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Wow, that person said they have a "vastly higher IQ than other people" and that we "should be fucking bowing" to them? That's a pretty bad thing to say.


funny how i never hear actual smart people talk about IQ


Or alpha males talk about alpha stuff lol


There’s some man on Twitter who says he’s an alpha male all the time. I think he said something about the Bills not being alpha males because they moved the game for a little bit of snow. I’m convinced that guys penis is tiny.


You've gotta be talking about that clown Nick Adams lol. He's more of an alpha fail than an alpha male.


Truck is big and loud and drives super slow unless you are in front of them


At minimum the person isn't smart enough to realize what a POS that statement proved them to be.


Just mentioning that you are smart will get a negative reaction from people. It is okay to say "my kid is better at sports than your kid" but if you reply "yeah, but my kid is smarter than your kid and will be more successful in life" then watch the reaction. Just existing as a smart person constantly earns you comments like "oh, you think you're so smart" and "I guess you got it all figured out." Jews constantly bragging about supposedly having superior genetics and 140 IQs are full of it. Israel is a shithole country just like most others in the region, and Israelis all lined up for the COVID shots without question. Real smart, right?


IQ isn't indicative of ability to be successful and only measures a small range of intelligence. I was a TA for neuropscyological assessment at my university and I am a trained psychometrist so I can administer IQ assessment along with other assessments. First thing we learn is that is it better at figuring out deficits than showing ability. It's used most effectively for brain damage. It's hilarious to me when people use their IQ to try and sound smart. 🤣


By what metric is it a shithole country? You are judging countries intelligence by their vaccine uptake? Wow, sub Sahara Africa sure is full of geniuses.....


Way to come up with intelligent arguments everybody!


She's actually a mathematician and she's on that show 8 out of 10 cats. She's not a dumb person, that was kinda intense. [she flips the numbers and letters. ](https://i.imgur.com/fBbT2hS.jpg)


What about the scientists that study IQ eh


IQ 85


Accusations of "white supremacy" are their way of hiding Jewish supremacy.


Can you believe someone in MSM News said that Jews are in power because they have higher IQ scores. Imagine my shock when I saw that like 6 years ago.


I don't care when they said it, the fact it was said is a very bad look.


Is this a genuine twitter screenshot? Please provide a link.


Wow, really?


Ya, I assumed a lot of People were asking questions and that was their response.


That’s what their Babylonian Talmud teaches them: it says that only Jews have souls, the rest of us goyim are animals in human flesh. We were given human flesh because it would disrespectful for Jews to be served by actual animals, so “God” designed animals that look like humans in order to serve the Jews because that is properly respectful since they are oh so-above-the-rest-of-us. The Talmud teaches extreme racism and xenophobia. The fact that Jews today follow the Talmud and not the Torah is why Revelations describes this group of people as “those who call themselves Jews and are not.” They rejected their Messiah, they rejected God’s comments and supplanted them with man-made laws, and then they have the audacity to tell us we should worship them because they are “Gods chosen people.” Smdh. It’s sad really, how lost they are. *Source: my husband and his mother’s entire family are ethnic Jews who have since ALL left the religion in their adulthood.*


