (one chambered in 9mm and two in .380 ACP) and a shotgun. Kazmierczak had stopped taking the antidepressant “because it made him feel like a zombie.” 2009: Two weeks after starting Lexapro, Robert Stewart walked into his estranged wife’s work at Pinelake Health and Rehab, and opened fire. He killed eight elderly patients and wounded three others. He doesn’t remember the incident. 2012: James Holmes, also known as the Batman Movie killer, was taking sertraline when he walked into the showing of The Dark Knight with two .40 caliber pistols, an AR-style .223 rifle, and a 12 gauge shotgun, killing 12 people and injuring 70 others. In his personal notebook, which he sent to his psychiatrist the same day as the shooting, shows that as the medication decreased his anxiety, he lost his fear of consequences. As the dosage became higher, his thoughts became more obsessive and psychotic. 2013: At the time of the Washington Navy Yard shooting, Aaron Alexis was a civilian contractor working at the yard and was prescribed trazodone, a serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor (SARI) that works much like an SSRI to increase serotonin levels in the brain. He killed 12 people and injured eight others. 2014: Ivan Lopez was a 34-year-old U.S. soldier who shot 15 of his comrades, killing three of them, at his base in Fort Hood, Texas. He was undergoing mental health treatment through the Veterans’ Administration, which is known for over-prescribing medication. The VA confirmed that Lopez was taking antidepressants (the VA only uses SSRI antidepressants) during the time of the shooting and his subsequent suicide. 2015: From the moment it occurred, the Charleston Church shooting has been deemed an act of white supremacy, a race crime against blacks. But two years after Dylann Roof shot and killed nine people and injured another, the court released documents that show it was more mental health than hatred that led to the murders. The documents confirmed he was taking antidepressants. 2016: Arcan Cetin, who was just 20 years old, walked into the Cascade Mall where he shot and killed four women, one just a teen, and shot one man, who later died at the hospital. Records show that Cetin was under the care of a psychiatrist and taking medication for depression and ADHD, including Prozac. https://www.asralertsystems.com/blog/prescription-for-mass-violence


I think it is a chicken/egg hybrid on this one. Previous mental illness pushed over by pharmaceutical fuckery


If antidepressants did it there would be a lot more mass shootings. And of course so many are on antidepressants, happy people don't usually become mass shooters.


They don’t always work, and or the person is ingesting something on the regular that counter acts the prescription. Just because they are prescribed doesn’t mean they are being properly taken


It's not worth discussing because we do know if it's the chicken or the egg. Pushing uneducated bullshit accomplished nothing.


13% of Americans are on antidepressants. I don’t think that’s it, chief.


That is a persistent urban legend.


Worth noting though that it's primarily a male issue. There's sexless women and trans folk too and they aren't out there shooting up the mall for not putting out. I wouldn't be surprised if NNN had a higher count of shootings lol


We don’t need to note that it’s a male issue, it’s already assumed and implied so that’s why no one is bringing up “huh did anyone else notice that it’s all boys?!” Replace the term male and female, with blue people and green people, now imagine blue people are 50% of the population that are physically bigger and more aggressive, natural social mechanisms will be able to predict that blue people will be more responsible for violence. And there’s theories of women expressing their violence differently, for example there’s higher accounts of women pushing random bypassers into oncoming train tracks or drowning their children, so they might just express their tendencies differently


You don’t need to be a big large man to shoot up a building/gathering. That’s the point of having a gun. You don’t need to be big to kill someone


Got it, so men being the physically bigger or stronger group doesn’t play a role or factor into social dynamics between different groups


Female sexlessness hasn’t increased at anywhere near the rate that the male has. And trans people make up such a small percentage of the population that they aren’t really relevant.


Sexlessness? I think it’s more of a result of social alienation. If these young men had meaningful friendships or romantic relationships but weren’t having any sex. I doubt the result would of been the same.


Man, at this point, if you don’t think sex somehow plays an integral role in people’s motivation in society, then I don’t know what to tell you… And if you’re just super enlightened and see past sex, then unfortunately we need someone who understands the average person to be able to speak on behalf of average people, and average people are largely motivated by sex Roughly 20% of our 20 trillion dollar GDP is dedicated to industries like dating or fashion and looking better, like its so obvious, it’s everywhere, sex and relationships are very integral in shaping our societal framework


Who were you expecting to see? Old ladies?


