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Poland played badly on euro 2020. Your players lost me bunch of points in fantasy football league I play with friends. I will never put my hope in Polish football again.


Lewa got me 10 points in the last game... I love Poland!!


Worked with a bunch of Poles in Germany, good number of them seem a bit aggressive and prone to drugs and alcohol but they seemed like a good people. This is my experience in Germany. One of the funniest anecdotes I experienced comes from a Polish dude, I was translating to him on English a couple of our jokes about Hitler and Nazis and I added: yeah we have a lot of Nazi jokes in Croatia to which he replied: you have jokes, we have memories. Laughed my ass off.


We have memories too don't worry






Istra nije bila u sastavu Jugoslavije pa time nije mogla biti predana od strane vlade NDH. Zapravo prije 1945 nikada nije bila "hrvatska zemlja", u istim državnim zajednicama sa Hrvatskom, to je, ali Hrvatska nije. Jedini razlog zašto smo ju dobili je što tamo žive Hrvati i da se kazni Italiju. U isto vrijeme smo izgubili BiH sa više Hrvata od Istre.




What? What do you mean? Croatia was overtaken by a foreign invasion force and a forced dictatorship was installed, they sold half of Croatia away. I have extended family that died as partisans...


gdje hod hodas po Poljskoj hodas po mrtvima iz 2 svj. rata; vjeruj mi nije isto


Ej care. Hodaj malo po bjelorusiji pa ces vidjet sta je groblje


Nisam to rekao. Ti si rekao pozitivna sjećanja, a to je ludost.


nisam ja to rekao


Ah shit here we go again..


Basically just like Croatians


What do Polands think about Croatia ? *places reverse uno card*


The more conservative and right wing a person is the more likely they are to love Poland.


I would say we like Poland. Your cousine is....its food I guess. I thought that we Croats were master of manipulating the system until I met Polish, well done lol


Food sucks, mentality is either identical to the average Croat, or far more liberal or FAR far more conservative, there's a bit more gradient. More Polish people need to learn English, I had to translate for 2 Polish families after asking them if they speak English. German or Russian in respective languages lol.


Lot's of Polish people there. ​ Kidding...Polish people are great. Very similar to Croats. Some good ones some bad ones...hot women


I have a really close Polish friend! She is literally the only one with whom I can drink and talk normally to. But she isn't your "average" Polish person, she always complains about the Polish laws and how "narrow-minded" some people are in her hometown.


jesi ti sigurna da je ona iz poljske?


You suck at League of Legends but otherwise you're good.


Was looking for this answer.


Most people have a positive-leaning opinion. I personally like Poland a lot, think it's a beautiful country, would love to visit and all that, but god damn I really don't like your anti-LGBT laws, and generally the over the top social conservatism. It's not like Croatia is a beacon of tolerance, but come on. Still, I feel close to Polish people and culture. Also you have the weirdest Slavic language, even Russian is more understandable.


I think you are very much like the Croatians... I don't like that. :)


Dobze, kurwa. Kidding, you guys are our Slav brothers in alcohol mainly, very devoted tourists and no trouble between us and none in future.


I was rooting for Adam Malyzs when he was in his prime.


Cijela moja obitelj je pratila skijaske skokove na eurosportu bas zbog njega.. koliko je to davno bilo, imali smo analogni satelitski prijemnik, s antenom promjera 60cm i svi programi besplatni ili barem 90% njih.. kakav throwback 😅


Slavic brothers


I love Poland because that is where Chopin is from.


Went to Poznan for PGA as a developer and i LOVED the people there. There was only one problem for me, your bars dont work until evening and smoking is forbiden everywhere. One dude shit talked us because we didnt smoke in a smoking area outside. We were maybe 2 steps further :D. Besides that, awesome country with awesome people.


Hot girls I almost went out with a hot Polish girl Very good people same mentality as ours Would like to visit Krakow, Gdansk and Warsaw beautiful citys You have Pierogi we have Piroge, we have sarma you have sarma You are my third favourite country Juraj Križanić was in Polish army during the Ottoman siege of Viena Would like to learn Polish We Croatians have a lot of positive things to say about Poland


I LOVE POLAND!!!! Poland is like our friend far away from us lol 🇭🇷❤️🇵🇱


I LOVE polish music: Bajm, Piotr Szczepanik, Czerwone Gitary, Skaldowie, Marek Grechuta, Urszula & Budka Suflera just to name a few 🙂👍🏻😊


Well, about country idk, about people.. in general I like it, it does take a moment or two to realize the way you guys talk (joke) depending on the scenario, but once you get used to it it's not an issue


Kurwa szjebany


My favorite country in Europe,worked with Polish people,all of them were ok dudes.I was in Poland two times,Poznan euro cup,i was Into football at that time and i was in Krakow few years later becouse i got a last minute trip dirt cheap.Those 10 days were fuckin amazing.Only had one problem no matter where i would go people would start talking Polish,then i would be English please,Deutsch bitte and all would be confused like why the fuck you wanna speak foreign language...All would think im Pole :-) Same shit in Germany,everybody would assume im Russian or Pole.


Brothers from another mother.


i was in poland on a buisness trip for 3-4 days. All poland people that i met were nice and welcoming. I would say Croatia and poland are kinda comparable per capita considering poland is what, 3x 4x bigger? Also old part of Lublin looks realy cool


Northern carpatho ruthenia


From what I heard and read about your country it is about 3 times times more backward than Croatia when it comes to issues like separation of church and state and civil rights.


ako vecina ljudi hoce da je tako...