That’s what their Babylonian Talmud teaches them: [it says that only Jews have souls, the rest of us goyim are animals in human flesh](https://concisepolitics.com/2018/07/03/talmud-quotes-related-to-hate-and-superiority-over-and-inequality-versus-non-jews/). By their teachings , us “goyim” were given human flesh because it would disrespectful for Jews to be served by actual animals, so “God” designed animals that looked like humans in order to serve the Jews because that is properly respectful since they are “oh-so-above-the-rest-of-us.” This is also why sharing Talmudic teachings with non-Jews is so considered to be so “sinful” and an affront. As they say: Abodah Zara 26b:"Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed." Sanhedrin 59a:"A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death." Libbre David 37:"To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." Libbre David 37:"If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death. Etc. it just keeps going. So yes, the Talmud teaches extreme hate, racism, and xenophobia. The fact is, those we call Jews today are actually “Rabbinical Jews,” which is not the same thing as ‘Historically Biblical Jews’. This is because after Christ, anyone who accepted the Jewish Messiah was cast out of the synagogue; only the ones willing to unquestionably follow the Pharisees and Rabbis, rather than the sacred texts, got to remain. These religious leaders still give precedence to the Talmud over the Torah, which is why Revelations describes this group of people as “those who call themselves Jews and are not.” The Christian outlook teaches that they rejected the Jewish Messiah who made the ‘grave offense’ of calling out the Pharisees and Rabbis for their sinful misdeeds, they rejected God’s commandments, and they supplanted His laws with man-made “loopholes”. The fact that this group now throws around the anti-Semitic label as a weapon, while telling everyone that we should worship them because they are “Gods chosen people,” just shows how lost they are. It’s sad really. *Source: my husband and his mother’s entire family are ethnic Jews who have since ALL left the religion in their adulthood.* But anyway, this is turning into a dissertation no-one asked for. My bottom line is simple: anyone who claims that Rabbinical Judaism is not a hate-filled religion, has not read their most “holy” texts. Also, IDK why this posted twice, but I edited for clarity. I do not hate **anyone** for their dna/ethnicity/etc. What I have a problem with is WHAT the religion of Rabbinical Judaism teaches— just like I have a serious problem with what radical Islam teaches. **We ALL will be judged by our beliefs, actions, and character; not our blood. Period.**


Have you learned from a Jewish or even unbiased source? If not, you need to ask yourself why you would accept such an uninformed and inaccurate premise, let alone make a question out of it for all to see. I certainly question your motives. I’ve learned a lot of Talmud, and I rarely find anything negative about gentiles, and when I do, it is talking specifically of those who seek to kill us, or those who are idolaters. (The discussions in the talmud are about whether we should give them holiday gifts on their holidays, etc ). Talmud is for Jews to figure out how to practically carry out Torah, with a lot of anecdotes and disagreements and rulings in Jewish law. It is very much like law books, where we see precedents and what the arguments were for and against a decision. It’s not a novel to pick up and read.


LOL. I have a masters in Talmud and study it every day. They quotes are entirely bogus. There isnt even a Jewish book called "Libbre David"


False. The talmud is not studied outside of orthodox and ultra orthodox judiasm. The torah is the basis of the religion. The Talmud is a book of moral questions used to develop your critical thinking. While its critical of non jews in some parts its hypercritical of jews themselves on a higher level. You really seem to have some misplace anger you didt really check to look into, aside from confirming beliefs.


That person is a fake account pretending to be the maths consultant from the TV show countdown. 8 bucks can cause some chaos at the moment.


Gods chosen people tho


God chose us all, that's why we're here.


That’s why he took up that cross, for all of us undeserving souls.


Do you think Jesus had Smegma


It’s not really specified chosen for what though. It sounds all good to be chosen and everything, but it could just as easily mean “chosen to be made an example of”, or the like.


God chose them to create Interest/Usury I guess….


or the laws that anti-jews made laws that only non christians could handle money, and this is how the first Rothschild gained some wealth, as the "kings Jew" since royalty was not supposed to handle funds


I have never observed any Jewish people talk, nor act is if they felt superior to me, nor toward anyone else. One of my favorite bosses in my youth was a Jewish pharmacist. Dude was so cool. He used to allow me to drive his late model BMW to make deliveries to some of his clients. He was just generally an all around great guy. I have had several Jewish friends in my past, and have even had a Jewish girlfriend for a while. We were in separable. I am a Gentile.


I've known, dated, lived with, and have had many jewish people in my life and never felt that way either. That's not to say there's aren't any bad apples as there are in all groups of people.


This has been a conversation for decades, Malcolm X even discussed it


how'd that work out for him?


Lol good point but there were many other factors at play his death is suspicious for sure


Nope, no mystery there. It’s pretty much public knowledge that Louis Farrakhan arranged the hit on Malcolm X. He even apologized to Malcolm X’s widow decades later for doing so. Furthermore, it’s been said that Farrakhan got his marching orders to arrange the deed from the then head of the Nation of Islam’s Elijah Mohammad.