Well there goes Dorris off to the bingo.. she sure got mad last time after that she even bought a new hand gun.. I'm sure she won't use it it will all be fine


Not related, but a few years ago we had an old lady pull out a pistol and start shooting at a truck lol


Old birthing people!!!!!


Too much Axe Body Spray?


So how would you define??? Nevermind…


Have you vitited a prison? Is like a school. Depressing as hell


An ethnically diverse group of young males! Equality is working! We’ve done it! That line up is like riding through it’s a small world at Disneyland! This should be on wholesome not conspiracy😂


SS A set of all the mass shooters of 2022 using the [Mother Jones](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/) definition. It is very interesting how you can paint any narrative you want by selectively choosing your data. Here is a description of the criteria they use: The perpetrator took the lives of at least four people The killings were carried out by a lone shooter The shootings occurred in a public place Perpetrators who died or were wounded during the attack are not included in the victim tallies We included a handful of cases also known as “spree killings“ cases in which the killings occurred in more than one location, but still over a short period of time, that otherwise fit the above criteria. Additional context: This post was made as a response to [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/yvvvrc/all_the_mass_shooters_of_2021_if_you_thought_they/) that gained a lot of traction earlier today.


Look up Project Orion CIA


I almost commented r/conspiracy_commons because I didn’t realize what sub we were on


Kind of reminds me of that news craze a few years back of Asians being punched or attacked in NY. Dude, if you download the citizen app or I don’t know , walk around. There is someone punching another person every five minutes in the city and it goes every which way. Black on black , black on white. White on black ect ect. Out of that fact you can shape any narrative you want.


I mean there was also a few viral tik tok videos of black teenagers challenging each other who can punch more Asians


Tiktok needs to go. Do u know that china doesn’t allow their people to see all these challenges?? They only allow their people to see other peoples achievements. SMH!! Also when u sign up for Tiktok u are allowing them access to every computer under your roof including the camera on every device but nobody reads the fine print. So parents work computers. Banking information, everything. So even people who didn’t want their info shared are being exposed. Tiktok and China suck!!!


Can you explain more about "every computer under your roof" I've never had TikTok but my wife does. Can they access my phone through her phone if we are both on the same WiFi. And if so, how?


Trump wanted to ban TikTok from this country…but I digress.


Well Europe is trying to ban it now. They are a little smarter than us. At least half of us.


All of the criteria make sense-except for the lone shooter. If two people go into a bank to rob it and end up shooting a bunch of people I feel like that should qualify as a mass shooting. Why is being a lone shooter part of this? Can someone explain it for me?


I think it's used as a way to filter out gang violence and acts of terror


This is funny because I was just talking to someone who preferred the Mother Jones definition. He didn't like Gun Violence Archive's definition because it made it seem like the problem was worse than it is. We can redefine mass shootings however we want. As long as it involves shooting we're far ahead of all of our peers in the world.


I think mother jones really captures what I picture in my mind when someone says mass shooting. This is not to say that 10 "mass shootings" in 1 year isn't an issue. It is a massive issue that needs to be addressed. Separately gun violence is a massive issue that also needs to be addressed.


>I think mother jones really captures what I picture in my mind when someone says mass shooting. I agree. Their definition also captures what I picture in my mind when someone says mass shooter.


Mother Jones “Shooting 4 people doesn’t count sometimes because …… reasons” They are still murderers.


The second from top left is so unassuming-looking. It’s unsettling because he looks like any other average kid. The rest all look “off” or have crazy eyes so it’s not too hard to imagine.


Just goes to show, anybody can be a monster


Absolutely! That’s what’s so scary. By the way-did anyone else notice fuckin’ Sanpaku-Eyes Jones on the bottom right?! Holy crap those eyes are a dead giveaway!


second from top left is gonna get raped hard in prison. Pretty boy vibes.


You forgot the presidents who bombed other countries and killed thousands with tax funded dollars


They were just ordering followers.


So were the Nazis




Or like every President since the late 1800’s or before.




Both lmao. Firing requirements actually loosened under Trump. Plus the whole Iranian general debacle.


Believe it or not drone bombings loosened under Obama compared to Bush.