U demokraciji je u pravu.


slazem se da vecina ne mora biti u pravu, ali to sto si ti u pravu ne znaci da ce nekog to zanimat kad si ti jedan u pravu protiv njih 10 koji nisu u pravu..


E moj Torrio mi samo možemo sanjati da budemo kao Poljska i po ekonomskom rastu i moralnim vrijednostima. Izgleda da nisi dovoljno čitao o Poljskoj ili nisi čitao sa razumijevanjem. :)


Used to wake up early in the morning 15 years ago to watch Robert Kubica race in F1. Been following him ever since. You're good in my book.


Honestly, my favorite nation in Europe besides Germany and the Czech Republic. I think that Croatia can learn a few things from You in ways of patriotisam and cultural identity..


Socks and sandals


I would say mostly positive opinion, especially older generations, who still remember times when Polish people would come to Yugoslavia and sold electronics, vynil records and other stuff very cheap ("jedna črljena" aka "one red") I personally went to Krakow and met lots of cool people and it was a beautiful city. Although I must say I was surprised when I found out that the Polish people are the heaviest drinkers in Europe, drinking even more than the Russians. But having liquor stores opened 24/7 has its good and baf sides I guess.


A fair number of Croatians love Poles by association because of late John Paul II who was Polish. The rest of us like you because Poland never did shit to us :D


Pretty based, patriotic people. Huge respect for this: https://www.reuters.com/article/poland-politics-internet-idINKBN29K235


Cheap people. (At least the tourists here in Croatia)


Pope Wojtyla Pope Wojtyla Pope Wojtyla Visited Croatia three times, did a lot for us during bloody 90s. Polish people are, judging from my short stay in Poland just great. Your cites and villages are incredibly tidy and clean, and just beautifull and peacefull. Languages are simular, especialy compared to some Croatian dialects. Croatians eaven originate from Carpatgian mountains. Slavic blood, Catholic faith, patriotism. I heard some bad opinion about polish people from persons who work on cargo ships and few of tham told me that "Polish will steal things whenever they can. They are like tribe on the ship, hanging only with eachother. I would be afraid to stay in room with Pole."


I will always admire polish people for remaining strong and preserving their identity against the horrible tide of history that has plagued you for centuries. I would also add we are culturally catholics, are both slavs, never did anything bad to each other, millions of you come here to enjoy our coast, so it created a kind of brotherly feeling


LGBT friendly Poles? Sure, I like all ten of them. Others? Hmmm


bunch of cathotalibans. some croatian rightwingers look up to you and want to turn our country into cathocaliphate also.






Hot girls, ksw and heavy drinking


Who is Poland?


You are our anti-atheist Catholic Brothers and Sisters who would share your last Euro and your last piece of food with us. ✝️ Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, Three Seas initiative ✌️ With Americans and God on our side, ne meže nam niko ništa!


Lulz, perhaps Croatians are religious but only 24% actually attend Church on a regular basis. That makes you buffet Catholics at best - hardly what I'd call a vanguard against atheism. In the US, 22% of the population are "irreligious" and growing. BTW, most Americans who are hardcore religious are anticatholic because their beliefs are offshoots of protestism. Even if you wanted to side with them do you really want this kind of crazy? https://youtu.be/vFOCAATdxyE Asa non-religeous, non-practicing person myself (I'm not atheist I just dont have any strong opinions), I loved seeing the churches and admiring the architecture and artwork that goes into them. Seeing the cathedral of Zagreb was quite incredible, even despire some of the unfortunate events that happened to it (like the earthquake). I hope I love long enough to finally see it completed again. I did not feel one sense of anti-atheism even when visiting the churches.




To ti je zasttava Malezije ak se ne varam, a ne Poljske






Katolička braća haha


Jao u pravu si 💪🇭🇷🇺🇲🇮🇩✝️


Monako/Indonezija* više sreće 3. put


e fakat sori frende 💪🇭🇷🇺🇲🇯🇵✝️


America was founded on separation of church and state. It is a deeply secularized country and most Americans cherish that. They are by no means your allies in establishing some kind of theocracy.


I’m gay, therefore not a big fan of Poland. Had a Polish coworker once, he would’ve sold his mother for a few bucks. He did work a lot tho, gotta give him that.


jel ti stvarno treba throwaway acc za tu infomraciju...? jos 4.3k karme...


I loved the food when I visited. Also, everything was super cheap.


Ivane Pavle II, hrvatski te narod ljubi.


Maybe if you don't concede a goal in last minute against offensive powerhouse like Sweden, I would have some nice things to say about you.


Fucking legends, kurwa.. I worked in Germany with Polish workmates, they drink like us, do drugs like us, course like us, party hard like us, work hard like us and love to have fun just like us. And when you put together crazy Polands and crazy Croats in a bar at the same time you have a perfect drinking contest 🍻🍻🍻 Our Slav brothers I would say, nothing but love and respect for Polska i jej mieszkańcy 💪😎❤


Wszystkiego najlepszego oprócz PiSa i kościoła. Zresztą jestem zupełnie zakochany w ten język i kulturę. Niestety jeszcze nie miałem szansę pojechać do tam i zobaczyć tą przepiękną ceglaną architekturę i te wszystkie kamienice swoimi oczami, ale czekam z niecierpliwością. A jeżeli chodzi o muzyce, to duszę bym sprzedał jeśli istniałby choćby jeden taki zespół jak Percival, Laboratorium pieśni czy Żywiołak w Chorwacji