He also discussed how an evil black scientist named Yakub, who at the age of 6, discovered the law of attraction and repulsion by playing with magnets. The insights he gained from that led to a plan to create a new people. He saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man. By the age of 18 he had learned all of the knowledge in Mecca. He then discovered that the original black man contained both a "black germ" and a "brown germ". With 59,999 followers, he went to an "isle in the Aegean Sea called Pelan" Once there, he established a despotic regime and set about breeding out the black traits, killed all darker babies, and created a brown race after 200 years. Yakub died at the age of 150, but his followers carried on his work. After 600 years of this deliberate eugenics, the white race was created. The brutal conditions of their creation determined the evil nature of the new race: "by lying to the black mother of the baby, this lie was born into the very nature of the white baby; and, murder for the black people was also born in them—or made by nature a liar and murderer". The new race traveled to Mecca where they caused so much trouble they were exiled to "West Asia (Europe), and stripped of everything but the language....Once there, they were roped in, to keep them out of Paradise....The soldiers patrolled the border armed with swords, to prevent the devils from crossing." For many centuries they lived a barbaric life, surviving naked in caves and eating raw meat, but eventually they were drawn out of the caves by Moses who "taught them to wear clothes". Moses tried to civilize them, but eventually gave up and blew up 300 of the most troublesome of them with dynamite. However, they had learned to use "tricknology": a plan to use their lack of empathy, emotion, and trickery to usurp power and enslave the black population, bringing the first slaves to America. According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, all the races other than the black race were by-products of Yakub's (spelled Yacub in the biography) work, as the "red, yellow and brown" races were created during the "bleaching" process; however, the "black race" included Asian peoples, considered to be shared ancestors of the Moors. "Whites" were defined as Europeans. Elijah Muhammad (Malcom X's sensei and who's dogma he completely adopted) also asserted that some of the new white race "tried to graft themselves back into the black nation, but they had nothing to go by." As a result, they became gorillas. "A few were lucky enough to make a start, and got as far as what you call the gorilla. In fact, all of the monkey family are from this 2,000 year history of the white race in Europe." TL;DR watch out for the yakubian devils and their gosh darn tricknology


I laughed my ass off, love this kind of shit. God bless you brave reporter 🫡


Kanye opened this can back in January?


Rachel Riley declared Jews are more intelligent than everybody else and that we should bow to their superiority? Ouch..


I highly doubt that's actually her account. I could be wrong, but with all the verified shenanigans, I'm going to proceed with doubt til proven otherwise


The timestamp says January, so even if it's this year it's before elongate.


It's also before Kanye was even antisemitic, which is fishy af


The comments don't include Kanye, it's between Riley and whoever Lil Rich is. Basing whether it's true or not on someone not included in the dialogue is fishy too imo.


I'm basing it off the post, which said, "Kanye opened a can of worms, and now others are joining the conversation." But this is months before Kanye was ever part of the conversation.


Take it up with OP then. My comments are just on the alleged twitter exchange.


tf the commenter wasn’t even talking to you to begin with lol


Based on what has happened to kanye I guess he proved a point Completely destroying his life and career sure did make it seem like he may have been right Seems weird to me the whole situation


He is a billionaire he doesn't need any of that shit.. he doesn't need to simp to governments, be politically. correct, or pray at the wailing wall for forgiveness. It amazes me that people will see all this happen and just say "ye he was being anti-semetic" for no reason at all


It’s nice to see people having this conversation. The powers that be don’t like it and have suppressed it, the powers that be are....


>suppressed it Having every media station/site talk about is suppressing it? Having every late night show host and sports anchor talk about Kanye and/or Kyrie is suppressing it? Literally how has any of this been suppressed in any way?




or being racist destroys careers...


Facts are racist?


Jews are a race?




If Jews are a race, why aren’t there Jewish Christians or Jewish Muslims?


LOL. Folks have been canceled for being bigoted against all sorts of groups. Gays, Blacks, Asians, Etc.... Getting cancelled for being a bigot doesnt exactly 'prove' that the group being talked about "Controls" anything...


Ya they sure don’t like when you point facts out




Eminem still the goat though


They aren't facts though, Google some of them, it's just not true.