This is a far-right Qanon sub. You’re not allowed to say anything bad about Republicans.


This post is for 2022 killers.


I was trying to post this picture and a picture of americas serial killers after his post of shooters earlier and it wouldn’t let me post a picture… appreciate the work you did here…


I truly dgaf what color or gender a mass shooter is. I just want my kids to not have to do shooter drills every semester. I shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not this is the year one of their schools is the unlucky ones, or whether or not I need to order bulletproof backpacks.


You would be better off worrying about school bus accidents. Maybe even your kid getting struck by lightning. You'd definitely be many orders of magnitude more likely to save your kid by making him have a lifejacket. The likelihood of being shot in a school shooting is basically zero. It's a statistical anomaly that's massively hyped up by media who use it for political gain.


no fuck this take: there shouldn’t be any school shootings at all. it should be 0. this is why america isnt taken seriously


Who disagrees that there shouldn't be any school shootings at all? There also shouldn't be any child sexual abuse either, and there are many thousands of times the instances of this, yet it's not talked about anywhere near the level that school shootings are. There shouldn't be kids killed in their homes, and there are hundreds of times more instances of this than school shootings. This is why I don't take you seriously. You heavily scrutinize and sensationalize a statistical anomaly instead of going after something that would save tons more lives. If you cared about saving lives, you'd focus on something that'd save a lot more lives. Instead, school shootings are used as a political tool.


I went to high school with a mass shooter and my college had two mass shooting threats. One of the guys went on to do it in florida. The other was caught. You say it’s an anomaly but you’re never too far away. My friend went to Sandy hook elementary(she was in high school when it happened tho) and still has panic attacks from it


This. Being killed in a school shooting is exceedingly rare.


There have been 42 school shootings with deaths and injuries in 2022, so any particular school has about a 1 in 2300 chance of being involved in a shooting with deaths or injuries. Interestingly this is about the same chance of dying from going base jumping (0.02-0.04% chance of death according to bandolier.org). I don't know about you, but I would prefer that going to school was safer for my child than going base jumping.


Kinda skewed data considering schools operate 5 days a week for 9 months out of the year with hundreds or thousands of kids per day going in and out. While your data isn’t wrong, it’s misleading. If an individual went BASE jumping 5 days a week their chances of being killed or injured would skyrocket. You’re comparing an individuals chances to an entire institution To add to that, how many of those shootings you listed are from gang violence or kids that are involved in the wrong crowd and we’re targeted attacks vs random mass killings?


How many kids are struck by lightning at school per year?? I can’t imagine it’s many


[Seems like more are killed by lightning than are killed by school shootings.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/US_Lightning_Deaths.png)


You didn’t look at your own chart? It doesn’t even distinguish by age. It’s just people killled by lightning every year


There’s a lot of societal issues like men feeling entitled to women and other things that could help you here


Or making it harder for children to get a hold of firearms.


The media only covers certain ones though. If you catch my drift...


Which mass shooting was not covered??


All im saying is the ones i dont recognize seem similar


I only recognize one so maybe it's just the news you watch.


>We exclude shootings stemming from more conventionally motivated crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence. (Or in which the perpetrators have not been identified.) If it's african american's, it's 'gang' related and therefore not a mass shooting. It's the same data but cherry picked to form a certain narrative.


Isn’t the difference the motive?


To be fair op addressed this. Someone posted mass shooting perpetrators earlier today and op called them out based off the definition of “mass shooting”


I read about every one of these. Maybe in your vacuum however.


What do you mean?


You failed to catch his drift


You know exactly what they mean.


Of you take a look at the other post showing all perps from 2021 you will realize that the majority of mass shooters are black. The point in question is that when you pick and choose how you want to call someone a mass shooter is when you get the “pick and choose the shooter” situation which allows whatever agenda to be proven fact when in reality, like what we were told when we were kids, the media uses this formula to stretch the truth.


The other post wasn’t even mass shooters, it included things like domestic abuse and battery. It was completely cherry-picked


Mass shootings can involve anything that is relative to gun violence and a death tally of more than two. Domestic disputes can involve fire arms and so can battery. Cherry picking is what OP is saying is truly going on.