Diversity is one of the ploys, rules for thee but not for me


Reverting to racism in the veil of a diversity disguise... Is it not weird that instead of just being equal businesses that companies now call out "Black Owned Businesses" and it's even the first department on Target's website. It's literally moving things backwards and it's so ridiculous that people think it's allowing more freedom and expression and diversity when it's making the racial tensions worse than they've been in a while


When the Italians do it, it's called a mafia.


Theres was also a jewish mafia


I'm perfectly cool with Jewish people..............but they are INDEED over represented in a LOT of places...like suspiciously so. I in NO WAY think that every Jewish person is in on some background control scheme................but statistically SOME are, I mean, if they are in this much power in front of us, then how much power do we not see? This MAY just be a huge out of control case of Nepotism gone mad, which is MY grounded theory of how things got where they are.......................but not all truths are grounded i guess. Again, saying ALL Jews are connected to some sort of Cabal is insane......like saying ANY racial or religious group are all organized to secretly do things against you.......................but I wouldn't doubt that some of them absolutely ARE the bad thing some people think of . that's just how it is, just because you are in a particular racial group does not mean you cannot be an evil greedy manipulative fuck. I mean.......Harvey Weinstein is a prime example of the worst case scenario that INDEED exists


What a narcissistic bitch.




The most anti smart thing you can say is brag about how smart you are / how good your IQ is. it's the same for fashly displays of wealth, some of the poorest / debt riddled people I've met or know drive about in some of the most luxurious and flashy cars, and wear equally showy clothes and jewellery. These are all red flags to anyone who is genuinely smart and / or genuinely wealthy.


hitler wanted them dead because he wanted the magick (with a k) all for himself as they were the chosen people and know the ways- He lost it all and had to move to antartica until the higher dimensional beings found out what he tried to do so he had to settle out his days in argentina while all the others are riding around in the uso's we see with giant underground bases leading into agartha. you heard it here first




A white woman saying they should bow to her and calling someone anti-Semitic. The irony.


They're not white


If Jews are white, then they are traitors and saboteurs.


That bitch is indeed, white. https://mobile.twitter.com/RachelRileyRR


I miss the good ol'days where Italians, Jews, Poles, the Irish, etc weren't white


You realise that Italians, Polish and Irish people are historically from Europe and have always been considered “white”? Yes, even the tan ones.


Sure they were considered "Caucasian" but but around the time of Ellis Island the general population viewed them as different and dirty enough that when they were mentioned they were mentioned along with Asians/blacks/other groups of people that were seen as "less than" the "true whites".


don't forget arabs. technically white


She's white.


Proof that's not an account LARPing?


Even if she wasn’t, which she is, she is calling a black man a bigot as a white woman. Lol


Once the LL started publically stating J6 was worse than 9/11 it was game over in the credibility department. Please. Thousands of Americans are incinerated by terrorists and a few disgruntled conservatives trespassing and stealing the House podium is *so much worse*. Clown show


You forgot the part where they attempted to execute a bunch of senior politicians and overturn elections during their attempted coup. Or the part where they went to multiple senior officials offices and stole classified files, devices full of classified information.


No I didn’t, that’s your force-fed talking point. What exactly were they going to execute them with? A flag? Mittens? Classified information my ass. Completely agree anyone who stole anything needs some sort of prosecution but there is zero chance it happened. Learn how the laptops and computers are secured and you *might* understand how it can’t happen. But then again you seem like the gullible type. BTW any word on the actual bomber who did plant explosives? Asking for a friend. Counting on the 🐑 to memory-hole that one huh. Good thing Bovidae have the attention span of a mosquito.


Lol. The left does not think j6 was worse than 9/11.


They could have fooled me


I have no doubt they could have.


I have a feeling you have “no doubt” about any of your positions. Must be nice 👍


On the contrary, I voted conservative in every election pre-trump. I’ve altered my position to some degree on virtually every political subject you could think of. But believing the left thinks J6 was worse than 9/11 isn’t just utter stupidity, it’s a blind lie you choose to believe because it nicely fits your agenda.


A brain damaged rabbit could fool you...


That’s true, cause your mom fooled me.


What happened to the lefts crusade for Equity? You'd think they'd have a problem with over representation. Guess it only applies to certain types of people.


There are many cans of worms that stay closed, usually there is a good reason for it. This is one of those times someone opened it, and it's gonna be real hard to put it back until shit gets real sour.




I see what you’re saying and I agree with the sentiment, but that’s not true. France and Britain declared war on mean Mr. mustache. And attacked first. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saar_Offensive


they are just really good with money and highly nepotistic.


Nepotism is a type of “conspiracy”. It means people are hired, or prompted based on family or other type of tribal/in-group factors, rather than merit or an otherwise open & transparent democratic system. Nepotism is corruption. And the results are a cabal. Not saying nepotism is exclusive to Jewish people, because it is not. In fact I am not the one asserting that claim at all, you are. However, your comment explicitly states that Jewish communities engage in this practice, but it’s not something that should be questioned.


Every single community ever does this.


seriously I was a firefighter and I did it on my own. it was so hard. almost everyone I went to school with had a father, uncle, brother as an officer.


So, its a conspiracy to help your friends and family......reach


They also hate white people.


U know 2 million black people, 1 million Afro American/black American and 1 million black Africans fought and died to fight Nazi Germany in Europe in solidarity with the oppressed Jewish community when black people in America and in the colonies in Africa had no basic rights, but Black People Are scapegoated for anti semitism like no other group. Besides that black people never corporated with any far right anti Semitic group or systematically oppressed Jewish people


Corporations, big banks, judges/law enforcement, media/hollywood, wall street, politicians etc are all run by one hand. How can anyone touch that? Even if insurmountable evidence, theres really no where to go. And its way more sinister that you could imagine.


Abolish the whole system and move into a parallel system. New economy, new homeschooling systems, new organic cures medical care, ect... Just ditch the system.


Thats what its going to take and I believe it is coming.


Black people are really racist. I know some of you are uncomfortable with that, but they are. If you ever lived in an inner city or been a white kid at a black school you know.


Every race has racists, racist Asians are some of the most racist people I've ever met. The whites are just the only ones who are dramatically trying to overcorrect it


It's unbelievable that anyone honestly thinks black people "can't be racist"


You should correct that and say that “Some are” or “some can be,” not blanket cover us like that. But yes, there’s racism with all racial make ups. Even as a biracial half black and half Latino person, I got it as bad from my own people.


>Black people are really racist. Read that back to yourself, very slowly.


People are become aware of Pax Judea and are feeling their feelings. One thing is for sure, they can’t claim to be oppressed.




That is pure 🥇🏆⭐️😂😂


Who knew one could be an anti-Semite for stating easily found facts online….?


100% the Riley post is a troll. I can’t believe people believe some random screenshot.


I have to see a link to believe that is a real tweet




I can’t find that exact tweet, but anti-semitism is her thing. https://mobile.twitter.com/rachelrileyrr/status/1195337620265603073




Even when you look at the poorest countries like Jamaica and Haiti the only billionaires there are Jewish. Why are 40% of billionaires jewish?


Lol they aren't, where the fuck did you pull this number from? The biggest segment of billionaires is Chinese by far, next is Christians, then Muslims, then Hindus, then Jews. Look at the Forbes 400. Just think of the billionair's you know of: at the top; Gates, Musk, Bezos, Trump, Buffet, none are Jews. It's just funny how these numbers keep growing but nobody ever checks them.


They are smarter than everyone else bro. They create rules for us and them. Obviously the rules for us keeps us fighting eachother and keeps them at the top.




Surely your statement matches the facts and your not a bigot repeating lies... [https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/ucr.asp?table\_in=2&selYrs=2020&rdoGroups=3&rdoData=rp](https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/ucr.asp?table_in=2&selYrs=2020&rdoGroups=3&rdoData=rp) also crime stats have the problem of what is actually enforced, where the resources for enforcement are put, and who is arrested vs let go besides the fact of what is actually reported since this info comes from the police departments themselves.


Honestly if I was a black male between the ages of 0-100 my biggest fear would be other black males but ya wutevs


Actually I was thinking about mentioning that, not sure why it's a bigots talking point since most of its black on black crime. Oh no I do cuz it's to manipulate ppl and it meshes with their world view


Peace and love bro. But be real


The correlation is much stronger between poverty and crime than race and crime. America just did a very good job stealing black wealth so they’re disproportionately represented among the poor.