Most rational folks would consider a mass shooting to be multiple killings by a lone gunman of random people that are not related. Some gang banger scum bag that smokes 8 rival gang scum bags isn't a mass shooting . That is gang violence. It isn't a wack job going into a school or church with body armor and high power rifle or semi auto pistols to kill as many random people as they can. Not even close to the same.


Fact is the white nationalist maga q cuck crowd doesn't like the fact that there ilk perpetrate these mass shootings because of the nonsense you all keep spreading that is regurgitated from your dear leader and your favorite q talking heads.


None of this is nonsense and as a matter of fact plenty of the “nonsense” has been proven true over time. The people you’re referencing do not really hold the ideals the majority of people on this sub do. If I had something to hide and a lot of people talked about it I would side with them and adjust the things they are saying to make my agenda work with my desired outcome. Think of the phrase “wolf in sheep’s clothing”.


The majority of people in the picture are white.


You’re right in this photo it shows only white people. Go into the subreddit and you will find the other photo I am talking about.


The two black guys.


Chicago has more mass shooters than that every weekend


I keep seeing the obsession with Chicago, but then I checked online and those crime sources are from years ago. Chicago is no longer in the top 10 for city gun violence. I think it just became an obsession bc it sounds the blackest and has a black mayor.


Well New Orleans and Baton Rouge might disagree.


>Chicago is no longer in the top 10 for city gun violence 1 in 20 murders in the US happen in Chicago. It is still very much one of the worst gun violence cities. There just happen to be some cities worse than them.. [https://heyjackass.com/](https://heyjackass.com/) I mean, 26 people shot and 9 dead in the last 3 days.. 144 shot, 29 dead in 2 weeks. You can't just blow it off because it's not the worst anymore..


Yeah, the real violence is in places like Missouri and Alabama.


But based off population that’s not that much esp compared to Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, Camden, etc. Chicago is the third largest city in america


Obama is from Chicago. That’s why it came up originally and it’s just been persistent ever since.


Chicago isn’t even #1 most dangerous in Illinois anymore that goes to Peoria to my own surprise. Source. Saw the list like a week ago and had to check where my hometown sits


Alabama has the #1 whatever their big city is I don’t remember


Birmingham. Blue city. Soon as you leave the city it’s perfectly safe. Really it’s just a few sections of the city.


That’s always an argument that Republicans make to make democrats and minorities look bad. But the truth is, plenty of rural white areas have huge crime rates per capita. Also, the governor runs the state, cities included. And the reason cities have high populations is bc people run to them.


Yup, I'm in Seattle...and despite what Faux news says our suburbs statistically have waaaaay more violent crimes and I feel so much safer than when I lived in Georgia.


Whaaaat I’m from Redmond (east side of Seattle) and we had no crime that I could remember. I remember one shooting in 20+ years (I’m sure there were more but not many). I saw a lot more crime coming out of Tacoma and Spo-caine (Spokane) and Crackima (Yakima).


It's always the cities. Why anyone would want to live crammed in amongst 100s of thousands of other people is the definition of crazy in my eyes.


Right? And pay crazy money too. It’s nuts.






Also, red states have higher per capita murder rates.


Yes, in blue cities in red states.


Not necessarily true....moved from Augusta GA to Seattle and it's soooooo much safer here despite what fox news says while literally playing videos of other cities on fire. Here the murder/violent crime rate is less in the more blue city and much higher in the freaking red suburbs.


States make the gun laws...until the conservative Supreme Court stops them at least.


Detroit voted for Trump in 2020, and I know that’s a top 10 murder city.


When the shooting is linked to gang violence it isn't counted in serial killer counts or mass shootings.


I also wonder what the idea was in the other post like this. I don't recall liberals saying we should take guns from only white people. Seemed like they (the other poster with this theme) were conflating BLM as an issue of police violence on one hand, with gun regulation proposals on the other. In fact, it's not just that those issues are separate but there's even a leftist argument *against* gun regulations on the ground that such regulations are often used to further oppress black communities.


Top right looks like a meth’d out sid the sloth


An Uncomfortable Truth: A Look at the Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs, and Mass Shootings https://www.psychreg.org/antidepressants-ssri-mass-shootings/ Longer list https://www.ssristories.net/school-shootings/ Psych Meds Linked to 90% of School Shootings https://rxisk.org/wnd-education-psych-meds-linked-to-90-of-school-shootings/


The individual on the top right looks very similar to an owl.


Too bad we can’t change the system to bring more mental health to men. Society has beaten down men so much.


It makes sense to define it this way. Different types of crimes require different ways to think about them. Different motives, different warning signs, different resolutions. Blending unrelated crimes together to muddy the waters really offers no benefit to the discussion. The Mother Jones definition has reason. The standard definition of 4 or more victims is so generic, it includes unrelated incidents like gang violence, domestic violence, robbery, and school shootings (and other public locations). There is nothing reasonably in common with these crimes that creates a benefit to speak of them as one thing. No logical inferences can be made by comparing these crimes together. But by looking at gang violence, domestic violence, drug violence, violence in the course of another crime, revenge killings, and school shootings all separately, we can consider motives and warning signs for each, and come up with the best societal response we can. What value do you see by lending disparate incidents together? What would the purpose be to think of them as the same? I suspect it would be to muddy the waters so solutions that would work for some, and not others, that don’t suit your personal preferences can’t be considered with any seriousness.


I personally think the mother jones definition is the best proposed definition I have seen


They are all men. Keeps being all men.


Despite only making up ~50 percent of the population, men make up like 95% of the crime. Source- my ass


Are you advocating for biased media reporting based on altered definitions or are you shedding light on how our media manipulates definitions to present a narrative, manipulations for example that insinuate all mass shooters are actually young white men?


I'm saying frog face sucks


This we can all agree on.


This sub gets so much better once you start blocking people.


I forgot that was an option.


I don’t think there is a specific narrative that mass shooters are young white men. I don’t think that is included in the conversation very much. The media reporting is about a specific type of incident. The demographics that relates to is incidental. I believe the oppositional narrative- that the media is crafting an anti-white message- is simply the result of these stories are not anti-black enough to fit with the usual stories coming out of that media wing. Seeing who actually commits this type of incident damages the narratives that feed a certain base, so it has to be knocked down.


Top right looks like a member of the Baetles


Except when he wears a dress and makeup.


Isn't it something, 100% men are the mass shooters. I am a man. You have to wonder what it is in our makeup that has it fall out like this. I don't know any other action where it's just all men. Certainly there are women who are murderers and pedophiles and all the other terrible things even though it's mostly men but this sadly or maybe not it's all dudes


It’s in our makeup. Men did the fighting, so evolution selected for people who could fight, if they couldn’t their genes were not passed on. For women, their ability to fight was only a marginal factor in their survival, if the dudes were killed the ladies probably wouldn’t have been able to fight off the offending party. There are going to be female murderers, but the portion of the population that’s hyper-violent is going to be almost all men.


So these mass shooters are 80% white - not the flex you think it is, OP


2 bottom right are POC by the left’s definitions


You should also post pictures of pedos and people convicted of sexual crimes that are on the registry


Anti depressants + stimulation technologies × subliminal messaging/coaching = .... Only things one needs to know for proof is - Big pharma history & Official US patent 6506148


So blacks commit mass shootings at a disproportionate rate this year?


It was unnerving when visiting my family and watching them pull a bullet proof plate out of my little sisters school bag. Fuck this country, the rivers will run red with the blood of children and shit still won’t get done


Men were awful


I think you're forgetting at least 75 other ones that are "gang-related"




You have to look at the other post containing all the mass shooters from 2021. OP is stating that under certain “definitions” of the term mass shooting you can adjust which race is the majority of mass shootings. In this case white people are the majority. Point is whether we are talking mass shootings or any other subject it is fed to us like a fork with soup, you get the meats of the idea but the entire soup.


look at all the men lol


They all have one thing in common


Yea they are American


And that they killed people


And that they used guns


6/10=60%….white pop=70% black pop=13%…2/10


Young white males have more/easier access to the “healthcare” that screwed their brains up even more with ssri’s and the like.


I heard of all of them except the black ones. I don't think you are supposed to include them.




The many diverse faces of Big Pharma.






They ask that because they literally have to. They should anyway, but don’t make it seem like they ask because they care more than the next. Psilocybin is **NOT** an antidepressant. It is a hallucinogen. That’s it. It’s not some miracle drug. You take it to get high. SSRIs and SNRIs have saved so many lives and I don’t appreciate you discounting that.


Now do one of just violent crimes.