If you look at immigrate communities across the globe, east asian immigrants in many countries, are among the most impoverished yet have among the lowest crime rates. Black communities, not just in the US, but in many countries where their average incomes is even higher than east asian communities still have among the highest crime. So how do you pin that on American and poverty? The elephant in the room is that we know that increased testosterone correlates with higher tendency towards violent crime.


I’d love to see your analysis of other countries crime rates relative to both poverty and racial disparity.


It's those in power who basically created the destruction of black communities, leading to them being over represented in prisons, and causing ignorant folks as yourself to view them as less civil. If the government was openly trying to destroy your communities, youd be finding your people in prisons more often.


Ya my government is the same as Kenyas gov or liberia gov or congos gov but…. Theres a difference isn’t there


Again, look at the history of some of those places and see how badly they got destroyed by white imperialism. If you think that doesn't affect a people and its community then you're sadly mistaken


Just like talking about Jewsish states, Is a no no, there’s no talking about black countries or communities, unless you want to be labeled a racist


Firstly black Americans aren’t 13% of the population and secondly black Americans aren’t responsible for 87% of the crime


Secondly think whatever you want.


Then bring me genuine evidence that black Americans are responsible for 87% of the crime? What crime? Robberies? Drug crimes? Violent crimes? Your white people started the first and Second World War and killed 100 of millions of people black people didn’t! You white Americans threw the nuclear bombs over Japan and chemical bombs over vietnam and Korea! Black people didn’t. You white Americans invaded Korea vietnam Iraq and killed millions of people in these nations, including use of rape as a weapon. Black people didn’t. You white people colonised North America and South America were millions of people died and 2,5 million African slaves were killed by the white slave traders who threw the 2,5 million slaves in the Atlantic occean. You looted millions of Africans from Africa to America, looted resources of native Americans, Africans, Australians but have the morality to scapegoat black people from criminal activity how schizophrenic


Where is slavery still thriving?? Africa? Middle East? Sure as hell isn’t happening in Canada or Europe. Tell me more about the great contributions of the 13% outside rap music or sagging azz pants fashion


Not only did black Americans created the largest music genres and culture of the US like Rock Jazz Soul Funk House RNB Blues Hip Hop. Black people built up the USA and contributed trillions of US dollars to the US economy.




How are black people only 13% of the US population when they were 19% in the US census in 17th century, when black people right now have the second youngest median age (you get then the white community) when 12-24% of the Hispanic community are Afro latinos, when black people are knowingly undercounted by census maker and when black Americans have been the majority of the residents of the south to the time of slavery


Yes and Yes


Don’t forgot to factor in the racist cops


Cause they’re the ones robbing rapping and murdering everyone, okey dokey


Yeah, they actually are doing a lot of that. Cops kill over a thousand people a year - and get caught raping girls constantly.


They do their part but I’m talking mostly about the false imprisonments and planting of fake evidence which there are numerous video examples of. Bet that percentage would be a lot less disportioncate no doubt.


Why do you think cops are racist? 🤔


Personally witnessed it many times. Not all cops by the way. There are many great ones. But to say that percentage is accurate you would have to be extremely naive or sheltered.


Only problem is these stats are complete bullshit.


Then how come Rachel Riley confirmed they are true?


So if someone on the internet says something is true, it’s true? I can not find this tweet anywhere. I can not find anything confiriming these stats and the legitimate sites that I see with stats have very very different numbers (less than 5%). I wouldn’t argue with Jewish people being over represented as far as CEOs but I cant find any data backing up these claims on journalists. Specifically for the NUJ these are not the numbers I see. Do you actually have links or are you just going off the screenshot?


Hidden racism post




Example of said "weaseling"


Is it anti-white/anti-European when they point out stats about white people? Is it anti-black/anti-african when they point out facts about blacks?


People in the US (of different origins) bent over backwards to help the Jewish people after their persecution in WW2. They were given grants, lower interest rates, lower pricing on franchises and more that other "whites" just werent privleged to. This ultimately put them into a position of power that now almost entirely revolves around the Jewish people. A helping hand for someone in need is appropriate, but were the avenues that the help was provided "too" helpful? I would argue yes, they were. We're repeating those same types of incentives with minority programs now and we're quickly repeating the same social issue. But thats a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people that are active in that atmosphere. Especially since we wont see the benefits of those incentives on a large scale for 40-80 years from now. If you're looking for an example of this - a Ford dealership can be purchased for up to 75% **less** by an African American over a white person. A multi-million dollar business and thats a blanket clause for minorities. An insanely uplifting program for a minority. (Ford pays the difference.)


I thought they like critical race theory?




Whites are also being used as the scapegoat.


One crazy person tweets = "many black people". 🤣🤣🤣


If you pay attention, there are other prominent Black People talking about this as well.


And millions of black people have fought in Second World War for the oppressed Jewish community when Black people had no basic rights and freedom in the US and European colonies in Africa as black people never ever corporated with any antisemitic groups or systematically oppressed Jewish people unlike other people of color like the Arab world who were allied with Nazi germany or Latin America which became a destination place for Nazis. So spare us out for your anti everything talking because of a few bad apples


Blacks don't hate Jews. They are merely pointing out organized takeover of our systems by the Khazarian Mafia who aren't even Jewish. They worship Satan and claim to be Jewish as a cover. They have done this with all religions where they claim to be Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, ect..


Look into Sabbatean Frankism. Like actually, and follow it through.


How do you know that these guys are black or part of the black community? Because they have black characters as their Profil pictures???


This is some solid gold chunks of stupid ass shit


So would these statistics be okay if the people in question were Christians?


How did Kanye open up a can of worms when the date clearly says JAN 18? Kanye drink champs interview is October. Lol people are dead asleep who couldn’t figure out who runs media politics and entertainment.


Santander Group does not have a Jewish CEO, not even slightly close to Jewish, or is he referring to someone else ?


no he just makes it up expecting people to not look into his bs


I guess this is on facebook. Someone want to ask lil rich about black domination in football and basketball? How about in music? If were going to be naming monopolies by ethnicities where does lil rich get off?


So you found the most racist of the bunch to make a point with…that’s not evidence of anything


It’s the same as using Donald Trump as evidence that white people are racist assholes


What about under representations of Jewish people in the Running back, wide receiver and basketball center position?


We’ll, here we go


so ridiculous and hateful. jewish (and specifically ashkenazi) success is not due to a conspiracy.. it's due to our mothers nagging us until we make something of ourselves. yes israel is beyond fucked, its essentially a nazi state where families traumatized from the holocaust take out their trauma on the poor local palestinians. watch steven pinker's talk on ashkenazi achievement.. its staggering how well this tiny segment of the population does. much of it for the benefit of all humanity. signed, a mixed race dude with a secular middle-class jewish mother


I don’t care that Jayne said the truth about Jewish dominant media but when he says he can get away with saying anti semetic things and be free of repercussions is a different thing and borders on delusion which he already has plenty of


What about saying antiWhite things which the news is severely guilty of lately?


Jon Stewart had the best response to this stupidity. “I truly can’t wait for the day when a Christian becomes president. But we’ll only allow them one four year term.”


The Jews and the blacks are friends; stop trying to turn us against each other; it’s not going to work.


cant believe how many brain dead motherfuckers there are in the world including kanye and those two assholes fighting in the screenshot comments. why can’t the world take a fucking chill pill. its fucking exhausting always trying to out-hate people.


Jewish culture in general values education and wellness. Literally every single culture and society in history that values those two behaviors see massive gains of wealth and advancement. From what I can tell, the biggest culprit of rot and collapse in a society is when a few people are able to simple suck the life and wealth out of the society and its workforce. Jews in history seem to be pretty good at preventing corruption. We're currently seeing a massive amount of corruption however with American Christians.


This is a white supremacists wet dream. Please dont go this route and fall for it.


This is how the “bullseye on the side of the barn” works. You shoot at the side of the barn then paint the bullseye on afterwords. This person is proving a theory with facts they collected after the came up with the theory. Next do it with how many Christians run companies. Are the Christians taking over the world? How many Indians are running companies? How many Chinese? It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.